. "_,.=:--'-..-"-.- . 'ceivod WE country. Once more he expres<ed "033 of tite present Bill, "Pecuuy when fe',','; regret that he had been called upon to speak as trtrtsd with the infamous tierrymandetr of bu. he had, but he certainly could not John 1.iaodt.onai.d,. h . have done otherwise than outer I plea for another It being six o'eioek the Speaker left the c air. member for Hamilton. AFTER RECESS. Mr. CASCADEN just wished to make two o1.cs . [ "rvations. He protested against the change in Mr. METCALFE (Fintruon) dttNsproved Wesst Elgin, as it was calculated to saeritim, it to of the bill "an" " wss "I. iniquitous . the Conservative cause, but. he yet hoped the messure framed s. ativan". the tn.ttre'" "f constituency Would rise superior to _t)i'r:,lytorran- hon. KOD'W'H" OPPOHW. one not mm regerd tune and return s Littoral member.' Micro was. t , the interests of the P'OV'Pc" The. o.bysot scarcely a riding Within s "films or fifty Ulllclifhl oi the bill wu to sue the Inc or the Ministry. London which returned s 'ttgg/ga'",,','.,:,","":',' (Cheers) He oharged the leader of the Gow at present livers. .fi,o/1l2,','.egnt ','? 'llld. l' ' t with desertinll the city in which he shadow of tho ooposition m'f e. " l . , unmet: kl Motrin " stoiieastues and therefore, he sud, he believed that his county was born, and wet. y ' Ki gt He aid would rise superior to its disadvantages, to curve up the city o ingshon. te /"lll The division was then taken on the motion for In claimant ttibttrt to tha c "ac r o the second reading, wnich was carried " iolu, leader of the UDP'I'mon; for whose "he he lows '.--. l believed the people of. hingston had returned Yr.us-.1rowstsir. Awrer, Badaerow, Balfour, 1 him rather ttttttt for " own. . nallantyne. Baxter, Ill-lion. Eli-mm. Caldwell. l Mr. \l'llllHFIlSLD did not I'll'lollak.) to For 's',i",f/iriy."i',-t,Y Chlslliolm. S",'/"tirli,1 tuiiti1','iiiddi,'.y1/'i"/,: i, i . ' - - . ' H . lmeu 'oi'ris. 'raacr. 'rouinuii. n ison " i tt ' ' I I I pi) 'o the 'tyv'1t'tl:1tt, r.1t"',c,'tut'rl'tl/'bo,1i,.,t'it:.' Bott (Huron). Gillies, Gould. Graham. llazai'. "or- i Wm?" ' "m m" e "f ' '. _ l 'p, 1-, court, "only. Havt, Lunllnw. ?,1clrtt.vrc., Mac, 3 tion. Ho (Mr. Metcalfe) trlyy-'sctsd to the t, ' Konzie, McKiin. McLauzhllu, Holmium. Muster. , becauseit affected the City of k iigstnn nnilconnty 3loNa, Mowat, Murray. Pavdee, Pnelpe, lt'iysido. l ot Frontenac. but he (Mr. W:U,liti 'ld) siltow M Ross tHuron). "use Liloldloscxv, Sills. Snider. I that by the alteration both Would be mnde nearer Waters. Widdttiold, Y?uuser%. l the unit of roprosunbavott than they wurt, liofui'v. , 1'ty.ir-y,et..e1... Jlusltcrvnlle, l,l/iv,.tlt,ty 1,1,r.-,ty..t.o/y ( Referring to the charges made by_meinbers om) l" II'.',"'.?.::),",',';,,,,?",",'),',',"),,,',';,, 'ilc'sygei'i,J'i'.y 'i?'i,uf1'y/y//,t site, that the measure moi "icttttsltittsttt, ha "/i,' l, l "in? i/iii'mGii? "ng, (iiiGric'e'r.l/s,' Kerr. Leos: _ eyen if this were tru", from thu s'.amlDomt Oi m" l MeColman. AldGliec, McKay. Moi-odilh. Merrick, l lion. member for London, he ou/lt',. to ciiiig'mlu' l Malcolm. Monk, 1lovvom, Morris. Mulliolliind. l late the Government. L'ut in; did not ti"/) thit1 l 1t'ee:.l'-,'.""u'"t Rusle'ornwnll). Wtute, Wilmer, f it was tru l Before Confederation the "hem 'oo h', , , 7 I pirty COIIKOIHlO'J for representation bv Ir'lrl .'ts i 1y!iy!,fil! SCHOOL BILL S 5 tion. presenting county boundaries. '1',uerutotv, l .'lht !..r',1,tf.s, ttt C'or.uurrttee "ll tlus all"! ; chml in aiming at til it now, they were enlist-dunk ty' I Bl". Mr L'adtterow m the chum. Uoasi "s.r.ay.rs Lu- " ciiios were conceinrd it Wits one of th, discussion ensued upon the qumtiou of the distri» principles of tho Ltbural parte, that {H tit-y werc i bution of'tlm HIHlIW-jchool Smut: . t . . more compact an l therefore in a better trosition l I1on. G. w. Jioeis atrutt explained the brine!- to bring their influence to bear upon the Govcrn, I Pl" upon whiclt the ft" It H'aq dll'lde'd. and mom, the repmvoutt:tio slioald b, sum"- showed generally that it was made to Eycnools so what less then in the ratsal constituencies. 1L;. as to encourage the schools trying to help them, farting to the argument of tho lend-u: with" selves, and they Would be enciurnged to improve Oritoattion, that the, Township of Uxuriluw their equipment, and also the appearance of the should he put into the Shun ll ding of Ontario gropiiis, average sttendance, etc. . it the object had been to equals the I; ipiil Ily.',", l 'lhedgfmmil-lee rose txtul reported the Bill 33 he said that would not have limo; " t K) P"pui " amen B . , , , ' , thin out»! nearer to the basis. The North li'nllnc. l'IRS'l: Ill-A DINCi'S. thouqls smaller in potrttlutiou, was larger in Hon. o. h.rtatr-To amen.d tho Act about the territoiy and more sparsely populated than the employment ol prisoners without the walls of South, and, therefore, would develop very much. county Raul". . Talame intn consideration the pco'o:v'ole rapid Au.so--Rt,pesoeitur the property of insane per- iiicrense of East and West York from tho over- sone in goals. fl 'w populstion of Toronto, it was not a his Lilli: Also-To amend the law for gnrnishing debts. to give thou) constituencies so large a population ADJOUItNy1r,'N'r. as some of the others. The hon. member for On the motion for tulrrurnutunt, Mr. MERE London, in rehuriug to the, 'tuquahtie.s 'Y INT" stated thar some information had come to this measure. tl'd W." refer to ..tlte. mt"r,1,)i,- him which led him to believe that there was the ties of the lJoutittiort !usilistyi,bucyy .l'il, greatest cruelty prsctised at tho Central Pri.on. cotdirtintr himself to the four oy,urAropivcs lie llMl been given to understand that prisoners which came Milo. the "HIM! at tusifu)u'ra:,'iou. Were lcout for forty days on broad and water. In There were ten rulings iiiidortlio Dotnittiyy.Gov: we", oi this he hoped the Government would ' crnincnt's Bill, which were given , p?'.nlstym ot yii'ld to the donned for an investigation. 11,651; on no avenue, and the 11101501 IND?" Jo.'t Hon. U. MUlVATsiid the Provincial Secre- under their Bill Wan ley than urvlcr tLis '""hl, tary was not present, and in his "'nscuco he was He also. found ten Cottsttlutt.ttcies With an "ver 'KO.' not pro mrod to say anything about the matter. population of only 9,030. In Ontario ilzoie wvr Il The iInus'e adi lurned at 11:15 min constituencies lining on aVer lire Vopit at on of 28 038, and nine ot just half that population exactlv. Then the lion. gentleman olivcrtul to the Bill, because the Govcrnmentlvvi no; all" rod to county bouudark, and inpnstancuu.r, Munch he forgot to month t that the electoral c nii~citu 'lli')' l of Mouck woe cvvatod by Sir John ( Macdonald before Conicduruion. Cor lava}! we created at the sum: time ani l'l trio saint "my. That the object ot thic Bili was to d i (11V4h' with ittvqtcdititss was shown in the case of l; "', la .u l Grenville. The hon. teuthnnan next or) 'Cii'll because the minority principle hat no. we" adopted more generaliv. It w.-.s an i'Xpel'llil NH, and Should be tried first. It! Vlt'\\'1'l Lit: gi'ut inert-nee in some of the western counties, such " Bill was necessary, and after hearing the Npoecii of the hon. member for London, who he assumed had put the nrcumenls against the lllczhlll'u :is strongly as they could be put, he was c HlVlnC'nl that it was IIBCunsar)', and that the dicrulsuti .n had been made as fairly rind as eqaitatry as _ possible. I Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) thought cities wero , deserving of their full share of rcprerentutiou. Wltile the hon. member for London spoke in fnvour of urban representation generally, he did not call attention particularly to the treat I merit which Hamilton win rrceivim: by this Bill. _ The population of that city w is now in excces of 40,000, and it must be borne in mind that while rural constituencies were growmg slowly 1lamii, ton was growing rapidly. Tue r 'presentation it i lied might be stttfieient now, but in too you" hence it would havo h0,000 or 60,000 of a populas l tion, and it would be unjust to give it only one representative. He did not ohjoct to the fulllli tionnl members given in Alp, inn and the other constituencies. but he did complain that a place _ like Hamilton should be represented by a singio l representative. He had a right to complain ' and did complain. A city which had ro- l turned a supporter ot a liberal G A'- [ eminent from the time of Couiudoration l in Hamilton had done might on political grounds , to have had an additional member. lie simply I rose to give notice that at another stage of the l Bill he would move an amendment promising llll~ other representative. The Bill Wits all right so I for as it wont, and in support of this he referred " to the shock which the Ottawa. gong-in tnder hull , caused, while this Mill hat been favourably to 'l,