The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Feb 1886, p. 3

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" m eR o 9. " otoie 9 enarew + ts # { j P es .. f F > *k .. -- o | section. C f not such as he professes to | ; Hon. A. M. ROSS said he was sure the hon. ! fi;'f: "'}'f",fg' really wished Mr. Pacaud dis-- | _ gentleman had not moved the amendment in missed from the service, he would have told the expectation that it would be car-- me before, instead of having brought up the | j i ried. If all the counties having the matter as he his tohight. ~It is very-- plain right of nomination would avail them-- that his whole object is to make a little poli-- | sc]\'e's of the privilege they would fill up tical capital. Now I know nothing at all § } - the College. If the proposition in the hon. sDOut l\gr. Pacaud, unless that he is the 3 1 gentleman's amendment was carried out they editor of Le Progres, a paper which 'i . ' would have to ask the House for an appro-- _ | I receive, but which i do -- not o i priation to increase the accommodatim} of often -- read, though occasionaily I have $ { the College. He called attent.on to the facy ipped into it. _ We don't profess 1to be re-- ; 3 ' dermalane rive n ware man prs : Weear t siay ; AemramsaBiil w s l¢;gsible for wll the political opinions of l | were criticizing the actsn of the Government P osSk SESSIONAL Wioting § 3 when they proposed to admit one student | whom we employ as clerks. I would be very | c | from each county, were now proposing to b ible in that manner. I * 3 I bave two students admitted _ free of sorry to be responsible in ce i | o toral district. The should be afraid to employ any one as clerk. § } charge from each electoral ljmci'ht t: But when I have read Mr. Pacaud's paper I ¢ BR _ | steuaen in The }md Imli;)i:u\gire lflt')l';snd dc; have seen some things which I agree with. P | | :Etfl':l(led ts fuftive HMe is verfi correct in regard to the statemient s & «l | After considerable discussion the amend-- tt'lr.::tntg:ft oll:l;:lp':::'xg: t;)r;::im::t' i\}: b?'igz?n'd A ¢ ment was lost and the clause relating to the l;aslsai(l it is l(J\I"pla'usc.) He is also correct & ¢ frif::]':i'ieft?gg" adopted. in regard to my hon. friel-nd from I\'olrth A 4 o S un icb e 3 Essex. I quite agree with the opinion that J Hon,. 01 MowAT !ntx'oduce;d a clause re he oughtqnot tb(;) be the repres'émurive of 3 la}!;;g (g .hc"(:)rdors Ap (('1'?2' ll_)l;-ted rogress. North Essex. _ If he really holds the opinions fF @ The committee rose an P * : BTO8 § about the Volunteers, which have been it SsUPPLY. attributed to him, then I say lu:1 Ilwlds some l u1 + opinions which are incorrect, an am sorry t Tne Honse ds Con'nlm' Supply, The Ll[\)ut, he has fallen into such errors. -- In this $ FI se m is '-v.'l" '.0""'31';'7"556 respect he is the same as Sir Adolphe Caron f B1 | Item l""f" @bLOn, Ritl sOoU+ the dis ton | as regards the first Riel affair, yet the Minis-- l L | oo neante n aincts had noreonataaag' o ter of Militia is in the Cabinet and apparent-- ¢ ; which this called forth had not conciuded. 19 ho 4 t 1 hops / Alr. Pacaud will also J P 1 It being six o'clock the Speaker left the i¥ r:fiten wRHbe pe Mr. chair. usls }f'he item p:;\.sssed.f (ros Asfos® - ( "TER RECES Administration of justice, 332. * f ATLE i nsl' ' . Mr, MEREDLTH asketl. an explanation of o §: The House again went into Con.lmlt'tee of the item of $12,000 for litigation of coustitu-- 3 [ | Supply on the item $127,850 for legislation. _ | tional questions. E+ 3 Mr. WHITE said that one (Jusganl Pacaud | \_ Hon. QO. MOWAT said that he could not § was in the employment of the Government, | | tell how much of the vote would be expend-- e f and that he had been agitating the County of ed. -- There were a number of questions, such . 3 ~ Essex on the subject of the execution of as the Factory Act, the right of the Province va ¥ Louis Riel ; also that in his newspaper, Le to escheats, etc. i5 & Prozres, he had condemned the execution of Mr. ERMATINGER asked what action the £ Louis Riel and denounced the Dominion Government intended to take as to several : Governmert, and had made charges against Bills for the introduction of the Torrens sys-- f the Volunteers. 4 * tem of land transfer in various localities. Messrs. Balfour and Robillard contmged Hon. 0. MOWA'T said that it was intended J *, | the debate, the latter personally, a.(_ldrqssmg to extend the operation of the Act during (s ; | in French Mr. Pacaud, who was sitting in the the present session, but that it was intended : | in * 44 7 wallery at the time,. to make some alterations in the law for , Mr. MEREDITH said that after what had quicting, ticles in places where the Land a8 been said and proyed, he thought the House Titles Act was not in force. was entitled to a Ministerial statement as to |\ _ The Committee rose and reported. ' whether Mr. Gaspard Pacaud would be re-- | -- The House adjourned at 9:20,. ¢ l tained in the service of the Government. aa toffyc | Hon. T. B. PARDEE--One is inclined to NOTICES OF MOTION. . ' ask What is all this fuss about?t What K & s J | means all this noise, this lifting of the right Mr. Murray--Whether it is the intention | | arm i All because we have got a French of the Government, before the close' of thlsl | Canadian in our employ as _ sessional session, to introduce lc%;slat,}on Iggl\l_flg the ; writer. What had been proved of the gentle-- people of the Nipissing District Parliament-- ] | man? That he had said in his paper that | ary representation. | the Rie! matter was a inost im{')ropcr thing | _ Mr. Ferris--On Monday--An Act to amend | % ) | to have been brought here. Well, the ma-- the Mur'n'cxpal Act.. s ] T 'jol'}tv of the House had said that it was a l Mr. O'Connor--Bill to incorporate the On-- | ' ! most improper thing to have been brought | tario Creameries Association. here. ds the man who questions the pro-- Mr, French--Resolution--That the com-- | & priety of bringing the Riel matter up in this mittee appointed to assist Mr. hpeakcr'm | o * House to be utterly dencunced as unworthy charge of the library, be instructed to enquire 4 to be employed by the Government t \\'el into and r(-})ort, to (lnis House upon the de-- . aal don't employ our se _ writers on poli-- sirability of procuring from the library of the e tical grounds. --If we find a man is ft for the Dominion at Ottawa copies of the journals of place we don't enquire as to whether he is a the Pa}rlmment of Upper Canada, from 1792 ~ sUPPORTER OF THE REFORM PARTY ;'1"1?{10*:"1";) rh:)l:)(:xl' other records thereof as -- or not. But the great objection which the | I\ir. McLhaughlin--Bill respecting contracts | ' hou,. gentfieman from North Essex has to | restraining the sale of intoxicating liquors f § . Mr, Pacaud is that he opposed him politic-- and opium p. ally. HMe did not go round to the church Mr. O'Connor--Bill to amend the Municipal M doors in favour of the member for North Institutions Act of 1833 | Essex, and therefore he must be denounced. | "il id cesc araeaan e e e e en ies | d If Mr, Pacaud had supported the member | ennnianiian i from North Essex then he would have been I employed by the Government at Ottawa, but ~ , because he is a French Canadian in the em-- ! ploy of this Government he is attacked per-- ' * _| sonally in the gallery, It is the mostoutrage-- | | ous attack ever made upon an innocent man by hon. gentlemen opposite. _ Because he happons to be earning his bread at the rate of $2 a day as sessional writer he is attacked by hon. gentlemen opposite. Messrs. Gray, &'hitc, Robillard, and Mr. Kearns spoke against the retention of Mr. Pacaud. F .: Hon. 0. MOWAT--Hon. gentlemen onpo-- ¢ site speak as if the Volunteers of Ontario us were all Couservatives. (Applause.) They e | speak of the rebellion in the North--west as 4 q t though it had been put down altogether by §3 | Conservative Volunteers. _ This I uttcrly 1 | deny. (Applause.) There are quite as 5A many Liberals among the Volunteers ' s as there are Conservatives, anc there ; d | | were just as many Reformers among the' o | ' Volunteers who bravely put down the rebel-- | C | lion, as Conservatives. 'They attempt to + w ' | charge the Reformers with having no sym-- oR ; pathy with Volunteers, or with the' success-- | ful effort made to put down the rebellion, | s ' | nor with regard to e t THIS PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL | | who has been the cause of all this discussion | here,. I find that he was employed last ses-- f sion, and that he received $157 for his ser-- . vices, Jt is very plain that the hon. gentle-- 3 man's motives in bringing the matter to our C 5 h w & iz

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