ReCPtT2i"rta _' 4.; -' . ' 0' uv:?' - i -- --w- --- ..,--- - . . . . , ., . ' hainntructive to ,eee'hei than the majority '5 SM.. N . ' We. city in glitch the leader or the'boveremeu lllsiltt.l,hs'sk 2httfttMtl iiiiilliilt?t'c The hon. member who eat Joe the West received " only "menus. It _ might have l t "ee an " the gummy" h riding wan elected. not hr reason of been expected that the rights which that old ', carried outthie principle in their bill thtrie. party inihtermm, but largely by reason city possessed so long would have been left ing both "we. arepresentation propertion- id his pereonol popularity and business to it instead ot its vote and infit"utee being ateto'their strtnutn' m the country. The capabilities. Bathe knew " hold on the l impairylhy these changes. tCheers.) Them, three-member irotutituritei" were Grey, seat was very insecure. The member for the ' notwithseanding that the hon. member for Hastings. Huron, Middlesex, Simcoe. Wel. East riding was only elected by a majority of North Grey (,yr. Creighton} toiled th,e'irorh'if 1inetoti, and York.' They contained . popu- 20. What had been done to secure these two madeto dislooire mm in 1876, they were not lation of 472,849. They polled ior the Govern- ridinire for the Reformer" They had re- smelled. .--'Diiey wanted to drive ther'hotv, meat candidates 36,777 votes. "d for the adjusted the whole oi Simeoe. Thea had ro- gentleman from this Home, and they new Opposition 8t,307, or a majority of about divided the '2TL,',f, so arranged. " that I proposed to take away the township of Sulil- 1,400 for the Government. What Walt the re- instead of there mg a Grit majority of 42 van. whic.h gave the, hon. gentleman a large I suit " iar its-the representation oithut Chemo in West Siiucoe. they Will have 177, and majority in the last oieetion,.ynd put it in her was concerned. The Government elected instead of a majority of 20 t!t.ttte East they the l'.ast_ ruling upon the tlitney excuse ot fourteen members "a the Opposition only will have 190. (Cheers) _In order to do elimination o palpulatloll. Btthu change "you. Did" the Government propose this they had made the constituencies of such they actually made the East riding as much to "no," this Inequality, this injue-~ ashape that in order to. go from one to the out of proportion as North Grey had been. tum, and [ readjust the representation»ra persommust pass through ancilgh. The attempt was plainly to drive the hon. i fairly? when.) 1n the some. cm'muw. bourpg. cogstlmency- "ie,','.,',,';,), he member for. North Grey out of the House. I 01"th Government would. according to the _ l Pr.ovi.riisial . mastery 2hd "ttS/lt l we mans-rice To This 0mm. l te'.'""."" of. the bill, elect sixteen members. . 'r'iffe,tl'h'1 ' 5? h tl a?" ro. He desired to call the at'ention of the win'lethe Oppose-on yould electomy mem- rioo .ecte ow e on. gen e . p ' House to this ques ion from another point oi stead of "Wm Taking the hith'htlon whieh tttttdone? against ttyt 'yes.rl.ttw ot mum" new "d be ho ed the hon member for would be mad'ein Bruce, which would become panties. He used such forcible terms that t . .p. . . . h . idi . . . bi d Hvuilvat would loilow him. Hon. gentle. 'F ree n ttttt Ctttt"ttueucy, they would eitset otMr could ally!" "tt the too running. . .. d . " pe nineteen and the Opposition tive. The Go. La h I h here would turn to men were proposmg to eat n the tranchise . . . . l H. tar.) t "Y mam . . e -e to . . ' l- f vernment. thereture. instead or carrying out th th t t the bill the would tind In anew r, to y say. the Just demau ll 0 I . q . . e o sec ion o . y b h sl Tn ea' T ' l ,1 i Mr. Blake'1prinotple, had cousin the other di. l the hon. gent eman's scheme was to t e P or e. I '" emanas "tnt arfr.e, y rom . . " . t he art ot Muskoka and Parr Sound and the c ntres of population. "a while hon. rection, and Were endeavouring toadd greater ' P . . t" y '" . a " r sed h ' d strengthtotne voxce of the Reformers and add it to the riding or bunt-0e. The hon. Mn em n 0 arm a on t. e one P" to di . h . . gentleman howeVer afterwards changed his extend the rtght .to 1rote oy ttsts biil, they tttttttts the representation of ttte Con-a. mindw i"i"riiriiiii'Girii.' Theoourseo non. proposed practically to tame away and mini. We party. (Cneers.) He would next con- " iiiaiiii . showed that the had deliberately mize the voxce of the urban people. in the sider'what had been done mm the twtrriamg - ge " y . . 2' . f his ounir I ' l . A 1, . constituencies. He thought there were set about strengthening those at their sup- . ttiN o t 0 Y. , was Ill-h) ml . '. . . . i. orters who had small majorities. The mom- q portantthat tho urban nopuuttion should have nineteen counties dwided into two riNruy. LT. re'," for South Victoria was elected by a its just Weight in those atfaira, How did The po.pul.ation ot these Wu 84.1,121. Af the , majority of only M in the last election. This the 'tton.. g nthm n deal with those cities? laat 6183mm the ConservatiVe "Dwain" , bill took away a portion of North Victoria These "dings now stood as follows ', BM"! YM73 e.d the hammer". 60,9al. , and added it to the South in an chart to in. London.. .. .. .. .. .. 19.746 Humii;oa.. .. .. .. 35.951 vuat did RWY???" the "P'm'imm wo.' g crease that majority in Gi', What was me M"t',:teyrrr.y.rllfl11,. Torouto..........8t'/wi I 01mg; the 3% trd,',',',',',',',' 12 were (.pnservatibiie ' - . T". " ttttwa............: . P.. and were eormers. or more tlan don e ti' ','thtt,""httt,tit,2t1'"'tn1 ris,',"ir,,','f%'l,'7, The hon. gentlemen gave the unit ot repre. 1 the representation. a.though the diilerencc in fl which. had not given the ',U',hTo7'L'i'l'll of limitation as about 21,000. From that View, I the votes We! only 5,000. (Cheers.) In " Victoria count and he made that " an ex. even it they treated the additional member order Jo. be fair, he had made I 3, cute for this division The hon gentleman for Toronto as an addition to the voting table or the tingle counties. The population .~ had estimated that \'drt'n Victoria contained PW?" ot the cons.tlt,1""t.c.v m that Housed.. or these '3' 676,043. The Conservatives , 13 700 oi GUifiiii and only omitted to which he eontrauied they could nor-then polled 44,4v8 votes and the Reformers 3i523 _ coilsider the greater nor ton oi Hal.burtou they had only 3"le members representing at the last elections. Seventeen Conserva- " which added some 6 o") to we population: each 23.426. ll hile the ordinary number is to We! _Were elected and twelve Pseiormem. ll The real populat on therefore of Aortlt Vic- be 31.00) the hon. gentleman required 7,000 The disproportion was in excess oi what it ' toria would be in 'iii wav 'G 710 that of additional m the clue" 't.otwitotyitiihi: titat ought to have been. but not'ulnq lake what tt South Victoria 20.813. Wisat excuse in the ,tty.s,y,,lyyi increased the urban population from was P ..the other eo,n"!tueutnes. Ail these I ' world could he other for disturbing the repre- 1.yi'yis"-'"5 Jo 198,983. (Hea.r, hear.) How l facts indicated that the non. gentlemen op- ', tentatirn of these constituencies, in popula- ditferentiy did the Donnnron Government I,',',',,',,') am not wish to carry out their pro- l tion alums; euual ? Then what became of the treat these Comsutttettetea. the "3.625 who eased desire to equalize the representation. 1 other ground isirepresentation--extent oi ter. under "he New" t"e'at in Ontario were (Shtys) lie dared "y they would reply to ritory? Why, North Victoria contained six now entitled 1rttly ".0 "x members were given We Opposition, " Whatever you tmght other. times the a." oi South Victoria. The hon. by the Dominion nine mem0ers.--a repreien- ' Wise have said. you have now no right to gentleman lied proceeds l upon a false calcula- i, tation o: GO per cent. 'gieater upon the same make this charge, because the party to winch two with regard to North Victoria, and made 1 population. . He said. ttteretore. that this you belong at Ottawa made a redistribution of the change he made with the object oil, blown} uniair :0 the urban constituencies, the constituencies which was more unfair -r strengthening a supporter of the Government which held dillerent Views and. had duferent than what We are doing, and therefore your in the South. Instead of acknowledging his interests t." be served than the rest of the mouth 18 closed." He submitted that this I I mistake, and leavinir the ridiugs as they were, country. . Ih "ow.t" "WWW take Went. w." n.o answer. The members and supporters I the hon. gentleman came down, told the "OWN with apoiu1,iatu?,aoi.tybot" 3il.0u0.with ot the Government went about the "u1ntry l House oi his mistake, and then took such a two ""P""", wnde Hty.t/itoi.t Wtttt 35,0"0 tmmpleiui,ng, that .th.e hands oi the Reform i course as would insure at all events the return had only one member. . , tten hon.crentlernen party had been tied behind their backs bv l oi one sunporter from this countv. (Hear. l,e,1.Peyr.itu,r,,ieentyuitiey.why did they bat the result of the unjust legislation oi the I hear,) South Wellington w". ridincwhich dealiustly.' 1'oronso, With a iopuihtion of Ottawa Government. It would be recol- I returned the sitting member by {slender 19,400. now returned two members: while lected that on the eve oi the last general majority, and they have added to it the town. ant and W est hark. With a combined popu- election thehon. member for Shith Brant ship oi Ptikiucrton. increasing the Reform lotion '2' alsout 00.000. returned two mem. arose in his place, and With all the dig- l majority to L31. But they had in dealing With by" tio that these 1nenualities .wtoicl! lay at pity thh he pmureesed, and with his the county/ti Wellington been astute,ior they , 2',', root, and wt"'."'""""". m principle, manly brow exposed, he said the had not ont.v made the South riding Secure. l fthe,'."],',",,':.: had not coyi!itsred " ail. hoyernment would tro to the people but'thcy had got rid of the "nah" question l hhe p. gentleman dtsctrved the question of , in" would trust to their justice, and would of thtcouryy town, a diliiculty which at one Pr." td,iI,'Tt,11ng,y of "WW boundaries. I not redwide the eons.titucu1e;es. No doubt time lost them tr.e.p"senytive in this House. " Wait , "3M?" on which a very pretty , many of the Conservatives were seduced by They induct-no Mount Foreut in such aposio ','l'i',',1','h,,Tni'2, high-sounding obervationr, I this profession. The Government though; hon that it would t"timpo.s?iye.toexercutiihrt iiimt't" made, lhut when they considered the l tney would be sustained by an overwhelming t a er Pram" , they w.ottld.tsett that as majority. and that it would be unnecessary tr, As to il eat Yors, " the lasselectiod the tte i'/i't', "ttttt ot the WWW .iucreaaed " l attttttota good party move to make a redis- Bin-ll}? member was returned by a majority I Won d be necessary. unless they increased the tribution. Weil, they appealed to the coun- of Ji, and by taking Parkdale and Brockton 'eg,"'",','),,',',',',',"," In tnat House, to interfere try with the aid oi thustspecioo cry. Never. away they perhaps turned this majority mm Wit '"'ullty boundaries, Hon. gentlemen theless there was a great rattling oi the drv a minority, Now the desire seemed to be to talked as}! there were no constituencies in bones on the other aide, and while by a nai. maketnose constituencies Where there were an; provmce now 'rornpoy.d oi cum)" of row majority they were euaoled to retain I majorities under one hundred safe for the I erenthonnty municipalities, Monek was their positionsb the voice of the people they 1it.svernrnent, and to take away in such con. 'i1"yP"t/lt, portions Ot Wollartd and Haldi. had a still sliniiter tenure. Hence the ex- ' "l.uypc'tertrom the Conservative party the mand. liussell was composed of part oi Rue. cues that the Government ought to have a hold they had on them. But not content 'tet',',?, Iurt dot Carleton. . West Poterboro' greater voice in the country than it had. al. :Inthhtnat they went down to Kingston, "M33130: ci' twt,S"l?, of Peterboro' though. as he had pointed out, the division , i. an hon. gentleman on his aim, of C ' ll p or eat Northurnbeitynd. was favourable to the Reiorm party and uh- tlie House. had wreste'd trim the enemv on l'ardwe IP?, Pompoued of portions of Well. favourable to the Opposition. He recoilected 'WO occasions. and he hoped, notwithstand. ington and bul'cm' Py.tririn was the same that on one occasion theleader of the Govern. iing this, gerrymanli'er. he would Wrest n 3:3", ai,,',',?:,"',,',),?,',',: Addington, and others ment got up and said he would have "had I tPl". 'Cheers) PM" the County oi Ad. upon if: meninges. Sothere was already that'ih these ted.ytrrbutious there should he I Ily") returned a me'lllbll' of the Opposition, th h d b "lite colt legislation by which some irtiportaitstrihunai outside of politun to _ loll. "linemen took three Tutucipaitties ey BU. fren compelled todisrnut county adiutstmattera." (Cheers) H wdidaiheh , " witha Comservative majority flom Addat . bctPdyrain order to give "whom: repre- gentleman like the imi'iiig l b on: bt glen. reducing this member's to about 'lt mutation. (Chasm) Be _was "-1.331 IU" ttli . when totroltipa were added to Frontenac, 'Misoim-Y nsrnrsnanriox tt the hon. gentleman was away in , 'tell. '33 already i.rTedettrtably Con. m yished to call attention to thet prin- .Fm.alaad this work must have gone :ZI'Vative and so an additional majority of mple initiated by Mr. Blake, already refund on in his absence. He expected to see the mouthing. like 'P! was cured tttte. To to. Mr. .liUki.took "the position that in hon. gentleman rite in'hi, ulsce to say he 'was 'ldlt1't"1,,'ltr,,hitd, the "Munro; hingstou 'ttjeg,',',,",'],':',:,',?,.',' composed of two or three not in favour of the bill. (Cheer-n.) He worst}: Jeye. ti iro.rttouso,. Where there JV""?'" the giociple o minority reprelegu. would for a moment discuss: the measure oi ( e.orin majorities, in oroer to enable tron should recognized by some means or the Dominion _ Gorarantmrt.1 How did it I 'ete,rggph tN,', E?,',,',:',':: fFairer ttg',. ht, tt "113?"! should have a due wrote in the 4hreerip'ittg' constituencies!" mm t ave on eVpocte or the Mtn ea airao the countr ' edid'not _. . A T . . . tn. Government carried out 'gi, 333$ profess to defend exery provision . - i