0'":{)10 mg«m.m"f'fi Boys, Penetangui-- ::'510 Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Belle-- E. se ner sn i nranbesy coatoamis anbahitinasr s wes ! 2000000 Institution for the Blind, Braniford ...... _ 33,5% Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women | and Refuge for Girls, Toronto ........ 30,076 | $es6,879 The House adjourned at 11:10. } NOTICES OF MOTION. ' Mr. CamefiienBill respecting snow fences. i _ Mr. Meredith--Order of the House for a return of all correspondence with regard to the claim of Darius Hutchinson for compen:-- sation for lands taken from him owing to erronceous survey of part of the township of ~_--_ Moward, in the county of Kent. Also for a return of ail correspondence and iOrders in Council relating to the claim of | Thomas Smith, to water lot 13, opposite lot ' 15, South Water--st., Port Arthur, or to an ' allowance for improvements made on the | »aid lot. --And also all Orders in Council, cor-- respondence, and other documents with --~ selerence to the claim of the Dock and Ele-- | vator Company to the same lot. | Hon. Mr. Hoss (Middlesex)--Bill to con-- 1 solidate the Segm'ate Schools Aet. 1 -- Mr, Monk--Bill to amend the Assessment Act. R Mr. Balfour--Bill to amend the Assess:-- ment Act. The Aattorney--General--Bill respecting ap-- als sgainst assessments in the aistricts of g'l'uskoka and Parry Sound. 1 _ Mr. Graaam--Bill to amend the Statute of ' Limitation Act respecting Division Lines in < Rural Municipalities, Mr. Fraser--Bill respecting the drainage debt of the township of Sombra. eumeremnmenesmimeme s s o ons mermmme®