|_ _ine Hrouse A2iU s e a tA T To I QNTARIOLEGISLATURL l ¥Fifth Parliament--Second Ses-- gi10on. | (By Our Own Reporters.) | Friday, Foeb. 13. \ The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. | REPORTS. Mr. Widdifieid presanted _ the third re-- | pert of the Commultee 0n Standing Orgers ; and 'm Baxier the first Report of the Printing Commiltee. FIRST READINGS. ; Mr. Mesrick -- Bill to amenad the Assess-- _ ment Act. i oue is 4 ¥fr. Wrench--Bill to amend the --Division , _ Court Aot of 1880. ( 4 Mr. Dill--Bill to confirm the incorporatron _ of _ the Diocesea of Aigoma. . Hon T. B. Pardee -- Bill respecling the _ . Tewn of Sarnia. I . Mtr. Bowling--Bill to amend the Act in , _ corporating the College of Ottawsa. Hon. T. B. Pardsa(n the absence of Mr. MceCrancy)--Bili frespecting the Chatbam§ Gas Commpany, P 4 f Mr. Creighton -- Bill respacting cartain ' by--laws and sertain debentures of the Town of * _ Qwer Soun d. 4 Mr. Moredith--Burll respecting 8t Paul's 4 Oem%. London. & Hon. 0. MOW AT--Bill to :mplify the transs | -- _ fer of land. He said :--The zeneral purpo--a of the -- Aotis one theimportance of which it is impo«sible | 5 to eraggerate. lts purpose is to imake the trans-- | t _ fer of real estata as simple as the tran«--fer of bink ° stock, and the title of the holder as free from ' _ danguor or difficulty a-- ordinarily the titie of the 'f holder ai bank stock is to the shares which he * heids, This object requires to ba but stated in | 2 _ order that everybody may see how very import-- )'; ant it is, and how large a number of pereous are L interosted in it. It is some 120 years since this 3 -- system was devised in one ol the colomies. It was ): regarded as so important theu, and the matter . | --was so now, that it was made a great issue be-- c twaen the two political parties, and the resalt 1| was the adoption of the system. I nead not re-- /oi wrind the House of the great contrast of the state 3 |-- of things which we would have under this system e | ** compared with the siate of things now in re-- at !| gard to our titles. Now the t | CoNPLCATION OF TITLES ! is very serious, and there is no title to land in | the country which is not in danger of complica-- 6r | tion. _ Every transaction which takes place, [p | evey desd. every mertgage, every will increases e i the complioation of a title and increases the daus 3. | h»" af a defect ghnt. may arice somewhere in that ~A title, Now, this system which this Bill proposes v~€l| to introduce puts in ends to the complication. (6 _ Mr, MEREDITH--Does the Bill meke it op-- N&: hna.l? M on. Q, MOWAT--I was going to reter to d: that. In the first place the system is made e eptional _ I think the«e laws, in every colony lie | where introduced, that I have bad an Sb epportanity . of examining, -- have made the t e adontion _ of _ the _ system _ optional . at PE first. I know that -- the _ enthusiastiec iss advocates of the system wouid makae it com-- er _ Puisory here, but we do not think that an expedi-- | ly eat thieg to do just now. If it is found to work | he * well here--as I believe it will--as elsewhere, ce (R8 doubt the whole land of the Province will be En brought under it, but at the present time . we we ®nust regard it as an experiment, and in order to | Ne make sure that our | feee -- aentiengeeenaeneeeeeeeeee enE