ies & * * 3 Fifth Parliament ------ Third Sessioa. (Ry Our Own Reporters.) £ Wrepxesoay, March 3 The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock, PRIVATE isauLS. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented the'eighth , remort of the Committee on Private Bills. I FIRST READINGS. | The following Bills were read a first time :-- Ai\lr. OConnor--'To amend the Municipal o M Mr. McLaughlin--To amend the Assess-- ment Act. Mr. Meredith--To amend the . Division Courts Act. Mr. Clancey--To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Meredith--To amend the Registry Act. Mr. CGibson (HMamilton)--Relating to ex-- emntions from seizure under execution. Hon, G. W. Ross--To consolidate the Separ-- ate Schools' Act. r RETURNS. Hon,. A. 8. Hardy presented several reports and returns, THIRD READINXG. Mr. AWREY moved the thire reading of | the Bill respecting the Hamiltoa & Dundas Street Railway Company. Carried, ONTARIO DRAINA4G® AC7, Mr. CLANCY moved for a voluminous re-- turn regarding the operation of the Ontario Drainage Act. * _ Mr. MEREDITIH called attention to a re-- turn just laid on the table, which showed due to the Province $26,131 in respect to drainage, $9,914 by townships, and over $3,000 for iu-- terest. Mr. CARNEGIE said the towns*hil)-; behind in former years wore more behind last year. 'The motion was carried. IMPRISONMEXT FOR DEBT. Mr. HARCOURT. in moving for a return showing the number of persous in _each county committed to gaol by County Court Judges during the year 1884 and 1885, for de-- fault of payment under an order of the Divis-- ion Court, said he would cal!l attention to the difference of practice by different County Court .Jnudges. Some said under no cir-- cumstances would they commit persons to gaol for debt, while others, if _ there was a strong case made out they would com-- mit. This worked great hardship in indi--| vidual cases. It was a great anomaly, that in case of a small debt a person under the Division Courts Act be imprisoned, while a debtor could not be imprisoned. At any rate there should be similarity of procedure, and either the clauses struck out of the Division Courts Act or put in the other Acts. The motion was carvied. sSWINE PLAGUE. Mr. BALFOUR moved for a return of all correspondence between the Minister of Agriculture and any persons in regard to the outbreak of swine plague in the county of Essex ; a copy of the report of Professor Greenside in regard thereto, Also all cor-- respondence with the Department of Agri-- eulture as Ottawa ; or with any other per-- | sons in regard to the outbreak of the discease in said county, or elsewhere in the Province. He said that the disease was rapidly spread-- ing, and it was going to be a very gerious } matter for the farmers if it were noy «aecked. + Carried. F21 o SIMULTANEOUS EXAMINATIONS. Mr. MORRIS--Order of the House for a re-- tiurn of copies of all correspondence between the Minisier of Education and the Univer-- gity of Toronto, or any other university, re-- § la{inF to the hoiding of Examinations of Teachers and Matriculants, at the sametime and place, and under the same Examiners. HMe said wheu the matter was up before the House, when he questioned the Minister of Education on the subject, the latter was im-- perfectly heard. im the House, _ He under-- stood that an agreement had been come to by which simultaneous examinations would be held. Hon. G. W. ROSS--For some years Toronto University held examinations at diferent places in the Province for women, but no person was admitted through such examina-- tions to full matriculation. -- Representations were made to the Senate by High School Masters and others that it would conduce greatly to the promotion of higher educa-- tion, etc., the convenience of candidates, if the privileges formerly extended to women were widened so as to include the full rourse for matricuk tion. In _ response. to these reprisen ati~ . the Vice--Chancellor of the Univ. © abmitted a_ statute by which the ob, ght for could be secured. At this step or ovement it occurred to me, that as the cor «& for candidates for a