to anyone by the nassage of the Bill. t ! Mr.yllAM&IELL sainf the valuation of the ' | parties in the petition against the Bill was | ' two--thirds of that in favour of the Bill. , Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) said there were l | no facts placed before the House which had not been placed before the Committee. The Committee by a large majority decided in { {ayour of the Bill. f |_ _ Mr, ERMATINGER thought it was an ' unwise proceeding to interfere with the ac-- tion of the courts. j The Bill was read the second time. SECOND READINGS. | The following Bills were read the second time : Mr. Ferris--Respectingthe Women's Chris-- tian Association, of Belleville. | _ Mr. McGhee--'To consolidate the debt of the Town of QOrangeville. us ' Mr. Balfour--To authorize the Law Society | of Ontario to admit Delos R. Davis as a bar-- | rister--at--law. Mr,. Mulholland--To authorize Walter D. Coate to practise as a chemist. Mr, Awrey--Respecting the Hamilton and Dundas Street Railway Company, Mr. Widdifield--To incorporate the King Loop Line Railway Company. On the second reading of the Bill to allow | the Law Society to admit Delos R. Davis to practice as a barrister--at--law, Mr. Meredith asked for a declaration of the Attorney--GGen-- eral as to the Government's policy on this class of Bills, Mo was not opposed to this in-- dividual case, Mon. 0, MOWAT--I am glad to know that my hon. friend agrees with me as to the pro-- priety of genvrahuws', and dispensini with private acis in all possible cases. I take the same view in this matter that I have fre-- quently expressed in the Mouse, and I am quite sure it is in the public interest that ali cases should be dealt with under the gen-- eral laws unless the circumstances are very exceptional. Cases are always aris-- ; ing in which there are some circumstances I of exceptional difficulty, and the present case is exceptional in this res 'et, and in-- | deed so exceptional that I am &pneite satisfled ; that the same can never occur again. For this reason L am in favour of the Bfil passing. ' The Bill was read a second, time,. AGRICULTURE AXD aRTsS. Mr. MEREDITH asked if it were the in-- tention of the Government to introduce any legi_sla_tion relating to the Agriculture As-- | sociation, | _ Hon. A. M. ROSS replied that he had al-- | ready fiven notice of a Bill on the subject, | The House adjourned at 10:5. NOTICES OF MOTION. Mr. Baxter--Resolution----That sessional paper No. 43 of 1881, containing minutes of the Senate of the University of Toronto for 1880 be referred to the Standing Committee on P::mtm;:;. in order that the advisability of printing the same may be considered. Mr, Mchaughlin--For a return containing the minutes of the Senate of the University of 'l'ommp from the date of last return to the present time, .\le-. Pallantyne--Bul to amend the Muni-- | cipal Act. * & Mr, Awrey--Bill to amend the Surveyors' ct. A.\[r. Awrey--Bill to amend the Municipal €t. Mr. Monk--Bill to amend the Consclidated Municipal Act. The" Attorney--General--Bill to further amenud the law respecting assignments for . the benefit of creditors. 1 Mr. Ermatinger--For a return of the num-- ber of convicts confined in the Central Prison and em{loyed at work, which competes with | the work of other citizens of the g'rovince f the kinds of wor'k, the number employed at each kindfof work, and the amounts received | b{ the Government for each convict so em.--' ployed. ' Air, Clancy--Bill to amend the Consoli-- | dated Municipal Act, 1883. i emmmnrnnnnnrmmmmemmmmen nc enmmmmmmmmemmens I