es ""' ° ® epmaeerue o Co 9 se ' o CR n Mess * : ~. Sn _' (ar* o . ) t , W »'..f' ", A""'V 4 ' Ti Maeer painee. ns on ne B | cocits o nreteipenditure in reppme ol | Blind, the Asylum for the Dfia{ and Dumb, | maintenance woulfi be fofl?ld";nr?))nséirr:p:ir:?; | gu_a Reformatory for Boys, and the Central and maintenance of Parliament -- Build--. . + rison, we find that the number of inmates | ings _ and _ Government H H was 1,043 in 1832, 1,102 in 1883, 1,054 in 1834, so long as We' continu; to Oc(:'llll&;)e\" s?xgfi U ::iiyli}'lflii& %'832.'""} l;'e Lgmral Pnslon is the tumble--down buildings falling to p'ieées, the i Snd L AbirTGutE thik ic s o"t's t;m no\aant;: mpl?l';nt needed for repairs and maintenance l ter that has ca.u;;;d !:lcli'eaose 2 ile $|amo n;a f I will be very large. In regard to public build-- M administerine ort l' ; in ,I;I;& e in t ul' cost 0 ings our estimates were $201,103;the amount hh naperat ds Ng" "rog rr\':(xl ')u; i ('i@l, nqamc \n -"?!nt' a;.-bually expanded was $155,720,0r $45,283 less ( the other ll!)lstltutio?w w;uf 'h In;'..'%.' i n'tj A t ian the amount estimated. _ In the com-- I the milBher of int i }\l et j mh:r}um- + pavative statement attached to the public ac f 813 in 1832 t 76,;'.'"" hok Ne cagh of from | counts it will befound that theamount expend-- | § tenance ml:tq ln. ,v' hlgsfa'ma .i?r(m?fionf m"l"']"-. l lope lt'h%alltermg 5 mcreagetne nsft Ofil pra ¢ figures I quote are from the pr'isnn ur'-nport:', | (fifé?'ll)&:;:lagéfitfi';':: Rlé:)(:sigs ¥ '}'}lfig ?{i"f'o", a',ce | j '\vh'lch are fo_r the year ending 30th Sentem-- ! purpose of receiving the surplus _people from | ber. _ In thesefour inntn(.nnons. the Mercer | the other Institutions. For public works the ' ' I 1}]ef(i'g,'xnator)', the Institute for the Blind, amount appropriated was $58.073, and the | | | imatook fop Borae the. anet of inainteraice | Amount oxtimatea, " Sor commination Tok A ys, the L0% f ance . t estimated. For colonization roads infobt and $R0SsT m1ols. uie dusiy | | overespenditure of Boate. Por" fhig aedd , &n s y ® ng as dy itur 10,589. For is over. 2:':1\;?'?:'?":::'511%}&3%'( wci'_;-os:p;.l pl" co-xt. of ' ! (-'xpemhture my 'h'on. friend, the Minister of § | sn in ite, tor 00 ns tss aed fod io 1220 in mafen aman t i in | % hy y y ® * + . ge f ~ Wl | and $58.000'i'x_1 118815' In this case th}(;re is an t:::isfl't';d"!lxem\u;'l'l' bg I:l.%(l): tg'gal?e * mm quite | increase, which, however, is more than coun-- 3 » i terbalanced by the increase inLthe receipts A SATISPACTOR," EXPLANATION®, ' ' | from prison industries. n ' (Applause.) There is one thing to be IMMIGRATION, | said about this. ,_ A, large portion of ' Ne | our _ revenue is derived from -- the |\ Passing on to immigration, the estimate sale of timber from this northern territory, P | closely approximated to the expenditure, the | and the people there claim that a consider anpropriation being $19,900, and expenditure , able portion of it should be spent in the dis-- ;YS osg' or $312 less than the estin{a:e. In trict for colonization roads and other pur-- 1884 the expenditure under this heal was | poses, to aid the settlers. For the mis-- | $435,559, showing the very large reduction of cellaneous charges on Crown Lands we esti-- * $24,281. Of last year'sexpenditurc of $19,038, mated that $93,400 would be required, while * i not a dollar has been paid for the carriags there was an over--expenditure of $3,173. i4 f | of immigrants into the Province. (Applause.) | For refunds the estimate was $32,.802,and the A $ Some small amounts have been paid for the --expenditure $31,023. For miscelianeous the | carriage of immigrants arriving at Toronto appropriation was $87,472, the amount spent to send them to their friends or to their des-- $100,320, and the over--expenditure $12,846. tination in Ontario, but not a dollar has baen The total estimated expenditure then under | spent in bringing them in. In this respect the Supply Bill was $2,733,427, and the actual | we believe we have met the just and reason-- amount spenbundertheSnpplyBluwas?Z,éQS,- able demgands of the wage--earners of this 525, or $39,902 less thanexpected. (Applause.) a . & C p Province, who considered that it was not This I consider a veryfairshowing. As I men: fair for the Government to spend money to tioned hefore, weanticipated that we would bring in immigrants to compete with them. have an over--expenditure of $150,000, or, to 1 (Applause.) give it min;i! gartxfiululrj'ley, $148,00(§). ?ut that t & estimated deficit has been turned into a sur-- f de *¥ '"3""'"""';1',"""5'"; plus of $3,§94 underthe Supply Bill. (Ap: ' - S e appropriation was $150,445 and the ex-- plause.) That has been mainly owing to the ? pendflure $159,576, or an under--expenditure sale of timber limits, which took place in the 1 of $969. On the fall of last year. We are. thevefore, in a bet | AGRICULTURAL COLLRGE AND FARM, ter position than we anticipated by $151,894. | { taking the two together, there is a small re:g t\gl;rgglr(hl:,':a'lgg%tt;'nfgg't.lffn'::ttg?]""h i | '. ()\'erf'x?enditure f %1'0" T. 'The expenditure }'{orr)n.' A. M. ROSS--The amovunt included in | 1 ?lllll'ee' \ille?lfibs '»af{d t em.::}~|)lfr dln.ded fmp" the revenue from Crown Lands réceived in | 4 the 'farm and earicn. _ 'i""l:,'" irce the sale of limits was $148,585, so that } e":amprv Our ""('::l'l'l';nm""' fos" :l::~ il'};vn (lf[?rlixct t}(xlls sum frfom b(:he amount by t N Coyan % egd Tha asnanditires which I showed we were in a better position, ', ; Colegs ies $ 2 and, the, expenditure ie have a suplus of 5.309 (Anplause , We ; i On the farm the estimate was $11,000, and | are this amount better than we suppose" we A the expaditure. $15,205 ; an ofer-lfl(plrhli- should be even if we take out the amount ; ture of $4,00). In regardl to the creamery we received frlnmlhe sale of timber limits. i | | we took no appropriation, the intenition Our e"t"""[f' ' being« that that branch should be made self-- RECRIPTEPROM CROW N LANDS 1 | T"".'"'";'?f:j A ' it _ "","f"l "7;{' l',"'i",,".x?"\"j"'j were $500.000. _ This did not include any esti-- . f ooo shot e ue ies Tok the Soren oo Slanand t nufac en thnte d | l re vinie SPC OAT BEA . o meonnepabiFadis, eeived was $736,884, of which, as ave said, | :;N)':"i'l";l' ""\,:'\';\'. 35-';&721,',':'\i1l'l",' 'lll:ll'l'-\l,:;:lgfl" ';': $148,563 was from the timber bonuses, leaving '"":')' mover fraigh '('""""_'" f; 'S;W)P ut' in | a balance of $558,309 as the normal receipts, ' (_"',',l'(:l in ". ):L-';-'l-'-.-iwv ,".'. SIS for hutter ' or within $11.1691 :{f ll!le sum \)ve es}tu'l'\qtc;\d | in ThRe maahninte C n nrnner in Aontiing and expected, (Applause.) Now, iink, | ;'""_'.': ag 1"'j4' l¥ "."IE' t ar atrgs" ,'..l") ('.lv' d'" £» considering the depression in the lumbering | leaving a net surplus of ®173.. Tha Govern-- K business for the past five years, the | | mant proposes to carry on the creamery so as receipts last year from Crown Lands were 6 t | to be "'""';{'j';."'_'"'ff;, (\)\"> )I'f,'.""'r'"'_'f('m" zs l"'f | very fair, and ought to be satisfactory. 1 | i | ,~'."r', us :' ""h"'fi ie l%!t!' t'""'a. :l)l"..'lltlllfl(".'. suppose that this sale of timber, however, | 8 3 "-'*;,'k:'r' ':;_'N'q"l ow 'l'lu'} Factice was f():w will as usual be taken advantage of by the | The Secpfstare'" AF t B onl * »F m 4 Opposition to found a charge on the reprehen-- | 't.'_'" met r"""-; : "'l" ureau * of 'f'"i"" ;' sible waste, extravagance of the public patri-- ' 4 c;'(e;.mleory s:,:rateri:en: (')'; t'1|<'*'%'1(\::'§f\l;o o tth'_' l mony, and that we are living upon our capi-- t | f tions for farmers' butter. Then we D(tfi? ?0 thie Hisuss 2y wo ven hlwn l')m"gmhl:"?m ; the farmer the market price of a pound .\{\ ('{',;;.{°"""§,§°",,'a';°fv:§:§ ),},,' tn'l(;mr;,l,'::n L ,-(:.t.. ' ib tenaered is anke a un ceipts o. the Crown Lands Department; " ted that in a stock raising locality, a cream-- ;:'::e ",::::le"qed )f;'. tlll'e) Province -- for -- ery,eventunderGovernment.control, which can-- the purpose of expenditurc. He has based his f :::';3:;;;;;':?'2;',"";:: ;:':}2';;?:8':{:(;01:52"_:)2'_' charges upon something which John Saudfield | 1 10 prices of l;ht:orél'c;r their cream, &t their Mac_donald'is reported to#Aave said upon this wl:l doors, thus saving them the trouble +« subject, Now I have carefully gone into this f SoUh of mahuiacturine and markstin (Ap. matter, and 1 am satisfied that the hon. gen-- f p?auw) We therefore mn'-zi'der\'tlmgt' t'lnl tler;xan can fl?dl no. enl;ience.l .\&'lmlt.ever l?[ P h en Fae ' t tirs n Th Cos such a principle having been lai down by f . 'i.'ll"t'{l':"em has been eminently satisfactory. the late John Sandfield Mamlc;naldhs Govern-- P | f 5n a qpeennT p ment, and 1 am further satisfied that if ever | BUREAVY OF STATIGTICS : hon. gentlemen 14y down such a principle as | | there is a small over--expenditure of $20 16. that on which to appeal to the people, the | This has been caused by . the in--} people will give them freasfld r'('f'" tOUt l:'&')h':""ffmtii';(fft";nagf'{ No OPPORTUNITY OR CARRYING If INTO ' , n rega R 8 ACS i0 | aPFRCT. f ! farm statistics, and also in regard to a new | }"FCT A $ t branch of information which has been taken | (Applause.) The contention has been made, ' | / the Secretary, namely, mining statis-- | as I have said, that by using the funds we ' | up by th ¥, Y¥ & A % | t tics. He has made a visit to the mining have _recewed from the sale of Crown Lands t 6 | districts of Ontario, and will embody some and timber, thal', we have !)_ee.n extravagant, | f valuable statistics in a coming report. For and that we have .been' living upon capital, I | repairs and maintenance the over--expendi-- and even if we have expended it on public ture has been $13,786. We (\gti]natprthut works we ought to have invested the ; i -- the amount needed would be $48,815, and the sum -- in 'mle.cst-b(:a'nng bonds, and used l l' sum actually spent was $62,601. I have be. only the interest. What does the adoption l ' 14 |