, T ~Co n 2 a es on t n 9 stt o mn o ud PS * v3" ho Sepeiie e * e lt »a o. mt l o "K+ ~-- ol pyek * m s Lt o * 4e 3A * ~eeg.* . $ A .' * ( ",,v_. en , c __,)"j ':,. "&A?&J, £ A -- 3 ( a e aprt e ts 4 M . e d 1 4| 3 s : . \. t x "', : ® ; ! ' aitik» 11 ' ~~% | panies L. could be considered here. When the Bill 3 § | RESPONSIELE FoR Ax ACcor?""", was considered in Committee he proposed l " | whi LW ¢® that a clause should be added making itclear M -- | which occurred through the op®' "won of a that whatever compensation is given under " 4 & 4 I 'b'_\'-la\w_r which they did not. make t: eraselves, the three years' limit should not%e subject to 3 : | The fifth sub--section of section 3 nrovides deduction on account of insurance secured by | i'hfit & }erknmn sllu?ll have a rigfht 'uf action ! the deceased. s# ¥ -- | where he is injured by reason of the negli-- It being si * aé : z | Hnn}-e of any person il{ the service of the egm- !chair. @ six d'clock t';é JD?aLer left the | I | l yanee o oarke teenres o ant e Merke Rerst i upon & railway. Section fn?xr is an 'at- \, Mr. I\IERED.ITH'.""."'" referring to what ; tempt to deal with the difficulties arising | he called the Commissioner's new--born zeal 4 from carrying out the Railway Act of 1881. 11. , for the workingman, said that the Cominis-- [ has been hold by the courts that the Rail-- sioner had copied the English Act, and that 14 | way Accidents Act of 1881 only applies to the measure which he (Mr. Meredith) j2d < . (W railways over which we have controi--that is Introduced last session was a more compre-- 1 ; railways chartered by this Legislature and henslyerouc. He_thuught Lhagz the provision t | afterwards remaining under its control. _ As allowing companies to substitute some pro-- | far as he knew the intention was to give the vident scheme for compensation was a bad it right of action, and this clause was intended one, and W(())#ld introduce great uncertainty. * ; d to give a right of action against all railways Judges wohld hold all Norfs_ot" vabyiig | in the Province, and when a case came be-- cheme was" 3 whether' aA wirea provident f O | fore the courts the broad question would be scheme was a reasonable one. . 'The limit a A § | before them. Section 6limits the amount of within which actions should be brought ~al B | compensat iOI" for "'.illi!'i"fl, and it is the same fl:?'-:lllt:);))<'::&r':a?(';!m{"?m three to five years. eP & amount as that placed in the Imperi i | i $ KVA 1 | amount ay that placed in the Imperial Bill, Hon. C. F. FRASER said that he did not || . l | think that his interest in the workingmen P I THE AMOUNT AwARDED, cl(.ntlh( be d(;s_(-rEpetdl as 't"new-horn zeal." He | 4 k | and it was 1 it won'*" | did _ not thin 1av the moment the Act | 3P | that ltcaa.xsugth.-;owfnlxtl«{I::It.slute :'ho U a« lbl?e f?i'.'.?;'z | providing for compensation to workmen was 0p. had not been placed. _ By section 7 notice | passed in the Imperial Parliament this P must be given to the employer for an action House should have passed a similar Act im-- $ ' within ta'olvo weeks, which is double the l m'edlu_le]y, without waiting for theresiults of / l'i"{c allowed in the English Act. _ Section 8 | (\S1\;p1L!:lxlx:'ln{':!)ofi}'l(')]ll:?'[lh?fl]::v';\(s fifffnfic};\lfi lt':'l'd 1 P -- |had no nliace in the Enclisc L im TarL & ranize this country, P f , 4'\" 'l;'nl)"l_?"!'fli" lt||lll.ll L;':':-'*-J:_l-:i('g, (l.l::*:l:*u'n'.l.'ii:\t_ | none of them had in the meautime asked for | ployee might contract himself out of the Act. | lhm'l;l(":l.'?llrc, so that the Government could l | hv'[hjg Act no workman can contract him. l not be said to have moved too slowly. So far . se | haar a This A m mm morart: Nyuounr o 4db as he hbad heard the workingmen were well d | self out ul- this Act, lllll.( ss for such workman / satisfied with this measure. ~ C I | entering into or making such contract or Mr. MERRICIK expressed himselfas wholly uid agreement there was otht-g' consideration opposed to the Bill. * \ \| than t!lut ot his 'bon:; taken into or continu-- I I')he Bill was read the second time. M ed in the employment of the defendant : 1oy. | T A CR oz pe unless such other consideration was, in the" | WAGE--EARNERS, 3 ' opinion of the court or judge before whom Hon. C. F. FIRASER moved the second R .| such action is tried, ample and adequate ; reading of the Biil to amend the Assessment [ | nor unless, in the opinion of said court or Act, 'l]-'h » olbject of the Bill is to remove ali o | judge, such contract or agreement, in view doubt about the exemption of a man assessed of such other consideration was not on the as a2 wage--earner from taxation, so far as the part of th@ workman, improvident, but was qualification for voter is concerned. * ez just and yeasonable. -- Then the consideration The Bill was read the secound time. o for a workman contracting himself out of the PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. ¢ * #1 t A u+ + reur a < ( \ * I.\,'"( R m.'l'; s :': '.T'_l':'f',""""d:;,l'.u'h,"'",m s lal",d. [The House in Committee on the Bill to pro-- | | Apit 6 proceciot. Lo slale cases. where vide for the better auditiag of the public | , he considered workmen should be allowed to CA¥ t rovinp # uachke $ k hn is accounts of the Province, 1 | contract themselves out of the Act. Take, Mr. MEREDITH asked what staff would ' f for instance, the be'started. | I Ccask oOF A GENERAL MANXAGER, llon. A. M. ROSS said it could not be de-- 1W l He counld be made a co--defendant, as could finitely decided until they had had some ex-- ! \ any employee who had contributed to the ac-- perience of the Auditor--General. He was v 1 cident i0 his fellow--workmen, for any in jury. not aware, however, that any additional M 4 It was only reasonable that such a workman clerks would be required above those now in % should be allowed to forego his claim for the audit oftice. $ e t rnx.niv,-hxu(iuu if, on the other hand, the em-- Mr. MEREDITH, ou the clause pm\'idmg | ployer released him from his responsibility temporary loans to meet failure of revenue v for accidents,. And so with co--operative from unforeseen causes, suggcated that with --| M companies, _ The employees were really also the great surplus there could be no need for | 1| c the employers in most cases ; and, again, it this. t / h was reasonable in such cases chat they should Hon. Q. MOW AT--But the hon.gentleman uP be allowed to contract themselves out of the | forgets that the Bill may be in operation for Act,. They were also only one Province | 20 years; in that time he may have got in of many, and the Act proposed to aftect the power, and there is no knowing what he < | Canadian Pacific Co. as well as the others, ' may have done with the surplus.. 3 | He understood that the Grand Trunk Ruil. On motion of Hun...\. M. ROSS a section /E & f way and the Canadian Paciiic Railtway had | was added to the Bill providing that the 3| -- societies for the benefit of their employees, auditor should keep a record of cheques is-- + f < He did not think that the companies would ; sued. _ # || k be likely to carry on the societios for the The Committee rose and reported progress. EJ 3 benelit of their eimployees it only a portion SUPPLY f were able to join them. _ 8o this might be a r ooo qs o en + * | case 'where a workman perhaps ough: torh The l{oqse, in Committee of Supply, pae'sed | * | left free to contract himseli out of the .. +. the following items under the head of Edu-- t P | He did not know what the Grand Trunk and cation :-- & | | | Canacdian Pacific Hailways did in the way ofi Public and Separaie Schoois .. + 2+ ++ + . + + ++ . +$240,000 t ' ' | forming societies for the benetit of their em-- -"'"1")\"1-"'}" new and poor townships........ 22-':""-?') ; | ployees, as 'hg Jad tried but been uaable to ?:id'h'n\h[(fiil:rn'- ?5?«)1 . ! | , ascertain, I,"l'. 4 '_"."?"d 'l_'e.ul an a.c('gu.lt O | lfi"L .\'L!mols and L»)UU,'ld.(t.lnbLlluLL\ b7000 | § i what the p3.MUmore & Qhio Railway Co. had [ {raining InSHLIbDOS:.......1,.00... 2i g..., 1,600 | | done :-- c . | m:;;._-w.ilun of ]\'m-m:xl. "ldtl{ i\ludcl. and taltsp i T. seamir.. pRlaltimore & 3 > 1 ublic and Separate Schools ........... -- 54,55 i 4 commbrtat $H00,000 ns Che nucieus of a Tite manas-- Departmental exaininations . ... .. .......... -- 107145 | ance fund for i 3 BP! oyees, _ A relief as50ciation | Normal u'nfl .\lo'xn-'l schools, Toronto ...... 19,020 i was orginized, i "yhich the Compauy gives t he Normal *:;mml..U:vl:n\'u voeve s s es es e e k 19,435 3' servicesof its own officers in conducting the busi-- Museum and Library, etc.................. ©£,4350 ness of its managoen reat. Member.s pay from $i to ':""h"Ul of lfl'uL'I ical science n n n n nb n t ne ra e es 6,044 1 per month, and receive from 500 to $2 50 por day .m-c!mnfm 'l'u..A,uLu_lv-s. Art Schools, Liter-- n || X?ll'im( temporary, atid from 25¢ t0$1 25 per das I 1;; 4f ind Solentific..;...........~.++«»+.«. . 5.950 | during permanent disablement fro: a um,-x:lm;!. In J W scellancous.... es e e en e en en n n n en e e d es '.).::\"\') ' I the event of death frum accident the legal heirs re-- Superannuated teachers............ ....... 55,000 | k ceive from $;t)0\33 S'z.sll}().auul it ;x-nill :n'n l]l'l'(\l!it'a:'ll}.\'(;.i T g'o ,;nj | fp 200 10 $1, A 'reesurgical an i medical at. k ' 560,44 | f 111'(::11!'3'4({' is furnished the l.'u_'bl'n.')\erfl. and in other Mr, MER--CDITH called the attention of | ways provision is made for all the vicissitudes of the memberfor South Huron to the fact that | t I the life of a workman--sickness from natutal _ there was an estimate for gymnastics.a study | | causes, accidents, old age, and deaths. _ In 1882 to which he understood he had a peculiar \| saving and building funds were added, and a pen-- aversion. (Lautghter.) * I sion brauch. I!ll'ull:ih w _hl"h!'llnflf)_\'t'('s' of over ten \I 6 P[.QIXOI'*'--[ su ') sed the 1 £ ' vears' standing and of the age of ) are to be sup-- )n 1-',",' as ab] pposed the leader Ot'tho ported after their retirement from activeservice. Opposition was able to take care of the Gov. f | | He had given these reasons for the clause, ernment, If not, I shall have to change | f and he had siil} another, ht The lmrvrml' }!nll 1 slfl'cs. (Laughter.) K. espires within a year,. . The whole subjeci i * , The fgllm_vmg items under the head of Pub-- N | o therefore _ must be reopened shortly, and [ lic Institutions and Maintenance were pass-- t then the Government would have the benefit i ed :---- | & of the experience gained _ln England of the | Asy lum for Ingane, Toronto................ $ 93,860 | .. A opel'a"o" of the Act. If it were found inex-- | > i iL is i;qg\x{t)n....,,_,,,,_"" 119,480 ~ pedie"t there to allow a workman to con--| ' o+ ¥4 l;}:';fitgfl 89.241 i tract himself out of the Act, then the matter } M Tdiots. Orillia .. .. gg%zg ! y l sR | || > I *