T e Sm e e R ooo /. R .w/ 9 \, se Oe y € Sn M s , g, s 8 ind ( in on cA cir 1. aaies 7 1 & #« ,' " 4 , stRors oX _/ h ; e increase of the expenditure by the Dom-- accounts last year something that would fnoon wovrernmtnt was. contintious. , The 6 upon 8 matter,. e increase of expendi ure of the } Mr. 8. W W TB said they should not talk D oouhion novernmat'L it regter than *=* about the Dominion Government here, i + f the Ontario Government A s > s the expenditure o 16 nt, Dr. McLAUGHLIN replied that for the The gentlemen opposite, although they said : : past eight years the Opposition had been whither are we drifting, fl,e expenditure QUoTIN@G TH®E pomIxtox aovErRXIXT | should be curtailed, etc., could not point out to them and he thought his arguments were one case where a dollar could be saved. - fair. In the department of contingéncies of | Gentlemen opposite tried to belittle the sur-- the Dominion Government br. %IcLauixhlinJ plus, but 11;1. cun(xlld" notf Dtt: fiu;;:eggfully $ wentontoshow there were anumber of items . attacked. Every dollar of it con rea> $ which made a total of over $7,000 under esti-- lized if necessary, 'The Government could ¢ mated. He found also an expenditure over zo down to Ottayva and 'n_e;{ouat,e. every dol-- % , the estimates in the samme . department fir of their securities. Still, he did not deny I * 1V'vhizchfli inclg;l((;go Ilgand tR«n.'enu(;, A'85,_035'; that, as matfirfi w;(;e.mm' g;ah}g on ut u(l)t- * 3 ostofiice, 3 ; VUepartment of / griculi-- tawa, it mig e visable to have a settle. ' ;\;redoosib,m; &nakirtng :: }tio'"ll ot'f .ov::ir ment with t;?{n.m ;:;'letty .:é)or;; l(;t\,ppl.wl:se uu(} | §3. n one department. His hou,. frien laughter.) ien they attacked the sales o : . hafi Spent & large 'part of the eV('.llinf( 'i"l'f'i'r ""lits' Naying' tha( .(he Gove'-nl'nent f ' telling them what an iniquitous thing it was was using up the capital of the Province, to have an ovor-e.:'jpenduureu} the first place, | Surely it was better to _ sell these and in the secon place telling them that | limits and make something out if they had an over--expenditure they should of them, -- than -- to leave _ them _ to ' | not tauke the funds from some other purpose, be destroyed! tApplause.) 'The hon. mem-- This was the very thing done at Ottawa. Ha ber for North Grey claimed that we were in-- 3 f -'!'Ugimsed his hon, friend was aware that debted to the C.PIR. for E;getciug those high $50,000 '{';&8 put in f:le estimates of the Do-- prices for our ti;nber. uttdh?' f({'rgot to ,to:ll mimion Governmen the House that Outario pa ully one--half | FOR SEORET sERvIcE, ost of constructing the C.P.R. He, for-- / They had no such thing in this CGovernment, ::l(l)g(a;ssay, too, that Or'ftario was being * ; There was an expenditure in various other ® ROBBED OF HEX TiNBER departments of the Government lngre, and in order to obtain the support of mem-- o all for the benefit of the people. The last bers at Ottawa, and to induce -- them speaker had said that the drainage deben-- to vote for this very expenditure on the C.P. tures were considered, Th Mr.{CREIGHTON--No ; n6. You o not }5 4Apf)lause.) Then the hon. gentleman k knos'\;swlm.é I'wm t;tlkfnz ;U)ot.xt | objected to the railways being treated as an * y k | asse*. Now this 'ince ,CIU,« | Dr, McLAUGHLIN--Well, perhaps he does 005 i; . i3 o7 . l Frovince had given $6,630 k hat he was talki bout him-- 000 in aid of railways, and if they could not { xsle(a)lti now what he was ta ing about him get ,I. ,from the Doimninion Government while ' * t s Sin . 'as i wer, the F 4 Hon. C. F. FRASER--Nor anyone else, im"'o.(.m (,':,:: "(',, p"x',(,." f ';' [ """'i'-}".".l L | ~ + x J MC 10 1em Y 6 1400Pa 1 Dr. McLAUGHLIN, continuing, said it Government, w} > Hanp ths j | T T s *mge / 'nt, who would declare that Ontario } was claimed the Canadian Pacific Railway had as good a right as snn Jan snml \ J A C Nenk P bood a right as Quebec or any other ran near the timber limits that were rgcolntl{ Province to be recouped for her expenditure sold by this Government, and that this !m: on railways:; therefore 'th(-v l.(,,,.u.'i(.ld that A, | increased their valne, If the Ontario Gov-- an asset. They would also look to the Domin. | | eraimeut sold the timber limits ion for an accovnt of the amounts collected | AatT $5 prr squarr MILE, by them in North--west Ontario, and they | the price that the Dominion Government would ask for com )eusation for the action sold t';wir timber limits, ouly $2,200 instead of the Dominion ll;n'.un'nnmnt in reference of $315,000 would have been realized for On-- to the timber limits of Ontario. (:\pplausv.) tario by the sale. Members of the Dominion The member for Peterboro' had attacked the Government and, he was notsure but some Government for the expenditure on the Model * of the gentlemen op,punite,} had obta{inml % I l'ru.;'m. He thought that after his experience these timber limits from their friends at [ 0f jast year he would have hbeen rudent Ottawa. -- 'The Sandfield Macdonald Govern-- | enough to let this institution uhme.l It w;s ment seemed to be desirous of accumulating alleged on the opposite _ side of the 3 | a surplus. -- The plan of this Government was House that is was Sandfield Macdonald & | entirely different. _ In regard to educational who put up. all the public buildings ! matters, to the maintenance of public insti-- of the Province, Sandfield Macdonald did é tutions, the expenditure was all tor the bene-- not build the asylums at Orillia, Kingston, fit of the people of the Province who wanted or Hamilton, the Mercep Reformatory, or the p to be taxed as little as possible, lf. the Gov-- | Normal Sehool at Ottawa. Al these build. ernment continued to do this, _ when ings had been erected by the Mowat Govern-- they applied to the people again, the l ment. _ 'The hon. member for Peterhoro' was electors would record their confidence in |yery indignant because the Governmient lghem in t.h,e s:;.mc nulmm_:r .'m( {lae{ ha&} paid six or seven thousand | dollars to one in the last election, (-- plause, newspapers for advertisingg. _ The whole Re-- . Mr. CARNEGIE said they were 3'{6»000 be-- form press was being corrupted. _ Why, last ¢ hind now, and they now stood a chance of year the Conservative press obrained some § being much more behind in a short time. | $200,000 from the Dominion -- Government, & The people would have to meet the increased | The Ontario Government advertised only in -- expenditure unlessthe Government curtailed {mpvrs where theadvertisement w ould be soen their expenses. The increase of the license y the proper persons, They advertised fee would not bring much, for the Scott Act in papers of all shades of politics. They } had been carried in many countics, unless did not _ advertise in _ British Columbia the (.overm_neu'b continued as tlu:y had (lo'm:- for something that was wanted in Halifax, 4 in the 'Pt\ht l"b(k:l'a"{l'"&; )lnu.xe l'lC('ll.\}'.'\ as the Dominion Government did. 'The mem. * than the number that their commis. ber for Peterboro' found fault with the stoners were instructed to grant., They were XPENDITERE Sor thrals told that the over~ex;remlitux-e was a certain . _\ [XPENDITURE FOR EDHCATION, amount, but they did not know how much saying that there was too much spent in the the Government had overdrawn the accounts ' mere machinery of the Department. Thag at the banks. HMe had found that the C, P. It, statement was very plainly contradicted Lby 3 ran so near the timber limits reeently sold | the items. Out of la lul.?ll expenditure of br the Government as to give easy access to | $533,564 there -- was spent on _ Public all of them. Every stick of timber there | and _ Separate ESchools _ about $240,000 was rendered more valuable by the C.P.R., _ or nearly one--half, For poor schools there ' GIVING RAsY AccoEss to tHREy | was spent nearly $20,000, Did the hon, * ' all the year round, They were told that the | gentleman object to that item? On High policy of the Sandfield Macdonald Govern-- | Schools and ( ollegiate Institutes there was ment was to hoard up and do nothing., He, spent, $86,000. 'The inspection of -- Public would venture to say there was no Govern-- and Separate Schools, Normal, High, and ment that ever did so much for the country Model Schools cost $47,000. The effect of this as the Sandfield Macdonald Governmenti. etg})endit}n'c wasto relieve the municipalities I Everything they had to boast of now had of a considerable burden which they would | been" commenced under that Government, otherwise have to bear. -- He hoped that the ' He contended that if the Ontario Govern -- Government would persevere in the course ment did not appoint stipendiary magis-- | they had undertaken, and that in their trates for the unorganized territory the expenditure _ they _ would be _ economi« Dominion Government would have to 10-- cal without parsimony, for it was better vide them. Here was $10,000 which nlj';;ht to l)_orrm'\' money than to allow the public | f be _ saved. The revenue had suffered service of the Province to suffer. (Applause.) ' severely under the Government, They The 'HOIIND:' wcntjnto_l'mnmittpr of Supply, ' » a" ]line'v how the ducg hm been re-- I" (0";""((69, (he l!t'lll of 2:.L700 fOl' CX« 4 duced on a limit in the Parry Sound pouses of Government House was passed 1 district on account of fire, wfich had ; The Committee rose and reported, y f never been raised. He charged the Govern-- The House adjourned at 10:05, ment with having sold lands to Mr, Coe for . rem==emamenesememaeimementnerenmene $1 an acre cash, and the payment not enfore-- ed until $5,000 in interest had been lost, Mr. BALFOUR said that the _ state of the finances st Ottawa _ showed that _ the Domminion Government _ did not make any attempt to. equalize the 2 estimates _ and expenditures, Unless it was under the Muckenzioliov:-rn_mcnt, j €