e ¢ Chenorae. mCs 2. oo . e ree + w m S e yO ..', P es :\? EA & »' i he" :.n.'v \~p ';':'. '_'_4,7.." . es sf 5 : j ( ; eretofore, be marked by io. § dustry, and our valuable deposits of nutll)erals z,';l::%fi:":::l};ta:urgose, and i)y a sincere %Fid f and metals arse again ar:;::;t.mg attentio disinterested _ consideration of the public & TIMBER SALES welfare. t + + TK > _ Tcongratulate you upon the liberal bonuses THE SPEAKER'S REPORT. i rcccivefir at the timber sale, dcocimed, neces-- ! _ After the floor of the House had been clear-- | s:u("v last fall, of a limited area of scattered We 6 * | an expon_ad limits upon the north shore of ! 'i'he SPEAKER informed the House fly'a.l e x ' the Georgian Bay, he had received from the Judges for the tn.tl ' Bsc 3.'©; SMALLPOX AND BOARD OF HEALT. of Election Petitions, theirlfet!'i*:;:;"atf%fi:' it w e > An unusually severe visitation of small-- reports relating to 'the lgc'fgml district of | pox in the commercial metropolis of the ad-- | County of Lenn)ox, t-ée ed the east riding | joining Province excited much sympathy Muskoka and Parry 'iuunl e rland 1 with our aflicted neighboars. The virulent of the County of Nort 1'u'm )0 a re' rts were w character of the epidemic occasioned my The several cort.ficates an Po -- ; P , Government the most anxious and watchfal then read by the Clerk. o f solicitude on account of our close lmi-:.m'o»;q NEW WRITS. } \ A relations and constant intercourse with that > ER informed the House that '» € city. Prompt and energetic measures were heTltll'?d ?jflr;:éx\l]}fi;fiv:':r?;nts to the Clerk for } ¢ taken through our Provincial Board of | nekariiS for the followingelectoral districts: L | Health to maintain a vigilaat quarantine on | ----Algomil. East, Algoma gVVest, East Kent, f | the frontier, and toinsist on the examina-- Lennox ; and the following persons had been } T | tion and vaccination of passengers, and the elected 'for vacancies :--Robert Ferguson, ¢ ' 2 i pdisinfeeting®:.cof oooll way earringos> jand Kent; George Douglas Hawley, Lennox ; | l it merchandise. -- Local Boards rendered ef. Charles Drury, East Simcoe ; Robert Adzmll P in Davch * y o f % Per Cad * f ' ' | fective sgr\l_ce as well _ in t,nfomn_ng | Lvyon, Algonis East, and James Conmec, M general vaccination among . our . own ; Alo ;Im West ' k | )eol)lc as by other precautionury measures. | go * o satate §3 | Lu evising and carrying into effect the pro-- | THE LIEUT.--GOVERNOR'S SPEECH. F | ventive measures necessary, the enlarged The SPEAKER reported that, to prevent : I PhaRe Satieore sar meatiien Reciieg onl mintalios, he , had ©Obtatinert 'a" eopy" of 118 calth Act were » * > ( ie --Governor's speec E result of the vigorous action taken hes been | tlll,:l}:l;fii:ll;'eofliivt]:'if'-(l}":'t; t.i;)s'pi;l?se'd*wilth. e P 3 that nowhere within our limits did the epi-- ols o rarm demic obtain any dangerous foothold, awl 1NTRODUCED. that our towns anfl \'illngm generally hare At this stage Mr. James Conmee was intro 51)_;0yed complete immunity from the dreid duced to the Speaker by Hon, A. S. Hardy' isease. and Mr. Awrey. k | CoxsoLIDaATION or THE STaTUTEs, Al)\II\'I)\'TRA\TIO\T OoF OATHS. ! _ During the recess I issued a LUI)IHH.I.SSI.Q'I} Hon--O--MOWAT moved the --first --reading for the consolidation of the Provincia * * C ovle ¢ Daths of } | q p 'mg t + 5 p of the Bill for the Administration of Oaths o | Statutes now again dispersed through many Office to Justices of the Peace. Carried volumes. Substantial progress has been magaaminece ¢ s made in this important work, and it is hoped TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. ' 7 that a report by the Commissioners may be i 5 ready for submission to the House during ' Ho'n. 0. MOW AT '."U\'Cd' that the Spv];dl 4 the present session. -- Bills will be laid before | of His Honour the Lieut.--Governor be taken ; j , you embodving improvements in the law into Cunsuh,:r:t(n'm'l.u-nu')rmw. (jxl|1'r}vd_. d recommended by the Commissioners or sug-- | , _ Mon. O, MOWAT moved that Select Stan E; | gested in their discussions. \ ing Committees be u.i;pfn!ned for l'hc'follg\\ = | | XBEW MEASURES | ing purposes :--On Privileges and Election, ' | rint Siavrmemart upa » s | on Railways, on Miscellancous Private Bills, $6ut eonamerasion : Ancludine a Bill for .the Pmmating, on Munsipnt Law, »Carned, * . ' 3 sideration ; inci & ® 'rinting, on Municipal Law. Carried. auditing of the public accounts for the Pro-- l f l # $ o : C ~ M ; vince, a Bill for increasing the uscfuluess and | THE LIBRARIAXN'S REPORT. efficiency of Mechanics' Institutes, a Bill for | The SPEAKER presented the report of the the amendment of the law relating to the ; L1 brariail estates of deceased persons, a Bill respecting | * € + + 4 the liability of mn;n{uycrs for injuries suffered | The House adJourn--tid--ut Axcock. by their workmen. | NOTICES. § ANTI--ASSISTED IMMIGRATION, i Notices have been given for the following | _ I regret that in many branches of industry | Bills :-- " . | the present supply of labour seems so far to Hon. 0. Mowat--For the amendment of the exceed the demand as to depress wages and law relating to the estates of deceased per-- render employment uncertain. Under these | sons. ' | cirecumstances my advisers continue to regard | Hon. C. F. Fraser----To secure compensation ' it as unwise for this Province tostimulate the to workmen in cer.ain cases. | u{:mmmlmn' of the working classes from | Hon. C. F. Fraser--To amend the Act re-- | al mgelil. Iclst the h:'v.r(.lsi.nps of the present situa-- specting compensation to the families of per-- f | tion should be aggravated. sons killed in accidents and in duels. } NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGs. HMon. C. F. Fraser--To further amend the : I had hoped that the past year would have .-\smessm'vnt'r Act. witnessed active operations on the projected | Hon. C. F. Fraser--To further amend the Parliamentary and l)u{mrrmuntal Buil({ingi. Municipal Act. x + p but unexpected difficulties in the plans have Hon. A. M. Ross----For the creation of an Intervened. _ I derive, however, muach plea-- | | Advisory 'B"""fl in connection with the Agri-- sure from the confident anticipation that | cultural College and Experimental Farm. E ' early in the present season these much | |_ Mon. A, M. f{ossr~l{e1§uingto the auditing needed buildings will be in actual course of | i( the public accounts of the Province. erection. | l Hon. G,. W. Ross--Relating to Mechanics' ; INCREASED ASYLUM ACCOMAODATION. | lustistes, * f ' _The urgent need of increased accommoda-- ! e tion for the lunatic and idrotic of our popula-- ' tion was recognized last session, and appro-- priations were voted for additional buildings at Hamilton and Orillia. It was found, how-- ever, that before the intended structure at Hamilton could be made available some interim accommodation for lunaties must bhe provided in order to the immediate relief of our gaols and overcrowded asylums. _ The S Department was so fortunate as to secure, | under a five years' lease, the use of Regiopolis : College as a branch asylum, which has been placed under the management of the officers t of the Rock wood Asylum. Aftersome revairs * and sh.ghtv alterations, very suitable accom-- | | modation was thus provided for one hundred and fifty patients. This will, it is hoped, be ; $ fou'n'.l' su'm('u-nt. for the public wants until | necessary permanent provision is made. ' MISCELLANEOUs, § j | _ The reports of the various Departments of | PP j th_e' public service for the past year will be f laid before you. There wilr also be submit-- & ted the :h's-t report of the Master of Titles on ; Eo the operation ot the Land Titles' Act of last | s & | session ; and the report of the Commissioners | 6. & appointed to enquire into complaints ma § | tPDt £ (5 plaints made 6 £ against t]'w, Warden of the Central Prison, E> & R '[:lm estimates _fi'r [h@ current year have E6 -- £ een prepared with aview to economy and P | efficiency, due regard being had to the varied EE ganiteonmtn of this grest" and progronatre E. i I feel assured that your legislative $ j i .. @ e e sds | 4 ba +