--- . . - a... r ._ .__ v -, fl 7 .._ shows the redistribution as . sde at Ottawa and at the country. But they word" not new _ a third tho redistribution now roposed. . this. and it was s most singular thing that ill: tt te, ot the in". Mt ttut Ple' "M Mr. MURRAY Wished to draw tho attention "no" iit the cases deelt with we. "win" Th mm" Tte. destroying Ni am. of tho Provincial Secretary and the Home totlie as made to 1soettiren hon. gentlemen on stu 0 "e - would Just!!! then "do"; position of tho residents of the District of Nipis. pposite aide of the House m their a." and F."" with Cornwall. It had now I popular sing. Ir, wat' familiar with that lueality and tho ' ut the small ma'orities oi some of " tiou of three thousand more tttan it had then F I..." Ot the people. He knew that tin settlers tpe o 3 , .. and yet at that tinie'the Govern . . ' . . porters. (Hear. hear.) He would ask tt i . . ment insisted in that large territory had for a lone time been "P _ , on returning". m could "an th r T . . . . . . this assertion was not borne out bv the facts. V e "ailment. looking forward for Nipissinz to be made an .. . . , . . . _ made on thnt Occasion and h ' eleezoral district, and he hoped some provision loo Provincial becretary in his speech the that time Coruw all . t " " "e, would be made in the Bill before the Housein other day indicated the constituencies with by . m f was represented i"l? that diree.iott. There WM a considerable mum ecard to which he proposed to make t " lau ripen? o ttte floteyu.nettt. V lation in tho district already. Will its future iiterttioas on the ground of inequali. l . DP .0.) ':.5'f, " found FhltWhllo ttwas growth would b, mp d. The townships of ttes. He would point oat the in- trl,..', to retain Cornwall. with I population I'apineau, Mattawa, nonrigid, Calvin, Ferris, e; usllties which were left untouched tt 0.000. when represented oya Reiormer, it and other townships wastnvard were thickly tll let the oabiie "v ti the correction of in: WM Wrong to retain " new that it we: ré. ' settled. There were also severil largo villag" m l w "I, the 'leidin motive which presented by aConaereatwe, and contained . in the district. turt or three of which he might qttn n l ti as h dg't' tn w population of il,0co, and it must, tuerelore reievto. M ttawa vi'lngo units on impottuutcom. prompte It gangs. Bit I] K are h , no tte wiped out. (Cheers.) The next Griiii'. 'pcti1t':,11:; wich a p 'pui'istio.rt of 700 to 800, 'r'it,ilir2'rarnpf,g2hii11' oi "25 :0? "add te tueucy we Cardwell. 'l'heGovernmeut made link 9t ' one ot Lila d,Vtst mini the c. P. IL, [tt . - t " :" l, . _ . ' ' p,....m.u.l if, b, a large town, M aiso 'gli/tj,', li est 2.1004. Take the County or Lambton, 2irsd'/1t11t,eetliti.,'iiitai 1&5}: they out ed than". villugu more Westward. in, end the from which the Commissioner of Crown order to mak it 9""; a ot,1.t We," P liiliilu-rinlz intercss of tin: district "'01", Very ux- Lands cutne. tu the East there Walt 3 popu- retainin it St "mi an y" tii.eti"i,ltd Itt . ionising nad, considering: all the c:r:uiiislt.v.u':e<, lation of 23,006, and in the West riding was t g 1'ftTv"yl1eel',',T, on their tride. lt . '. Running ought ty in made. an electoral district. 29,753. and yet hon. gentlemen saw no ne- d "' rue. t at Dy 'lar/lee,?',',;',' advantage _ IL, roprogentud North l'vsatrrtw, ami the C. P. It. cessity for correcting this inequality. (Hear, bum" I',",', your r. tobinsmt was returned, made it convenient trt' the silllcrs of Nipissing hear.) He could exgylain the reason. Per. ttt um ormly tne constituency had been tocutnutttnteato "uthhim. Ho liui tunits some liens if the township of Enniskillen represented by u yooervrtiva, Findinu ', eliort to attend to their wan'a. lie would pron-r h a buen taken " the ridin of Fwy 1""an hold on the u'otmtituertcy,ann' that that slide duties would in lelt to some other. If , C - . . f C L d9 d It was sale for the Conservatives. the Govern. the popuiutiou was insuisiei"ut, perhaps some of ttte ommlgswuer ob "Wyn an s Btt ment accepted the ittuitsoiinii iiided four the northern ioivnnlnps ot Parry S ill'iil might bo add.ed, .to sham Lam ton tne t,e,Plt would hundred more Con ervative votes to it 'o ti atticlicd to Nlpissiiig. He be loved that would proioabiy NW? been tO make Eatst Lumb- pun-.055 of strengthening tne l p, r lie be satistaetcry to some if the N.ti,sivur peoplmat ton Cvavservntive, (Hear, hear). Then in in other laces With 'rt, 'rt:'. unduly leacslle liopei something would be done to giro Exist Northumberland there was a population t ' I. s: T f ' reel"? to Elgia. tot tho rvsiritsntsof Nipisaing an opportunity of no of 22,229, had only 16,084 in West Northam. 's'1s?i',' to" . Ic"'?,),",-,-',"':,,)" as mucus part or arcismz their franchise and electing some person iisisriatvi. Take Perth, where there w" a _ Cl, Elm ttt l 1-) as it was now. Why to m:prestent them in the Parliament ot Ounrio. latent" inequality between the two tidings m t e overnmen't "In" the cmu1fte now.' Mr. MEREDITH, who W" greeted with than any other except it was the city of I'or. It was mean" 'h" non. Rummy" who sat _ cheers upon rising. said be presumed it might onto North Perth had a. population of 32". l?th.ind, Dun (-)ir..yr.tnatiniter), {TAG Wrested East bet-ken for muted in" any proper redu. VI.', lino South Perth 20,773. a dill'erence of Fizin iroy we tieiyuters. They fre.not con. trtbtttion scheme, one founded upon. correct l") 603' . These were some of the counties tent to take the voice ot W.peo.plts,.yut th ' principle. should be framed so as to provide irriivd into ridings in which the dispropor- .r,',P" tatie JP.t of East E.ittitt the City of St. that the topreaentatiou of the respective "on. w." much greater than in those the 1'homas, Wm" "vea majorityoi 280tthe parties in the House should no in some degree hon gentleman deals with in this bill. (Hear , Conservative Pm." . aty) place it "I. Eest proportionate to the strength oi the partiesiu brain). Now he would ask wuat the re- ?yriu,.tht" putting the f-,ie.mser,vativyirt East l the country. With regard to the measure suit of Eig.inin 3 minoritv M l" wh.ere they had a which the hon. gentleman was seeking to i THE PRESENT 0""ng ttttHitt)' of 90. Essex was ttte nextcousti. _ ' , . . A ' AC . . I tuencv he would nonce. If h . place upln the statute book, it did not an- . . . . . I 3 a t ere was swer m any respect to tlut primary condition l of the ridimm was and what the policy of hen. any constituency the Government would he had indica ed. He would snow that not l getylea1e?,,oppo.ti.ity was with "regard to this leave. untouched he should think it only did this b11100; do that, but that items I matter. l'ncy ail Knew how oiten -y,y, Blake, would be this. . He had no desire dehberateiv damned to an", greater mums not}! In and out of the House of commons. to Import acrimony into the debate, but the to an ex rehion oi Ollllllons (t'Ont It form ei/ee. had called attention to the present unjust sys- coursl- taken by the memb , representing the tors than they were entitled t ' in proportion tyn or the representation or the people. 1'ly.stt SOUP" rlalnR had . heen challenged, and he to my" "renew m the . country. the hon, gentleman had pointed out the. dis- could not refrain trom saying that it would (Cneers. I He did not tind fauit proportion between the strength of parties in hnvebeeii more courageous ii the hon. gentle.. mm the ammo" of two tnetnuer' to l the Legislature and their strength in the man nail gone been P. the constituency as it _ the Hon-c. locum: at the peculiar cireum. country pysible under the present system. was man to have .udit.tired, The Govern. "Sinus "I. m" rulings divided. and although I and lie had.ryopoutyied ssh remedy that in meat proposed wnere . in the South riding he was strongly o, the opinion that the "come counties which can be divided into several there wasa. Reform insiority or 30. to convert did not lat 0m. an incr. he m the nun/ber'of ridincs several members should be elected by it into a majority or .132, and make it safe for representatives m that House, he thought the Whale riding. .It was strange that while themselves. by putting the township of An.. not much fault wottid be founl with thesmall that was the doctrine laid down by M r. Blake, denlon in me. North, and T0ury West increase proposed. Mme Conte:ietaturn there the hon. gentleman who leads the House. and in the South. Then take the cue ' had bee" three Redistribution biiis--oue m who had been in lower since 18.P2, had never or S.outh Greni'ille. which was wiped that H use m 1874' one m we Dominion .attemp.ted. 'lt to the present time, to apply out or exv"tufe. W.th the exception of too Pariament m Isis l and the one mm sub- " for the rd ance of the anomaly described non. Commissioner oi Puoiie Works, all the muted. In 187.") the Attorney-General was by MnBlake. But when .hey came to Pr mernyr' of. the Cabinet were from western new to his political duties and iresn trom the routo the hon. gentleman. as a matter of Jus- cpnstituencms, and that was the reason why i Bench. so that if the ~ins oi 1575 were to be tree to_his leader in the Home oi, Commons. the easternsectiou was to be deprived of the l vi,iued upon any ody the h n. gentleman had paid some attention to these news. repre.seuttitm.tht,v lad had. He might point 5 who led tne (lover. ment might plead in MILA'rives'arxc-rn or PARTIES y1t tir" Broci.wli.its W b "Em" "ranged l extenuatrat of the -uilt ox tnat measure that He would like to call attention to the re- m oraer lo. su1.t. the Pteres' ot the Govern. the retmontntrlty rested rather upon his lative trtrenkth oi parties in the country as ment. ll uat did the n- u. gentlemen opposite colleagues than upon himself. in ISIS indicated by the representation in the Cham. propose Wittt record .t' Norta Ontario? lt the excuse was' made that there 1 her. and to use fietires of unimpeachabie ac. would be .reeolieeied inst Mr. Mmiill carried l lad been, under the B. N. A. Act, curacy, He took the figures poled " the this constituency in 1870. .But last session it s retrsijus-tntmt oi the representation in the laat general election, desling also with ex. W's carried by I mNoritr of twentyJ House oi c, mmons. and that in consequence ceptiouat 0.398. It. the three or four coun- for . the hon gentleman who now oc. I there ought to be a readjustment here. Tuere ties in which there were no contest she would C11ptea tht "th. IVOWI 00""? contained l "'33 an addition made then oisnx memberito use the vote polled in the last previous elec- a population Ot 28,434 tttti 'South OWN," oi 3 the Home. and that occasxon was made use tron when there was a contest. and that 1t0/3sti. Ity.as provtred ttt reduce theborth ' of to give undue weigh to the mice of the method was more favourable to hon. gentle. "mug by 'are' away "TWO townships toa 1 . lleiorm electors in seven] constituencies, men opposite than to his side. Then where Povumtl"? ot '20,91, tval make South _i.hstario i, An anempt was made then by a read my. eleotiOns had since taken place in conse- teonttun '-F8ii---ty very "we?" of tutpvettrut meat oi the boundaries of " orth Grev to Linn quence of the unseatiug of a member he had and eqttaltzityt the population. (Appltutsse). outlrom that House the hon. we'mber for taken the last vote. He found that the What was the object? It seemed that by North Grey (Mr. Crag-non). and such a number oi votes cast in favour of the Gov. this opetut Oil they wouid add 44 to the ma- change was made as Would. had the results erument was IM.501, and the number cast jority oi the member. for the North ; of the previous election been a guide. have in isvouroi the Oppositmn 135,098. (Cneers.) and make him feel taier 'tt the "" wlueh I excluded that hon. gentleman from the He could challenge criticism as to the fair. he hel, by such an I"."' tenure. If the House. (Hear, hear.) He welt remembered nets of his fieur" He had excluded f Government were desirous .oi dividing at tha: time when the hon. gentleman tr, from the calculation 3,819 votes out for in. i the constituency in!" pubii.e. Interests they 1 come spoke oi that c'ou8tltnenev lDuilerin) dependent candidates, giving hon. gentlemen would have tatgett t'ttt.towe'ttip or, Uxbrioge i created by taking territory from "1vdiimgurn' opposite, however, the bemsth or all the votes and added it to the other riding, Which would l county and other Id'acrnt ridines mm cast for the independent candidate in West have given North or!tarso 24.453 and South 1 west unction " was painted out that m." Toronto, in Prince Edward. and in all other Ontario 24.159 population. (Applause) In l Wan tbConsereative mam-1;}, oi utrwards of cases where, although the candidates that way they .woald. tttbeet Ir2f the I l 1,009 provided in that ruling. But, air, in come out as independent. they had after mwulation, but then they wool pot have , r [ forming that constituency inellon. gentieman entering the House supported the Gtteern. been able to carry both constituencies. W hue put Caruwell in such is position that he hoped ment. It would, therefore, be seen that by pretending to equalize they had simply re- lt would return a Reform member. He d, alt the latest results parties in that" Chamber versed the tttate 0i af1aira, and had made " this same way With one of the Welling. were evenly balanced. Yet hon. gentlemen South Ontario 27.895. instead of 20.378. and tons end with one oi the Siches. making the botvsterd of a mljority in that House" of 15, so 1 North Ontario 20.917. instea.d of 28334. attempt to contig" the Conservative vote in they could not complnin of the prtmrnt boun- (Applause.) In the county or .Leeds. the One constituency, in order to give undue daries in the constituencies. Ref rm strength had been rapidly passing weicht to he lleiorm vote in that portion of now " wonxq, ' "NY- lt had been held sometimes by tlf. the country. H ld . . ' ' . Conservative party and sometimes by the e won ask if this bill was any fair . Th i. "renames ux-roccueu. measure. Take the case ot Cornwall. The Reform by . small maionty. tt ttr-tttt He could understand that there would proposition was to Wipe it out of existence member had reeeived vtot.te to quit, and no 5 al be some jtutitioatioa for this and decrease b one th : doubt " we next election-it would "Vibe" ~ .. measure . . y e Conservative as re b thm 1 two. The took l " lion: gentlemen I'ere proposing to sentanou in this chamber. When the bill of .reprrstmtttd y , t"h','ll ll "d my . deal with all the inequalities throhgh. 1876 T" b.tsfttre ll" mum, hon. iirrtttutnrtt on however. from cart-o we crossed