i e t 0s on + " e ere n n o fe d s ®. ' o es e R . C C NoR be : paf * l es o TCP C ':-."'-w "" aint & . ... ®s h We 2 , > y * s »k'. es " &Z'..""q,?. s "_ ® m : & + * , use ht * f .)" + &. 1« ue * Je agh % '? * s \ g | all placeditin one ban.l& 'but he contended that rep'grt fiifihe géjtril!')::;(llon toltoffgg. tutes, | > * ' the system should be carried further and all Aheliouge 00 en ons | . the moneys placed in one account. He ad-- NOTICES OF MOTIOXN. | lmitted that the present arrangement had come down from Confederation, but contend-- Mr, Chisholm--To amend the Municipal 'ed it should be altered.. He was glad, how-- Act. § ever that the Bill had been introduced. Mr, Badgerow--To amend the Agriculture ' The Bill was read the second time. and Arts Act, s IHYC. | sUPPLY. Mr. Lees--Resolution--That in yiew of the . ] The House in Committee of Supply, on the eMloue _ ioi OA iEusnont the Provines in i k svellanheous under Civii favour of having the tolls: abolished on roads J | itget),:}e(x)-fusnlf'fistbo for miscellaneous held by J(lniub bithCk con?'pagm_-;«, it is the opin. | nt, t o g ion of this MHouse r1at the Governmen : Mr. rl':"l'{DITH said "'h"; the ((l:';'"::':lfff should take the matter into consldcrationf o t o pn sul introdure mon logtilation as will lead 19 | cerned, they were within the vote, if they UT7. Murras_--_BMH Lo an 1 Ea: . kept wlthiu'the lump sum \'otel(l for tt};'e De-- \ivt"' Murray--Bill to amend the Municipal c s iculture, the sum *-- M + x ; (]))[a fl;?é?&fila';:'i:fi:fi?flsgtglf: were included M '; Murr ag "fim _ ?pe}fi Emg tlhe'dnving of ; Bureau of Statistics, Agricultur&l\l Coll:ege, :?g:k?sfz:u:('lnqtrgau':: imber on lakes, rivers, ' and experimental farm,. .Now, the conten-- ir. * Caldv 7 i tion of t'l,leo hon. Treasurer was that he might ul'z'r,')rgt:l_':;;;ltfls';lmto "{"fe"dbthe Act for take the whole, nnc:l expc;ml it, sxg', on"elx- (nals, game and fur--bearing ani-- , perimental farm, and nothing on the other , Mr. French--Bill respecting leases ::;:'i;gf; From this principle he dissented fl\o'n. Mr. \l'ardee---B?ll to a'i;m-nd the Gene-- | ' % ini t I Hon. O. MOWAT--The hon. gentleman o Me Hattoupe } { has not correctly stated the position of the al:'ldl'Lf?&t':l)fl?ur'ua(r{*:-lfl,;:\o ;'::;flic"}'l the Act in re-- | : Government, or the position I have taken in € Mr. Balfour ",.d,,,.'i,f rfi:'"ou,fl for"4 $ defending the Government on varions occa-- turn | of" all corres ondence bhtl' Jor a re-- : sions,. --I have not said that this Government Minister 0f Arricil P . oand etween _ the # can do no wrong, but what I have said is that i nieap H 't'l M s 't'l""f"_" fdf} any persons in I the (Government never does any wrong. :;'f"(f'éut';v :)"r (,)"-l, h "'_"j"_ '5"'!"'1 plague" in f (Laughter and applause.) Me has asked us ',;f", ','1_(-."\"]1:"*{ se id "5'.'""' the report of f to bear in mind "'1'(' "&l'di'gfl prhtlt-iplcs af tl}e | e ..'..-'ésp;nd(;ncé wiuth'ttlfc':'{)epall'::;é:t' &lioga: il eform party when in osition, We do SA traw f e i+ {}eu? in ?uainil the cardluall)pprlnciples of the culture a:t Oitawa, or 'V"Eh any Othep_persox;s Reform party as stated in Opposition. We [ in .f;'%""' to the ontbreak, of the disease in forget nothing of those principles; and so § Ruto l poil ie A" oo inIh in fhs Provists. . well have we carried them out during the ,_ Mr. French --~Resolitrion~That in the opin-- Jast thirteen years that we have retained the ion ol this House it is expedient that pro-- is whole time the confidence of the country. vision be made to rennite a town which "{Applause.) 'The question is not one has withdrawn from a county ; i'-.'\/' some g "as to whether we have not given the House u'Iher mode than set forth in sec. 4 of the \ sufficient information as to the public ex-- .(mtf()luln'wd Municipal Act, 1883, and sub-- penditure. My hon. friend does not com-- 'sections thereof, where | the town passes< + plain that the public accounts contain false by--daw nnder said section, |and -- therefore, information in regard to what we have over Phat it be an Order of this tiouse that the ; ('Xp"lld('.ll, or in )-Q"urd to what we have Committee on .\ll.mu'l;ml' haws |DI','.H!""II."'('!' under expenditurcs. . What he complains of to prepare and inseri in the !ull entitled is not that he has all the information requir-- annvally * An Act to amend the Consolidated ed, nor is it a question of due responsibility. | Municipal Act 1885," a clause having for its I admit our full responsibility for every item | object a provision for reunion on liu'r and rea. of the expenditure, and for the methoa of the ; | sonable terms ; 10 be settled by armiration oz | expenditure. My hon, friend seems to as-- l by Order of the Lientenant tiovernor in | sume that whilst : t.;:llnl'mly. l(')'x;nlu'!zrf:l'l\f-:' mmh: as the said (();u- | i raige o Ce Peotal's n e may see fit to report upon, provide, | i THE HOUSE HAS YOTED s and recommend to this House, 4 P C \'a ceriain sum . of money for a certain Hon. A. Morris Inquiry--Whether the colonization road, and a certain U('h(:'l' sum Minister oflWducation has concluded any f for another road, that we claim that we may agreement with any, and which university apply that money just as we ."hOOSS'- We or universities in Ontario, in the hbold-- : claim no such a right. W e recogunize our | ing of simultaneous examinations of teach-- full duty to conform "O"lpl"t'}'.'v and min-- ] ers and matriculants by examiners acting utely to the character of the votes, u'nd T\\e both for the Education Department and for ggpuel:{elrfi:b oltp .:i(l"(l'ft()':::::x::leltlltl: :I(::)L::q [::: I such unil\'c'rflit_\' or\lunimrsnlies at (.]he same 3 ience of all Gover ® 88-- time and place. Also, copies of all corres: experience Ot_ abg:lmtl' (j?\'el'll.l\\finb ::'iuch lm pondence between the .'t?linlstel' of Educa-- n mesesoreine mitenit att tm aad ine UnTeapelt on Mpron w o uky solute 'cm't;;imv what exbmulltnre will be ol'hm_gmn.nersn'_v relulmg to the holding of \requir The House will bear in mind | 5P tho un o l te:wln-x;~ and matriculants ]?qu"et({; ® stiun' at -- alll cof at the same time and place, and under the © »!n?b tiere l';'.i""') \\"iltl;fl?e;gll 0-; 0'; m'x)r same examiners, and also for copies of any | :'1;'3";1;':;"'3\'}"1 ,_5.' ogn.-ubili!r ru'xi\'e effect to orders or rvgu'lalmn_s of the .\[i_nisxc,r or De-- fike vaves of the Pfi)usv Tie oifty question is partment of Education, and of the' statutes * as to the form of vote which we are to take mi h"{!""s ol" o sCa ;l;'-"\?r"ly o Ahiyersities in connsection with some details. In the :i(u(:!r.)ll:;geogls ';:ifil'"':l'tl;"f such system of Supply Bill the details of the various items Y ie ues phroe are never given, 'The Supply Bill never fol-- | rmneme s amesme--segite antietncnent lows the Estimates in every detail. The constitutional ruie has been, and the one we have followed is, to ask a vote of indemnity where the general balance of~ over--ex-- penditure has exceefed the under--expen-- diture, -- Me has not cited one single instance as authority for his conten-- ' tion. _Let him look into the accounts of the Dominion Parliament and he will find that the same rule obtains. He concluded by remarking that it was a question for the * House to decide upon,. Mon. A. M. ROSS took the Dominion Pub-- lie Accounts and showed that in the Depart-- ments of Auditor--General, Unforeseen and Unprovided, Public Works, etc., the practice was to take the over--expenditures and offset them by the under--expenditures, with the assent of the AuditorGeneral. _ In one | & case a note was appended to the eflect o that all the items contained in one vote are considered interchangeable. Thus s it would be seen that the practice of this Government was much n~arer to the conten-- y tion of the leader of the Opposition than the Ottawa practice, & Mr. MERRICK pointed out an item which ® he contended bore out the position of the PR leader of the Opposition. t ' Mr, YOUNG thought that this Govern-- ment might go too far in following the ex-- amiple of the Ottawa Government. Mr, CARNEKGIE quoted 'Todd as to the ; British practice. * * 'The item passed. | The Committee then rose and reported. | Hon. A. 8. HARDY presented the report * of the Commissioner of Crown Lands and the -- $8 . ,." --