_. "?'i'..« * Y e _ s 6 9 * 8 h * Roven * Rirmpmmtemsemnzrrmm mslsn f & 7 ' n\ -- m s¥A e tg n _ 9 ' -- ie f eC mm m a €] * e o t N , q * e f taees. j | § p 2 -;fi x¥ & f i Mr DRURY said h fecti | | ways for the purpose of c i F | } » * e had no objection, but | , < ® constructing drains. | | he did not know that a lawyer knew any The l"gl.' of such legislation was found to be } more than other people about municipal mat-- a great inconvenience and obstruction to the / ters. (Laughter.) | dfmi"'i'ifi" of property in the neighbourhood q 4 ; _ The names of Messrs. Harcourt and White | ?or?;ll way$s. f? he Bill also made. provision | T f | were added and the motion carried. | n'fii:tase of an engineer refusing to give a | t } | ACCIDENTS TO WORKMEN ON RAIL certifcate under the Ditches and Water. | 4 wWAYS | Hon, T. 13. PARDEE said that the Muni _E D. w \ f h A Muni-- U | , Mr. MEREDITH moved for a return of | ';'lg':lllé 'l)l'""'"&'ee LC dealing with this Bill | & JUdai!lrgclxts or decisions in any Division of! [ ripainuc 16 Av) / take great care that the rail-- 1P | the High Court of Justice as to the liability | ;vf?u;z';:,'?{'-") stllmultl have the opportunity R | «of railway companies {or accidents to work-- | The satet [5'?31 1e w og'k in order to see that | & men, .Wll'u;r"e the company has failed to com-- | 0[?1?:' x?ozidobetd"i'gleh:;z{ a;tld lth?l permanence | 1t f «Ply with the provisions of the Railway Acci-- | Y uRT pa t attected, -- W f dent: 1881 . M ome they Mr. PHELPS--Have we any ¢, | DP § p:.:nerl zb\f'l. 1881, .mc_l the accidents have haij- railways that are udder the *¥ C?"{i"')! over A y reason of such non--compliance. He the Dominion ? Jurisdiction of p thought that as great a measure of responsi-- l]" C o oV rp 5 y d bility as possible should be placed upon the wh'iff{:' ?L lVltO}X{;OT;--l{ :'"t is a question in ® i companies, A & possibie to give a positive @ Hon. C. F. FRASER said that the hon. | | il']ls'"-lfir.l 'l!u; prnlcx&ale.u}vol\:ed is one upon wl [ f gentleman was quite right in supposing | 7 ich there is no decisive judgment. We <l that it was the intention of the framer of hope we have jurisdiction, but at present it k . ¢ * the Bill regarding cmupeusatbu to work:.| * iIS{inpqssg)le'to T _ s it § _ ?E t " {)l;eu that the liability of the railways should | Céu;';cii\ll'lihl)llfl--bubm;c it to the Privy / o as extensive as this Legislature could C § s 41. 3 make it, and that the person injured 'lerlrlelg t}:h"lwafi Nnd a second time, and re-- JP | * in any of the ways mentioned in the Biil ! o the Municipal Committee, / W :lll(:ll'lll::'!'x;ttgl.l:;':g:'l;t (?l{ actim:ix;ot t.;l'l]\ e.i;ain'st, | THE FRANCHISE, % | F a railway c any chartered by this Legis-- a _ R \ lat_ure. bu_t against any railway cpcz'ath:: in | oI)tllr'x I&:'}lLtI'OUR moved'the second reading M | f this Province, provided the Legislature had ' bicct of Cl u;lgl'(fild the Franchise Act, The 1 $ Jjurisdictiqn, So far he had not been able to ti "ebt ul ll]e l was to give greater facili-- t follow the interpretation which the Courts | lve netrany wolders' sons employed as mari-- | $ had given of the Acts which affected the | | ners, fishermen, or students to exercise the t f f liability @f the railway companies. Eut it | iranchise. _ It provided that the time spe;nt | was intended by the Bill ll:u\\' before the | 9'"""} from home by these Y'"'S'mfi in pursu-- 0 10 . House to endeavour to reach all the railway t?g fheir o?cul?atlons should be counted as o4 ' | c'qmpaniesfto as greait. an extent as the juris-- | n\ller'bgleEtR';'lDl('i!]}lie'said that if th i «i diction o the 'Mouse would go. He ' fthe 1 ie / e question <'@ | ; o * C the franchise was to b @ ~--. se § agreed with the leader of the Op-- 9 j e re--opened the Bill ~ Stilh t fiositiou that if the clauses now in the | 3133\0151"93} ?mtehndeld !)y providing that resi-- -- 98 ' ill were notsufficiently severe on that point, within t1 k Che 9 ectoral district, instead of o \ it would be well to add such words as would .Om,l\lv( l'.'". 'lr'lu:im_pa_hty. should qualify in-- B ir'm.kel it conclusive that the intention of the C '\I:T '-('lo:lxl'f';nsu';gzt\;tiartl;..e:: the Bill had h f egislature was to give a right of actioi en conied frol ieved Wat, thie, bill ha f f wherever possible, td to gc.\'cl'cise the L'S'fi" 4.0518} o [hhe Dominion. Franchise f legislative authority of the House to the very ill, and there ought to be do difficulty in : utmost extent. Motion carried. ?fifimg"' The Dominion Act was a good R wIDTH oF WwAGGOXN TiRks, ; on A. S HARDY--Whom is it good , or : + Mr., SNIDER moved the second reading of Mr. WHITE--Well, fisher § ~a T l a Bill to regulate the width of tires, The | at'ktz.u;t. 1ITE--Well, fishermenand students $ | Spzine pioth of hase. on . rRegane. . arare | T he Sn s refred oi ons S3 f j 4 1 8 ag R y8, e ill was ri ~ + «+C3 / etc., carrying a load of 2,000 pounds should he Bil '." el ezl're to t.hef (Jmfi.mlfwe,.?{: | ~~a h } be not less than 34 inches, 'The Bill was not | ' "l'; us '_o ':'\'I(,"',L{") lmnh C | pyousngs +Y¥ vE l y . to apply to counties or districts having unor-- | | thenamae of M+. Balfour adudes. . 0. | $ / ganized townships within their limits. _ En-- | | sSTREZT IMPROVEMNENTS. | s quiries made of manufacturers and others On the second raading of Mr. Ermatinger's | Me : | had elicited replies to theeffect that waggons | Bill to amand the Municipal Act, he stated § | with wide tires were coming into use more | that the object of the Bill was that after extensively and were being mzmufucturpt'. in making an improvement by a frontage lax ; \ larger numbers than formerly. _ He believed it should be kept np by this same measure, a great _ saving w;mld dhe fefle(-l'mrl By this means log roliing would be ubolislhed in the repairing of roads i wide | and the ratepayers would see that their f tires _ were generally used. In _ one | money was well expended. _ 1t should only §* village it was estimated that a saving of apply to cities and municipalitiesthat passed -- e 8500 a year was effected in this way. The | } | a by--law for this purpose. d expense of replacing narrow tires by wide ' The Bill was read the second time and re-- * tires woulgl be from $16 to| $20 per waggon, | ferred to the Municipal Committee. . Lllxl.l;.lut;;:e Bill gave ample time to make the | LATDLAW TRUST. t Mr. HUDSON said that the compulsory § 'll.)_u.' Hn..u.m- :"'-'L'm\i""';"('.'v'!""',',it':C("'m("l'm-_Ci ' broadening of the tire would necessitate the Te raser's Hf'.l [.()' enable ln:. Foronto .mi:cl::; ho making of wheels much larger than would be rasts Company as "",'.Y"""' of Anne Laid. t necessary to sustain the weight. law to purchase lands, The Bill was reported. a ! _ Mr. ROBILLARD opposed the Bill, sayin VILLAGE OF BEETON. | that it would be impracticable to enfore suog Mr. DRURY movred the second reading of $ ,d «e' s 1 ol ns s } s the Bill respecting the village of Beeton. s Mr. LEES said that wide waggon tires Mr. OCONNOR contended that the most were unsuited to some kind of roads. . HMe improper means were taken to secure the in-- | moved the three months hoist. corporation of the village. Me proceeded to | Mr. DRURY said that to many [N"'f'i."f | read a portion of the judgment by Chief Jus-- | the Province the law would be attended with tice Wilson, in which he said he could not in-- great hfll'd-'lll"). while in others it would he terfere unless there was gross fraud shown. | of great benefit. He !"'('J"'?','d that it should The judge had characterized the proceedings m k not apply to unorganized districts, and that as irregular and marked by falsehood and ¢ in other counties it should be permissive, ut ter disregard of the law. , ?{,'d "'"&mc County Councils should regulate | Mr, DRURY showed "'f}' the village had m e matter. . | over 700 inhabitants, and it was on this 6 Mr. SILLS thought that the people should | point that the Chief JSustice had wruled. 'The 5 p . be allowed to regulate the matter for them-- { judge had advised the village to come here. ' z,cl-,lves, and that the Bill should be permis-- ; | The Private Bills Committese had had a pe-- & sive. s ¥F ; $ | | tition of 87 names from the 'viliage, the | | is Hon. C. F. FRAS'I'.R. smgl that it was evi-- | | unanimous petitions of the \'illu;ié,' amLi ! ¢ l k dent that a regulation which was just and | ./ Comnty Commeils in favour of the Bill, i I» wise in one district might be altogether out | Mr. MEREDITH asked if there \\.'a.s any ' | | of place in another, and there was therefore | objection to igsert a clause putting the Act | c * | force in the suggestion that the Bill should | into operation only on a vote of the majority | e | be madepermissive,. At allevents the House, | ' of the inhabitants. * i > > without committing m;«-.ll' to any particular ' | Mr. DRURY thought there would be at measure, m;th pass the second reading, and | this stage. allicgtu;ethe Bill to go to the Municipa l Com-- | ; lll.m. C.['F. FR.-\SSI{R slu.&ggl;».stealll that the p mittee. * k only questions were, Should the vi : be in-- ; P LEI'CS \\'lt!\'drow l)ls ameudment'. ' "(Jl'l)'-;}'itll'\l. and from what li'.n:(E :figl},ld uzt Mr. MEREDITH said that the County | date? To these the answer was t] a Councils already had power to regulate the | ] eciglat Cl a d that the 0 ] } r | egislature often incorporated municipalities | l, width of ties of certain vehicles. . | which had not the proper qualiiicatim;l)s. 9 | 7 Th?} Blll":\'a:i read :;lea'coud_ time and re-- | Mr. BADG b:l\'()\{' supported the Bill. l * ferred to the Municipal Committee. | Mr, PHELPS stated the facts surroundin DRAINAGE UNDER RAILWAYS &hlo i;lgé)irporatign, and showed that on Jun% ' , * 5th, , a petition was presented to the Mr. WATERS moved the second reading County Counecil for incorporation, which C of the Bill to amend the Ditches and Water-- | showed that there was the proper number of | courses Act. T'l.le.\sfl't?ft lOf th'o.lexlll was to | inhabitants. 'The by--law was to go into allow of the waterways along railways being ' operation only in January ,1885,and yet there utilized l:)re'(::':'l.nsggnp\tllllgow* a'utd to allow | was no opposition until dm June following. | persons to P property of rail-- | \ Me was satisfied that no harm would be done ' % F j | | 7 patnin + ag EL _ _ ob i .