Brunswick???" 'tttttmt - oft-7e "a", oi t -l. . . m 1vaal.tirurtott and in lieu oil revenues to which the i'v,thh,,f,e)itl,'didge participate. Provnice was ti l . . . " _ . as _then voted on and de- en it ed. Under those ("er tented on the followm divi .-- stances he thought Drobably it was only reason- . 'e""' . l nblts that Compensation should be made by the Jo'it,,tEl5g,'yg, dltt , Il:, Blythe. Brenton. iDominion. Last session again they found the to: fignigfieméhnailici.\.lar§'e(riironto).Creigh- . G v . . L, ' ' "Ker, ell. French. Gray, Dominion _ o erement mung what was practi Hammeli. Hess. Hudson. herns, Kerr. Lees, Mo. Cally an increued subsidy to Quebec, and Ghee, Meredith, Merrick, Metealfe, Monk, Mor. there was no more humiiigtmg chapter Ran. Mulholland, Preston. Ross (C'ornwai--28. in the whole Ipolitical C history of Canada 1chgi't-ill,?.,tt'g: giddy, 'fegi.'twieteey:/,e.-, ttte, what took pl"; oln I")', occasion, when the l caden. 'Chlsholl'n. Cool: Dill. i%hf//l?"ij1r'Atli' ironed supporters 0 the roveriiinent met my I Ferris. Freeman, Gibson tI1txtniltouy, Gibson atter day in their rooms and formulated their l iHuron).uould. Graham. Hagar, Harcourt, Hardy demands and threatened to expel the Govern. I Hart. McIntyre, .iPackeuz'e, McMahon. Master: men: from office unless they gave in to these Morin, Mower, Murray. Neelon. Pardee. Itayside. demand!» which were entirely unjust. It was 'er, ',t,."i'i,tl)iitl2't.' (Middlesex), Bills, Snider, too late for hon. gentlemen opposite to get up a ertr, t tll old, Young-41. - here and say that the attitude taken try this The motion was carried and the House recov- Government was interfering with the basis of ed itself into Committee of Confederation. It was interfered witlt long SUPPLY, ago by the grant given to Nova hootiii. M B . l . li, was further interfered with last session by the r. exter m t " chair. - grant given to Quebec, and it was only PUBLIC INSTXLKEEIEONS MAINTEN: L u. UOMMOX'SDSE On the item Axv'nm for Insane, Toronto $94,. to say that if Quebec was to have these grants 065, increase $1,154, Hon. A. S, Hurdyexplained we must have an equivalent for the amounts that the expenditure inst year was 396.000. which we were paying. The lion. gentioinan Ontliei' 'nt, Asynttn, Lindon 8123,003, do: had gone on to any that the present Government crease, $5,770, was squandering the funds of the Pro. Mr. MERRICK said that Inst year the ext Vince, and in addition that the boast- mnrli'iire 'tt I ix ' V, ' . , M'imntea. If th [ed surplus did not exist They had estiiiutos were to be of any Uad they must be heard session after session the same story, somewhere nonr rhe correct sum required. The but everyone acquainted With the Public Ae. exiieudiiureon timlioridon Acylurn in 1.9.93 waf counts knew that the surplus was actually two 8l2s',coo, and in 1584, $l21,u00. He ltnkud how millions more than it was last year at this time. there was to ho a dour-wise iliis year. ' It was true that portions of it were invested, but lion. A. S. HARDY :'niii ilrvt they expected l ata stood rate of interest, whichiwe could not get a inning of $12.00;) on i'rsh. meat, and tow], Ale if we had the Capital in our own hands at the though we took $123,000 last year present time. He pointed out thet when the we spent 8124,000 so that they grant was made to Quebec last session, and when did not expend all they mind. 8 piiliee Were a. a resolution was proposed to give an little lower. this yonr fin" lust. Then they ex" cquivalent to this Province there was not pected at saving oi 82i00 in flour, because wheat l a Conservative in the House who did not vote was very low, and 81,ooo on butter. against it. That was just in a line With the Mr. MERRICK Compluliied about the excess ' policy of the lion. gentlemen opposite. They l of expoiidiiuro.5 ovur the cannot-:5 generally. l Would have the Gotrerntnent do in this matter I lion. A. M. RUSS poin'eil out that out of on ' just as they (the Opposition) did in the boundary expenditure of $000,009 lust your on public insti, award and license qivtstiou---ioid their hands and tutiom there was oniy an excess of 8G,000 of an do nothing tor their Province. expenditure ovor the estimates, which showed a , Mr. CLARKE (West Toronto) quoted from very closo calculation. the Provincial Trdasurasr's statement with refers Mr. MEREDITH point-M out the difference once to the subsidies. lie was sorry that this of the cost of heating Hm duh-rent n-iyluiiis. Government seemed to have a set purpose Hon. Cl. h'. FRASER rxpiillllcd, that owing against the Dominion authorities, and said it to the diirureut sys.eiiis of construction of them looked very much as it they were endeavouring Institutions, some or them were h .rder to he it to break up Confederation. than others, and it was impossible to make this Mr. FEKRIS considered that this was one of kind of a comparison. the most serious questions they had had up in On the items, Kiiigitoii Asylum $(Zi').2'i.), in- this House. He wiiuid have preferred if this Claim: Sli,3'l7. and lliiiiiillozi Awhizii S":,.le, iu. question could be approached on both sides with crease $12,790, Hou. A. 3. "Alli l and he lied reference to the interests of the Province only. not tho tsgurtss of last yeir's exwmdiuurc, bat The resolution, it seemed to him, was offered as T,i'did, expluin lt increases on a .u'ure occ;-.s;on. ' . . , , . , t . iii items passer . A hm that ion The nonunion AL'iHOiiiTIi-zs. The item $23,475. for the A,rlutn for Idiots at In Luo, he pointed out idiot m this llrilliu no iucrvor3, was iiiisacd. House MnBlske moved a resolution opposingl On t'hoiiein t?73,r05 my the Central Prison, any departure trom the financial arrangement increuned 3330 e I . , laid down m the Act of Confederation,' and M." Mr. M Eluu'1)ITif called attention to various Cameron moved an amendment that it shouid reports ofsirtreauueuttf'vyisotiorsr,,lrave be read that day six tnonttts,whicls Will seconded been itifticted by the hm "t'H a . I '" A t 1%,... by Attorustiiemsral Macdonald. That "eel lion. A, S. HARDY gave an unqualified de. went was voted down and they the ticXC, day and to the reports, and showed that any one in CN'"' down and supported the origimU resohr- solitary eontiuem.uut could get out by acknowrdg- tion. We found ing his fault. He proceeded to suit-a the modes THE SAME EV!" ARISING of punishment, and two STf-'gulll'dd thrown from departures to-day. The ireiorusleadorshad aroun'd the prisoners in order to protect them or" e rtei from the s irit of Confederation. trom Hire" or criiu tru,.strtierit. This; trat) of 'ldru'l,'r'fl'io"n' down to last Mr. MEREDITH hilt';t{>ti3d that there should yea this Province had never asked any be? public investigntion ot the charges. increase. He was gind to hunt the! l ite ttetu Willi Infused- leader of the Opposition acknowledged that the t Ilu., folhswmst items passed P-' financial basis of U sniederatiort was 'ltl a true ore.",'.', Itefolinnniory one. He was so" to hour hon. gent omen op- or. "we. Ulitililll-I . site placmg 't1'CU,Ul'l'liu' of the Provincial I "uistteua............338.310 oo 3'00 00 li1.'1',l,U,", in a false light. The leader of hon. "i1))y",'hd "i'rdlt.' gentlemen opposite at Ottawa had always been iiiiii'evirirc...rC.T.' 40,067 33 218 53 in favour of n Legislative homo, and it was he Institution for lite and his friends who were responsible for tho! Blind. "rattttotul... 53,458 00 8578 00 attacks upon Confederation. It was quite ep~ l Andrew Mercer ite- mrent we Were driiting towards a Legislative T te/y/oo/c/l',', '11:"- Union, and practically we had that now instead 'rett, or " d. o- 30 376 00 1 206 00 of Confederation. The NYstttln was making the 'l'lEl' , ' , i w ' burdens heavy to be borne. lt Wits working . :LADhlib. in such a way that if the Dominion Government, Hon. A. S. 1.IARiJ) brought; down tlo corres- continued to increase the expensivoness pondence relating to the change of Readers. we must before long find such a burden THE FRANCHISE BILL. thnt 11tttsr the. WW ldOf ,3"??? "if Hon. o. MUWA'l', in reply to Mr. Meredith, any other Province wou . a o , stated that the Franchise Bill would probably be stand up under it. Were "If; ti ',',",.?,tlitte" ivnil introduced this week idlyb and not uttera wor D probes . ere _ . C . r. we no: to warn the public and warn them of their The House adjourned at Ir.45. danger? WHAT WIN This LEGISLATURE Irolt? What did the. Provinces get local Roveriin'ieii for'.' For the purpose of watching over the inte ire-ts of the Provinces varticular't While w l ought not to have arty jealousy as to any othe il'roviiice we must be joiiious of our own. right: ', If this Confederation was to be lasting; if it wa I to go on and grow into a unified empire. perhnp l evuntually, it must be on a fair basis and not Ol l a false one, which the hon. member for NONI Grey, Mr. Creighton, says was one noi liming on. He thought the House Was nouns s conclusion ut the mutter than it had ever beer since the resolution passed before. . Hon. A. M. RUSS read the extracts hi Budget Speech this Y'" as reported ttt Tu; Gwen, showing that he had only ndvocntedi tea-adjustment of the subsidies on the ground'tha wants ware being mode to tho other Provineo