R > sX e § *nosition . is. -- This spirit _ has aiso fortunates in the asylums. In the Pro-- | ?)g;n'mlbited in regard to the Boundary | vince of Quebec, they have of late yYCATS question. We met with . continual -- delay adopted this principle, and they now charge and _ procrastination, We -- know that - one--half to t.ge municipalities from which this Xeluy has involved the Province | they come. In the Lower Provinces this has in a large amount of expense and . been the practice for years, and not only | A3 inconvenience, and for eif{ht years the pro-- | regards a portion of the expenditure in the gress of the country has been retarded. 'The _. construction of the buildings. Then there is | amount which the disputed Boundary Ques-- k a third course which might be taken | by | the tion has involved the Province for actual ex-- Government to meet this deficiency, and that »nse for disbursements is $75,000. Also in is to draw upon the surplus that we have on mcilse matters the Dominion Government hand. That is the course which the (.i'O\"'(}l'n- has invoived us in large expenses. Although | ment propose to take on this OU}?sIOIiIE t we have a decision of the Privy Council in (Hear, hear) We do not consider that regard to the Boundary awarded in 1878, yet would be advisable at the present time to i i r he Domini ibili " it seems impossible to move the Dominion to ' shift any responsibility upon the mumclfalk wcede to the decision and take such steps 1 ties so long as we have a reserve fund on accete 10, 12 ' ith freedoi it I hand from which take the excess of as to enable us to deal wit reedom with f l expoud] iich we can take the exce: the territory . awarded. _I notice in the | | expenditure, Budget Speech of the Hon, Treasurer of % THE DOMINION ACcoOUNTS. Quebec, to which I hbave refeyred, that he Now, I wegret, Mr. Speaker, that 1 have makes & su}tvemen't which I will read to the | again to announce, as it has been oficiall y House, It is this :-- . announced in the Speech from the Throne, In view of the case going to the Privy Council I ; that no progress has been made in the settle-- thought that inasmuch as the whole difficulty as \ ment of the accounts with the Dominion. 1 to the licensequestion arose from the Dominion | can assure hon. gentlemen that it is from no fi;"'lht'l's:l(:g ,;?.'"fiffir'}'fid;'{ffo'}\x}:fr"v»it?f uf'lroi'{b'?gfi | lack of--endeavour on my part that no pro-- WCourts, almost without exception, and of the gress has been made. L.ast year I u}tor'u.cd Supreme Court, being in our favour, that we j the House that at the meeting held in Sept. should not be obliged to pay out money to defend 1884, at Otcawa, bet ween the Finauce Minister, our rights in Enihmd. 1 represented t')is view of 4 the Treasurer of Quebec, and myself, we had the question to Sir John A. Macdonald, and he arranged that lu.s L{mb allowauc«;} f:ir biuteresb "lf("l'.:",'b:'h;:: 1}]'1'.'!.;):,':;"'(';:2'1','(.'3:';3 c':;i tg"xt;},',egf:::l' upon the surplus debt, which had been as-- e vpurrigboranth | yich t c careto be aA § ; a sumedi lbyl ttlhe Domlniion', would make a E':::"gfi we will take good care to be Auily . repre material difference in the accounts as, for-- % P t yi% inti merly submitted, the Deputy | Finance Although we have ].""? no slm{:lf")mtm.'"fio" Minister should make a re--cast of the ac-- that the experses incurred | 0J l()"mr"" for counts with the modifications this would this purpose will be P",'Q ll'-' t,h.e omi'nion, I necessitate, leaving out the Indian claims, cannot conceive it pom;lh.e that re--paym2nt which we agreed should be put in a suspense will be allowed to Quebee wntho;xt, it being account. That statement was promised by allowed to Ontario, I v.\poct.,f therefore, as December of that year, but although L have Quebec is to get the amount refunded, Onta-- repeatedly _ applied for it, aud have rio will also get that treatment. 1 am Flad done everything I possibly could to get | to see that the Dominion Government have it, I have never received it yet. No doubt rqvogmzed their ll:'l')lllty to re--imburse Pro-- some excuse might be made ftor the delays vinces for the expenditure on account of | | last year--the late period at which the HMouse these disputes, Ontario will have a little | broke up ; Sir Leonard Tilley's absence in bill to present in regard to the Boundary $t England, and his illness after his return, Award and the License question. The | etc. --but we cannot close our eyes to the fact | actual disbursements amount to $100,000, that there seems to be a certain amount of | In addition to that I think we have a good inertia in regard to this matter that it is im-- *, claim on the Dominion for loss sustained in f possible to oyercome. I have endeavoured, consequence of the unwarranted contention x also, reforring to the Land Improvement __| of the Dominion in regard to the Boundary. Fund, to get the consent of Quebec to the | In consequence of that, that northern coun-- n s Land Improvement Fund on Crown Lands try has been kept back, and its settlement being creditea to Ontario and allowed retarded ; and we have been deprived of the to us, as I mentioned Jast -- year, revenue from that territory. -- '(l;?:le 'l'reas;:ror of Quebec stated that he 1}\{"'- M{'ui'l':lig;gg' }{}h ha ! 1 % p l id not wish to acquiesce until he had had on. A, M. sS--Even now I am sorry 10 an opportunity of c(lmsulcin;; his Attorney-- see that the hon. gentleman thinks it L & i General. I have repeatedly urged for and matter of mirth that the Dominion Govern-- N endeavoured to get a definite statement from ment are retaining in their hands some-- d them as to the position Quebee would take thing like a hundred thousand dollars which : in this matter, but have failed to obtain it. I rightfully belongs to Ontario, I think it is a may mention, however, that in the Trea-- matter which surer's Budget b'fin:e(-h in March last he inti-- DESERYES THE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION mates that he will resist to the uttermost of the House,and 1 trust that if we present a f ""'i* amount being -- credited . to On-- claim to the Dominion we will have the as-- :g:'no. IAn?hix{k tht(in-tforel regret -- to s.;'\ sistance of hon. gentiemen orposit,e, to _ see 4 m ' 1at the _ matter _ wi I that we get justice, If the Dominion Gov-- }.w.\ e~'t:!9 be b'rouszht into the courts before we ernment iavo recognized their liability for ;':"t'fiee()': :::?:"%tm'i'tlfélt' 'I. am sorry ?"' this, the amount fspent by Quebec in dut'encling1 ! $ nicip s are pressing. for lpa,)- their rights,they caunnot refuse to refuad On-- | ment. I have urged that theamount shonld be tamo the : q | | | ced to the credit of O i m Lé e amount we have incurred in stand-- }) e t ntario in the accounts ing up tor our rights hese i l urnished to us, leaving Quebec to dispute it say that I hops gfl" We will have To I f \| if they chose. Whether it will be placed in uces of The e maenBoor ff Lonadn in { the re--~ast when received 1 cannot say, but ]»r«'sfl}:-' A ti'.(' ].lf)'l.' membeor for London in (; l I hope that it will be. But I may say for the ts 'ti\-?t es Vflc J:lll'l\, and that having given a heu(letit of these municipalities, that so soon give 'it, "tlo uu':;;' h('«"r"'l" émnt'l\nuc t? l o the Allit / o M hi hq on vo s. -- Mr. -- Speaker { s'\lviltl" amount is paid to the Province,.we ;\ill'l nnt: detain -- the !louso plomze'r, I PAY IT To THR MUNICIPALITIES, vl;}' lcnlxlto 'l' :::i':"sgc 2;?:3 ttll;:elilkfin + expc("t,- . . > 1 f jouse may be Until we know that it is going to be allowed "0',":""".!"]""'3'1 upon the result of last year's f us--until we are assured that it is an asset operations. We have met all the expendi-- that we are going to receive--we cannot pay ture under the Supply Bill out of the ordin-- a it over to the municipalities, T explained be-- ary revenue of the Province, and taking even CA fore, but in consequence of the number of the expenditure outside of the$ upply Bill Tyeo communications w'nichl have received, I will such as the $35,000 paid to Qnebec' &c., we *'? {;}::m, thatb't h.t.rp amh twfo (.3,_580,,.. of lands " ha\'eloul_v been required to trench .upor;'our wod are subject to this fund. _ The one is surplus to something like the extent of $40,-- C school lands; the other Crown Land: 000. This -- year we s rip] is the _m-hool lands thatld\l\]r(és. mI-IA '{i""" that Pgserve "t:) tfiip?fl.ontr? of' lseo'::xg 'fi' 4 y ' o ands which are hat we can have recourse to in such an * now a matter of dispute. 'The item of school emergency as this; but I think it i ces 1 lands has been credfi.ed to the Province, and sary to impress llp'on the lla,)u'Tl "l.c k4 ,""'L?' $C as it is admitted to be a debt due us, we in-- arrived at a period when o o "t'd\'m l'm.\_e sA tend to pay it to the municipalities. But the fully equal to, if not in exe ':: (:rfxpon 'l-t fentte. d Land Improvement Fund upon Crown Lands Aud it is thevefore netegsar? CUignt the Houst is a fund which is not allowed to us, and one should scrutinize with t.hh: l .t m:, $ C k 'llous'rf which Quebec is evidently inclined to dispute demands _ made _ upot '-&I"La:g"{ care any i ' and resist. _ Now, in these remarks which 1 and not ('ount,m;a.ncppon K; eS uniess have made in reference to these accounts,I do they are "k';ll'ly c i:.:u( 'lhloemamll';- }mlc;ss ' = not wish to rptlo:ctupon the officials at Ottawa; terest, for the public wea[ :1:':1) g -'tl""- In fact I believe that Mr. Courtney is desi-- the financial ability of s eliuna" mmhe1 ts | & y is desi n al ability of the Province, That is rous of getting rid of these accounts just as | one of the principles hi | much as we are,and the cireumstances which | ourable leader ;L'h Axpou which my hon-- ; 1 h:;]\'v mei)ntioued as having occurred may, conducted the afl'uil?s ofr:l(::':m;yr:c(;\'?ll\?'ruflor {'I?: rhaps, be st thi ® C perhaps, ':)\ :f:;tlt'hlrreelx years, and I think that the re-- soME REXCUSE FOR DELAY, V('a'm'l?\(('lm"p?mt to during these thirteen n minis i i »rfect in every ' | but I trust that these delays will not con-- respect, is onl:tfllx'ztu\'\? s lf- io Poute $o s Th & tinue. Iam satisfied that it is a source of pardonable d t on poin6 0 ®iIth i great regret, not only to the Government greatest n tifents of pride and with the $ but to the Province, that we have not been even the g Meusitienlll,, S thils Sin --that able to get a settlement, nor to know what have occugfi-(:?n.iggn':'l"[ n;)'t dir:pube this. j I r 4 o ho. _ of the time of the I House than I intended, Mr. Speaker, fand |