F ment House, wol;xld belong I;Otthe %)!(rinlnlon ' 4 : * i | instead of the Province. ut an Order in . Flfl';h Pa.rha.ment ------ Third | Council vlvas made in l1871 u;}ou 'dt?i subject. -- 4 That Order in Council was feuaided upon a Session. | report of the%inisber of Public Works. It -- | has reference to property both of Ontario | mumnes e and Quebre(\{e, sin;ilarily siltltlated. tlg cong;tn:l these words so far as relates to the subjec (By Our Own Reporters.) * in question :--**That it is now expedient to Moxpay, March 8. ful(l]y relieve the Dominion Government from The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. any responsibility and cost of maintaining, REPORTS and to formally transfer to the Provincial M * Governments of Ontario and Quebec respect-- | + r. BAXTER presented the second re: ively the unaermentioned properties actual-- port of the Committee on Printing. ly required for and appropriated to the use of FIRST READINGS. Rxeir Leg;]slatures ?nd Govern'mgnts,_" + mon the P rty _ enumerate 18 .'l'he following Bills were read the first Thie gsite ofp o&fie Ontario _ Govern-- time :-- ment House, situated in the cit¥{ of Mr. Baskerville--To amend the Municipal Toronto between Wellington, John, King, Act. a{\d §'i'nl\rci)e streets,f c(gntfllflgng a superfitcies s f of 266,15 uare feet. er enumeratin Mr. Baskerville--To amend the High School thepr p,ope?.'gies, the order proceeds;--" The Act. undersigned therefore recommends that the Mr. Baskerville--To amend the Public above mentioned public Propel't_ies and Sehool Act building _ situated in -- the _ cities of S e a%% "Toronto and _ Quebec, with all and Mr, Chisholm--To amend the Municipal Qver{e appurtenances, and _ dependen-- AKoet. cies belonging and pertaining to the same, be Mr.Gillies--To amend the Assessment Act. appropriated and transferred respectively to Mr.Baskerville--To amend the Assessment | the Governments of Ontario and Quebec for &et. t the use of the said Governments and their Mr, Lees--To amend the Joint Stock Rail-- | Legislatures ; but providing that the several way Companies Act. I CGovernments hereinbefore mentioned may Mr. Lees--To amend the Municipal Act. dispose of the properties, so appropriated and AMr. Badgerow--To amend the Municipal l used as residences for their Lieutenant Gov-- Aet, ernors, or providing and substituting there-- Mr. Morgan--To amend the Assessment for such other suitable residences as may be Ket. approved an deemed an adequate and satis-- Mr. Conmee--'To amend the Municipal Act. | factory equivalent by the Government of Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)--To amend the Act | Canada." The Government will bring down | -- l'a-nlwl'! ing t}ol)ts. A ' this Order in Council and report at once. lMon. C. F. Fraser--Respecting drainage x y» or: deventures of the townshiu%f Sombra. ,(:RLI?ITE)},{? RELIEKF 'ACT' epond RETURN , Mr. ERMATINGER asked whether it i. Es t¥ the intention of the Government to intro-- Hon. A. S. Hardy presented a return re-- duee a Bill this session to amend or to repeal apecting drainage reductions. the Creditors' Relief Act. ' THIRD READING. lIfon, 0. MOWAT--iIt is ndn* th1 l:"i!l\lt.ent-ian f 5 o trd / of the Government to introduce a Sill to re-- | til'fil:imfollowmg Bill was read the th.rd: peal the Creditors' Relief Act ; but we do'l Mr. McLaughlin--Respecting the town of | propose some amendments, not of a very ex-- | Bowmanville. f tensive chavracter. | v 7 lills were n i Mr. FRENCH moved the second reading C:,l,,]::i,ifl%flg:',;':fiel\'\l--ku]:,';'_(' reported from | of the Bill to am_end the Surrogu'te Courts Nit. McKim--To consolidate the debenture ! Act, and r«*flwg'tlonrx the estates of deceased debt of the town of Mount Forest. P o o se o mA a Y 6n c M Mr. MeCGhece--To consolidate the debt of' Hon. 0. MOW AT said that the Bill was ts / map eovaciving, s :: ut f opemena mas able:to Destow auboln it ; 54 9 o r-- To inc * ri ion. frig AS e »sto C t Rz;.\i[r'x.\'(I:.)il:':::'ei{aill\'\".'il\t'tqryfi?x,);:g'.me O o9 ' tact it was so defective that he could hardly Mr. Badgerow--Respecting the Thunder ; imagine that the hon. gentleman had any idea f~ Jns Lt ke 1 that it could become law. There was no gen-- Ba\.{ f '{3°'.'1'mf""'15:,?:3,'r' a'{rg&":mngt. Catha-- i eral demand for the measure ; its provisions e r'("f;) on P | were such as would eat up small estates with r"i?: Fgrr.ifl~RMpe('tin;: acertain agreement " (-m;ts : it would vrca{to a very large lamouut # ie Eie t G. T. of business in regard to estates which were ?{O"&fl'fl the City of Brantford and the \ now .m:m:;mlul fairly well, l\\'.ivth!(.)llu, the inter-- *R C" N AkY rrm vention of the courts ; and it did not appear SsECOND READINGS. to possess any advantage commensurate with The followigg Bills were read a second its expense. ~le did not say that theremight time : ¥s not be here and there in the Bill provisions Mr. Mackenzie--Respecting the Village of which, with proper restrictions and precau-- f London West, tions, might be useful; but those precautions Mr. Ermatinger----To confirm _the 8'!'1" of | had not been taken. 'The first section of the certain lands 'l)l' the ("ungre%atu.)n of the | Bill provided that the surety upon a bond Church of England, of the Parish of St. laken by a Surrogate Court, or any legatee, Thomas. mss t a next of kin, or minor interested therein, Mr. Conmee--Relating to the Municipality | might at any time apply to the court for aa of Neebing. § y order requiring the principal to make astate-- Mr. Pardee--Respecting the Sarnia and ment of the condition of the estate. Under this Florence Road Company. * clause any of the persons named, no matter Mr. Pardee--Respeciing the Debenture how small his interest jand no matter how Debt of the Town of Sarnia. / s fully the other persons interested were satis-- Mr. -- Conmee--Respecting the Riverside fied with the management of the estate, Cemetery Company of Port Arthur. _ ' might make the apphcntiou, and the court, Mr. Conmee--To incorporate the Pacific and | if satiefied that it is made in good faith, Atlantic Railway Company. must grant the order for the statement, and Mr. MeLaughlin--To further amend the burden the estate with heavy costs. There Acts respecting the Lake Scugog Marsh was no provision for giving notice to the | Lands Drainage Company. i other parties interested, and under this Mr. Cooke--To authorize the Town of In-- elause an execution creditor, acting in col-- gersol! toissue cerlain debent ares, t Insion with the surety, might relueve him-- Mr. Carnegie--To "'"")'""" the Frustees of | selt of his trust. The next clause provided St. Andrew's Church, 1'«-'--'4 wough, to sell | that under .certain cireumstances LLe equrt or mortgage certain la. !s | might relieve the surety from further lia-- TITLE TO GOVERN \'R, 'HOUSE. } ?ilitdv 01:l hi?l h«;tlu_'l. INI) lillnit of time \\'i-\s y ayvTry ppF 2* «We ixed; and under this clause the surcty might Mr. Mf l'\,-l'.l""- As lf-' nthe.r the tm(: | relieve himself of the trust the day after he of the Province of Ontario to the {::opert_) had accdepted' it." The cl oviding 6 on the west side of Simcoe--street, tween tlld" ;1(' ep"el t.' it (', (_",l_usc !)XO\X m"'_ O'r King and Wellington streets, and known as iC de"(ri'm' ol' an executor was not sur-- Government House, is a fee simple absolute, rountdé or whether there are any conditions attached, WITH FROPER RESTRICTTIONS. and if so, what these conditions are. _ [ Worse still was the clause which justified an % Hon. 0. MOW AT--By the 108th section of executor in paying over money pending an the British North America Act, the Public appeal. Why, if the law did not already Works and property of each Province, enu-- prevent the payment of money in that way, | merated in the third s(-h'edule to ghe Act, it should be amended so as to forbid such an shall be the property of Canada. The third act. : Regarding the clause for allowance for schedule provides that all public buildings, support of deceaseds' family, he remarked -- except such as the Government of Canada that creditor's claims were generally regard-- | 'ppro{)riate for tl'le use of the Provincial ed as being the first claim on an estate, but Legislatures and Governments, uhall' be the the Bill proposed to allow a judge to malke roperty of the Dominion of Canada. an order for any amount he chose out of the fi'nder these words the property to which estate. Clause 9 proposes to allow an in-- my hon. friend refers, known as the Govern' crease of allowance to a widow who be--