- I real tn',.' a nu r ot amen Jump. ould be made which the [tomotera had and: C. ed to. iany Mr. MEREDITH regretted that this mat. ter had not been earlier considered bv the _ Attorney-General. but it was better now" than i not. at all, and his side of the House would assist in making the measure now introduced as perfect as possible. The fact that the l people wanted the natural scenery preserved l was the strongest possible reason against the i Niagara Falls Railway bill. He did not en- dorse the reflections that had been made upon those hon. gentlemen opposite whose names I Were associated with the bill. He hoped ' that these gentlemen would show the public i that they were desirous oi assisting the nub- ilic in preserving the natural sceneryfand abandon their bill until the report of the pro- l posed commission was made. - . Hon. Mr. MORRIS thought that no possi- l bie harm could be done by leaving the Nihgara l Falls Railway bill over for a year. when the lGovernment would be fully informed in re- '; gard to the matter. 1 The bill was read the first time. I WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. l, The bill to render negotiable by endorse. ment certain warehouse receipts for crude ', petroleum was read a third time and passed. ' COLONIZATION ROADS. On the motion for the House going into Committee oi Supply, Mr. CREIGHTUN called attention to the expenditure on colonization roads. Since confederation they had spent $1,393,842, and last year alone $185,000. He considered, as the investigation into the public accounts last year showed, that some amendment was re- quired in the manner in which this money was spent. In many districts where there were farmers and settlements, supplies for the men were purchased in Toronto, when they could have been bought in the district. For instance, pork was purchased in Toronto and sent to Manitoulin island. Then no tenders l were received for the supplies. an otheer of the Department, Mr. Cashman, urchasinq them at private sales. It was found) that there i was no proper check in the expenditure on the I roads. There were pay sheets not signed at all, and pay sheets with all the signatures in ope handwriting, and pay sheets with nearly a l the names the same. The amount paid for overseers was out oi all proportion to the gross expenditure. In one case the whole amount of a pay sheet was $352, of which the overseen get $92. On the Opeongo.'.road the workmen get 888 and the overseers $309. It was explained that $161 was also paid for teaming; but allowing for this, the dispro. _ _' portion between the amounts paid ior workand 1 m iii oversecrs was very great. This fact, with the ONTARIO LEGIBLA 1 LI loose system of checking, showed there wash necessity tora radical change. In election years the expenditure on these roads wentup. [ ..,- Another evil was ]that the public accounts did i . . . ___Q r , c- not show the tots. ex enditure of theseroads, ('ifth Pal 11ame_11t "00011 1 Sos the sums being coveged up in such a manner _ B1011. that the true expenditure was only found out years after, Large some were ex." ---- pended in sections where there were muni- tity Our Own Reporters.) cipal councils, and he held that in such W , l dav March 25. cases the expenditure should be controlled " "no; "' these councils, who would be directly in- The Speaker took the chuir M ll "a terested in seeing. that good roadewere built. N IAGARA PARK. It was no use minciniz matters ; it was well _ P , . ,. .- IIs, tiot lea iiue known that these expenditures were made for Hou. o. Jfou AT, m "mm." ,,. l political reasons, and that they were mace of a Blll for the protrvatton of the :zawra among the political friends of the Govern. 0081'19'7 about Niagara Fallr', said "imp" the ment. He moved'in amendment that " the Hoturo would approve of tho terms of 2.1m Inf"'"".'" system under which moneys Tied by the even though it had been intruducl d Tery l.stse m House are expended " an 'et,tle"'lrg, tuyi _ ll, had found it "nr-,ruvrsr,'se to 1xtravypyn.t oneund open y, great a use In the "tr_ttMt. . 3 T" ' TI . inc: the administration, and does not secure I bring in tho In" " "I my" da'u'. I. o A i, Buffieient service and return for the large ex- of this Bill was to provide. in the first pace C" penditure." procure a valua'inn of the laul "Ir,? iion. li. E PARt9EE---one would think, to I would ho required for " pulshe l, P tric. hear hon. gentlemen opiyyiter, that about the l Tlust wus the method adopted lll tlie- Snitoiil only expenditure wliiCii the Government has I New 3 ork uutlt respect to ll)" park (u'lplllt' Aimi- male that they object to is that on coloutzntron I mean e.de, and he proposed to foy.ow tum" roads. Icannot PAM, why it is to,b.tseause thel «in. l l mean)!" in substance. Then he WWI" "1 to if: gentlemen pretend to have the mterests of the ', point Comuuwsioners, under WW" iii::r';:i ihis "ttler " heart, and the only expla.ryunon I can _ work would be done, and they would b- "spurs I get of their course is that they object to .th" l also to mike n report or reirurh w 'srivt ieo.cert1- expenditure on coloniz ition roads, and that they I ment of the plan they wouid vtsuitn,,incisd oi Ci.'. would have the settler in they: new districts make l rying out the object in "me. lure were " his own roads. But, Mr. bps-ulcer, I tnkeqtlin l _ number of other reguistion< _ry:tut to "mm ground that there is no expenditure of the l.4i\'- l ' uuainst theBill boing iniuin ur,eot Tt 1.7" l ":5"? eminent more defensible than that made on i ' of mere rivntc swtculuiyoy. Spim'" ," if" colonisation roads; that the country has derived l Niagara lean. Railway Brii, ll" reryinu'yl f" no more benefit from any oxpauditurv; 1nd.tlyxt ; , House of what he hai said below tlnut, '.,"' 'id it has done more for the 1ievehyvayutt ot m" l "bigoted to it at tir,'. but "rit3ruir."v'.s, resources " the country titan any 'atttttlat' Pl"'", ' ' in the assurance of " twnthvuran wan l:.-.il '// in; diture While contending in general terms L.lilh , I terest in the matter. that tlut rasiw ly" "fwd. "fthe Government has been extravagan', the hon. ', interfere with the proposed pix-A. y," 'tycl gentlemen do notfor ornament bring FRY pr.ooil t considered and had stated that tlie1yilrru1"yy that any portion of the money' has been my: f able tentures were removed. to a very. "in" 'i')] Properlv expanded. or that the (Jovermneit h" l l tent. He had found those t?nter.csted lll thrrllvl m "r single one been trxtravattant; and I ask the , , were willing to put it "1 auv torm House i a which would insure that the parli.syou1d not be interfered with, and when the Bill came "ll f, r A -