F . . to women 1rjthaptovi.0prt that the she! I ' Fifth Parliament - Third notbe iii"iiiiirv" to anticipate tlieyfuturtlel Beission income of the fund. Phat is a . very reasonable and useful provision. calculated to secure a woman against future poverty. Hut it sometimes happens I that it would be extremely convenient and (By Our Own Reporters.) 'tdrf.ntag:eouy to the woman that an ex- THURSDAY. More}: 4. $5333 shouldlbte mimic. amid a portion of the ' . . a. cow 0 le, ant eipated . and the The Speaker took the chair 1ft 3 P, eloek. . Bill provides that under such circumstances REPORTS PRESENTED. TRR COURT MAY Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) presented the l '. . . AUTHOR!" math report ot the Committee on Private, 'gtt, tbt1 anticipation. The olossirtq sections Bills . gollgietoerf relate to the ""1111gitt,i"e, of I . . ti e or conveyancing. A so icitor . l Hon. T. B. PARDEE presented the eighth now paid according to the length of oil: report of the Committee on Railways. documents, and nothlng else. Provision is ST. ANDREWS CHURCH, PETERBORO'. . lfi'tgonggggat'llhiihhimggiirltniglaylprovidcptariffi , _ a . a . ' Y lave re crence th11'd'tfe,Pi),5"/ir, I',ri'i'i",eJ,gl Ell". reshmrtAof not only to the length of the document, but 1 than": 1dfi'l/,'ll ttlyu',id,/"i"/,1'fl,letrj1 my; to ',t.S, and other considerations. It also i the preamble tl'nd pctitionhdid not show how 'i'g',',1et,fltt; l, 20113.3?" Tag enfter in? " l the original trust Te. created: _and that; this kind for a certain I,',',',' Tiling? moot: therefore they were not ill n position to are "rohibitml hy law. In the United 8me press an opinion on the Pull. he .1. "' ' . . . _ . , ., , , . , l mu {zone so fau as to sanction such h [RBI READINGS. iyrtittutt,Oi,s: even in the (disc of litigation l t The following 1lills were read the first at] 1'mt,ltey"'i' '.tt)itg,f: limits quite at. hint. 'une:-- F . , o 1wevent a so icitor r vin a ard Mr. C1arattRie--Putspeeting snow fences. who» this Hill provides Id), if a cl?. Monk-To amend the Assessment flicntt thinks awaiting: ii',h'"Tivro//etyhi; the _ pt. . our inns: cons t er , um they think Mr. Baltoar--To amend the Assessment proper, i-cliove him tram it. The EnglishBill' Act. "we regarded M " very great advance in Hon. A. S. HaN.v--To amend the Act re- simplifying the lawn upon the subject,and l specting the application of the Religione In- the result has been such as to justify the ex- 1 stitutions Act to the Church of England. {lactation-4 which were formed regarding , . , . x T', a 1; . ' OPF',HTY. Mt Pe,Sl,T,ea ' CoNVRYANt f fy HF, Sl I It Mr. M ERth NT said as far as his oppor- Hon. 0. MOWA ll moved the ,weeond read. tunity allowed him to iud c the Bill l one . . Jill for improving the practice. of . J E . . S ' mg of the l t 7 _ . which should be adopted by the House. He conveyancing and amending the laws of pro- suggested among other changes Chat as the Prrty.. The Will, hc, said, did not ("lbw the deeds were being "iiiiiirtiiiia"'iiii, fees of the hiiglisli Act so L'lOw-lv as tyt.. g,y-td"dt'.l Registrars should in. diminished. l, lntrodurcd ttt tn " {minor 3"."~lnl'|.'l. . au The Bill was read the second time. l you knew that it won tif -1 eat advantage lo _ 1 suitors that onrlawn should substantially cor. OT STICK ACCOUNTS- respondrwith the English lows. in order that Hon. o. MOWAT moved the second read. We might re1'tuve lin- licncfit Of t.,tha1'ips'li,"nh. ing ofthe Bill respecting Criminal Justice decisions. 11oweyy.iho Pydlylt. l ST," Accounts. The Bil seeks toobviatcdelny in tained Home prorisions whieh were 1"."Pl'e"; the payment. of accounts to constables and nary in Ontario. and home perhaps which had others, which are paid in the first instance by been rendered 1'l"li2".'/tlrl', oven in dongléulnl. eoantirm, but refunded by the Government. Rid"?! 25:5?38" atl- [te :l"digtet',/eitited, 1:: The Bill Was read the second time. , t c ore, l't' ame on . t , ' . . . T , T yr t . were of prnl-[ioal value here. lle luaAli AND Pl':i}bOXAL PROPERTY. then proceeded to explain the Bill . Hon. O. M_OWAI moved the second read- " follows: --The fourth chime in to mg of the Bill respecting the estates of de- render unnecessary in a conveyance tithth?t,tii'g,1tl; This Bill will remove, Rome tho use of the word -- heirs" Our Jaw is in of the istmvtions yrt,tvenPtysonal property a very curious stain on this suhjcct. In :1 and real estate. All tlistitktions will ttot be will the fee simple can he conveyed without ", trmoved.. and the In"??? of a .yu'doy as the use of anv particular words. RWoct is ', 'letit,r Will be m.y.ai.ned.. I'his4 Act will apply c-- gii'len to the clear intention of the icstntor to tyll estates of inhcritnncc in fee simple. or without the "so of zinv "Hum." language, l limited to the heir as special occupant. in arty and where a testiitor ilcviscs land his \vliole tenements "i' hereditaments In Ontario, l estate in that land. whatever it tttRY he, wiicthcr corporeal (,'ratee,rtt0egtut,1, to chattels phases. And " similar rule applies iii the real 1n Ontario; to all ot ter Pttrttni. pro- case of contracts to rurll. Hut in u convcy- pony of {my person who have died domiciled once the rule is entirely ditrerent. There it in Otit.nt'i?i that all rttu..o.r personal petty was absolutely i-sst-iil ial to usc the vorv word comprised in any disposition made by will Itt " heirs" no that if I court-veil to you " in ice "WWW" of a gcncrnl teptimerptary Pow".!' .of "intple," that did ttot give hm the fee gimme aytmirttrpe.nt shall be doomed to be within : but simply an estate for Wife. In England tho ple'.',?,'),",!,'? Is,,t, the Bill- . that distinction has now been six out away ', Mr. MERE"! 1 ll, while generally Tir/lf, and the fourth clause or this Bill n inteuded . with the principle 9f the Hill, objectet to the i to effect the some ohjert,tutd 'ar't'Y inioctl'ci-l rey.riot,iey, of "1",?"le of dower. . A the intention ofiliegrnnior wuhoutllic uscol'I Mr. MERRKK oppostyl the Bill on the, anypartiolar wutdc..tleverrtlrrtt,ltenui"u" uettt ', giwmnd that the. law as .ir. now stands pro- ' (lSHRPH ape intended to do awnv Willi the y..ivled for an cquiiahlc divlSlOl} of the estates necessity fora gm," mm". provisions which if tt, man died without awill, buthow to are now necessarily inserted in deeds, mort- Tde?', this fl/l"'" tnu.st employ a solicitor to l gages and leases. There are certain roi'cn. ' m". ull a MI ll ' . . . t ants for title which n prwchrvror is entitled to Mr. Rrt.h.rATrs.'GFrt said t.he Bill intro- _ have and which arc inserted in every well- duced by him early in the sessiion was pretty drawn deed. Thvnillproviile,q that certain much covered by the measure now. yerort. ,ipecitied i-ovcnaiiis of Ibis kind shall he llll' I?" t't,t"ea d a: advocated the abolition of plied without heitwexpvesywd. it this; wltV 'de 'irl , J. "r: , _ convcvam-es will he very greatly "iil,'l)i1lldl'. Y!'. VRENCil sy.ctm.rt.t.tyl that the "DEM" Similzir provisions are made in "hard to pNate features of his Bill to amend the bur- mortgages and leases. The 16th section is to rogate Courts Ant and respecting the estates provide I :,ie,e,'i"i1'f///i"it,'"giitN iniili)ors should he in- APA.TRP PROM were R COPNJI'avaK Am t ll' l now erore the House. rm at Alt. IN oou thought the clause providing in certain cases oi'hrenchc'i of covchnnts in in certain cases for a widow having, one. ' leases: A great inJustn-c used to urine trout third, almoictciy inch with his approbation. , allowmg the lessor to take tylvay.tyt? of fot - Mr. CltruGll'l'UN agreed with the Bill. future. Wo have provided relief in Some The Hill was read the second time. cases. and the Court of Chancery has given } CtUibl1'l.NG or' 1'I'i'I bl T ' relief in others. The present enactment _ ', ,'," d LB. extends relief to some new "Wm Then . Hon. o. Jig" Al moved the sccond read. for the same purpose of 'ximplityinr, In; of tho. Hill to ftwilitato the quiethtit ot (.(mve'anceg' hmvigim, is made for the'fotl titles \incrcdlic Loud Titles Act isnot in Iowintrcane:-- oamlintronve.ved totWo trustees lorry. He said that it, had not been thought by will, settlement. or otherwise. and provi. l y.lr.i.1a,yy,,.re .ndopt the Land Titles ACE all , 1ie,ty,le, ne 'utr,. ,t,l,"'t crowing 'lf/J. 32;"iiiliti3 "our 1tt//,giea,.a"il"et,ut "tl axes mm mm 0 mm. . A e a ' , t ' ' y wott e hands now, when new trustees are 'dl'r',J/'/l' generally adopted. it would be an ed. long and sometimes very elaborate' deeds at..iv:yrtaxe t? have a larger "pet'ilttttre have toboprepared for the purpose of vest. y its wotlcing here. Questions ot great ink in the new trustees the interest of the importance arose "like NW? of titles. and it outgoing or deceased trustec. it is proposed was a question of great moment to whomthe to enact by thin Bill that when a ncwtrmitee imtnourse Irowet' of surttliu/'t these questions in appointed the estate shall vest in him tshould 'NrKinn. There was the less reason without (.Onvemnpe_ The reasonableness of for haste in extending the provisions of the that umendménl is manifegt enough. The law to or,hty.y.t?untiei," because. so for, com- 18th section ptovifes for the following case l pin-utivcly little advantage had been takenot' ' --settlements and wills, often Rive interests l ilut Act in Toronto and York. In Order to: