| ernment and their decision would be announced . | v hen the estimates were brought down. HIGH SCHOOL LEGISLA PION. ' Hon. G. W. ROSS, in reply to Mr. Bl""'et"nt ' said it would be announced when he brought f o n ; 7 down his High School Bill next Monday or Tues« diy, if it was his intention to introducse legis= lation, making it obligatory on the part of County Councils to aid High Schools and Collegiate Institutions ih towns separate from countics for municipal purposes. EAST SIMCOE. Hon. 0. MOWAT said, in reply to Mr. Meres dith, that the Government had not yet decided what courss they should take with respect to the 1 «t Simcoe constituancy representative, Their decision will be made known in a few days. Afr. MEREDITH--Y¥ou would rather the motion stand Hon, 0. MOWAT--For a day or two. Mr. MEREDITH--For a day or two only * The constitusney should not remain unrepre-- sented. Hon. 0; MOW AT--It will be a day or two be-- Y forse I can state tho course we are propared to take. THE SMALLPOX OUTBREAK. Mr. W;F)D) moved for a return showing in de-- tail the expenditures made in the Township of Hunger{or}, by the authority of the Provincial Board of Health and the Loca' Board of Healith | during the iate smalipox epidemic, that prevailed | in that township, with the number of cases and deaths, and the lenzth of time the opidemic pre-- vailed. He thought many distressing incidents had occurred, and if anyone was to biame it oucht to be found out, Hon. A, M. ROSS--I am not at all sorry that the question has been raised, and I am quite cer-- tainthat it will reflect the highest crecit upon the Jro vincial Board of Health in the first year that it has been acting under the new Act of last ses sion. Ishould have preferred, however,that the dis-- cussion should have been d ferred until the House was in posscssion of more information, I have asked Dr. Bryca to make a special report upon the epidemic, 'That report is prepared and, 1 be-- lieve, now in the printers' hands, and had the motion been delayed a day or two the members would liave bad it in their bands and lad immore means of coming to an incelligent con-- clusion, I have nofauit to find, however, with | tne manner in wlnch the matter has been brought to the attention of the MHouse. From the report | of the Secretary to the Provincial Board of | Mealth,I find that the expense has boen $1,600 to | the Province, and from the report received by the Secretary to the Local Board,I learn that the expeuse to the county will be $10,000, The number of cases of smailpox dealth with is 200, and the deaths from that disease 45. Phe House will thus see that the epril--mic was _ one of _ great magnitude. W hile prompt and energetic measures were taken by the local lBoards of Health, yet in townships auc!: 'a« H!x':r_,-errurd, which are not so well situ= | ""'f' n"r ethicient organizition as the older settled | towuships, it was necessary to extend the aid of itlle Province to the district, It was found that | fnurteen cases had occurred before the matter | was bro\:'s:'l}t to the attention of the Provinci«l i Board. The local medical men refused to attend |tn'the cases, as they knew they wou'ld lose their !;ml! pxjactlce. One of the medical men did. | iowever, consent to attend to the case , and he | was appointed medical officer to the local Board | of Health ; and as to the amount of his biil 1 .; ! n'ut'nblv- to state, but I am privately informed that * it udss &A very .l.n';'e one. An urgent appeal was | made to the I rovincial Governmentfor assistance | in the way of additional medioal skill. It being \ e [ impossible to gat medical men to leave their F k | journged at 4:0.0, I tice, two tnedical students of three vv-xr:' \'i;'i". ---- ~ $ » % r 93 at. d w UEMEN ! oNTARIO " EC Iq' \ URF :l;'lg were p'l\;J;l('p" to go, and it was t,h:)uqht tha' 11 P ; i w# & hese would be sufficient,along with their'med cal »' Ad AAJ DL 4 itL4 gentlieman wno-- was u,-vn'vh T'tl' ecbenges af l lCs cting. he expenses of | bncdhen tss mt ebennaetbiee these and their salaries were paid. -- It was found Flfth P 1 T@'"T{\r)' that the localities should be is .A,i ali eccvnce C 0 3 Lk. t will be readily believed t L088 -- peopt am?nt sscond Ses who could leave would tx'v' tohd(;'o U:: § '\W'Ul"'" sion. passenger tratfio was .<u>pend'ed' lh. 1 constables were employed t " .:n *mpe use pe 'ple leaving _ and C.!!r';'ll)t fi'l'" o ',b:l';) (By Our Own Reporters.) gion, I.\«.'hou.s and -- churches:were <:]<.~.u' % ':j Wed k every thing possible done Lo i").""a he i i an ednesday, Feb, 4. and I think that the efforts of hok * Praauinans The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock Board of Health, and the l'a A I.""'{ Provincial o e § » n alen, al ne Local Boa: f 1 PETITIONS. ix.\\lo been most successful, and |tl r'rliltf".;).,' A m e nghesteredituron : X * * s the j 'v"mg the petitions presented ware tho.40l4 loag ~tdc|(L!1, uy .!.l.\.lCl).):_-\-z'uo.ltllikl.th-\t'll:"]i?)v\ "\;mm'_ e -:n eltmo had been stamped out. As far a th Mr. MocKansl . cost ha » laninl. ~ q hoh 1 fr. McKenzie--From the Council of Mid--« the d' -i een, of course it is considerable. After glesex that no Act m: R ne disease had boen stayed the housos, clothin: f ay pass to divide that and good ; h ie houses, clothing LO'}';IL.V. fummated of the persons in the district had to ba 5 es .. x$ umigated, : y o N n t on. A, 8. Hardy--From the Dean and Cha po I i'-k ited, and some of the latter were destroyed er of St. Albans the Martyr for an Act amending n lirnots an outbreak of «mallpox had taken their Act, to anable thein to purchase l'mdys uulth place and though it was of less ma vx'-:','. ) {;( n C s P k 1aRmiluue i lld\'"the inits of the Ofty of Porontg wurs it cost more than double to suppress the :j'xn s . t¥ sSs C m Mr. Ermatinger--From the Council *of St eu\nl. ' P C a P ) we > 2 TC + s homas for an Act to consolidate t ebt . f AMr, MORRIS considered it fai City, 1 ( ato the debt of that townst & unfair that a -\\l. and for other purposos. 10""1' »p such as Hungerford should bea 1' I P r. Gibson A l _ arge porti I c Cl ea? such & H cville x; ls"r "Slll\:(u:nll-:«int)' --From the Council of Wi'hes'th:"}l{"i t.n: expense as $10,000. He > Ac ating to t! a ouse to unders of wateor-- works. g to the management prompt menasures had n-- :lil')::t.a:ld' cxm;t 1)! rleg i us i : t a n taken for the : m 'HE PROV TN tw Jiregsion of the atithrant . '+ us C sup h THE PROVINOIAL EXHLBITION, Tive reag it lin, (bm.l:m ak, it would have assumed mabHon, A, M. ROSS, in answe 1 a he ary fude of Provincial proportions, _ 'The T nfersfid Siat che annt, wer to Mr. Etma--| Pe argued that the township which had sared un al"+ e e continuancse or disconti ; Provinee f + f 10 saved the of the Provinciat . buil discontinuance | ice from this should not be allow 1 ixhibition was M | such a 1 f not be allowed to bear | reat interest to tl , was a matter oi ; 1 wdarge proportion of the cost. Ha inst ; i0 agricultur: ha d cher | fo t To 9. e instancea | 'i'he natter was dlider cons: ,l'd community, | former outbreaks, and concluded that small-- | er consideration of the Goy. | P°X Wwas a controllabl d s bma'.l- | y a and manageable dis-- | C ooo l n o