t s een ht xoT coxTEMPLATED BY THE ACT that cal's us, as Commissioners, into being. W ure only to report the proceeding@s and evidance. The Loagislative Assembly can take action onl upon the evidence reported. _ There is no dut upon us, and we have, in fact, no right to giv our opinion as to the guilt or innocence of any 0 the parties charged. _ These are entiraly in th hanids of the Legialative Assembly to decide upo necording to the evidence. 'The second reason applying to Moek and Wirk land only is that they are being now held fo trial before the criminal courts for precisely th same offences as those charged here, and th widest publicity being givea to out proceeding any verdict of ours, though of no effece upon th tribunai tor which we are taking evidence, wou! likety thave some effect unduly favourable 0 unduly prejndicial to thoso persons upon th 'timate tribunal in those courts. The trial ther shou'd be decided strictly upon the evidenc yiven there. Asy previous decision of ours, irre sponsible thongh it would be, would probabl have some effect on the minds of the jury, and &« work adetriment to the prosecution, Or injusti to the accused, a responsibility that shouid not be lightly or unnecessarily assumed L think, then, we should simply report the evis dence, protests, additional charges, and proceed lngs, and specify which of the persons charge had an opportunity ol cross--exramining and call ing witnesses, (Swurned,) A,. F. Sootr. Brampt'. 6th Dsc., 1884. M ' m