l i,}o',"'" iol::'-;m.h.g th'i.:o:[ m::'dn .:::;f_m:,':l-on' and | member for North "Hastings (Mr. Wood) statea P ? tine. . He cordially sgreed with 'th(e.q"."n. | u'l"'(m'l:o' Tone to n hous ts ons aman " measurss taken by the Provincial B !""(}"'Pt | district had gone to a hous: to examine a man i Healtn, and Itateclythat L ovmcnl: j oar of | who appeared to be ill, and pronounced it a case , ruilty of neglect if the '"d"y tWOIL iA ut\l\e b'?n | of smaiipox. The man was taken to the hospital, they did. 1i« instanco{j ltt no' t.nfon the course | but did not take the diseaso for tourteen d_._vs mear Halifax, and a s 1e case 4{) an outbreak | afterwards, when he was attacked by it and died. _: fobs hy the l"wn elx en:;ve outbreak in Manis | He thought the hon. gentieman was mistaken. 4 of terrible prnporti:u': '°°d 1e t°"$ reak was one His information was that the man was taken to ; out by isolation \'«('| & an it m'l been stamped the hospital by instructions of his son, and that ; +. BREKFTU\,'-":"';":'W ';"'l l"e'V!i\CClnatlon. the medical attendant did not see _hnn until he | Provincial Tre;su{ s}:z,.l,lit.gt 'tmt.t e hon. the was there. Unca b"f'g takon there 1 the sgte of the "eerr: Utu( include in his returns it would have been highly improper | to . sinate and ths "xun;;e 1eateq, th.e.number vac-- allow him to leave again for fear of hbis carrying -- Ar l" ERRLS sai imber not vaccinated, contag!cn'wn'h him. « Inovadetngs 3 said he would like the returns to | _ Mr. MEREDITII, WWhy did they admit him ? , as well tn';"i}'l'::"'gt'r'f"")':;h'P;'gtlfletctrd by simallpox | _ Mr. McLAUGHLIN said they conld not ex-- | was SuppiiGU asdo theer, wo tm ever information--| pect a medical man to be in the hospital all the ed for Sunnresii Ne pe Eut # °r,§110dcs adou:t- | time. lie was brought in without their know-- 5 j suppressing this dreadful disease would ledge or consent. f 1{:(:"1? .:M;,','L«;.bt:;ef(l,f-o}';::'tb"i?&u.othe '\'fr"\d[ \Vn@h | MF FRASER ])muthJ an a.lt.eratlon of th. thabit was n disease that '":".nl °bé' & ""'l-:) | motion to cover all the information wanted in The best e\'iden;".e t.hut. it cm'clidm\(vaq U'.).:: ';::":}:.. | the reiurn, which wes carvied. village of Campbellford they were able to kesp | MR CARNEGIES MOTION. it out by complete isolation, and that place had | Mr. CARNEGIE asked thas his motion be fortunately escaped with only one death and the | A*tmended so as to read as follows :--EFor a return visitation of the diseases in only three houses | ShOWING the several lots in the Townships of apart from the ons in which the death had occur« | Belmont, Methuea, Chandos, Anstruther, Gal« red. He believed now that, although the legiaia-- | WAY, and Caveadish, in the County of Peter-- tion pa--sed last session governing the public | borough, and of the Townships of Cardiff, health had been regarded by some as too drastic, | Monmouth, Snowdon, Lutterworth, and XiHla-- 1i was not in any way too stringent,. He had only | }190rgan, in the Provisional County of Maliburs to a«k the hon, gentleman to aliow his motion io | ton, which have been soid, located, disposed of, include the other municipalities. | or applied for, otherwise than under the Free Mr. WOOD said he had no objection,. l (Girant and }l:)'mest?ml Act, since the ficst day MC "PHELES "asked lhat the ;of January, ].\.\J': also, the dates Qf yu,q sales, u 1+ includ aH AFlrsem "Rhcrags return | the persons to wnmu.snld, the prices paid, and ® 'x(}uu include _ all municipalitiee in -- the i terms of payments ; also, the dates of the several l' l';"'m}'{; '\vmch h »I! "t""n all Cfi"'l by applications tor the purchase, location, and terms "'" Ermuinox. SCourg . The lu"""s'l"l' of EF ""3 had ' of location of said lots. een :x}xl.c!e'f by it, but fortunately the Council | Hon,. T. B. PARDEE--I desire tho hon. gen~ ;"t E;,:,.l:m:,lr;m"":,::',lll."\;}',.,fn&]";.,(! :.lxlxixxs(;l\'«fz mw: tl'fllxz_ixx :ului the House to know that the return will | ;""J'.\':x;g\""'.t uch & ('1'|~ Oruink lol t:'f"""«- "i'v still involve a great amount of labour to make ta! d ho stonk w1 c flekS@ Would nccur He -- out, but the Government does not intend to op-- a ales the stops which had been taken to stamp pose it after the insinuations which have been | uut the disease. made that there is something to cover up. The | Mr. MHUDSON said the epidemic had apread to | amendment will make some little difference, and A certain extent before any steps were takon to | it will be made out at the earliest possible mo-- rtop its progress, ln the first place ho unders | ment, but the House need not be surprised if the | stood the physicians attending the families which | extensive nature of the return necessilates a little were taken down proncunced the disease chicken-- | delay, The returns must be made out by the res~ pox, ard several families were takon down betore | gular clerks of the Department, and the session the truth was discovered. ll' broks out first in a | of the House is their busiest season. very poor n#ightourhoad. 'Through the absonc i yerse PR | ef ceanliness it spread more rapidiy than would QUESTIONS. otherw!sa have been the case, umt hy cavored a Hon. A. S. HARDY, in reply to Mr. © Monk, C cable districs before the EP'rosuscial Bour! | intimated that he had directed that a list of the of i1 h got the matter into the ind « I've -- returus ordered last session, and not yet brought Beerstury, when informed, at oneo went down to | down, be prepared, and the returns themselves the township, and tha lteeve of that toewnship ; would be brougut down as soon as possible. was appointed Chairman of the Local Board of i Tintin Healt! + 1 e 3 REPORTS. ealth, after which tho diseaso wassgalmost enitively stamped out, The psople were excited Hon, A. S. HA RDY presented to the House at that time about the discase, but now they | the report of the Minister of Education for 1884, were as much excited about the viils which hadi| and the report of the births, deaths, and mar« | been brought in by the physicians, Mss under-- | mages for 1883. tood -- tha the ~Medicat _ Officer _ of tlm! The House adjourned at 4:26 hocal Board of lHea'lth had applied | | ) the Provincial Board to fix his fee, which he ' uuderstood was $4,000. _ HMs must say he thought | this change very extravagant. 'The townsinp | was very poor,. 'Theon thore was a bill from Pat-- ' | rick Murphy, who buried the dead, which he re-- | garded as high,. _ The ouly reasonable bill he saw | was that of Dr. Canniff,amounting to $800. 'TPai-- | man had allowed a new buiiding, which he had l | erected for a store and residence at Stuco, to be | used for a nhospitai, and he would have to go to ' considerable expease in fixing it up agan, in | ! order to make it habitable. : | _ Mr, McLAUGIHMLIN was very slad that the hon. member tor Kast Toronto (Mr. Morris) had | ! spoken as he did, and trusted his words would | | reach the whole people of thes Province. 'The | ' discussion, he thought. was calculated to do a | :;,:w:u deal of guod, becauses the views ex~| | pressed would be reflected all over the [ ! Province. There was no doubt vaccination and | re--vaccination were preventives of smallpox to | | a large extent, but it was not absolute!ly a pre-- | ventive as medical gentliemen were all very | well aware. but where the disease occurred aiter [ vaccination it was of a very slight type, and he | coald not recollect a case of mortality under such | circuarmmstances. He mode this statement in | order to put bis friend from East Hastings (Mr. Hudson} correc} on one little maiter, Ilo though t they were lowering their dignity a little when ; they came hers to tind fault with tha money ex-- | ])atx;llturu for the purpose of stamping out a seriouns outbreak of smallpox. _ Evory medica! man knew and every tamily knew thait when a | discaso broka out in a -- househo'd the | first instruction -- given to a -- doctor was to do his vest, no matter what the expense. In the case ot smallpox there was a two--told object in getting the doctor to do hbis bost. In the first place it injured the nh_v'-]c..\l appearance of the person whom it attacked tor life, but llnfsre | was the far more stimulating motive of securing I recovery. The hon, member who last addressed | the house w.-mw_-l not to be |"/S.-ld.~ii€ll of a know-- | ledgs of the fact that H_m fees of the doctor ' wore regulated ia- law. If the ducl.(')'r excseded the proper fees they conld not be cn'x.ccw.d. but if he did not a man ought to be very slow indeed | to find fault. Every medical man risked his lifo to some little exteut by attending patients afflicted with soloathsome fl(!i'&'fl"' and when he went out n an affect ed m_umclp&'»lt)' it U.'lgh{. l'«:be along timo betore making a complaint. The