he Budget, was loudly applauded. Hé said | hat the figures of the Government respecting | he maintenance of public institutions were per-- fectly worthless, Last year they had stated that they had found the average expenditure per | patient in the United States was $227, while | ours was $134. But this year they had found | that the lowest average in the States was $185. | Referring to the expenditure on Colomization | Roads, he said that the statement made by the ; speaker who had preceded him respecting the | expenditure in election and nouselection years | was incorrect and not in keeping with the facts. ; Ub the subsidy question he asked why, if the | Government had understood all along that| the Provinces were to be given their subsidies on | the basis of the population of 1867, they did not l put it forward sscuner. Speaking of the expen-- diture upon the House, he said the estimate was oniy for $15,000, while they had expended $26,-- 000. The»p tuey were going to let the wholesa.e and vessel iicenses go BY ACCEPTING THE DECISION ol the Privy Council, in order that they might claiin a victory over Sir Joliin Macdonald. He referred to the manner of borrowing monasy for some years at high cost, and could not usder-- stand the action of the Government in selling Municipal Loan Fund debentures at 85, which were now at premium, except on the sup-- position that the Government wished to go to the country, clamming a larger eurplus than they actually possessed, He contonded that if, inste--d ofi -- selling an»uties for the purpose of providing money to pay railway aid, the Goveramenrt had paid over the money we were lending at 5 per cent., the country would | have mado 1 per cent. on the transactioa, The ""'"' gentleman proceeded to deal at some length with the question of annuitres, criticizing the ac-- tion of the Government and adducing caleula-- tions and figures to show that their course had been detrimental to the financial interests of the Province. In conclusion, he maintained that the finances of the Provinee were, after all, the most important matter with which the Government had to deal, and contended that in the interests uf posterity they ought to practise economy, even at this Jate hour, in order that direct taxa-- tion misht be averted as long as possible, Hon. T. B. PARDEE was loudly applauded on rising to repily. HMesaid;--The hon, gentleman who has just taken his seat seeins to think the posterity of this country is in some way going to be injured by these annuities. The hon. membor -- and his friends who sit beside him usually take ' a greater interest in the posteriiy of the Domin-- on than in that of their own Province. . Now, 1 while I believe that we should not forget our "® posterity, I also beiieve that we should not forget the people in existence at the presont day,. @ (Hear, hear.) Tue tongue of the hon. gentleman | net revenue ol 0(,0, W * u»emeq to loosen whep dealing with the | ment of the debate. Canadian -- Pacific Raiiway, taus showing t _ The House adjourned at 6 o'clock, % that he was _ more _ at _ home _ when T "'1 '({'1 ¥ ,5' "i-, § 1(1 . defending the Dom nion (,m'on?x_uen: than I'TA IO A L .vl * ; f ._& ( ' ' 11 !4 in his attacks upon tho finances of this Province. \' AJ Li i Aij 5d 6 & % i4 Now, Sir,the hon, gentleman seems to have taken Snces Nusinbnle css mews Bs mt : A NXEW POSITION | + | on the question of Provincial rights. I wonder | Flfth Parllfllnoil'b'--SQCOfld Bo3-- | 'f he ha? succeeded in converting his leader aud l R the other hon. geatiemen who sit on that side of s10n,. he House, Whby, Sir,I was more than surprised ! alons suee on iess tuce se m ' when he took the Hon. Attorney General to task | | secause he said he did not intend to appeal | (By Our Own Reporters.) ' {rom the decision of the Supreme Court on | Thursday, Feb. 19. | the question _ of__ the _ right to -- grant | ' The Speak t the chair at t o'clock. 1 w holesale and vessel licenses unle«s the Dominion | | he Speaker took the cnair at three 0 cioc GQovernment appezled from the other part of the | . REPORTS3 | decision. -- What :s that decision ? It gives this ' : Mr. {1ITBSON (Hamilton} presented the second | Goverrment .the.n;;hf" Co e ':'" t.hef h'c'cnlsFB 11" | | raport of ths Committeo on Private Bill«, | the Province' with the exr.fl)t'"" C e ul | € s W ESV EP MeEY 1» s * mop sr\"d ve«el licansss, Wel}, Sir, what course did | o| AGRICULTURAL COLLEGIS, hon. genl-'u men opposite take in resnect to these | ) | -- Hon, A. M. 11048, in answer to Mr. C:rnegie, i questions of Provine al Rights ? Why they de-- | 6 ' stated that by enquiry at the printing oflice he | serted their Province on the great question ?f | .r | learned that it would be impossible to get Out | gerritorial rights, they defended t'h.g:r friends :' | the Agricultural Colle:e report this | at Ottawa on the great railway ques: B | week, lis d.d _ not object . to Mr. | tion, and they defended--they ('xcu.:'c-d I I ) Carnezioe going on with Ims -- motion to-- | --the Dominion -- Government .whr'n that * |morrow for a committes to enquire into the | Government seized the whole auestion of liquor t :"'l'l'lni"a' of the College, but thought it would be 1 ticenses. Show me the wordi of protest that $ !luuch betier to have the report before the House | came from hon. centiemen opposite in any of * | bofore the d setssion took place, ' these matters, and yet we find the hon. member it l Hon. T. B. PARDEE presented the first re-l for West Poterborough (Mr, «Carnegie) taking Y ) port of the Comm ttee on Hailways. | exception because we do not propose to appeal * Mr. WIDDIFEIELD presented the fitth, sixth, | from the decision on these minor questions if the 4 and seventh reports of the Committee on Stand-- | Dominion Government secepts the decision on * ing Orders. l the others, Let mo ,\',-.y'U'x:Li. I never felt better ® FIRST READINGS. | satistied with our tizancia!l position _Ln:m'l ao at * Mr. Young--To regulate the olection of direc-- | the present moment. Notwithstanding the emaii * HSra of rmual Ineurance Cotabanies, _ * | petty _ charges and the base . insinua» F ors ol .h'!l' UA .L: irance («I\lnl_um\ . . tiuns--(h('.=r. hear}l--of the hon. mem-- -- _ Hon. P. B. Pardeo--Respecting the Potrol®® | yor for West Peterborough, I am more satisfied r <Ciude Oil and Tanking Co. . _ | with our financial position at the end of 1884 p. _ Mr. M: rris--Respecting the Royal Canadia2 | gnoy 1| was at the beginning of 1872, which is the a Yacht C ut R € P , year that hon. gentiomen opposite always refer NA Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)--Tos amend the Liquor to, because it enables them to glorify over the . License Act, ___ s & surplus of John Sandfield Maedonald._ I am not e Mr, Clarke--To enable the trustees of the late going to say onesingle word against John Sand-- q Juiim Ryan to sell certam real estate held in field Macdonald--he is dead and gone--but I will | at trust. __ in xt say that the surplus moneys handed up by the | re _ Mr. F rench--To amend the Fire Insurance Jolhn Sandfield Macdonald Government did not | p-- Policy \CQ c £ A help to develop the country, and had we adopted 75 | Mr, Baifour~-- To :\'mo'n.l the Act incoporating ing msame courso and ),qur'}(.') up the | ts, the \«l'.:;g() of J.":-:',\: Centre. P i etig s funds of the Province mq.tcad 'of _ x y' Mr. l"-lfunr----:'!u amend the Voters' Lists Act. pending them liberally in developing this country | in '.\,lr, (,.:uxpy.. To amend the Acts respecting in every way, we would not to--day be 0{';'."',';)"" , Police Magistrates. the proud position of being by far the first Prov / 'as THE BUDGET, vince of this Dominion--of being one of the most | D _ Mr, CARNEGIE, on resuming the debate on advanced communities, educationally, financialiy, | and moraliv. in the world. (Am)huse-'-'\ Fanl