. PCE m on " e 6 e 0 PW Pulgy /C es ".v\ . ' +2 ® " 9 --<' efi ® e .;.A % M w m CRe :: \> 8 3 Wt '.' 5 dn m id ic oi iorinlt nc P r We nc & F es -- s . 3 i: o % has been made that another Division Inspe * A s 7 | l * sion Inspec-- $ g&n::&::&::nuswhich may beissued in Scott | i :;n sll\u:}l lze api)omtecti; IgutClI]_ afm inclhinc.d to t & | think that an Inspector--in--Chief, with juris-- Hon. A. S. HARDY--That is under the | | Alcti f P + i 3 -- -- A. S. diction over the entire city, will be ' .&fitt\(.%c\t{ :Bn'ot under our owxfi law. $ ' found more efficient. It is not proposed to } ,' force the S E'E'"l')'?" t you take power to en-- | have two boards ; the duties are adminis-- | i on 'f\ bgoti{:&: 6 Y--'the enforesinent 'of {'mtn{e uni,)l cat.n be ;I)grf_ormed as dwelll by one 'F 60 « A. S, HA ~--~T : »oard as by two. is proposed also some-- ' | a Dominion law is one thing; the making of as Incr * + a new law isanother. Ithas been said that the whatito inctease the l' U Provincial Government _has power to nforce FACILITIES FOR SEARCH, | .. i 6 any I(QW.angIlt'wnlbetheD})mnnon law which Representations have been made that it' | & -- R -- D'El;en?;:;n;ll's:lzrlx,c;)x; nx:x;:ll l'l'l'?fielt):éo::fki(i,ul:)gg woultd b(-. w:lll m'tglt\if police officers fand il}- & | r; 'are 7 > spectors in the city the same power of search / W <0 enforce. But in other counties the points as they have in respect to gamblin 3 NP ) enforce C as y hs 8 g places, | w #3 we are aiming at are the prevention of un-- Complaint has been made tgat although the | t > : \icensed ?ale and of Sunday sule. I am not city of Toronto has passed a by--law rectxiring smt'Dl'.!s.e(" at the colmplu.mts. l'ha_t tl'le law is that the shops in which liquor is sold shall be | . not rigidly enforced in a city like Toronto. separate from other shops this has not been | i k - ,Havmxlz 100,000 inhabitants or more it is very carried out ; a partition has been put up and | > tfll.mclu t forT?ne or two inspectors to en' rce the shop divided, but although it looks all + \\'!u. '_1"'- 'f' IHSPe('tf)Y' cannot be evory-- right, a separate entrance has been made | I h w,nvl;t at lO 'ce, and \\here," he is not there and communication kept up between the | K j do | be violations of the law; the _best_, he can liquor shop and the grocery or other shop. l f I | on]);-sb(t'o. prosf'l('n:(- ; and often his difficulty In several cases, it is said, a window is in-- M 0 h beca ?'-"".3' w N'Hd hel Mfie"llpt"-' to prosecute, serted or the partition does not reach to the 1# y secre"t"l"' ie has to deal with bad persons whoi ceiling. It is proposed to impose a penalty f ¥ R of $20 & day for every day that there is § | l In th AGREE TO VIOLATE THE LAW. an opening for.the.purposeofcommuuication. ( | from is respect the liquor law is difforent _ The other point is to prevent Sunday sel-- / e | for ; «l other laws, In the case of larceny, ling, and that is a very difficult: question to | | { f ave, nstance, there is one person who is deal with, The law now directs the bar to | §0 f f"qutly wronged, and who is animated by be closed between the hours of 7 o'ciock on | i putsire to see the enforcement of the law. saturday e}i{"i".'"lg ""d? ofl]')Ck e }lquday P | in the case of the liquor law, two per. morning. iis has not, and cannot be very 4 ons ; 9 > per e a t_om,ngree to violate the law, and neither | thoroughly enforeed. _ As the law now stands | y gec "Jains ; and the Inspector has to pro | it is to the effect that no person shall visit a f 1 _.ite against the will of both parties, and barroom other than members of the house-- ' me can only do it where the parties have hold _ of _ the . proprietor, _ and _ that a been observed or where secresy has been | lights shall not be shown there during these | | f violated. _ And therefore there probably | prohibited hours. it is provided that if a : k never will be & time when the illicit sale of person visit the barroom, or if any lights are & 8 liquor will be wholly suppressed. Never-- shown there, it shall be taken as ))l'L'I"L-":ftL('t( "E% : o -- theless much may be done. There are conflict-- evidence ot lu'\uur being sold there. This was 4 ingstatementsas tothe number of unlicensed | overcome by the ¥ropr|etor swearing that al-- § ¢ places called * dives " in Toronto, but there | though it might be true that the bar was ® | h can be no doubt at all events that there are || ce i light there, 'vet he sold no liquor ~£l 6. A too many. A great deal can be accomplish-- | during the time, and thus it was almost im-- f F ed with the aid of the police foree. In the | possible to secure a conviction, The only E. past the police have steadily held aloof, act-- possible way to meet this that has occurred * i . ing, it has been said, under instructions, to me--and I thinlcit is of the greatest im-- _ f J : although the law is imperative that the portance that Sunday selling shall be sup-- § police, under the instructions of the com-- pressed, and I believe this is the generai 3 ' missioners sh?_ll assist in the enforcement of opinion of the country, whether Scott Act Kas the law. _1 believe that if the {,(."p.- anc vhe supporters or not --is the one 1' now propose. ! Police Commissioners would give them This is th_&t _th" person who admits any wl § , 3 hearty assistance, we should have the most persons within the barroom, and the person t ) perfect machinery that could possibly be de-- found there, shall be guilty of an offence $ I vised, without additional expense, while at against the Act, with a penalty of $20. I think t ~ P the same time, the revenues of the munici-- this will secure a conviction when the law is . P | palities would be increased. I have provided violated. It will then be found that convic-- | . | s C in this Bill, tirst tion does not dcpmlul on lsome one c'odnamg, it y * . m o Awt * P ferward to swear that no liquor was so ur-- | | i: &" AS TO SALE WIT r that . ; y Th w ' \l w .f'Hf"" MLCSNXSE \| ing prohibited hours. It has been found ne-- | M | k thy. {; e P'HNU'" AMYY provides that a person sel-- cessary to have Provincial officers, and it is | ; e < + t":'gt{:'::""l.""h:'g" 1:§'e""t} *'";-l: be 'lllil"h'sl)lél' proposed to give one of the Provincial In-- 4 nue first ofience to a tine of not less than $20, spectors power to administer oaths in his m : gl' m"fl't' lhtllfl_ -34;) 3i fnlilhc_acvund olffence to a investigations. In rural constituencies the . us ":'1 tf' !lU" 'T{ t lld" $40 or more than 880 ; greatest difficulty has been found in obtaining and for the third offence to three months magistrates to sit in trying offences against l is e imprisonment. . What I propose now is that the Act, as it now requires two. We have v@ 28 : for tl)_'f' m}\.[ "'--.l.:cswc_ ow in it ne o provided that in cases in which there is an s # ) e t(;-'* ln!*"_N'OI more ~v|'l'='m SIQO ; for the appeal to a County Judge, one magistrate f waey * second offence imprisonment lnx. not less | shall suffice. The Bill is aimed P . o than four months ; and for the third offence | i. . pel imprisonment for not less than six months. | PARTICULARLY AT ILLICIT SELLING JA .. n These penalties are for selling liquor without avy sellin' ; p% r 8 «m the license. _ In England the penalties and Sun(la.)' Sf"xm'g' and .lt. : moin waing vike: f Kp° Ne oeh Cns K } e creased duties, both on tavern and on drug-- 1X for similar offences are as follows :--First fists' licanses in Scott Act counties.. Anu l L x2 z> | *% | offence, a fine not exceeding $259 or one | :::;: ll(x"l;:l'c', l",l n vo 6. O'"(t ttlmtn L'fi" T § Tss * ) month's imprisonment; second offence, not Do .':,(llc;)m.:.m.f.li I{:?l{'t),lel to the fe.f:iln oiefl,o' | UA i 3w / * -- exceeding $50) or three mouths' imprison-- A e Act of 1 "4 fhereas, thoses Inor e * 1J 4 2k >'* n -- ment and five years' disqualification for i crbes ;tln 18? ¥ |" incr ue lgb? S cagfs a;-e . ks it * . a & * 44 10M _ ) repealed. : » 'reased o d in d * XT% 1 | license; third offence, $500 or six months' im-- ue ,p" rourk '-"(' l'r "1 11"}: "Q." f{t ml ean en a B* 3 s risounment, and indefinite disqualification statutory fee, UndertheScott Act there'might BC . }orliceuie * YWhether this will h;u'c C iC be ten druggists' licenses in each city, while ; f terrent effect or whether a conviction \\f?ll'tl{(; ' 1 am of the opinion that three Ol'df')'"' would | n yB pay Ar *A vaghiA ' +. toos be a.mple, and the fee proposed is $100 in -- * % more dlflu:ult to lub.t:am rcmalns'u_) be seen, cities, towns, $60, and other municipalities Chey ?r ; but all the House can do is to make the law $40. He concluded by moving the fAirst read-- _ as stringent as sible,. is o rong g 4+ ® t C 1 u-q:s.:ltllfl éi'.; g't)sjl'glrt)ntol tisl*c%l:cfitfgl' o ing of the Bill. * | \39~ appoint ryy The Bil! was read the first time. n% l } AN INSPECOTOR--IN--CHIZP THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. W '~ f(,)rtg':,';- fz'f.;v'oa'fl'e:fif r:hg(:)'t?'ht'f"; l_";i"""""j"- The House in Committee on the Bill to J (')t'i's w . pro f to adlt ":)l tfi:. sel: Z:I::ét %'mfi-ud the Act respecting the Agricultural . «8 : > \, C < C » s + tedinti ollege. ce y R & ¢ s Fj'»,g tllu'fD@L:.O"'- ~\'\th~o Szl'-l.ll ]l)lf.\W .!qrjlstll(l,tfon O\lfer Mr. MEREDITH thought it would be advis-- -- C 3 '):,L't?(')'. 'i":" (('lh;\(.f + l'l' i: '-':"g'; "i-" inL ;hflt n-- able to have one or 5\\'0 ex--officio members on L* + 4 . ¢ ~aIn--> 1. @ & 00 spector, » Advisory Boar i n § es the § J? t{mmlu:hl,\' understands the law, and has | tll"xfoni}htnlt. gf'\the .t{tgri:n;]l(tlu:: ;:t§§:::i:e%e | e .. | ]Ill'l Ii'.!'gf' experience in prosecutions. It has | clation as a proper person to bc appointed on yhise . V | been found that when cases are brought up | the Board | C in the division where he does not act as In-- i Hon, A. M. ROSS said the President | ' C * spector _ objection _ is -- taken _ to _ his | of this Association, while admirably u(iupfie(l'v | # ""l'\!{ '"l"';!"'_- "l 18 1 therefore proposed | to fill the ],oxition', was not always such a 1 k [ that in addition to his duties as Secretary of | t gn Sgr e it eas sral j f j se the Board he shall be Chief Inspector, and }:;':fetgglthc.ffl:{'vei;o:}: B'(t,'a,"('l"s 1,?(';,.[;?;7)130 ::: | y a - | shall, in company with the Inspector for the | sihnia cthd FApaot A n o g 2 ' division, \'isicpv:u-h place for wlhich a license ?(l:']l(,.S,tli;::.l,.it;'l.&:]fehft&;:;&ll|?éugls£§{)§3::&.et%?'i | f is asked, and shall be held responsible for any in "tha " Sita} oF " Arpans ~ lcb tmovgl f ~':ri unqualified person holding aplit,'elmv. There | l]')l,.l.t'l\]:.'.lr?ld;(;:lia?fa -\l'tgg'l:'saj.er(;gr'ln('{ltlcut, y * have been cases where a place has been spe-- | husetts, North Carolina. ' 5e Oreggit: Fi A ally prepared for the visit of the Inspector : | chusetts, North Carolina, Tennessee, Oregon, | n 'b"' 1 F ._'1. h there will--ue rSpector i | and Kentucky this practice of granting free _ ut henceilo * | 4 scholarships was in vogue, and it was not 4 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS f0"{"d {?P!'[ftll'{e[(t'"{t' efl'ecrlsmted. 3 + Mr. ME 'X moved in ameondment that S nd care will be taken to hold the Inspector al ALSI&I o un C¥ :'esponsible that 'wr\'ons who nave nol');e the each electoxulhdn(i'sxlon be allowed tosend two 4 proper accommodation shall nceither obtain st'lu?lm':.-t ;0 dt :uitli) leg?l frce of charge | for | nor retain their licenses. The proposition entrance an on, the selection of these } scholars to be chosen as provided by said P io k A--M & . i