.. . . . Fifth .- Parhament - Third , l . Sessmn. / _ . (Br ' or Own Iterrorters.t IUUNDAY, March L The Speaker took the chair at is p.nt. COUNTY OF HALIBL'RTON. lion. o. MOWpLT moved the first, reading of a Bill, to omega the Act respecting the provisional county of Halilourton. Carried. DEBT OF' PORT HOPE. Mr. BRERETON moved tln: second reading of the Bill respecting the consolidated debi of the town of 'ort Hope. Carried. MINUTES OF UNIVERSITY SENATE. Mr. Mt'LAi'iiillJR moved for a return giving copies of the minutes of the Sonata of the University of Toronto from the date of the last return to the prompt time. Carried. JOURNALS Oh' UPPER CANADA PAR- . LIAMENT. Mr. FRENCH moved that the Committee appoint"! to assist, Mr. Speaker in the "rare q the library be instructed to inquire into and report to this House upon the desirability of procuring from the library of the Dominion at Ottawa eopies ot the journals of the Pap, liament of Upper Canada. from 17W.ro18'iyi Ind such other records thereof aw may seem proper. Carried. , MUNIUtPAr, HILLS. i Mr. MONK mm ed the rot-unit reading of a 1 Bill to ninend the Municipal Act. The Bill l was read tt net-Mid time and referred to the i Mann-ind] Committee. i Mr.. FREEMAN moved the second reading } or a Bill respei-cting (his and Water Com. i panics. ' Mr." MErWn1TH--what is the Govern- ment's policy i'espt'ctinp; the Bill i , lion. O.N0WhT said that he understood the general purpose of the Hilt was tome- vrnt ('umptmirn hum "vading the provisions of the law restricting the amount of ("Vi-5 tlends. The general principle lining agood. one: the House without tv.inetttiitpt to all the t details mi ht read it n set-unit time and refer it to the _lsfl2i'c?i"tall 1'otnrnittee. The Bill WM raid a second time and refer- , ed to the Municipal Cotmruitr,.e. , Hon. A. M. HMS muvwl that the House ttointoConunittee on the liquor license re- ' solution on Tutiday. Carried. i t The House mijnurnt-d at 5:40. s,' NOTICES OF MOTION. I The Attot'nry-rieuerar, Bill to (hair e the division line hi-t ween the districts of g'hun- tier Raw and Algottut for curtain purposes. Mr. tiardr--ifhi to amend the Art respect- ing; the application of the ilrligions Institu- tions Act to the Church of England. My, Meredith Ou Wednesfuy mink Order ot the House for a return showing the amount cg; ended on the Northern Coloniza- zation BerniD in the township of Gladstone, since the year 1381. allowing the details of the expenditure in cavlt year, the person to whom monovs were paid, and for what pur- poqes. and aim a return giving the. like par- tieulats of the expenditure upon the bridge or? theMiasissaitaa river in the same town. " p.