The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1885, p. 2

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"*___a tar axnort. 6 _ WO\ s ""» -- § ' man, of sound sense and honest, _ He has said | expenditure of this $1,300,000 we have induced n xlNDbOl' A 0'{" t ? _ Nay somsothing also about the over--expenditure, ind I | about 50,000 or 60,000 to go into this new district. s the hou. gentloman a? n,',":, C 'entlemu; am giad that this has been mentioned. I am glad 1t is said, Sir, that every lgtt-ler is worch about & 1 ask the lupportorig P o.don. tg Has ho | thas this discussion has _ arisen, because , $1,000 to the country, and if that calculation is 1 6 what kind ?f a case he has made o}r: '.vin been | L can _ show that -- whatever . has been | true wehave addedmillions of dollars to the wealth -- ~ given any instance of :&h: m}«lmeyhe * iv:n any | done _ has _ been _ done in the public | of the country, We cannot stop this work,. We | a extravagantly expende -- bee '::n 1s 'rl used ? | interest, or that we believed that it was in the ;}-ha\re acted in a liberal way in the past, and we 1 1R 1 . case of the money having l:h tpt.htxz)r(:; x}\'re ar« | public interest at the time it was done. L1»t us | intond to act liberally in the future. My very | f He has pointed out, 1t is tru?, ;:] on 'the s;:ln{) consider how much we have over exponded in the | best efforts have been given to the supervision of | y . ties of the same m.met egp (t).{xe chiof cause of | fourteen years that we have had control of the af-- the wor!s, and I am proud of what has bsen p o work, and it '"m'h / §~ is their chief stock fairs of the Governmont, during whichtime wehave -- accomplished by the money spent while I have «l mplaint. I know that this is i rlet $1.350.000 olonization roads. Dur« -- had control of this branch. . ho 4 t comp + latform, but they can«~ | expended $1,3006,000 on coloniza I oo mmemomant R argument when on the p' have not | given full \ing tho whols time I have montioned wa have Mr. WOOD said that from his own know» t not show that these pegg P have recen:'ed The mfi:hoxpnuied the sum of $80,000, or an averace ledge in his constituency he saw tho_ necessity BJ value for the money Thoy " ow uix | over--expenditure of about $6,000 a year. Tho of making a change in the system of manage-- tleman has shown that on five or six | overexpen J ¥ & 4 ® t¥ -- o. e s mhate s several members of tha O'Brien, only thing that surprises me, Nir, about this is ment. There was a man named Aylesworth 3 C works thate Ki ilie ovedl, but | that the over--exponditure has been so little, and in the eastern part otf the county, employed 'I Shaughnessy, and other families employed, but | q pioy f F .bang' n't point out that we have not got from | that the expenditure !l'n': baan kept so near'y by the Department, who had taken direct I f :h:re(:ork?n much value for the. money as we | within the estimates, 'Laice '""l" S""t?"'"f"'t;'" means to debauch the electors in the interests | <P should have done if the names of the people had | the great;ro xslté)r cot?"xfiul:é:':)l::e:é of the Government Such men as these | ~I f been different. _ Well, I will take the House into | the pressure that is brought on No L D d should not receive an appointment. Again, ) p y conlidence in this matter, There are some | to expend money in this branch far beyon in the township of Carlow, a gentleman § t rhole districts | what | llaa 1 | half«dozan works throughout the who mang § (cf named Wilson, a man. of standing, had told A i » USE ISs WILLING TO SANCTION, . a s , . * & on where par;n;. of the :u;nfsn;rll'l: el:t'xlno:f:tn«fl:i TAR "0' ® Aukt 1 f f a | him that a certain bridge was to be built. § 4 $ n the same Wurki 4 un he fact that this is the only means of de-- *n 4 s i3 : , ployed 0 hat they _ are the sime. familiss, n.n'fl tb le'f'u- c of the unssttied Ycounm' Lsd Fou 1t was necessary to appoint some one to buiid a f En wever ing th oy spout: on all | NsA UO N thiat cher » 204 Y94 jit, 'The inspector called upon Mr. Wiison, & a+ However, taking the money 8} A will not wonder that there has been somse over-- d sold him isswould i fls 1 $ d truct ol : and to im it woulid be to his interest to the works which have been under constr@ch0n, | pyponpqiture, It is almost essential in the very 5p4 o [ b§) on which parties of the same name have l')'.en tih> i Eature or tings that ingre should be over.Sx: support thl:s G{')iv;mmeqt. and that if he would | fe ployed.and what does it amount to * Taking h0 | pongiture, It must bo remembered that these do so he -C:u aves tn: brigge at a certain | 0 f aggregate of the wholo during the fmlrtfwn \\'1!'-4 roads are the only means of getting from one PFice. (Cheers.) Such politicai partizans 1 [ § it amounts to about five tlmuual}d-dollms. d uw], seitlement to another, and wheu a road is com-- ught not to be appointed. _A pure [ ' Sir, is it a groa: L_hmg' thact) ';lrg:mé:'v:'lli':h af,l lh:lu monced for which $1,009 has bee? approptmt.eld, service (;onldi not § be expscted . to : § have mentionad, in the &4 o y it must go on even though its compie: ow ou a suc supcrmtendence. P * d expended over 81.300,000 covering 1,300 "'lo"k"' | tion cost $1,400. It woulid be a complete %'rhere were many men of course who faith-- : h [ k that is the most serions charga the E"'"{',""E"'m;" | waste of money to allow it to be uncompieted fuily did their 'duty, _ There was a man i ~qdo can bring againat "}: J I'h:'u he c"i':": amed A8 %0 | 1,,oause it will take a little more than it was frst named John Fitzcerald, in the township of | l the system of purchasing the supplies. (\.~'|m:&!-:(l to do the work. It is also almost im-- Mounteagle, who had numerous brothers in | ~<BM THE SUPPLIES ARE PURCHASED possib e to estimate accurately the amount which charge of different works, _A man was i. is 'a the same manner as they were under my pre-- | will be nceded to complete a work, | 1 am AbWAY® | ggjeeted to build a road from Milibridge to the | B -- wecessor, and _ whether they _ were pur-- desirous, and the G )\dr.lm;.ll. 1shu lw.a)a slrous township of Mayo. He bad been altri)hg Con. | | iB $ hased _ by my predecessor in that waiy | of having the work done for the owest amount igy s Aug P | a chase« Y T C n niy, T 44 4 es Fut Punt wol L thi ti servative and he got the job as soon as he | a 4 or not, I contend that it is the best system j it is po:sibie to do it for, and this sometimes n lit: M R f j ' that cou!d be pursued. Now, Mr. Speaker, how | causes the cstimate to be under the amount of chasiged his politics. oney was ex_pendqd E. - are the supplies purchased ? We advertise for | the expenditure. But, Mr. Speaker, it is not on this roagi for three years, and finaily this i ~ 10 tenders for the large supplies such as flour and | enough that the Opposition shou'd point to the man was dismissed as ~overseer, his misap-- | ~ o pork and we accopt the lowest tendor, and for | over--expenditure, They should, to make the propriation of the grant being so flagrans that | 400 the smaller supplies we buy them in the open | chargo effective, show that there has been extra' the overscer was compelled to dismiss him. | { W : market where they are the cheapest. 1t has baen | vagancs or that the work could have been done As to the suppltes. the cooking stove required | 30. k said that we should buy the supplies in the neigh-- | for less, _ Now I have said that the hon. gentle. was purchased in Toronto and after being in 40 bourhood where the work is being done. Now ! m-.;nrhi\g m:;ale "m's'é);;afitle):tllxl:vl;a':::rl]% t.:;:i. use for two months it disappeared and cou'ld | ARC £ t no A lie ts Cc g t L s l I ;: the great ml'x]o"tg.y of caz:' ; w{;el(r:\"uiid ,n; t','b\t) | ::;?oe l:n) lfc:urO:.:)::-: where xLhe party who had re-- P08 be traced. . He did --not charge the Com-- & e supplies where the work is a done if we | thi 6 ~"O" + missi + x s & w3 ' chose, and I don't believe thatthe business men | ceived the money had not signed at all, . Well, aw":l:,efr&fLtOWIll,LlndIbWIthhbemgpeuong]ly # & of the House will say that it would be wise | suppose this has happened. There is no chance * ese abuses, but they were com-- # P s poliey for us to allow our _ overseer« | of the monoy not having been rightly spent, for mitted by his officials. such as inspectors and 11 S o to buy the supplies on the ground. _ As I have | the overseer has to take a solemun oath that the | OVerseers. He favoured the proposition to f' BR said, the large supplies are bought in quantisies | money has been expended allow municipal councils to expend the grants 1 > by tender, and thoy.m'e sent to the work as they | ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS SET FORTH. made in their districts. | BB | § are needed. There is a person in the Dopartment ! Now, if hon. gentlemen wanted to be fair, if Mr. MURHLAY said he aid not believe there 3' #1. 3 who has charg.'a of this work, an('l I beliove that | they wauted to treat this House as it ought to be _ W3 Any expenditure T'h','t gave greater satisfacs iv B ¢ it has been we'll done, and the Province has got | treated, if they had any suspicion that there had tion to the people, nor did more good in promot *' e FULL YALUE FOR THE MONEY EXPENDED, been anything l ke fraud in connection with the ing the setSement oi the Province, than the one © j ~ . $ : The hon. gentleman does not pretend to show ; expenditure, would it not have beon their duty 3'-'""?," ho The grants given to the county of 4 C that we have not bought the supplies as cheaply . to have subpcanaed those parties whom they sus-- | {«@Direw were not as large as they should be. In N in this way as it would be possibYe to got them , pocted of dishonesly to give evidence before the fact, the opponents_ of the.(-ovcrnmeut in his p ; b by any other method. | Public Accounts Committee? But hon, gentle. | CONi@liuency blamed the Government for not -- E Mr, MERRICh --Hear, hear. men throw out these insinuations, and try to | E!VINZ more, Ab| the nomination for the last $ B i> Hon,. 'P. B. PARDEE--Weil the hon. gentle-- | make the country believe that they aro weoll I emc&mn in South Renfrew Mr. .I'etar White, ! ¢ man may say hear, hear. Ho does that to catch | fcunded, without one single proof that the aps M.P. for North Renfrew, was there in the interest W the ears of the merchants throughout the country, | propriation has been misapplied. I sry it is not ! of }A;\" nomingse}of Dr, Dowling's opponent, and i 0 f but I can only say that what littie experience we | fair for the hon. gentleman to make these insinu-- sr:-; ed publicly that the County of Renfrew did $ M have had of this way of making purchases has not | ations here unless he is prepared to give some | NO9% §Ct its due share of grants for roads. He / -- P k been very fortunate, or of such a charactor as to | proof for them. _ Now, some reference has been contended lt.hat as R-'nfre\\" had contributed so 3 l W : lead us to the conviction that it would be advan-- | made to the purchase of provisions, and I think largely to the revenue from its timber dues that )o tagoous toextend that system to any rcroal extent. | the hon. gentieman pointei out that we shovid '3' 'V'"" entitled to more, y He (Mr. Ml}rmy) 1 u R |) Agrin the hon. gontleman says that the work | employ the men and let them board themselves thoug"t there was some force in tpat. The timber -- o should be done by the municipalities themselves | That I promised to do last session. -- That I have CU in Ren rew and adjacent to it for years past | ~1 in which the work is to be performed, and here | carried out as far as possible last year, It is a had been very considerable, He took the trouble 3 I®, if also I trke issue with him. If you placs tho | better way than to provide tents and of enquiring as to what the approximate . o BP money in the hands of the muntcipalities to be | board the men by -- the Government, T°VONnue was f_"f'm that quarter, aud found in | 1 G i expended as they think bost you wiil not get the | Let me point out the proportion of the supplies ""'_, seasons ]""0 and 1881, 1881 and 1882, | & work as satisfactorily done as it is at present. | purchased in Toronto during 1883 and 1884, ana 1882 and 1883, t.h"} a fow lumber firms on the | -- Al 6 You will find thas the councillors living in the ' the House will see that there has been a diminu-- Uttawa had paid into the T!'G}S'dl'el' over $100,009 | -- T' B neighbourhood will have theit views as to where tion. In 1883 pork, flour, and provisions cost PS" Annum. He mentioned the amounts paid by $ i\ / thie money ought to be spent, and that there $10,561, as against $7,682 in 1884, a reduction of 'f'f)'f' or two h"""'"- 'L."z' Booth had paid about ?s would be greator disadvantages under that sys-- $2.879; grocories, $3,978, against 83,25'1. x re.| 82 ,,()00',' and McLachlin Bros., of Atnprior, had | i t-:u{ tuan under the prosent, and I know' of no-- duction of $721; hardware, $2,250, against $950, 1 ud a like sum, so there was something in the ' d [L r;:"w in which wili work as badily,on the whole, as a reduction of $1,305 ; blaukets, $906, against arguments "'_"' a tair proportion of Fhat money & i me one <uggested by the hon,. member. _ 'Thae $240, a reduction of $665. The percentage of the *"" d go back to the settlers to assist them in ' s if © question has been discussed here, and the House cost of supplies to the expenditure in 1883 is 11}, COnstrncting roads, particularly as a great miny 6: l repsatediy pronounced against it, and when _ and in 1884 8}, a reduction of 44 per cent, This 9| {?°s® 80 o t locatod on free grant and other o ~) have been in the country discussing the matter -- courga was adopted to the very fullest oxtent, isn9 NSmolngol the pimeries, with the understand-- N & 1 L:;\A-u not found onesingle councillor who ad-- and I propose to adopt it in every: case when it' inz and belief that when the Governimnent were P | yocated such a manner of getting the work done, _ is possible to do so, but it is impossible for us to 4 ress"ving the pine that they would be assisted in & ) | viv. MEREDITIHT --Hear, hear. get men in some cases whore they can board | !" iking rouds. I; would be in the recollection of £{° ) i .'4'- m. 37. B PARDEE--The hon, gentlieman thewmselves, It has been pointed out that we s\;m(:'"lluv)n. moambers that the Hon, Commussioner t 3 3 says hear, hear, is experience may be differ-- pay the overscers too much. Now, Sir, we pay ' 0 110*:!1 'l" inds , got the . last Parlianient to s Fl s Sus l_ uave tallkad this matter over with . our overseers from $2 to $3 par day, and these | fixlnef' lt""l wree QGrant Act and removed tae 1 | ' counciliors, and 1 fiad that a majority say * Ap-- overseors are not meroe idlers. They are workers | U Ris W l')'t i gavo settlers the exclusive right to t ' ,',;',,": "f."'l overseers, get good men to see that --themsolves. | m'txm 91'.. lt..\v:u contended that the changs & i y | the work is well done. " THEY ARBR PRACTICAL MREN l':'(;']':ie;':'c:";,fl'?'-'yfo:u the interest of the license t3 i WE DO APPTX" maartare M & 4 revenue purpose: T ; ; | we 0n i \£ Do arrorxt aoon overszens ; chosen from the various localities. I keep the| Commissioner of Crown L?m(';:"&)lz::a;mtfk;i:{;:" ; l y ":"7_\*L good men, and I belisve that wo | old ones as long as I can, and in employing | floor of the House that it had been the olic o? i\ | get l: ;',;-'\\ rk for the money than we could . sew ones I aiways take the care to| the Government to aid those sottlers in%pen'inz $ get in any other w r is ay ¥a: t necertal + 5 1 s f pa e BinK .',), mor w w Then he says "", affairs ascertain whe'a'her. I am getting good men or not, | up roads and that policy would be liberaliy con-- 3 eronds asod politicaily. Mo says wo appoint our -- and the great majority of overseers are hard--| tinued so long as the finances of the Pr vi § & m' "0s to the position of overseer, Well, 1 hope working, practical, honest, commonssense men. | would permit it, so that the Govern !:of (nhce M 00 | "'.11.4: Ol them are oue friends. We don't go | My only objsct is to secure the largsstnumber of| day at least was in ty bO'l!l?lxeltl, ok e § | u_ n conntry to hunt up our enemies, roads and the greatest amount of mileage for the| faith with the people, He believed i to keep ' § T.; £ .""'.l' ;-f['r"""'""-"- hear, | monsoy appropriated, and I contend that [ have| ing what might hx:w; boaorxen;:.?&et%?fith'hit'nd. s 4 l-r-'wiI:!: F2 4%. 1 ARDEE--DBuat we dor.'s send the | not been unsuccessful in this I have produced that the money had ul\m{u boene"c'gfi r.n'y:i. ¢ doly '"l.:'::v"u'up'le-e't!mt hou, gentlemen had ' more roads and bridges for the money ex~] judiciously expended. The Opposition had l::h ' | u'»AtT)'»r-" ir work, '\\e do not send any whiskey ln"nded than _ were ever produced before. | tioned the moda of expanditure, and m:fiie it f Mp {; }.'"l' L':n{»j chests. ' We have constructed between two and three| appour that if they wore in povs:er that th _E Tim. T.:..,Alil.l !5_1"1,';;? was frozon, tnousand miles of road, repaired about 4,000| would aliow the municipalities to ex:cnd tgy 4 4 fest mak ';_el... I ARDEK--But we appoint the ' miles of old road, built 200 bridges ; and this| money. in the first place, colonizatioa ,-0:"1: SiC IP is de can tind for the pasition of overseer, || has done more, as I hsv'o pointed out, to mduca' were otten madse where thers were no o iz d ; M o oL '-t s nappen cccwsionally that the man || New settlers to go into the districtsthan any other| municipalities, and in the next placs it rgu?,;'i'e t g +s man of education he is always a practical " expenditure the Government has made,. Forthe]| wreas for any Government to t)h'row th:':';uu of H 1' t

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