The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1886, p. 3

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" - T'eee"'-""" te .- . ' - "it ' 7. _ . _ 3.1 t _ 1 _ l "a- . THE TWO CENT LAND TAX AGAINST PUBLIC MORAL.R, I on mineral lands, an wcll as on ' such as abusive language. cursing and "r.ear: agricultural lauds in, unorganized terri- ina. In organized territories the municipal tory in Algoma. I am infode that , eonnCils have the right to proyie by 'Y: at the last tax sale. only one-fifth ol' the taxes l . law for the punishment of such client-es. I thendue was realized, althouwh350,000 acres think it is most desirable that a bill. be wereoirored for sale. Some. of thosv lands l a passed placing; people living in vo.rgattizeti sold as low as six contg per aer'c. They are I tetw'itory on t M?, Sam" tuotitorintl, b"lte 1lu' bought by people. who will neither pay the g the name rights F? le.IU.\t"§l .wl.tet'e Tttttith, taxes nor drllope the mines. Tho (lovem- I i cipal ''utne?t.i" in force. IIIlri H a matter t tnent have received one aollrr p9,. W'Pe, and . the Peo.pleyyttplairAorve.ry tnueh.and i think. I reserved the pine. timber on those lands, the a" justly. in Ngo/ya thero "l no provision 'ttati" l purchaser in nearly every case making the bystatute tor the. collection of school rates in survey?" The parties who originally Put" unorganized territory on nonresident Ilands. chased those mineral loom ions have expended Nor are there ytr.rnea.n/4 of ot.iroryittr-r 'u,,'c),tu"' large. till' 'R of money in deVeloping thoue _ labour or collecting its equivalent. .I here mines. a Teousider that where substantial f are large .tr.ayts of lands takcut upalmi.yera! . expendit'ut has been made the tax as should lands, which are reallv good agricultural either be reduced or remitted in full. There lands. I'hese land" are heid for speculat ton, is a ten per cent. penalty pavtble in advance v . and are on the Isl Jan. each year, and if not paid is l q NOT LIABLE FOR SCHOOL RATES I t-'oinpoitnrrsrl, and tlouulvc, itsaali' in six yearn. I - or statute labour: and whiNt the actual I il'IthIia penalty Wu: struck otl'and a reduction . settler is building school houses and con- ot My PT Cent made on the taxes no IV {like i ' strut-ting roads through those Very lands, on condition of prompt payment, and} 'In- tax " thereby improving the country and enhanc- reduced to one Cent 11"" arwt', I thin I; this I l iu.u; the value of those lands,uot one. cent can would Inlet-l the, views of mm: of the o truer" 's l he collected for school rates or roatlwork.' I ot mining lands m Algoma, and this would _ consider this Til: unreasonable an? "'I'imt encourage the. . i lo the settler. hat country a on y t univ , ' , , C set,tled, and it is with great di0ieulty that i DEVELOPMENT OI? THE' MINERAL LANDS I 'te, the schools are kept open. and in Iin thatdistriet which is so essential to the i many instances the people are . only ' prowerily and advancement ot not. only . . alshe to keep them open Nth months ttt the I Algoma out the whole Province. Ihopethat 9 war. I trust that the Government. will give the Government and the int-tni'mrs of this A' . this. matter due. consideration. and pass , House will grant the necessary legiulation lo g bill making it compulsory tot' tlsenonwesi, meet the vtuptirernenrs of the people iivingin _ t dent owners of lands to pay school unorganized territory. and thereby assist, and , - rates and perform statute labour, ay" encourage the settlement and development of "r, in the event of that. not being" Algoma. tAppiause.) _ done, have those landsret urned to theIsheriti _ lion. O, MO NN'AT-The Government have .- : I and xoltlat 'he, end ot three years' with tty i ' already had under "onsiidvvivioti most of the , 8 I pevttnt.itttet'eod added. fhusa Lin?" 1syuetit I subjects referred to by the hon. member tor I ' _ will be conferred on (Ill? Wold" "Slur-I Ill Ult- I ; East Algoma. Algoma is entitled to our at- _ 'organized territory. ludncatiou .will be pro 1 Iteution and has received special attention _ . 1 "total and the road? very much unproved in front the Government. T _ that. dintrict. I desire to draw the attention Mr. MriltrlrH1'H -Arsout election times. ' ' , Ioi the Home to the lion. o. MUWAT--The hon. gentleman ' l', , Two CENT LAND TAX may routine .ltivi interest to election times. , lin Alumna. I do not think that thiv, tax but we ky,'". 1t1,tr.y..'?.), .thet'e '.ill Th". yr"ar _ I should have been applied to re<ide|tl lands in rtyy.ttl. H}? _admi,nistt',atiou of Iuftit1' .if one , ' , that district ", the acuralsettlets in Algoma yt the suthjevts retort-ed to. and the (tutu-nit~ I . .t't-clthistaxto be anneal burihen to them. IP,',',endayt on ty.s l'clet'red 11o an I _ . l No such lax is nhargt-d in anv other district one of the evils under whielt the people of tly' ' q or countv in the Province. and why in Al. l Tri','..'"'!".'". One It'"'.'"', from thr, dit gotuaf It cannot be because there is no yultyi..n.veivyhiny: the Fault, where the O' l't'venue derived from that, district, Thvre litters: ofJustiee are. where the mud iq, and are large same. received by the Governtuent peti.t.iou has come to hand large-Q r.ue.d titlii e _ from the. sale of mineral land-t and timber. gestin,znn alteration ot thodiv"tsurin line V l ' l . also from Crown Lands, "comes, etc. 1 con- tween the Thunder Bit)" Dist Pie! and Photo." ' ' V _ sider it unfair to impose a tax on the settlers Alrryyra.. The (loverunn-nl has cothdm-cd tit __' 's _ of Alumna: that, district not all good land 1ppyvatiouatuiu_t-'cyod.rorrwvovctyytiiViiUtn . . it "is intersected with mountains, lakem of) .drr:-rt.'r.e" we<t longitude to 67 degree. I I muskegs, and rivers, and co'ussequtmtly can l'his will remove. as tar ax posvble. the evils I not be "thicklvsettlvd. lbelieveil is in the referred to. As lo the taxes on Algomo ' " , interest of this Province that evcrv encottr lands it must, be admitted that the tax of r _ v" ligament, should be given to the telnal :r-t- I two rents an acre has operated injurious", I "I I tit-ix in our new distrieN. A great numb-r 1 the amount yielded had been tum". and it i. of our young men are leaving our Pvo. I hax been diliienh to collect-. We have come i I _ vinee every year and going to the NortlrI ttitlwcotslu,,ion that the amount. a< re~' I 2.. ' west '1'ercituiOs and the "Rotten Staten. T gurds wine. should be reduced. and to when I a , and "'t' are no: oni) toxin: our be " settlers, l lwaboli<hcth The lanth occupied by actual i Q hnt lite Provinci- i, isr.inp: drained ol' its eakli. I settlers; will be free from taxm, and other I 2 The ,viiler, in Al.zo,tua are neat-iv all from!, lands will be taxed out-cent per acre, and _ " when; p4." him oi this Provinre, men who are ,' I that one rent we propose to give to <upport ' '"q I We" acquainted with chsitr,"n:.,r,' hurl an i farm. the schools in the district. no that practical. 'l, t ing in a hen district, and I claim that those lyIthe only tax-N reserved will he applied to II". nut-h hatter "ect Mum," any foreicv,nets "ittoCr.pu1'poss's. Thu is embodied in a Bill ht't' t'l,rt is. i. We have millions oi acres of int,Tot,r':1, ',r,y,rl,t,e. 'lYca,urtw. wild lands auditing wet ', luttumt, and, eom- Mr, MEN-Mi i'll AWhat. about the or I paral ively speaking. of little xalue. until it is . Wins , _ '/, u' cleared and cultivated. The expenditure of I P.P., I.\. M. RUSS -We propose to print a l 'r, colonization road money has done much to 1 fit In lheIlw'azet to of the arrear<, and give a t 'U advance. the settlement, and although We discount ol 50 percent. if paid in a certain ' cannot eotuplain of the lilwpivlity of the tinte. , , . Mowat lioverutucnt in this ream-1'1. we hope Mr. MHREDITH said that the arrears on to we more liberal rr.,'Tuttts in the future than I Lands occupied should be remit Hui, in the past. The more roads- that are opened i "9"- -k. Al, RUSH said the Bill proposed to Inp into good sectiom ot agricultural lands all thetaxea,, on land aetuallv oecu. l the more settlers we will get located in our I Atal-wt P - ' new district. I Mr. MEREDITH generally ap raved of the ' I lt.\il.\\'.\Y roxxtzt'rtox l, Imeasures suggested, but thought. the Gov. T ' is very much wanted in eastern Algoma. ' _ 'i',",',',',',",?,." should b" v,avt."ll did "f" "if?" I When I came to thin IlOthu I had to I iiioiiltfriitii on the Admiitistratlou oi' Justice I ' trc.vel 150 nrilea by team, and not . 1 d . , l. , . . _ I one team only; We had lo have thr Pt? teams ti AIR: 033"?" said . he P'as' yy.'y.i,1ey to L so that when on" team ,'Iol tired WI, put an- _ttnw.. Ir. Meredith "I oeatntg retrenchmetn I other ahead. and ploughed through the l) writer" Algoma. IN le, IT. l,'.?)," .iy, s tou' at the Pate of three tuileo, an hour. I tH't'iCoi't he adtocateda mote liberal pone). I was four 'lav, in reaming; a l'atlwav stat ion. "WI told the people that t le, til.vei', did I it is estimated that the population on Mani. I not spend enough "WNW t herd. Jiehiniselt I touliu Hand. Harrie, L'oekhuru. and tit. 1 '/',1rtil,f. the tim'ertuneul did not spend .Joxe h Island: and the North Show from enough. I Saul? Ste. iiGii; to r'tnuw'n River, is I Mr. ERMA'ITNCER thought the amount I I 25.000, and that" "mph. are {mm 100 to 300 , realized from arrears Inhonld be devoted to I . mum. from a railway; lc, ih...-.. as latqte a I "g/1"rtty,'nt-q Ill 1lte/littritt -i l Ibopnla'ion in the whnh. Provimw without i'he motiouuav, withdrawn. I l I railroad 1"'luiu'ylia't.' I um sure ll In In I I'IXICM I'TIONS. t the Ilttt'rev,ts, ot everv c,vction of our Provinee I , , P l . I that our our wild Linda altould be settled. Mr. (illi.\()\ tilamiitoul moved the seeond ; "tul our minea 'lovelorred. The vorrc,tvut.tiou reading; oi the Bill to amend the A'yiermrurut ' ofa railwav through Fr.tstorttAlsr,oma willprrr At.t. After "Elwin: to thir m" that, mote the hi'lileltteul of ilsat, (IlwII'II'I much the (l,"1'0l1PtP" for .real, property WIN more rapidly titan anything eke. With re- 'i1400,.0.0.0.,00.0, and potsonalty 82.c'u)0o..000.. and I gard to mineral Lint»; h is a (pit-slim] in luv I the dulled") of proiy.'rl.y t."c","'c1tnyi. the latter ', mind whether it would not be better to abol. ela.siti of Il7.yywty, which iuvluded iiWolue. he I ish I natd the Bill proposed to raise the exemption , tor income to 81,000. Ciivmusrancc._ had e (r i . _ t T ,

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