In In: a . " , c" r up: than ours. for our work is not remunerative while, tttttln,,? "i1idvh5el0tg,e $6.300; fwith 230 "L If". " I separation. . . ' . s. u lrtruua ere are pro on", . l The Si23 of butter globules in milk of ten breed. the!!! P: t'eh'dh11f1tttt11i,zht/ef.1gtt,d I assistants whose salaries are 310,500 and 'll'irh,,f A" l I under various conditions. winter and summer. " the tnstitu all 1 ed f l iisiil only 150studenta. Now Icontcnd that all the" . ' 1'ho contrlfmrul separation of cream tram m ' twenty~two instructors emu " mar on y funtrete show that we er I . . l _ I in relation to quantity from different "PM" . students, against our 200. Then be if," d d . k a now economics. ' I The question of ttUttar-tttak)"": in winter. "Hi to Mushigau, and snys the Col age l',' ottttt our wor more cheaply than the cob Lt I f special reference t0.ert.u"t"y'"".. - t there is more nearly like ours. Well, it is, but "g" on the other side to which he appealed I , The chemical ensue-ll of milk from dllreren they are not doing one-tenth of the experimental for Pppyrt, although we "N doing work of tar , _ i "Fig" 2:12;:2%DHI from milk at ten different I work that we are. I nsve the report of the State 1'/de." r"'h'e,t,tegh J,,nd, m fv1i,tfi,l',' than anv of _ l breeds of cattle. durim: winter ttttit "ttttmer. Board of Michigan, which gives the report of the . . any p ace carry on ex ' ' - Kasiltcte corn in ttttt production ot milk, cream. Agricultural Collette, from which I think the .',.e'e1'yt to tho same ex.tet!.t P'. Oataria, aod I f l butter, and choose. . House wlll be able to judge of their work, when question very much if any institution hasattrsoted 'Ntutipsttt the production ot milk,otatnm,tratter, I state that the whole experiments, the results of inch alttcnzilon Ith', Old Cohiitry as this If f",',",','; M chemo. . . . . L n c our at t e on. ent amen cit er ms no u The boiling at calves on skimmed milk, in con- wluolrthcy have (min to the "Info:' world, at: ssroifiiusnuy informed if/il',); or he has refused auction with lending cream to butter tacionei. . FOmPrlsod in about t ire: 3:50:11: TlU/,2, 'tivtutt the House the aGait'iii, he should have All these now are purely with regard to "pert- I'hcy him; no 1f,r,'fll',"l,'f "stock in") 883 wss'com mum" d bofuro instituting such an attack. The CT, merits in canne:tion with what ll prom-ms to be their w 0 ° pu ex o ram Michigan colege has hurt gentleman mode a cornpnrison as to the stu- C one of the largest industries in this ttoutttrr-- 511160 5:80 02:, 11.1er xi, der cultivation: we are culti- dents in attendance, and attempted to show that Till DAInleu INDUSTRY. siting over 400 a"... iiiiiiiiiiik has only 135 there had not been prouroes. but is falling off. The Our cheese has taken a place sccond only to students. number ottstudssnttutttstruGerat Coiieae Wtteet-- , that of cattle, and with the elforts we are mak. Hon. gentlemen oppotite-rmar, hear. Year. During: Year. Fall Term. I ing for tho improvement of our butter products Hon. A. M. R08s-TU hon. gentleman said lyl73j.................... ... 58 32 I have no doubt m, will bo able to tshow as vain. that the education of their students cost less than 1877.... ...... .. .... .. . .... 87 40 able results from our experiments as we have l ours, and I will be able to show that ours MN..............: ....... Id), :1 . all!" from our experimeo witlt "a!" I". I cost less than theirs. (Hour, hear.) He says the {gag- . ..... .. .. .. .. . .o.... 1:7); 125 valueot the experirmmtsaud tl.tant.tuutrjn "he" Ontario on... ttost, new... uauiuu and iiri..1'.'.C'.'.y.y.y:y.y.: 217 126 they arq appreciated are shown by the aviduy with the cost ol maintaining buildings, which is put in 188?.... . .. .. . .. Y. . C..' ... 2% 129 which the farmers read the annual reports I, the rapairts and moiriteuanco account. $63,714. 1883....... ............... 202 112 l thero one report more was!" 'cy then that In Michigan the expenditure in 1883 was 856,801. 1834 ..........r..... ...... we we H _ of the A rieultural College 'url Experimental Their receipts were from Form Horticultural The figures gnaw that we have procrelsed ( Farm? ff itis such an unsatisfactory report, and department. ke., 37.795; from fees and inei. largely. Although last year our attendance was r' if it " so fragrant atrl foolish as tlie lto.u. gentle. denials, $5,730. whieh dedtaoted from ths total not its high as the largest, yet the reason tor this I man would havc N beliove, would aarittultttrute cost lesavets the not cost 843,286 for their 180 is obvious. and war alluded to last session when themselves be so Gill" to strts.tltyso "PM" Pyle students. Our total cost for farm and college the entrance fees for non-residents of Ontario tho rusul,U of 'sxperirntutts carried "ttthere? I thirtlt maintenance ll." before stated, 863,714; deduct- were raised from 850 to $100. It was reasonable I am only saying whatis true whenIssy tltat there ine our "will". 8i7,000, leaves 846,705 for our that this result was to be expected, and that we its no rdoort of "Y branch of our work ttt 'N 185 students. But, there " a further sum that we should not hiya a. in" . number of outside souaht uftur. or more 1teyeltte, by the will". are entitled to deduct to make the comparison att1dertta enter " formerly. I had two objects in than that of the Agricultural College and Ex, fair, and hero I say " a point in which the hon. making the inereaass--oud w" to secure gb smaller perimental Farm. Then w" ttave. iaid down}; gentleman . proportion of students outside Ontario. and the the "m" pore -r'200-ot,Or experiments whlc DRAL"2 UNFAIB" other was to show that. farmers outside Ontario I a" to be It "mm oa, buen as t-- with the House. He novel-drew attention to the were willing to my 8100 for what Ontario farm. _ Fattettingn "ore ot common Ito" Sloeri "Ohm fact that Muthuran is expending nothing in to" are could get for 850. There is tutother thing in I t",et',.i't1/diie'." ittatX tnsutlts ot winter. for t 9 card to board of students. They board them. which Ithink he did d,f, deal fairly :ltll the I n is t we . . t, '" _ . . t at for l selves. House. 9 said tho w o e revenue oft e farm , , ox1',2',et'S'.ilitr ot making yearling bee E Mr. CARNEGIE-1 pointed that out. outside stock was 8103, but the hop... gentlemtn ; The tsttorrhorn, Hereford. Aberdeen Fell-4'09" ' Hon. A. M. 1tosr-gea,_ateerwatusGirhen you knew pertectly well that in addition there _ ins: counsel-M the Ontario E.woyi!ntn.ta.1 Farm. were calling attention to the purchase of the was the sum of 81,678 for tood supplied by the l h'.etusaud shearilnz wetlicrsof aix distinct "$1,? cooking~ronge. but in. the time you Were making l farm tothe college. Ag " be omitted to state i r-.their cost, wool, woUht. and value, tom" the comparison of the cost you never drew at, I that there was $1,463 value of farm products [ ish kaol.' . . . l t tention to the fact that Ontario was paying out used in bonding the students, and I in" .oxptriattatt, of ""le . .tntitstb1eolteo about 811,00o lor board. . ask it that was not just as much ytsa.rliee tmef for 1'r..r.y,rrfil"y? " 2 't',2l',it,t Mr. CAitNEGIE--1 always understood that a legitimate farm product as grain , He Which Prof. Brown Pitt'o ite ctut tua tt Qt',','.'," u ' the expenditure for board We: included. also referred to the very large expenditure for and if lu, tstutoseds m PP""" that tr, 3553: Hon. A. M. Jlotis'-It is not included as a the creamery and asserted that our whole receipts brine ItD "it"! yearling "we" for t ow " " _ puitof the gross expenditure which the hon. were 8461 71, but that is only the cash receipts, nyrket 1 "pit wil be worth more dud t' p50 gentleman endeavoured to excite tho House nndhe know Very well that according to the re "We" tlttut - dollar 6"" 'lle,'h" e "d b: about, I say that deductintr this it would leave art a portion had been sent to Great Britain, . Exver.rimental Farm. Then tw-mh "I a: nt the net cost of our College 335.705, as against "ll, York, etc, and the returns in cash had not ' cu 'txperttttertta ttarrUd on mt ii t" I 843.286 on the part ot Micliirin Collette. That been rereived and that a. considerable portion was ' nodes of sheep. and " J"' d" MI " exclusive of the large expenditure that must not sold and was now in band. will not wtrarr the House I y rea QI :0 necessarily be involved in our extensive expori- Mr. BRODER--Aud yet you give the price. these. I 'mmslr "l" "h": del",', res nts merits, which Michigan is not carryins on, and Hon. A. M. Rats-The cash remittances show the scope and o.suraeusr.o " 1'he,',y'f',g'l'o1l n: has therefore no corresponding outlsy. Then have not been received. The total product was and I do not think thero lilo-n! I: l" I'",',,)"',' another thing which he drew attention to in con. 4,000 pounds, and at 27 cents apound theaueraue the country but tho hon. it?!" Imff, 'd'T orofit nection with our College urns that we were unable , "1100 of that sold would surely be over 81.000. would taka the ground thu. , 'l"llrt is: d of to raise tntitioiesut food for our cattle while they Then he referred to the wool and said there were could be "oeetsd from ','tllc12l'; on t f ma were nb.e to raise food tor theirs, but he did not no receipts from that article although we had work. Now, the hon. ttent emau wen m draw attention to the fact that their whole live many 'heep. but I can tell him that the what its A COMPARISON stuck only amounted to 816,000 while we have on hand and the estimated value of it i. 82,000. d of the Ontario Agricultural College and some of 830,000 worth. It was only beaaugs I happened He referred to the dogs and no receipt; from . the agricultural educational institutions in the to have the report of the Michigan State Board them, or at least I think he g." 57 3. the , l ' United States. I could not take down all his here that l ".e enabled to check the erroneous amount. Well, now I tun free to confess that I , tittures, but from some low I have not, I think statements which the hon. gentleman made, am at one with him on the question or dogs, and ' I will be able to show that there was no fairness and if we find .that he is making such I have given Mr. Brown incruetioas to "sl them l in the comparison he made. In the Irst bleed on . hull-Ir column"?! In "ttard to an all off, except what he really needs for the farm. he took the College in the State of 3131:" institution for which we have thy He attempts also to show a discrepancy between showed that the outlay was kept better within f1trures, Iaslcwhat reliance can we'place upon his the Public Accounts and the report. This Gs the remnuc than- it was .tt our .OUUORO- statements With "End to thom, institutions of been remntcdly explained to be a more question t That institution is infirm"; In ttotn. whieh " have not the figures , (Hear, hear.) of bookkeeping, and arises from tt college ec- arisen with ours. ' , " are utrr ' N counts not being fully made up at t e some time . iiinety students. While '0 lllVO two hundred", . PEACECAL AND SCIENTIFIC FARMING as the Pronuclai Manning. they have only 376 acres, while we have over 500: will pay. any the hon: gentlemen._ That ll just Mr. ChRNEGIE--Bat the receipts do not and they carry on no experimental york such as what the College " donut. but he " asking too amount to the sum mentioned as being realized the great bulk of the asxpsudtture " mode for ttt uiuclifrom the College to suppose that an in, " the sales. connection With our itrtitution. Then he took stitutlon of this kind L going to give much actu-il Hon. A. M. ROSS-it mar be that as notes us to Mississippi, and made companion! there. fitystttel results. Does he expect it of all the were t-iken for some of the stock that some of and he himsef stotod that in A letter he had educational imp itutions to par its own way? The them have not been met. He says that during . received from the Principal or that institution Experimental Farm is Just no much an miuea. 188t we laid out for feed $3,046, and though we i that they had no time for "xpsrimouU, and yet twins! institution as the School of Practical [ 3.3.1 49 head ot cattle there Were tto returns. Does at the same time the hon. gentleman attempted Science. where we expend five " six thousand , he not know that the feed was bought for cattle l ' to contrast it with our Model Bdrm. Which ts dolllllfs fol: tltpurposis of giving WW3 tntttt in. l feeding last fall, and they not having been sold mainly experimental I. but after all, in 18823. the struotion in science, and yet the revenue is only the returns have not yet come int Then he "73 l Lesttuature of Mininzppi voted for that tsolitstre 8900. Does he say that the School oi Practical the ttttstem) that he trot does not show anyghggp no less tb sun: than 8120,0iN.. (Hear, hear.) It Imetuse should bs strolled , Agam take the having been sold. Thereturn showsthesmount re- we were to make a proposition for sub an or high schools. Does he say that they ceived was for trttek,a.rtiifatmerss-uriGGit _ penditure as thathero the hon. gentleman Would should be . abolished because the, revenue sheep in stock. He also referred to the c "trifior . i think we were RUIN ou.tetotyr "m" .iLuuirh? from them " " tttttall? A,rrl yet the Aeris tion in the Pubiic Accounts. I mar say that I _ tor.) Next he cuckoo! the Karts" Agricultural WNW". College in " mueh att elucmunal tun not tststssfiad with the present eJtemifitsatioa, ' College. and stated tltat the outlay wat lets, !)yo. ""l'cmm" M there. Jn hi! charms of ' and hon. gentlemen will see that I haveiu the . ours, but at tite BauM, time he admitted Mrttqttt and "tr,i"astauo against the Collette he estimates given more particulars, and I will on- _. l that they had only three brseds thol gent 1teyiy'titpura, as to the colleges in the deavour to keep the same oltttaifieation in the j. ' cottlr. no sheep ttt all.. an . . mttsd ts'rates, bn.t the Get that 001118 Brtt uot Public Accounts. The payments to the parties . only 8450 Was expended in arguments, includ' carrying on experiments or only to a Tretry small are now placed alphabetically with the total " - i ing 8250 tor pr1ntina. . Yet ". attempted tt txto.nt, he e?nyoreteiy overlookU In tlie FioriO amount opposite their nsmes and tho has been tq malts n. comparison with that institution, out .Agricultursl College there are in attendance omy done with . View of .1",me at g tthutee what . : a claimed that bomutso they ottlrysptmt 8460 th 30 "mam", imam" 188in ths Ontario colleku. each per~ou receives instead of muttering the 3 ' our money expended m experiments was mono .wlulo 87,800 " paid for professor, aguhst 37.430 amounts through the Public Accounts under tho thrown away. I ttay that it we were to rodu m our ctrdeste. In Kaaia, I finl that they have different heads. It we had done so we would " our expenditure to that sum It would ha bett only 271 acres in the lsrm, WM" Wtt have 5,50.. doubtless have been blamed by the o JGiia' 1 to close up tite Agricultural Callous a.1.torttht they 'nav,, 7 professors and 5 'vmifttusu, while iii,,' for aaa, u the mounts the mucus 'll'),',','.,'.',',') r Then he took us to Iowa and said that the Lem have only 4 and one assistant l they pay all 900 As I hae a (i: a rill es I have in tstar ii l lalurc there ware carrying on their institution to the Nahum" and 4 100 "" the Mung!" 0 "l you tlFl " p K P . l t " ,.. , ' r . number of particulars in the estimates this I a he cost than we wore in Ontario. W In co against Stylish for protmssorn and 8750 for us- your and they shall be kept m the ' , pswison can horned. between the twot Th instant. I shall not repeat what I havellld with "m; We in the nccouuts Not being a . . - on no general experimental work such regard to Ontario. In Maine they have 376 r ctl l y f if it r", aired some _ we do here, and new: no farm such as ours. Th acre: in the, farm, 8 professors and 2 assistants, litIl My Pr, r myse t ieq thorough] ' l have is "armory and county-live com, and t.h with $11.00) for professors' salaries and 8t 100 . lme . or me . 0 36- y I V . agricultural work " mainly devoted to diuryin for tyystutaats, while they have only 91 stude'uts mutilate}: waththfe 't'eed, tl/'i1,tT'tt,',',",,") l , I Their receipts will thtsrefora 'how much bett In Mississippi thee ham fl nroiessors and Itt [mainly-iii 0:33:1th itilucelii, but I don't went l