"AA" ' C2tl ' ' 3 ' - ", 2lt other ',tgt'8tt2e,r, received Sid Jtll THIRD READINGS. _ en the mount t. " erines receive an ad . "-l1'oturttsnd the Actiorein lo . . been celled upon to pay In the veer 1873 St. d "ted '"h'iie)' the Wells ot milling" Oethlrines borrowed ' 90,000 from the Municipal . .01.. Loan Fund. end that money wee invested in the Hon. 0 Moqat-R-stirttr the property of : following way '-Thsr put 8100,000 into the inssne ":10". in ttttom. Wellsnil Reilwey, end at the some time there Mon o MowntL-Por further improving the we» 8100,000 belonging to the city Invested in the uTiiiiiiihrGi of the law. lune concern. Then there was $35,000 of the , 'ER NNUhTION 1317\1) l ' '19ii000invedted in the Queen-ton and Grime- THE SUI f A: _ " ' . . ' ' r by msoedsmized reed and the Merritton and 'Mr. ROSS (hllddleenh) moved that. the .irrase i St. Catherine: macadamized road, At the time Will to.tarorrow reeuive " self into a comini toe to l of the settlement of the amount which the cor. consider the tollowiiigioeoluuoue ..-- , - poration bed borrowed, it we: called upon to pay Resolved (I). Met it is ape lient that every ,' . heck tithe Government 8165.000. ell the reduc- touch" or i-toe _who, while entrottod ttt tion it received being 825,000. In draw. ' Ills To,i'Cytsu, ey.tyrirouum te tbr i 2t l . int c oompsrison with other pieces it was "uuyrcui I'uaturvu "will. prowded ' "10" seen that in meny instance: they got off by psy~ B.'stVl, ou "eachittq We afra "f Ith' ' ', r, ityttvtrroU deal less smount than they had re- I enntled to retire from the pr01651l0. at is d, " ceived. The settlement was based upon e two oration, and receive an allowance or iieiwioii .t cent 'tsale-that wee that no municipility was to tlie rate ot B X d.ularr "er. sunuui, for "PUT Y " . ho burdened withe tsx which they could not of sllgillcl'vco in Ontario, upon furnishing to ", pay. and under no circumstances was any maui. the, luduca-l"" Dou "imam , Jewel")? tnrtdaaee audit, to pey over two cents taxes for school " "Md P"? ehy'acter, of. It like. and M the pur see. It hep nod that in Ifl73, when this li'l'LS-ll of ll" sermco no tear ir or inspector. , 2'dl'f,,1h took $2,, that property m St, Catli- linolvod (ch, T int it u ,xpedient that crazy . srines Wee eseeesed very high. and at that time teyolr" or Imiwctor. under sixty years of ego. he thought an rste Wtbs 12h mills. He could not who lies contributed Ml} aioremud and Who is dis- i "y what w" the reason Why the rate was so ex- . able) lrum [who sing. his profession, shall no eeedingly low, but thounlit it was because the 5 o:ttitlenito a him oeiimm. or local supplementary , Mirur.Mr. Brown-had a have interest in real : allowance, iipo:i_ furnishing the like ct'idence, estete, and wanted to keep the rate down for the' l and itpott Hm} tsltiust '? the. Education Dopsrt.. . purpose of inducing outsiders to come in and _ iiieiit lrom time to time, i,tt.add/tittt. thereto, settle. In 1871 the rete had been 14 mills, but it i saiipfu,e ory nudism): of lii.s bsiniHiisabhyi. ' wee upon the assessment of 1872 that the settle- i LI'WlWll-ll. Ih1at l " expedietc ti " 'Mrerr ment was made on account of the Municipal Loan _ tf'JCil'Ei' entitled to Trl","', no allowance from the Fund. To show that .tlle assessment was not I h'uperannuated {encuere hund,_who holds I first correct in 1872 he mentioned that tho i 1y./ti'"y,i Clao Provincial trPieate, Ot? " first. I ' rate was 17 wide the following you. i f:lass County Board certificate, E " who i Cobouriz had borrowed from the Mind I if on auth ")7e/ .haad matter or a High 1 , e _,, . _ T swamp, and got itadeht reduced by $431,030. l bcliool or Co legiate I-ie itule, shell, in. ARIO LEGI" f l [lf l Il only leaving it to pay 869,000. Bi'ockVilie bor.. I :idditiolnt to sold all???" [it lit,',""']'; "be i $401) . . r. outline! o reel-iv) a ur wt 8. 0W.inc3 u " 'i ON f ll: l U $353300, 'f,'g'0ie'eyiidicits gently s'rl1,or/2.ut1n1try, i rite of one drillir per nnnuin for every year-oi l, ford, Prescott, and Dundee; which had lion-owed f 813N303 Will e, he held such iePfa1tite,Ar while l ---- mrM-r-.t ----wat - itinerant emounte, he said, had minimal to get l li'oicted 'll 11;nt Master of a with helical or: . . a I " ecot free. At the time the $193.00) Win bar- Jr" egote "3 l Sf'. . . . l Fifth Parliament-iid Sos ruwedSi. 9rtV,rin.etswtejastodGCii/is,r' to build I Psysolvtsd.(4), 1'hat it " expedient, that any i Bio11 'htaluwork'. which ood some 82i'5,000, and til, teacher retiring from the profession,. or nnyl . the Igtuement had been made one yeiirlzitorl teacher or inspector whodesiras to remove hie ; ------- Perhaps that city wouid not have had to pay l name from Lllelllst o,r,em,trtryit.ys, to the Super- ( more then the other places, but it was necessary unlimited Peas iers bond. shall by 1rt,tyled. to . or Our Own Reporters.) that these water-works "in," d be built. To-day l receive hack from the hfiiiister of F, location Tuesday, March " the debt of the ctty with $632,000, and tho assess. f one-half ot any sums Quid)" by him, " her, to . ' meet "000,000. Last year the rate was betwixt the fund. through the I ublic School Inspector or The Speaker took the chair " J I).lli. 19 and 20 mills. end if the esseeaor had kept o1,trwisce. . REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. down n... nine of the property. which was intimation weight-mg. _ M Gilsso (Wunilton) presented the 16th ,3. eases-ed about 20per cent. noovaits value, the THE Ith'DtSTHiBUTiON BILL. - r'. i 'il Fq t Irill Committee rate would now be up to 28 or 29 ml lt, Hon A S H kl'tllY moved that the order for 100:; ot 'd':'x2'vi',t,'d,',,ill,'d the 4th report oi the and ell the Council would have to keop tlte the thirl reading of the Bil to divide Cémzjme'a on Printing. _ etheets and my the expenses would he 831.000 or i tho electoral district of Ajgmm for Mr .'IEREUITH laid that aistpliettion had i "2,000, and the bulging? would yr" to P"). the l electoral purposes, and otherwise itc b . ride on baltalt of the Mechanics' Ittsrntut ii i interest of the ell-7, " indebtedness. The place l in rm. ijllil. the representation of the people in all; mProvinCo for the distribution of copies of i was now 8Pr,t.)00 m debt to.the sinking fund. the IJBJXSiLthlV'Q Assemble be disch urge l, and it ll, (a) tario Gazette ainiin'tliemand lieiiiuuzht i Consequently It Wag utterly impossible to my I l... r.feircd to the Committee of the whole i,','," Piiintin Commitlee shou.d have acceded t , this debt pe .the Municipal Loan Fund. The Hou-.. this re my," ' County or Lincoln h -d never got one o.lo.ll C. tor h Committee of th , \Vl.ole, Mr quk'iTElt add that the Commitceo did i Iniththr railways Iuelt . as yllesr,y'unieipal.itje, l lion. A. S. HARDY moved to strike out the not feel diiiposed to incur an expenditure for Nllp- l had got, and be maintained tlrd It. was oe1'ritrrl la t C nun) of the first section, and n id the fol- plyium thele institutes With bounl copies of The l {0, It slum, of the sum, amounting to '.""'""y l lowing, i-rovi ied always that the protrut Levis- C, r. a $0,600,000, which had been expanded in thirway hm" Assembly of the Province Iliad from and "ll/l. tuERr:Drru " ii Iiiey did not want i _throuFu,ottt.titts Province. . Wuen the"? Iyer:' l alter the division of the District of Algomn into bound copies. but in;i~eii' the numbers " to y "1"" taken tttto totttititrratjon tlr, People of Iht.. i two electoral districts be comnoxed of 89 inein~ were issued wockiy. As they Would be Convvni.. "My"? 'l'd not think ll/Y.', had been '1 nit here. Carried. out for reference by the imbue in tlure places, with WE'V- tut.d..hoh,oped the iiot'ehnm mt wood Several verbal chances were inade,amonz them and es the out Wiu'il be tailor he th in: it tho Itslce their "o11.tto.tt tnto c"esidt'y'ciyt., and TtV bein ' a change m km: the proposed electoral Committee ebould have Ruined the application. lihiii'dtiiflii _rutirelr from "m Mummy" Loan (1"le oi Srertrmt, Carnival and Shiirmtinf. l , , 'o'h'.l'ss: cr, "ittowus , . . , F.. Hon.: ..'ll. ' . o den in: nOEZTnStolliv: xiii: I/ttl, liiio J.er'h"ctr,' Mr. MEREDITH and that the Bill, w" now be'll li,hi,ld te/li',.),',,",),")) o'lt/irlifCi,t of the and he thounht bhillRVrld all that was iivcssmry. exactly ttt "3 oltirutt1l tshape, The-c resolutions l population in the Ridinze of Perth. It wn< Pros Instead oi being kept for reference in Moulinnici' l had newer zone thy: ',tytlo Committee. ' l hotel to take the township of Logan from North Institutes, he apprehended that as the num%rs _ tl ell A. Mil Sei'?,, 'it"ld,hnat he Jt",igft',d, ( ljigi'tli and add it tofrath Perth. The poliuio- tuteurnalated they would he regarded Ali " lllll'i-i tttt (UM' '0'" u?otlf "l ""1 i1'1'f on Ir," 3 lion now "t,aruis--South Pei-iii, 20,778; Nor.h tttet, and tte "maid tor ltsthtiust iiren or put out i derec to be embodied m the . ill. IL, would l l'erli 212,0": The township of Lost in hose. popu- of the wav l alloy tho matter to etanii,' but it would be ad. I lotionyof 3 3r, This would make the mduqts-- Mr. BALFUUR said that the Committee were . visttble to have the diseussion now. South Perth. 24 133; N nth Perth, 29,560. aimin" st cuiteiiiiig the ex enditiiro l n printm.r, l Mr. MEREDI i'H "id there was a good deal Mr. MhlltELtl pH proposed to substitute and did not consider li, ailviii into to memos" it in I of "we ttt wh 't haf been 3 "d Coltceruitre the North Ju' tst.uope,whiett hecontended would make this direction to 'totmttlvrut like .54 ooo, which cleiins of tit. Catharina end Cohiiurg. He nu. " more mm" divide. would be the can. of tuttsubdunr.,tiold'L the whole ttn.ted that the IPs?. of .tho Aet; of 4873' was ; Mr. BALLANTYNE showed that if of the Institutes"! the Prosinee. V'mm and luul denit urrjmstly wdlt b't. Catha, I any change in to be made the one Mr. CREIGHTON while iidmittinz that it . "In" Cobourir, and Lcnrlo.u. He thought the which was _ suggested was the only would increar, the exp'eniliture "I" it would ttot I wetter should,' ' now that tt had been .oponed ttp, one which could have been made. He thought do no to any such extent as Stone. The and be dealt mth liberally. . . the toolitieal statue of the riding: would not be scription price um four dollars, on: the cost of Hon.., A. M. ,ROSS amid this was changed bv the proposal. Rotting out The Gazette did not Binclllli. to an)" the first .Ruegtstrtion he had heard since Mr. YOUNG said it there was any proof need. Jtine like thas. the .lrttlement .of twelve years "Ko 'fl ed to show that theleader of the Opposition had Mr. WATERS was in fevourr ithor of making in, tye tsaving Ity done bath" 'Ntlem/'e,'r. found in". for the sake of findi.ryr fault, then his a lerger expenditure on the Agricultural Calcite y 18N' and in" "f lb" the Beent, of the 1 m opposition to the change supplied it. Tue hon. new," Vince had paid up the interest on the bonds. held member had only a few days ago charged the Mr. BALFUUR said this win one thin,' in "S""Hm ""1.mu1rylttiet. All 'h; tr1utttclptsi1s I Government with infamy because theyhnd allow.. which they did not intend melting any reduction. tie, Gd pen]. . this h 'Ck "SY" Jr. C lilm'.'_""" ed the rid.iics of Perth to continue in their pre- but were in favour of .in increesed expenditure. nnd the towns "P d.Hope, PM a""a"g°mm" of sent disparity of populatiod. The change was The report we. received. 33:13:; JC'i'l,A'i',iJegd 'p,',,",','"],',')'.',',; {:23 Jr one which wee m ice entirely consonsnt With the w M " . . ' . ' MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. up theirindebtediiese " Wellies they Were abls. _"'f/i.i'1irrla1,1'pit,h pro d ' , . ' . , . . , - . . " i . pose thet North Esat~ Hot}. A. M. Ross m wed the third raiding ol Ttus ides would not be entertained by the Govs . hop" in addition to iao on ttitould be added to th? Bill, respecting the iiiniihnte pmtdue and pav- ehnmlanlt) thus the whole of the settlement of 1673 I the Scull; Riding " ' 'M , Certain inunicips ities upin the some I on e re~opened end that all the miinicipaii- l . , " . . . . Pet.!tadt by statute of their debts to the ties should make a demand on the G-ivoruiiieiit rie,uk1,liis1st,iiiag? til,ti1"'ttg,m,'ht "h 20%;: "unwind Loni Fund. . for nnothersettlement. He did not think there {Mimi} _ dl y d hi k h h p 1 Mr. NEE 0 . , tiiarinoe . . ' ' an . ie venture tot in t st e could k L Nloompleined that St. Cs were half a dozen members in the House win get a tttitiority air-nu had not been dealt with {and} in the matter of the would seriously propose to re-open the whole Hon A S H iiiihr said the townshi of Municipal Lien Fund. There was no doubt that question and consider the claims of all the L Firr,il'ii, the reinotest from the centres o? the v,,tty"varntnenl, when they took the settlement , municipalities whose claims had been satishus _ ii 5 . . . _ of thu question m bend h d tried to frame a law . ril settled in 1873 Aorti Riding, end.its business reletione were all on a , . V - i TO y , , , , ' f . ,. with Mitchell. If it had been desired to leave Iscelethst would prove estiefsctory to all.tlte Mr. CREtGH ION had no ohjeeuon to the the member for North Perth in e minorit the I mllnlclpalIhM. but it eppmrel that it Will llll' Home dealing liberally with the munitsirralitio , could have done . y y l P'm'blo to frame an Act of that kind. on but he must take exception to the statement that The Gil'G'lllnra carried I hcciiunt of . the fituent. municipalities the whofe country accepted the treistnent. The The Bill Watt reported. . eitttt Pieced in different CtreutnBttbttetts. _ In County of Grey was not tsFtisfied, but they bed no It bei , . lr, Ir, tu tthe" thet St. Catharina had not reqeived wish to re-open the question. mg m" o clock the Speaker leit the cbsir. "' lee, 0 drew soomoerison of the amounts The motion w..e withdrawn, 7 _ _---------- I---.-, ------_--,