' an " mttnst1 Ute ugréemen be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes. Mr. MEREDITH contended that the cases , could be considered Between this session and the . next. when the House could deal with the pro" posals rather than give their assent in advance. Hon. A, M. ROSS said the Government had no present intention of makitut any reduction in regard to the debt. The House must remember that the debt had been running many years, and there was a great unwillingness on the part of one municipality to pay, and the Government was desirous of getting it settled. He thought the Government should be trusted to make the arrangement, especially as it would have to be ratified by the House. The motion was carried. REDISTRIBUTION. Hon. A. S. HARDY, in rising to move the second reading oi the Bill to diVide the Electoral District of Algoma for electoral purposes, and otherwise to re-adjust the representation of the people in the Legislative Assembly, said ..---Tne people of Muslrolca and Parry Sound have been for a long time urging that the district should be I divided tor electoral purposes. and the force of I their arguments was felt by the Government and also by all to whom their arguments were address- I ed. Since the first reading of the Bill meetings have been held in some sections of the very exten- sive territory comprising this electoral district, and the peopie are unanimously of the opinion that Muskoka should have a member of its own, I and Parry Sound also a separate member. Ordi- I narily the population of these districts is mt enough to entit 9 them to two members, as the census shows that they have only about 27,000; the population has, however. lately increased with great rapidity, and itis still increasing with great rapidity. Taking then this tact into consideration and the fact oi tho extend- ed tetan'iory--1 believe stretching over 140 miles I 'r m " l in _.lerwth--the Government has concluded to give I ONTARIO LEGISLA I "Rh i AN ADDITIONAL MEMBER TO MUSKOKA , I and Parry Sound, giving to each district one I --.----.-.--. I member, which will increase the membership of i . . , the Home from 81+ to 90. 8oPethmsr.h.as been Fifth Parliament-Second Sos- said ah .ut the effect of changing municipalities - from one riding to another upon the electoral I 81011- division agricultural societies, and it is proposed , to ask the Home in Committee to assent to the .-.--.-e------.-... I general provision that no .e_htt..ntro.sha.ll benisde ' my Our Own Reporters.) I by reason of the present redistribution in the con- w I stiluti ii of the societies unless in the County of Tuesday, March 17. . . I . . , I Bruce, where three ridings have been created Itts The Speaker took the ehair " 3 Ir trock. I stead of two. In speaking of tho case of Toronto I REPORTS or" COMMITTEE; l when addressing the House on the firtst reading Mr. F EASIER presented the report of the Se- of the Bill, I was under the impression that when Uct, Committee on Bill W, and b:lls referring to are .knowa, .'" .thes threeyeynered. CONSU- insutunee companies. tuenciee, or .'ininority represented c.oetittMrnciot The report WM received. in _}tngland, are confined to cerium towns and FIRST READINGS. I ieet "fined "I "'3 ilf/, 9* 'lie,',-.-"'""'"'"'"', ee l 'P. no . l . Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) introduced a bill to I 'l'dl"h1?ihec"f)hlli".'-'ll.efrev"i"" amend the Act respecting certain conveyances, I Hon. A. s. JtARDY-Tlsat is under the which srna read a first; tun?. I Bcottiut R'presentation Act. I find that _ ROMAN CATHOLICS ON SCHOOL I certain counties were not specifically ineii- I BOARDS. I tioned in the Act, and therefore I , 1,d.i.orhti's,tft'", of the Day Were called, d 'J,'emy1atstetnvi,oou,,, fe,agre,,..utxhuft'i,e2,at,ete'. ', i r. , " , Git rose to explain a tnisuu er- . . . ' l, , I', o T . . - I standing as to what he had said in reference to tr'et)dl"dti,rg, "Arm; "1: pane?!" oi. 'n//dri','g g the appointment of Roman Catholics on with the 'l t , if 'r, ""FVEI' 121(U1'ug ' Public and High School Boards. He if it did we: lot. on I' not ','d'cl,he,"J 2) ox Ht i had been represented as having sail that Roman " l App , o Cotltt ice m. 'fl? am ' t e Poll" , . . tiols of Counties was so very dilfoiont here that it ! Catholics wore never appointed on these tiehool would td, t l ie 1 Ti ', Boards. He had not said this. In the town of of t' no t) o 35p Ui' "we.. le tu'tm, means i Brocltville a Roman Catholic had been tor a iium- 'l'vul,"itt"li"/f J. {131 p Y'.',' Circumstances he]? t ber of years on the Selim»! Board, and tho some i himself klml'osm ln. 0. if"; ot"! YP, V": I": ty I was true in many other parts of the Province. di t . t ',"l)),'hll', I', m union mm men we" a I What he had said was, that it was as a matter s no M 'P"". c ormed toy "an" of our large of courtesy more than as a matter of ruht counties. Again, the diilereiice between some of , , , ' , . , , . the large towns or cities in England and the THE PUBLIC huh'HE1uEh'. counties is not so great as between the The Bill to regulate the Public Fisheries of the NSC? tnwtts and cities and the counties I Province was discharged and referred back to here, and acting upon these priiicipioc, I Committee to make certain timendttusntr. The therefore. we did not propose to in}: ' House went into Cununittee, Mr. Baxter in the I the House to apply the minority system of rot. chair. The word public was struck out of the ing to counties. It is proposed to ask the Home Bill, and the Bill was reported as amended. In committee to change the naineof East Grey to THIRD READING. _ sity/u,',:":,':,),':,',",,',-'-,',','.':',"" "lr//f,i','cit,i.nsi Epstléind _ , *1 , P . , " , instei (J ' Orll an on l. it (Hi ?tt'st nd,",u"vei11eiiiiui.t r'eecti"Ttu1t)h/l,'fi,o,','d" over tho election returns in connection with Ntti- ', the Act respecting Mutual Fire Insurance bom- tone, it 1rye..rr.1.tiy.t all'_ti'.e townships which I parties. Carvied. 5133??ifi'iifémé"iiifidii'é'iiiim"in" "it?" I , ' t , " r c, . . its: o on him ion, THE DEBhlNTURE DEBT& l and my calculation, taking the totals1 as then I Hon. A. M. ROSS ---That this House mil, on given, made the population of North Victoria I to.morrow resolve itself into a Committee to con- "nlv 13,730. and South Victoria over 20,000. That Mdar the following resolutions t--. 13,730 only embraces two or three townships of I 1. That it is expedient to provide in respect of 1ia.liuurctyn, audit those were deducted it would I the debts owing to this Province by certain muni. reduce Ncrth Victoria to something over 12.000. 'ie,1",t,1f, t','.J,tlt'et,ug'il heretofore 1',Pg,',q'", by 'il: townships of IIaliburton belonging to North nope. cs 0 no "rcasurero t . . . _. .,' . : rt ' . vlncoin pursuance ot the arrangements il't'2,hit "113:? t, {31:6}; s:'jt1uvl,autlin, li. 5,911, twmd'h if I statute as to the dobtsfof municipalities on account 18 7t50 N i: '? . g Cl "f. a present of the Municipal Loan Fund. that the Lieutenant. i'/'o .to 1 ,ot'Ut yr""'", ond 20,813 to B mth GavernorinL'ouneit mar Hive farther time for \_iutoria. w. "viking the change I have mom i the payment of the said debts. and for that pnr- tioncd and adding tho "Muslims of Emilv and l Dose-mag. in dischar e of the said debts, take and Voiul Kill to the East Riding we have the towbtti , l receive ruin the said municipalities rospectively of ops: Miii'iposa Eden, is d C d I I new debentures forthc sums due to tlusl'r0vince, I, it u .With tl ' l _ l i: " (Mt, qrnd I tutwelltorinte,test and principal past due as for w o . t te own 0 ' indsay for ilte, I interest or principal not Yet payahle. such new a": with a - poiiulation ot 10,103. debentures to honorable with interest halt-yearly. Those tuo subatantia ly all the Change" I " the rate of live per cent. per annum. and to be pt'opose. Soma caricatures have appeared of such amounts and payable at such dates or which preiend to represent the cousin" _ . truriods and in such manner as the Lieutonaup. proposed by the Ir.il r,nd I h h i fly/f?'. as I Governor in C'ottueiltstay require. m. ftl r; . " _, '." ave 3' piepared " :2. That it is expedient farther to Drovido that if m " . w ty,"Itttiy,,virected 'd the Bill and "1'0 the Lietttotuutt-tgovernor m Council agrees co ac. oi the counties of b.mcoe an tBruea and Wel. cent less than the full amount due to the l'rovlnco lituttort shownig that theirs counties are Very for principal and interest, the agreement shall not irregular as constituted munici aliv All tl In Opelilllvd, unless and until the same shall have counties are naturally very irrggiiliir in mil: I pen ry. e ttr.,." resolptiOii of the Legislative formation, and one map shows this while another I