- amendment Ural" in Committee to the Bill w l ",W1i2',ta,t,ia'dht,'"tpltl1cl?"" Hammell. ineorooratts 11m, Niagara Fells Railway Com. I Ner-Meters Awrey. Balfour. Belleniyne. Bex- party. " . I tor. Bishop, Eleni-d. Brenton. Broiler Carnegie. Mr. MERRICI». moved In amendment that the I enough". Elihu-k0. Gog'k. Eligiirhton. (Rail- Bin be aha-ed back to Commit», with III-truc- son. t ' rIIIntIIizer. err s. reeman. on . F ' . . . (Huron). 0mm. Gould. Graham. 1uear, Harcourt, I tIone to add the following clauee v-That tho cold I Rodeo... Ker-nu, Kerr. Lnidlnw. been. Mouolmen. l ').outpy.tr shall ttttt arm-mm NW of tho pombr. rMeiutrre.McGHteses McKny. Mistskmuie.MoKim." ' that this Act contains until authorized by I'll MeLsuizhtitt, Master; Meredith. Merrick" Met. I Order in Council to that effect, which will first only, Morin. Morgen. Merrie. Mow". Mulhoilnnd. have rmteivtrd t In sanction ot the Legislative Aa- Obounor, Portion. Pheloe, :Preeton. ltoee iCorn- eenibly of the Province of Ontario wail). Ross (Huront, Rona (Middleeex), Sills. Tl d . l b is to 26 Waters. Wilmot. Wood. Young-Hr, " amen meat Watt oat y neye ' "5mm" "V" Pe"." . "sri. ERMATINGER moved that the unendi- Mn hlLLILs moved the third "rtulintr .ot the manta be not now concurred in. and that the Bill Bm to mend the Munictpel Act in relation to be referred back to the Committee of the Wllulu hawker! mg Maia". . , . 'I Home with instructions toedd the following Mr. WAA'IE lib moved lynx month! hoist. "e,t.iotc-That the "id company shall not our» 0 Hon. Jone. Y OI INC: new thin Bill pondered Ito cilo any of the power: in this Act oonteined until local "itithrtys,.tyt if parsed would be . dis- I nutlmrizod by an Order iuiCouneil in that behalf, grace to the nginleture. . ' . . _ and this order shall not rune until nix months Mr. W OOD said thm BID woe Just placing in utter the Board of Commissionere appointed by the hand» of the County bounds the power to an Act of this Legislature for the Prenrntlon deal mm the pedlnrs no they Iew tit. of the natural scenery at Niagara. Falls, hnve re- 1.he.tumsylm.ent wee lost by 21 to 50, on the port ad to the Luut.,fGoveraor'. following division t--. I Hon. U, MoWAT said the policy of the Gov.. YEAsr-Meai. Brereton, Binder. Clarke (To- I erunient was that the Bill shall not interfere with I rontoI. Cook, Fraser. Gould, Graham. H or. I the park romaine, and he contended that the Bill t 1.4yunmeii/.1U.qu:, Hers. "cull-"'3' 'lll',lhu%l'd'. would not Interfere with the park scheme He henna, McMahon. Meredith. Morris. Ron l i , . i , Middlesex), Wtsterg. Youre-a said the Government cou.'d not shelter themselves i Nuvri--.1iessvs. Awrey. Baurow. Balfour, I under tho report of the Commissioners, and hei ' Beakeryille. Baxter, ulshop. Biennrd. Blythe, reminded the House that the company could not I ----.----". C1T,aty,rtre.r,htsltolm.: Claner. Creir,1rton, Denison. I ch-triict the railway without en Order in I I Pam. 2t1,',t1'g'g,. fell. Pains. 'tr."tett'.U'2,'/,',e I Council. I . I v. - . ' um tou), iex. ire . mourt.l rt, . F . . t Flfth Parliament second Beg I flail". Kerr. 1tltie,'f,'i2,Q 'il4hrlid',1'if: i133: I! Ji',.e,.'g,"tto'ty,',g' "In trr.d the amendment lost I . c (on. Manu hliu. Muster, Mer" k, M t t , " - . . '., l s.! . , 81011. I Morin, sd'/lldll,""fe,'cl'/, i'v'lfidf/i'illl', 0603302, I Mr. " HIDE atoved m "eat that there l"I I Pardon, Phelps, Roisil1avd, "use (Cornwall, Itoss l added to clause 28 provmos so that the arbitrators I "m---.---.----. I Huron). bills. White, Widditield, Wilmer. Wood il have power to enquire whether or not the 5 (By Our Uwn Reporters.) l --to. I amounts so expended are reasonable. whether the I Friday Much 27. I Mr. MEREDITH moved that the inn should , comptuw has received vtutte for. the "We tnd . l I not be rend the third time now, but should be re- I that the compeny shall not turqulP' pr "ustutit t The Speaker took the chair It 3 o clock. , ferred back to Committee with inytrottioms. to , intliytd riuirsr before le. .1.'it, 183", I PUBLIC, ACCOUNTS. I amend the name by reetricting the licenite fee to 1'ueqtustsvion "I" lost by 2ti.vtsas to 37 nartu I ' th P b I 82o per annum. The am Inilments were then concurred tit. F I . Mr. FERRLI'S Weighted the report o; 0 u q I Hon. 0. MOWAT aid he would not meke . Un_the motion for the third reading the follow.. tO "tee, "Win." m: ' N _ ' - 1 speech on the nubject. out he thought this wan e ttMr division oetutrrod t--- , Rhl'Ultlb AN D nun L53. I runuinabie sliguuuum, l _ Yntsmliessrs. A wrey, Belfour. .itt.1)tu1trm.s, I lion. A, ti. HAM" pruseuted e stetement of l 1hts.tsmtry!tternt we: lost br34 to 37 on the I iIaxter. Itishop. Bleznrd, Chisholm. Dill. rerris. I the reitoiptn and txpuldltul'OI ot the Mercer or I following division '.-- I L2??? 1'ar/"terfl,',"1fli2'."tyg.,J.'."ti,ePSri: I tu'e; the report of the Western llairyiuen'f Ar ' lias - Messrs. Brenton. Broder, Carnegie. ', any}? Wh'i'ui"i,' ii'iickGiiie, 310ml. ilchniinii: ' vociation', the report ot the Jfrutt-Gromua Am I Clancy. fluke iToruy.v.w, Goof. Creighton. Know I lin, McMahon, Master. lioriu. Utneat, l'arieo. ' sociation; a tnbu'nted turalyi" ot the report. of I Puterxh'el" Frtuscr. het,',",,", ii urea). Gould, Ure- I ltobiilard, [toes (Huron). Rosa (Middleman, cilia. , the Electoral Dietrict and Township Agricul- ,,'1dyg,fjigi "muff. Jho.untll.. Hardy. Hess, YP- I ".'yeao, Wood-u.: , . ( , ties tusd of the ilortiuiilturalSooietiee' I nor. Malay. 11aeh"eazie, McMahon. Meredith. Nays Altman. Badeeruw. Baskerville. Blythe, , tur ~°°19l F. ' . . ' Malcolm, Morris, niowiiv. Mulhollnnd Preston l Came ie ('Iancv Clarke (Toronto) Cook ('reisrh , the report of tittt Provincial "om?" Iiesalr.h [the . RotsstCornwalu, Rose 1Miduletsext, Sill's. Watere: I ton f1',1fa',/ iiGniiiirGiv Fell Gibson '(iilnronl. report " the ts'cresn ol Ir_turruui.sts I detailed "him. Young-ag. Gillies. linuiin 'll. Hess. ii'ddG. McColmisil. MI: I summon: of the hoods and eecurities "metered 1l,avr-Meit1oc Aivrey. Badlqerrow, Balfour. Ghoe. McKay. Meredith. Merrielc.Mormstt,Morrts, , in the Provincial Registrar's odloe tor 1884: n i'u- 1/ttl'ytyrlt. 1l11ker,:'.illec, limiter. iii-hon. Bleurd. Malhulland, It'i'ontso'c. Ross (Cornwall, While. I turn of the till"! paid to Mr. J. It. Patullo; I ' t1fl,ydy,'i/,tij',!i/1'ei.1ll,1l; 'l'milli Fraction: tl/ttit WidditUht, Wsymot-29. I return of in the I-nrruspnudence or otherdocu- Kerr, Lam-1,1". "i"aidl.'"rciilro'iidhr,.? "$03358 Te,'. SESSIUNAL INDEMNITY. I meme relating to the cancellation of lot 33, ttt ttut Kim, McLaughlin. Master. Lllerrick. irJrini'iiiG. Hon. I'. F. FRASER moved that 'he hon. I township of Snowdon; It return ot the r','j.',',',r/,',to,','u1i gen. UT'ouiIm'. Pardon, Phelps, 1lobillard. Itous member tor ltuuell (Mr. liobzllardI be paid "I. once m reference to I ho claim of the Locus-e ionrd IHurouc Widdntieid. Wood-37. lull Hun-"m" allowance sickness haviast prevents of sgivniiont upon the nirtyisytiit.y of 1tosuorough The Bill was read the third time. ed Jinn attending this Home the etetutory tor b's0tor v,mforcmcr the Mott Act. . Man. G. W. Ross-mill respectingithe Ednce- number of days. Carried. THIRD READINGS. ting!" 1'r"i,ti'"'a?, Bill ol THIRD IIIiADIVGs ', . , . s...; . ' . on. . . M--t5t to cone idet , " "'".""' . Mr. Pilygtrtte,ty,tins' the old cemetery III emend the Public gem"! Act. . and Hon. 0. .Mow.atr-hyt' inrtlier Improvmg the the town oi Pu .In rston. . adruiaturtstioa or the law. "an. A. W. "osv. 1totspeetimr the amounti- . COgT or ELECTION TBULB. Mr. b'raser---To further amend the Divisionl part due and notable by 06min nyyoieteli.tiy Mr. FERmS moved the third reading of the Courts ACT. I "pm the settlement made by statute of their Bill relating to 'hecost, ot Election Trials. Mr. MueKenzier--IUipseumt the city of Lon, i More to the 3r.rtieisotl.Lotrt.t k nod. ' Mr. MERI'ZJJITH moved that tin Bill be not don and the town of London East i Mr. F,1orris--lsptcrinsr the LIE-Y of Poi-on'tc. new read a third time. bus be referred to Com" Mr, h'ills-To enable the town of Trenton to i . Mr. Gray-Res-ttaut the l wage of Park, niitteelor an amendment striking out the section develop the water-power of the It var ~Trent i hale. ' provuling that the Judge elini; not how the l within its limits and for other purpoues. Hon, U. 3towat-.To amend the law no to power tuiinpnec the Costa in election trials on Mr. Gibson iustmltors)---To amend the Act to cracrraisirverlebts, . . . . . . I candidute. who have been acquitted of the secure to wives and children the be.ueiit of life Hun. o. Mowat--l'epeetirtg Pup.ifielities In I charge of bribery by agents. The ile.riie).l'it.'i 'Mbst2l'tbrHW. .}lgonia. Muskoka, Parry bound, Nipiuiiig. end I was to utriko out the section nltouethcr. leaving , Mr. (iiluon (Hamilton)-'I'o amend the Liquor 'J 'yyyiy Rut: H , the law no It unmade. no that the judges would I Liceule Act. Lilia Hardy -lo amend the Act respecting the have power to exorcuie their: discretion in regard 1tEDLSTfUBl,"WUN 'Ti'efd": at bu.tio. deaths, and merringoe. to the counts. II H C T 'rtfti's"i:'d d tl _ l, . d ding on. ll. Mowat--'l'o amend the Act roe ctiu . . ' on. . . I l, . move P' /ttr ret barristeist..iaw pe I I oe,',.',', amendment wuloet on the followmg di. 1 of the Bill provid'mg for redistribution of neat- Ilr. 1htero--F'or the x to riatin f l nd 1 . ... i and anew ,'ruruehisa, I for pulm- "mam" a p p R o a H t S' INS-Menu. Bellini-ow. Ballantyne. Brenton. _ A lone eerie! of nmondmente then occurred, of M: Meli . . Brouer, Corneaie.( launyudarke Hora-to). Cook, _ hi t th f ll ' 1 a mmerv .-.. " i. . telitvv--To amend the Act relating to I C sl rh D: iso tl.' i; P . w len e o Pwiryri? . u . ".' I i ' ' . _ . , 7 re I. ton. em. n. .ru "Niger. roller. Guy. I M M A In t InorIt ream-enter . mat 'riutrk Companies tor the erection of exni- I Hone, he". MeCoittma. McIntyre. Mo Mice. Me- , . - r. , 1'5Pr "a . .m y . bitton Wilding-i. 3 Kar, Meredith. Metculi'e. Mon-it. Mower. Mui. I trm In Toronto. Lost by 39 neys to Si you. Mr. YI'llllK-Tu "an" the election of Direcs I bolland, U'('onno_r. Pardee, Ross (Carnelian. Rose ' Mr. "I nite-proposing that the elation re- tors oi 3iatata: Hm 1nruusnee Comptsutes I -ris'."nl lions. thiiddletioxp, " Men" Wh' e.Young I1 liming to Eseex be Itnken out. Lost by 39 nay: , .' i to '29 you. nimmm acumen". , Naysa---Mttssrs. Awrey, Balfour. Baekervnlle, , . Mr. Foop muted the third reeding ot the Wll I gill??? ',.1yhy,',r.. ','eJiy8ie,'ntti"it Who'll": Diil, i "ti/i/tate"',:',")',',',",',):','),'.,',','?..'-'.':'"?""' on the ti:T,,it', V.th, better _obstsrvtutetoi the In... 15'lhl','eTfr'ad,"i',l'ulila"cf.,t 1'C,et,'lt'l,"""r'laf.'JSet M mm... 1v_ehtnoad Hill be t... lay by prolIImtIng Sunday excursions of e can Hardy, Hen. Hudson, Kerrie. Laidlaw, Leer. Aluo- from West York and put to Ear. York. tam kill": , IGutzie. Melina. Mvliauzutiu, Master, Morin Mr. Kerr-protesting again" 'the nonexc- Hou. I . F. tt'RAs'rtft moved in natesudnttsrttt--- Morgan, Puelps,Robillsrtt.sius. Widditield, Wood I tion of Cornwall to Stormout. That allof the original motion except the Nut -36. . . I Mr. B.tnkervilu--. To provide no additional "I?" "that " he omitted therefrom. and that in. The Bill was read the third time. member for Ottawa. '"?ltitytypti','t Itll',',:,';',,", the fglIgthif l-- I BILLS ADVANCED Mr. Meredith-Assent) to the giving of _ -:..o. m',er-e ~itt r- . .. _ C . tdr, on Sunday of militia" 'i'2'lio/.lled tragic" I The, followum Bills "m" advanced n 'tutter-- ttig,,liliiigtL"ot:r"'t'2orl'/tt: but proposing . l en no brovi: r- . . . S .' . . I . . ' . no" i'reIglIioi- ta"dc,'trd.thitS' ot'xtll'g,.of ordl I 2e'td, i'iu:,Y"dr Ths Municipal Amend Mr, Erm.tinger--Proposiug a change In the tatlttutek., ' ,,roi . -, .'"' . . t ' ridin . 3:322!!!)goglfi§f|tl'rhfx':ll?;ltutl:: 'te/tn/lee',','.' things: of:,',':":,':',',:.",,?.,,:"'),':,',',',',?; se, Lf'",',',' git-livid: ottc'iuidta"p-eroposim, to change the dintri- tiuKu ail , t , . . - ' . k . t, . ' . of any other no; [,'r"e'lt'i,",u'ih1tPfg'"j'/gle,', "ccoutmodtc:ion in court lion-es for law libraries tei,", tf with regard to Pu" Simcoe, and lngiusure. established by County Law Associations. . we . I a , list tl woiililnot prohibit the wealthy men from Mr. FERRIS moved that the clauses referring R.tMrLTOh' WANTS ANOTHE' MEMBER. I ','d,'fl,li,"e'.r fe.y,1e Itt taktrut , Sunday "Clinic" for to this matter would be etruck out, which was Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) moved in amend- evendiuii Mi 2,'dvpged"itipth'iy rl/Ili,,",,'."" from lost. - _ . . ment that H, milton be given a second member. Tim the Hill, if it becomes If" aiioporate Mr. CLANCE moved that ths.provyi.ou refer. I There was no other con-tituency in the Prov-moo "lowly." not entirely. against the Gk liberty and ring to the Mopeniug and widening of drain- be buying a claim anvthiatt like. Hamilton for e Erma! the working and pooror "ole-m to ttnee etrucl: out; which wee lost. second member. .110 was willing to take two "$123": and reuonuble opportunities for rest The Committee roee and reported protrrese. members for the city at lame. or the city to be Amt ft,t',le, Suhgey. The Speaker left tho chair at six o'clock. divided East and West or North HP, South. . rend a'lhim'iiur: tst" Btll should not "0' be AFTER RECESS. hMr. S,eht,ho/) 'elf, he would join Issue with _ , , l ' .I ' t emember or arm on. o','?.) "tttttarent V" toat on the toltorime divi. A [AS'AF'A h ALLS hAIL'VAL. " Hon. o. MOWAT-a entirely - with the """ Mr. A IN Rio) movcd concurrmice '11 the I viewe 'xprmd ttlitter, I," been well