_ _ " - L? m, Rrrr" 'C i, in. v"... ,, PM, " .7 . ' F "TC' "W7 t ' ""e . '; It ' ""35 TT? . u ,w. l l - " 'ii .li,$. ' " T'7 we" C ." fras'r' , " .e t " _ "ir"r8N,= ., "A -.. . . .' ' , "'":' ' I . ' T , -. __ . "' . l "s, . Persona Openln Internal communication be- nhoud not be taken out of the hands of the ' an)? 'it'i?i'ii,ii'iF'lh and shop. where ""g,tiirt.1t/"t,,RAsum ft . tl 1th i ' Trl , ' . on. .. . a a or om in: on. e l f ofid hLéEhHLil) said that the clause additional offences. created lb)! the License i l lil', emu" t. There "I" no wa, o Act, am general inereas,vd stringent-v on» ) x',',',",',,",,") ngthe evil of store sale of liquor ex.- tested against the proposal to make a :statu- : neg" L',"thtr,tit',rg,tt2eu.1"s liquor busl- tory hareraryyasr' line in respect, to. the I _ lion. A. B. HAIRDY said that the election hours .of. selling. in present the. License ) , was intended to reveal. violationof the law [ 'it'g'.'il','1i,gl-i'il",' oxalic. INIH' or ytu.niciel , L It might be (fingered a great hardship that l ' 2)1dfll1fl'aud pass )5 aw., for closing at mere ants an ot ers.havin made a com-' I . v . ' , F l plate chum in their t)'dllis'lll, should be 1o,hrat'fdo,.eatt,oneitrt: the pi Op tysal M as bath . compelledsosoon afterwards to make an- lit: BAI J1h'f'/l'1l1fi other complete chan . He. would not say i l. . d / .lyi) the matter should be that such a law 1t'lff'nol be in the interests one. of local legislation, and instanced the of tem rance and iiiiaiurtri, next change can: ot Wham" and. "t proximity to De. _ 'h'f'l'lei, in "iilai, direction troit as an argument ill favour of allowing Mr. MERRICK and Mr. WOOD objected the law P, 1r,t.l/ys..1.t liobV. . to clause 17, providing that, one justice may yJ.:y..?y,? - said it, would be admitted that, l hear-eases in rural municipalities. temperance sentiment way very much ttt ad- [ Hon. A.S. HARDY said he did not think \iance or England in Ontario, and yet that as a rule inspectors would he found ll 187.2 the former country placed V overdoirur prosecutions. Besides it must the "slow" heu.r at 11 o'cloek. ."e. wah' pre- i be remembered that one magistrate was Pare Ilnlthc. siet,.tyrtt.e.t, morality. Jle 1yvl empowered to try very grave cases, to send a .quumt y Pr! iced young, ttten lounging i man for trial for capital offences , around public lions-ice. which would to some . l extent be remedied it the amendment were I' SELLING TO UNLtCENSlu'D DEALERS. adopted. - T , Hon. A. S. HARDY proposed toadd the M.c.MttAUGrrryr?i said the Legislature , ' following section. which he said had been C having gone NO far in the cause ot temper- I suggested by the Attorney-General :- ( "gel" ought to tto one step further and accept . No person shall by himself or his partner. ser- t 'il/Yeo,,)?,',?),',)?, vant', clerk. agent. or otherwise. sell or deliver in, I a: '" amendment. was lost. L0§ifliililig 'tey/gi', of anyi kind tonuny Yell-son not ' ite, Bill was reported as amended. _ enlct oar not-.nmwio essu' ' . ', '72- 'r, 's, v. ' who buys for the purpose 'l,'/"i',le,i11c,'ya"llloifl'v' , CONN 1a"Y ANUIN(j PRACTICE. , violation of the foregoing provision shall be an ' .T.Y House went into Committee on the i l oiliencc under this Act. but no person >hull be i Irtll for improving the practice of CODVGVEDC' l ' . "envied? tuidcrftthfis section tth,riiltbo1,i.slr,',he', ing. - - i ir V e qll "i ac on 0 n O CP. mag b' mtte or ttst ('l ' . I . ' ' orjustices before wholm the prosecution lsj 'lh"rl' anféifdlggllltwas "ported without material i that he had reason to believe, and did belioro.that, ' , the person to whom the liquor mm sold or deliv- ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS cred was duly lirre.rttetlt.y sell such liquor, or did Tile'Ho , _ ii , . " " - l not sell liquor unlawfully. and did not bu to rc- .. ' use Wen into Committee on the Bill sell. This section applies only lo a sale or delivery "'ilti'1,1'gs,tit,'i estates of deceased persons. g of liquor in any city, town. Ot' village by aperdon Alt'. CR Jiti HTUN said Bome considerable I I 'g nsiduut or carrying on busineas therein to a pet" I tliseussion had taken place on the ' uestim l nun who sells liquor unlawfully in the same city, , ot the widow's, pin-r f . - l . ll l town. or village. Imam. Wtr'4 no 1rl'il."'" A: 33,5;111'3; "hale i After some discussion the section was Widower wa~ placed in a Ciut"i1'.1'i'o'silfllf the}: l i adopted. the widow in like circumstances. l ', . run CASE or PORT ARTHUR. lion. o. MOWAT said the cage as the Bill : Mr. CUNMI'IE moved that a section be i now stood was that the widow had just "a ' l added to the Bill allowing licenses to be iv I SKI-RIG treatment as tho widower. "m l sued to three hotels in Port Arthur over and 'I'he Bill was reported. i above the number allowed by the general The House adjourned at 11 o'clock. .. law. liepointed out that Port Arthur re. "re.,T."..C."_e'he'.."..'e"i"te're1erer I quired a larger amount of hotel accommodn' tion than many other places of the. name pop- ulation. became it was the terminus of u. line of steamers. and had a large 1oatai',Y ttSt tion of miners, emigrants, an ot new. This motion was very much in the interests V of his Conservative friends. When the Do- minion License Act came into force these gentlemen started to build hotels. Nothing "with stop them. Tucv said, is Sit- ' John knows what hy ia doing. Ilr. , I is a constitutional lawver and known all . about it." (Laughter-J in that way a large amount of money was invested in hotel . buildings. which were. now standing idle. it. was in the interests of these gentlemen that he asked for the increase. Mr. RUBILLAHD mid that one Girard, of Port Arthur, had becn rcfu.~.cd a lit-cine be. cause he was a supporter of Sir John. ( Jlr. CuON31EE will: Girard has a licrnue. Mr. RUBiiibAlliJ said that Mr. Giraud was l 1 ornther-nrlaw of his- "lau!z,hterr and had . j told him that he bud been rental-ii a livelier. l and Lin-n promised one it he kept. quzel until i , after the elect ion. (Laughton) l Mr. CONMEE -lur. Girard told me i l that he. was not a particular friend i of Sir John's-tlauqhter)--lat his brother- é in-law was a member of this House, 1 and had written him telling him he wan to l support. Sir John. (' mghtcr.) Mr. Girard _ showed me the hutch (item-wed laughter.) '; Mr. ROBII.LAllD "I have got that letter here---0aughtery and I will prov" that he never pot that letter. All I wrote was a _ letter of introduction. t Hon. A. H. HARDY said that the I'ttRe of" _ Port Arthur was "vuismtly a wculiar one ~~ (hear, hear, and laughter-brand under all the ', circumstances he did nor think the motion _ was: unreasonable. Alursome further discussion the motion was carried. l Mc. YOUNG said that in a good many localities the license inspectors had beers in' l volved in a good deal of i . Ylu'EA'W0U.s' LITIGATION. and in one place the Licensed vieiuaflers had a fund and a local agent to pro-ccnte every magistrate who sits on a "(Inm- license l case. He thought there should it: some ad. l ditional rotection lo inspectors. g Hun. I'. S. HARDY said that he had heard I of this systematic prosecution of inspectors. . and the matter was receiving his considera~ l tion. I Mr. 3rcLhUGHLIN proposed an amend. F meal. by which the hours of closing shall be seven on Saturdays and eleven on other ' " week it. VM. . _ Mr. MEREDITH thought the matter l S: