i q - - t llllllllltllllllllllllllgoel, . I oronto a e re beta 'o " haunted t "I." ' or ttst PM]? '232'132133 st.,tl,f,TE'/tf,),'a",tt Hill; 'tf/Nt,',',;',',".',',',,',,?]",',': Rotting evidence when they. wereUun y r in Mr ? allowed to ar1per and be heard before such in has of the ootttttttttot preott. mee " I . t smendnunt should be pissed. , Csruetrie's stovle charemhe road'v the liiriltoaybti; ii Hon. o. MOWAT--d It!!!" with the Views of 1 ",okitur 'tove,' ','i"""ly st'.'.' I".,.',',,".""',"," over tht C-muiissiuner of Public Works. It is lpurclmfed. 1Pt o i . two 'veurn' use I quite true that the diftieulty may be to some ex'. i, "I" n} lbsltuiiiiijnmngernmi bhinksta, I); , tent one between theeust and west, but there is i sold mom: Wt t . _ no doubt that a great minty people regard the O f ths Department, to Mr, Bus for I I C il t l 1-)!Hell. l I . d w tttout "mum to the I l scheme of. the ounct in an 'ex rev-gent one. 'IO, aad ti.ns,lly P" ,. t cum was tho history l I don't think that we should intervene so as to i 1"1b3'cm8 t?,ef11uct'e,' s'iri"i.'iiiiu had been I impose the" Emile" ttst,', t'i'y'i'gt,', are Lil; ol thestove, an N ' v. l lin to no or. t us eon sai Y some t at I, used up in which to liaise 'y,',x1.'cei1it"h1,.,',nt'i"s i than was a misapprehension us to the powers of that he lltl'l ('ltllol' "d"""li .. "lsi'm sle moastroug. 'i the city when the Act was penned. It (Howl? f0." d Krill]; t j2'i"d,' 'll',',-' siuend'nent l is perfectly impossible that they were under no it: ""Eiiu'M-mg mm ._.- we" ightgt'iet "my 1l2 Inigo" '/l gm Wit. .ie , - ' _ h"': Ji.' . ' y, . ' newton. I bonnet an ewyers in i0 lo! inn 'ee, an ie il lug: ill'.':,",,')),, Jl',i1t,'p1e'i.k,i,'"iCh/',;2'/y/,',it,'f: l clause is so plain that one unskilled l?,,',", coluld 10;) Deliix'iin. From-n. Ilatntnell, new. Hudson. tell st once that itgeve power to the ounci to Reins. Kerr, Lee ' .Nitl'o',tnsu. Mctiuee, Help", erect a Seen, House. . Blur-mill". ,.h"t,'i//iii, i'"/.eo'lststci1,l/'ppt,1', "/t'gg . Mr. tide.'"'""-""'"'"" they did not know Mulltoilnur'., autuu' . b ' ' ' ' I it was t iero. Wilmot. wood-SJ. , . H tt ll. MOWAT---That is the most absurd ' H . r _ _ J: gm ' Billillll'. I po . (,l-,iii,',sf,.-:e,'siTiiui).,wifrry1, Allie; to: Caldwell. l thing I have heard the 'i.',',',:'")'),',',',',": any, end he l'iHCildUI. t'itimholtu, lIlll. WW"- l "!?.e,5. lt rty,"llt,'?' lies wud a number .of aytur t units. he con- (union trloiltuur. G.Uson (um-uni. mines. (mum. I eluded by expressing his sympathy with the I liruli'lm. Hagar, llurwuri. llariiy, Iluljh 1vtidlnw, nmmtdmf'nt. lluclti-iizie. .llCKll'I' Piya/,".'.y, A-luijn'l J.")',,",': l Hon. A. M, ROSS said his amendment had Murray. Nylon. ".meiri t "31.05 'lie pf,: ii', r been proposed under the impression that there _siule Roast {Huronl I. M4. (i-llll-llt sexi, :llls. Bu der, I h i . h . i. ' Widuiticid, Young-ld. _ N been a Pu"yppre ension as to the powers of " more. Sl'l't'lil'. I the city, but hemp informed by the Chairmen of ' The mot." being gamed, the Home went into i the Private Bills Committee (Mr. Gibson, Hum- l Committee of Supply. . I ilton).that the limitation was imposed as a com- , On tho 'tr'ttt, 37.5.1)"; for the superyyyt.stions, I promise, he therefore asked to withdraw his I Mr. 1ttiltr.lnTil inked it the Minister of amendment. . Ne , i Ilium lou mtuuded making any provision for 3 Flu) question. was then put on Mr. t-ibsons l rezuiid to those teachers who proposod to with- amendment: which reads halo-lows '.-- f the superannuation list this year [hat nothinzliercin contained shall beheld to draw rout L , l . extend, or effect any power already possessed, or under the new 1 "me tiehool Art. heretofore conferred to devise menus for orpeurinq I Hon. li. W. ilt).cm' "I l he irr?vo"d..to. "k P" unite for and the erection of " new Court House. I appropriation of 310.000 for thu imttysdittte chums Tho clause was amends-d by 27 Days to 17 you. I for refund in the supplementary cstiinstes. I s'UPPLV. I Twine!" [yi;:]: I'll) f ieration I The Home in lil,",':',"?,',-)";;), 'te',',',',)", d I ' On t ttt null). t.; '.),'.h " "UP"" . . . The remaining items or t to brown an I hp, I lion. A, ti. "Allin sccid tue Govyntrpnt l'? I partment were imaged and the ostiiiiiitesi reported. I tended making e eonsi'ieratlo reduction m the The items in the esthnate., war-i then severally I expenditure tltin rear. PM Government lud concurred in to the nttmben of tie risitolutious. I decided that it was the duty of the Dominion THE ASSESSMENT BILL. I authorities to give immigrant passes at Ottawa. Ben, th I. FRASER movgd eh. second "3d. 3 Fmptoty Pyn/toty or Lo,n.don, and 1""'fltfr ing ol the Bill to further amend the Assessment I tile Locsi Govtyuentwo.ttV give passes at... o, l. "V. which w is carried. I ronto only P 1iiiftreet points lit the 1'reriney. Tim llmiw then went, into Committee on the i Tae "peuditure ttt MW". watt J""' to be cu. I Bill, Mr. O'Connor in tho chair. The Bill "his I down very much by confining their operations to g re'iortcd wr h autendrnents ' tenant farmers and "srrmultural labourers. . I t _ . JC, . l . lt being six o'clock the Speaker left the chair. I l til iullS' LIST ACT. EVENING SITTING. I Hon. C. I". C FRASER movod the second read- Tho following Bills were passed through Com- 2 "If"; the "m P"! "Tp,' tit', Voters', Inst A"; V .-. l w iii: t "RH t'a'ft'lth . n . _ WAS BIO paint 'hti'r'.eravr,, ensble the town of Trenton to I through l'iiiiiuiltce With smandment. develop the water-power of the ltivorTrent Within Tn l _ o . 2:0C, . t t. its limits, and for other purposes. Mr. Bantu in the chair. Mr. Awrey--To incorporate the Nisan: Fells Railwu . U umpnny. Tho iall respecting the city of Toronto was read the second tune and considered in Commit. tee of the Whole. Mr. tilBSUX (Hamilton) said the Bill as it now stood was; first introduced coutam.trut n clau-e cum-ling the city of Toronto to borrow $100,000 for the purpose of providing a Court. house. This hud been struck out in Committee, but it had been hall by some persons that a Clause in 'he Bill its amended was iuterentitslly to enable the City to burrow any iii'iney they chose for the purpose. The portion he rhtcrred to i: '.-- _ Amt it is hereby further enacted that the coun- cm of the suit tuourtpaliuem shall have fiiil powecsnd "utlnrtsiU.aud tin-y mo and ouch of them is hereby nu'lurwd and empowered to pass any by-law or by-laws which may at any time. and trmntimo to tune. be necessary tor the pur- poae of mrryini; into etl'ec: the said above ia part incited tbdliH.'ttt?nt. Ir, prop mod to add Words to make it clear that , the claws Il081 not extend or affect any power ; the COIIIICll possesses for the purpose of erecting l a Court Home. I Mr. MUItltlS contended that the Council al.. ready possessed the power under the gunfire! hoe to spend any amount they thought proper, but some people considered that tho Act of lllt lees stun limited the Council to $300,003. I Hun. A. S. HARDY thought it was sclroely I reasonable for tiie Home to lim t the City of Toronto to an owendi'iirn of 8300.000 when the l general " "alles CUllllClid to orcct c: urt houses ' without submitting a liy-law to the people. lion. u. l'. "(AH-lit thought the Act of last I sen ru was clearly e limitinz Act, and question 'd it the people was Willing to nllow an expendi- ture of. over NMUNU. Although he personally Would like to s---- a lizrgrr expenditure on . Court Home for the citv of Toronto, yet the people hsctngdec'vied, he thought their wishes should he ro-pected. lion. A. M. RUSS said there was no doubt i that the Act of lost session was passed under a , T"vpprolitsucuru, and he moved in amendment let tt sliould be declared that the Act of 1554 did uotlirnit the power oi tho city to build the j Court Irruse, E "on. C. r'. FRASER. thought it we! not fei I tnat this matter should. as it would be by the atnertu'tneat, be leit upon for .lie Council to won Bny motley they chose. He thought It lead. ih . b"'"""'. . 'lmuld be limited to Kt00,000. I" cttueas of Toronto ought to be con :14er In the nutter outside the Council. [he Burl oiTrvic. i:.fliiaiitieldeputatious. an