' y r, e J' " '7 T t _ . V 9"" ' in I _ hog-1% _ _ I . 'I 'sf, - _ , . "I . ' g /, ;. m " "' l U "a f . r , Tr. _ . ' . . .5 l i employed him had none. The argumentRhat ., votasJatrt the same as men. I women did not want thereto was contradict. _ Mr. MEREDITH objected to the order l 3 1feh,9.drjiiii,iiii, whicih linxt'e'eorpe {Rom w? helm: diMrharged. l _ i go Grim-mess ono t tin ar amen . r , , , . . ' -. i i The sum and substance, of the argument :10]. . ('1 F. dips/P paid an"! tzne l against woman suffrage was that it would _ .'?,'ep.eu t I? r all 9 I vote t tett they 3 . take woman out of her true place and shock must PM? / If: . rig m to represent i her liner sensibilities. He would be the. last tthy/gil/ii,',', , t,il//,y/it.ii,ri ' h was within individual to do auvthing which would bring the haunt 5 l r'ie,il'ih?, /, 1at "Ollie" "Wild 9 about, thin, and he brat-"9n": to argue. that. form the WWW") 0 J, 11.: "Twit ' then they taking an itttetvst in While aff'aiin would might enact, a law tro fi/i/iff/ man in the] ' not have this result. ii: . onteudcd that as chamber P,.i..sht oppose. ld at would result! , married women Werenor included In the. Bill Doe}: hy think men won l i"/l','J") to SUP." a no homo duties could u. Tteg,lected or wife law! bormlchaos must f0 ow. this. Tluv, untittcd for her sphere. lie concluded hr women it they had all t,eyih.lt/.sis, of 'nmn I stating that in bk opinion politics would lie must "WIN"? all the reworm limit-u. l'rev , puriiitsd and tlu, but intvsvsG of the whole [could not think at women of their housc- t / ( people Would be served. 1 holds attending such trials as himself had t t Mr. ourmcx opened bv remarking that 3 had P,e,try,iy,l. lie t,",ef,"",",Y) to "WWW ' this 'vasa wry itttportatttumtjGi question. the ditticultieR atten out on the question. I 'l'hs. Bill refused the right to married wo. should women be summoned to the defence I l mm which it Pt'orposed to confer upon single of the country, go out tor eight days drillt _ . women and widow» For his part he was I if ttot why not? I . quite of the opinion of Mr. Glad. Mr. 1rERWuTH--Beeauae they would . stone that if the franchise were have to bring the babies along. (Laughter) l "ii1d"c.uto,vgeey si,", m/Ill ll given to . Hon. c. F. Ji'frASEit--Ttuam we: could not I ... omen a Ho. 'or ins once . wtr- ' _.. a a . ' . . ' . .. , tttttit mif-Iht be a vol cr. then luarryyatid fl, "l.'/c,'.' 2a1.1yii,a'i///aet "my? 'i. l //c {Ollctliu'lkll "i, 13- , francbiwd: a daughter micht voto while her "3'" "mm "4 Jf you i. T, 9rt l la ay is ion . mother could not rote. it, "RH also an in. , "Owl-m7" 'len th1lildcjmvm-t '/'dheyefe.,u/ ccntiw to I clibacv no to niarrv would result I)???" li cf'fit,1, (line t ley wou e )y giv. I in the pcnaltv of 1ljsfrattjir,enseTft WI '.t' l "y Jen} [' I;", PPf Y..??.': , l . , _ . . . I) . lr. ll A I'EHS reviewed the arguments of l l , should 'tdella/l be placed In the ruling post 1 lion C F Fraser . t Hoof as IL Iwcausc sm- had undertaken to I . C,rr', a i l . . . ( cy-n-iw 'ccr righls; inthe homo ortncchurchi oi)1i"ieMdiirf'ALFEexpresseoimseotiniavour. ' 4 i .\u. c. And .y , l i It crc told that womcn had The order for the second reading of the Bill l tn,' \anu- light" UN Int-n. lite thought Wtuitto.t .. _ l ' "ti d .. w " l would not mlorm thcnnoiws mxtlicicntlv "tat fi?, "1. 1d!" "mid t 11 , l l l ' and would thus become a datum-mu»; ciao, (If to cum. a Joann. a " oc . _ ; t\r',?ili"'c':."/i,,y'; from capri'ce. Againh'cthouglu [ - -..--- l l ' ice cc. o w-imcn rm in: won: '." to th.. 1 F , ' grade than from the elevated position til"? NOTICES op MOTION l ' i now hold. In NewJersey women had '.y/...C ' Mr. Gouldxlnquiry -Whother it ie the in, i t. but. the preamble rci?ealinrr. the Aet l4" tttr," tention of the (iorermncnt hvtore thc close of l them the power set forth the. fact that tho thiv, "gain" lo amend the law so that the ( measure was necessary for the (Fuel, satet ' ' l 'tttalias/tion of peersoxm toting at the tttuni. I and good order of the yitate. ' dual elections will be the same as that re. F , Mr. I'ERRIS called attention to the fact, (mired for persons voting at the Provincial t it wae not property which had to vote. Au 1 at lyntrltii,ry clectiom.' .' ( ', it could be proved that woman .".?" the lion. Mr. ii Puuit't'--- Bill to further' amend F equal of man in prudence. it.trelliswnce, thc Division Courts Act. . . and morals, then she should be plul'O-l'OH an Hr. Caldtveu, Bill to amend the Act res.. "quality with man in all thinas. "mm-ll pr {mg C)-tstua.tecornptihiJi". . _ teach the children and are regarded an well . I Carnegie, "Inquiry -Whether Mr. P. "lualined. Toshow thet women dill taken" .Tatn'irsou. the tcuant of a portion of the I - interest in politics he stated tuy out that m Am" ullural Hall, Toronto. has as yet repaid l England a million of women nad joined. R . the hole orally part ofthe money expended political club. Ho (-onclodcd ys "WWW" in}: by this Province in .1882 in making improve. 4: the Bill. but expressed the opinion that it did uncut»; on that Iuildinst.whieh Mr..Jatniison's , t not go far enough. lczwe required him to make at his own ex. 'f' ilon.O. MOWAT remarked that after this Wit-"mm!whichfirm-(1iMarmara-MUM:tothe j. f interestimu. discussion the object of the W'tt- 1'1tlit.ttue of the f incl" Architect oi the Pinon" F " tlcman Would have been attained. He did IN (irks s?'yyiimsn_r, amounts to $2,031 80, . I j' not pretend to take a view opposed to those altll if 'lti "'l'?' "f?! , . i of th . hon. gentleman. Women were quite F4 F, Jalfout -rtill to amend the Line as intelligent. and possooxcd whatever quali. ences Act. "cations for voting that, men did. lie was """""----- _ not afraid of the evils pointed out, coming: out of the onfvancluuerheni, of women. A woman held the highest position in the ? rcalm.und woo indeed the "y.tyo.d./rPett.tre,f) respuvsiblc government. Yet the. tim, Wad I not come for giving the voting pm in women. They did now exercise considerable l ' l influence when they chow to do so. There , , was no Rrievaneo. The ans regarding no i men Were as Women desired them to be i women Were not asking l J, for the privilege.' and therefore tin-re f could he no practical grievance. r'urther, 3 " it "rat he rtuuetnbered that there was a large proportion of the population shocked at the idea of women voting: thoughtful men , of liberal views. and of hauling intilicncc in ' the. Province. Now, whey the Bill had not the object of removing a practical grievance. t and was Very ohnoxiou: to a large section of... the community, the, best Phan would be ton' proceed with caution. I Mr. IMt1uth' said that the promoter of the Bill had taken an inopport tine time to press , the Hill, as the granting of the franchiw to l , women would grcatly increase the f tlrttietnlty of making up voters' "Sis, E which Were now being prepared. l Mr, MEREDITH was strongly opposed to the Bill. it would he n. scad day when politics were introduced into the home and women immune active politicians. We had recently mad an instatii.e of young women actively ' , canvassing in an election campaign. and he i i was mic it was not desirable that that pron L ' two should he extended in this countr_\. If ; ' the franchise Were granted to women. we [ could not long really refuse to them the right 1 to sit in this Legislature. Now, the hon.. Heath-man (hir. Waters) was a man of cool; l judgment ', but could he he expected to cxcr-i rise his eooljtuiuiuout with u young lady or twenty-one. years and six months old Hitting bexidc him. (Laughtem l 'a Mr. WATERS reviewed the nrgumeutu . against the Bill. promised to force it too vote at thenext Parliament if returned, and ask. . ed permission to vs ithdraw the Bill. On the order for the chond reading .Illr. lilllllAM expressed his profound con- i I ' Viction that women should be allowed to I ; l a": 3.; k . ' c ' E . , , r ll . . "it - -- """s'm.-rsr-; I ,thn-._' . . ' .