| _ Mr. WBITE--The gaol records. '| ward of thecit The® s + y | \ r p < ¥ y. 'The hon. gentleman was libel-- Ws m};'::'a:l:l:e-r: %::ig;;"::":ge y:roln::et':r:i':? "lll';ng the highest class b(ff -- yoters in Toronto, MK Itdwould re'quiro machinery for registration, | wilxira \v'::x'd n:ainpmtbl:o mgancth};:: .{)l;" t(,)l:'i: 1 and yet the hou,. gentieman proposes to change a the whole basis gpon whlchpthgomting of the ';lg)rlllt:;z?:g ?1::61::3;: f'tfmr;h:m:) "°t9-t . He °;'l':' 4 country has been placed--namely, the assess» t ho of! . l'i'""" ion on the | ; ment roll--and have tor it the register substitut= converts on the other side of the House to man-- | s1' He proposss that the executive for the time :| ROQLHH SAANTOTE . Ane time war wwhon the Ronouty | g gt::g shall control the whole system of registra-- : ,m,,goml su(fmg,.. O# a later occasion the hon-- | E A | ourabie gentlem in coupied the proper qualifica-- ; fl:n h(IJELI'uiI]){II&--R}i'i .l:x':poso the 9L.yen-- tion with the right of farmers' sons to vote,. This i 1 tleman wouid put the control somewhere, and if | 0V really the first occasion on which the hon-- | C he foll t ; ourable gentleman had stretched_ _ himself | t e foiiows the | to such a pitch of liberality, . We have | v LEAD OF HIS OHIEP | now a nearly pefect system of registration. | t reouiiye ho ns hambeine » Serely Aiftharel | Fecbale chad cepordaghied riave o nersotanion 1( ce 0 * | re ed from rsonation | j --cutive at O:tawa is fit to have the control of the || would be from tlfia large prnpert.v-bolgf)rl. From | I registration of the country, then the executive | every point of view this Bill was thoroughly k of Ux:u\rgo is ertqu::lly tii,to nave the cionlrol o_ftt.h_o ) liberal, a:(l uxtorfx_ded the right to vote to every F registration 0 18 rcvince, say it is | person who was fit to vote | | an _improper thing -- that the executive A vote was then taken on the amendment, | t should have control of the registration without | which was lost by 42 to 30. Following is the divi | 3 | regard to whether this Gevernment is in power or | a:on list :-- ' C any other, No executive should have the power YrEas -- Mesgrs. Baskerville, Biythe, Broaer, | $ to appoint the registrars, and yet there certainly | Caruegie, ~Clancy, Clarke (10ronto), Creighton, | would be required some machinery to carry out | Denison, Fell, French, Gray, Hammel!!, Hadson, | the provisions of the Act, Now the hon. gentle= Kerns, Kerr, Lees, MoColman, McGhee, McKay, | man comp ains thai there are some provisions in Merodith, Merrick, Metcaite, Morgan, Morrs, | this Bill which the people cannot understand, but '){v'::fl'g"""\'%i[:"')'ffi:" Robillard, Ross (Cornwall), | 1 must say that there are clauses in the Bill of _ Nays--Messrs. Awrey, Radgerow, Balifour | n his chief at Ottawa that I, as a lawyer, do not | Ballantyne, Buxter, Bishop, Blezard, Cascadeu, | P understand. The Bill now before the House is Chisholim, Diill, Dryden,. Ferris, F aser, Freemun, | one I think that no ons should have any (@Gibson (Mamilton), Gibson (Huron), Gillies, Gould, | great difficulty in arrriving at a knowledgo gi?l.{':::.' li;lcfl'\flll;;hl::rco?r;;llg:rd{i;xl'?:l. Lfilg:vn;tv. of their meaning. Thm'l)lll'ls ..\lt'ozothe_n. bn.m-'d Murray, Neelon, U'Connor, Pardes, Phelps, Ray: C on the bnameb lm;s t_lm.tll rmPchlne Bills h.\l\e q':\de' koss{\lllurom Itoss, (Middlesex), Sills, Snider always been based on in this Province, namely, /aters, Widdifield, Young--42. ' je :';::;'l:'.m:":;:;'ll:; .:Odl'dl.tll: 'g:'zc::oz':'l:':}: _l':'l_'fitt;ymot:on was then put and carried unania ;3 statute book. 1 therefores give my unqnualified | "" P o 3 " denial to the nucr:m: or * i:m.lun stion | q },1301' C,. F. FRASER moved tlu't' these words t that thore will be the slightest difficulty l:o:x ded to the original motion, * And that it y in earrying' out"' the ~ proviliine "of} this lf an instruciion to the Committee of the Whoie q Bul. _ There is ly ons difficulty in the ouse on said Bill 144, to incorporate and ill, ere is on'y on Y cons»lidate therewith the sevoral pr f matter at all, and that is with regard to the wage-- | p; No 14G and Bill N 8 l"" provisions of earner, and I don't anticipate any serious troubl0 | on onves therein 2s InaY ": ade. making such n even in that direction. Now the hon. gentleman | ..\ )[:'N" 'of Cnnsoli(; t'.m'y % necessary for the € with all his ingenuity can on'ly nulgg»at that -aidl Bilis." Cnrrod' lug and incorporating the i there may be some «choolmaster. in this country ~ rfyvs ® M s who is not gotting $900 a --year, . and who conse» ch'il he i'lll)rse\'l'entf'lf'{'co%( 'ommittee on the Fran«-- 8 quently will not be entitled to vote. Wher» is 'n;od o Prycipe : ow Eit intimating that he V this schoolmaster who is not earning §300 | VII* to get the Bill through the Committee as t a year? 1 venture to say. that if he| :fion as ?o:nnbl_g in order to expedite the consoli-- t is not actually receiving 8300 a year in "{}ou(".ltu'{ggl";"l"m" to the franchise. W cash he is receiving something in lieu ot it and } m;nhr- %/ 'd N I 'mnllto: ) moved an amot}d- BJ equal to it and theretore I say | ment providing that memvers of the active ; : militia, who had been enrolied as such for twelve . wITHOUT FEAR OF CONTRAD!CTION | months previous to the election, should be al-- °i that every resident schoolmaster of the aga of 21' lowed the right to vote. HMe hoped that the & wili be entitled to vote under this measure. Then| Commissionerof Public Works if he was not fc he says some may be sick, «and therefore theyf prep«red to accept the amendment on the spot, £ will not be able to vote. _ Will I undertake to| wou d give it his cons deration. °_ a say that if his manhood suffrage comes into force| _ Hon. C. F. FRASER promised to do so, and 0 there will be some sick and then they will not be| the amendment was not pressed at this stage. % able to vote. Again he says thatthere will besome| _ The Bill wis reported with amendments, the w students at the University who will not be able! Committee rose, and the House adjourned at ¢, to vote under the proposed safeguards and re--| 12:15 a,. m, strictions, but I may say as 1 said before that] this caunot be for more than one general elec tion, bec use if the act wore to go into force to-- morrow--as the students are at the Umversily for about four or five years--they could mi«s voting at ouly one genmneral election. I venture the assertion that under this Bill there will be as many people entitlad to vote as under any lill for manhood suffrage which couid he devi--ed. _ Another reason for the passage of the Bill is found im the fact that if the proposal of the hon. gentleman were carrt'ed it would not be sufficiently considered in tins session to be passed as a Bill, and it would have the eff=ct ot preventing the next local election being held unaider its provisions. _ HMo concluded by express-- ing the confident hope that the Bill would be supported by the Mouse. M . CLARKE (West Toeronto) was not afraid t buiid on the rock of munhood suffrage. HMe one believed in the property qualification, but he had become a convert to mavhood suffrage. Hae had found in the course oft his electione--ring tha many stup.d and ignorant men had the right tc exercise the franchise, whilo many inteilligen men were deprived of the franchise on account 0 the pr perty qualification. The property quali | fication once did mean something, but as we hay | had it for the past ten or twelve yeirs it mean | nothing. This Bill was a complicated Bill. | _ Mr., FRASER--It is as simple as can be. | _ Mr, CLARKE said it was not a simple Bull | and that it lefe room for gr.veyard voting. Hon | gen tiemen said there would be a difficulty : | excluding the criminals under the amendmen | proposed by the leadaer of the Opposition. | _ Mr. FRASER --I saiq that machinery wou! have to be prov ded. ]. Mr, CLARKE said that the Bill was a com | plicated one, -- A. dwelling hcuse was a ver | general term,. In Scotland a man who had | front duor h«d a dwelline house. This Pariia ment could easiiy provide all the necessary ma | chinery for regi--tration. 'The assessora could d | all that was nocessary. _ Hon. gentlemen sai | there would be fraud. _ Me thought there wa | less d inger of fraud under the simpler syste l proposed in the amendment. Mr. FERRIS said that the hon. gentlema E (Mr. Clarke) had said there would be danger | personation under the Franchise Bill He h t instanced the personation of voters in Toronto b persons who have property in more than on