, _ . i , ' , . W , e if u , Tl . a exp? M, Bekl .. '/ WK? 7'" "'. me A _ r . A , . " ' - . , "3S _»"'}..~W " - C':! A, x "t'.4lrrF"v', _ f t _ . . . the can" arose, and if any reliet 1'tt.ul t formation should not be given. He was Lti'i',','eti', for the innocent party by, "390"ng I oultc sure that it would not be in the public the 'certificate he was in favour o it'. I - iiitei-eat to bring the information down. The , Hon. th P. FRASER, while admitting that I . reason suggested for withholding the infor- there were subjects in the Bill for AiseA.tssi.ly!: l , mation moi incorrect, as the Fxttusinati.on thought there was no reason why the Bill) and valuation had been made. In every in- should not go to a sceond reading. stance this course had heert.foi,1osyex!, but in l " The Bill wag. read the second time and re- I every case the amount received had been a ferred to the Special Committee on Mr. Har. ', , great deal more than the amount of the court's Bill. . f, valuation. . . . . . CIIA'I'TELS REAL. il i Ne motion was carried on diviciion, with . I 'NNGER . 1 t1 F l , the clause. regarding the upset. or reserve w.. ERN A'! / ' . Into Pt " seconi ' price Mruek out. reading of the Bill to amend the law of de- Ctn'KNA'N'l's' IN LEASES. scent of Iands /t,N hr, "htearl'i"ep/li')'/t, He i . i ' H . " contender that to a in is t out cavour- I g Me. II )Aco.1.'.r,t'l "u moving the semnd ed to do away with all distinctions between ' I heading of the Bill regarding covenant") "on. ersonal and real property. Since the Attor- r tallied in short forms ol leac,ess,rutidlut did not 'l'ip(l1'ett'lr' had come "so near this why I wil to change the law: bu.t,yyt.tt clear the should not all the rliMeulties crcuLeti by the law as he understood it. Referring to de- feudal tenuresbe done away with It, was cisiionsi he showed that there was some doubt in the interests of the. public iirhiai riG, as to whether the covenants ran with the land, were 60th iii; near it that the 'r'nGirsiLL' (it . , and were binding on the .lessee, or Pe/hey, this Bill should be, adopted rather than the p, to the lease and not binding on the leaned ktttwnerGeneral'ts one. The tirst ehurse i tlf/ire/i.""'" to tuake the commune run with propowd to iiiakeall lands ehattrls real. This "' . I. .. . . ' "' claim! was taken from the statutes of New. J,ll1 tBill "a: timid the. second time and tNV foundland and found to work very well I are . on T,',",',?,'), "y."ty,e": , , there. He propos'rd to do away with the . i, CONN EYANt ES MADis' BY MARRIED right of dowey entirely and give a husband r I WOMEN. and wife the HitllIt'. inte"esc in veal as per- I Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) moved the second sonal i1.,'a1i,"/i',c,',1h','i dlh. Ics/eil/yo',','"",?))) out; i . . . . .- " ' . of no feeling " scour My o ie .7 otutey- {tittildléirl 21.ng il,'v"/,,g.Q,thrn,'vo'j2',tf."' 'it'; I General, but from a sense that as the hitter Bill provided that' every conveyance made , had "lull?'hqili'(':gazl'):lildhlgirfcfiidlwpitlilgei'rthi altitl'e the 29th day 0:! Alan-hi! 1875,lby 'r).. Inar- I l 2,'A//f "263;" the way . y, riei woman of or a 'eetiug er rea es " e to i . . ' j . I . which her husband was an ei',)"ihtl',',.Qt.'J,liy,,', Jyje,t'i',a3ll,'tN)e'f, ';",'d.lJe, rigging?" I)! $111:- _ eitncr as grantor or grantee. I" o't s'/,'fl',"i'fid'i" pcrtv t'et uired a great dcal of consideration. _ out} "2333,32""Itefitilg"'&filhufitficgnfztJ"mil. lie bulllll not recommend anything? to the bs - /lll)'u'"d2i'v'llllil1.',," ,rogeo'pd to paws of such . l House which he had not thorough y con- " F ... J. J P. I . l . l t " ll i l sidered and the Hill went as far as he could maria-d woman in Tut ilaa lil ate.t " I TO hi to the raw of Newfoundland the . thought that it wit-ion y rig it Wien l was 'A! . 2 , _ . _ . . .' . . 3 the evident intention that the husband I 2'i'ier'/l,T'ffi','i', "a,tt,atcent',vett,"tntr",ti) should he a_;iariy do the emweyanei', and 1lfll, h'; (1'01", rt4 been r "partied as crlio'n-il wlteris he did not Join through a Slim "ll" ti, I 'i')toape'i1lyea,') ')'tl"tl'e'l with?!" and pulls-n11 11,.ci'ilti',1ce' that the tonieyance "mu Ch I . judgment was given upsettin'g this view it , it"... o. MOWAT, while i,,11'ti'1!,i, 'ti l C'ci/,'i'l"y'rsi1'ejfxf,1?,'/he,"li iihli",/,j"0/,a/.l "03m?" _ (kit's: QIRMSILSRIIII'K' If). tthed1itl thedtdw country. he contended. was not prepared for _ it" unit was sought. to he declared to be. ill" auolition of the wife's do.wtT. His own ~ I out when Chief Justice Wilson had declared i Prmml'lI' Cl; .tp:f'i',',','t) t,1,gp1",,t,ii'ti'g/rl 8"" i it lobe. doubtful. the doubt ought to be re I 1'/,"t'l,f)"11,"ne,1n1t'1t'i'l)l,', te . moved. i 'Fi , ' . , g & . I. '.., I. I . g I Mr. MEREDITH thought great care should I My; 1fikei)'f/i,)1"ifi.R than asked pmmsston . , t he cvi-rciwd before m' post fut-(o laws of this to with ra" its l,: t tratite . E kind were named. He was afraid that many RE I'l. RA b. r, of the hills were only to meet special cases. Hon. A. S. HARDY presented several re» Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) said he had no turns ordered by the House. 7 "Wm" ettrseto serve. and had pr?poset.1.thtat It being six o'clock the Speaker left the Bill to remove the dotthts on the subJei't chair. which had tpi:,"',,!,'; roaiiou of the decision AFTER RECESS. of Chief Justice l 5ilson. , I o 'tl H COMM T'iTlF, The Bill was read a second time and re- , "21):"? i1,',G12,?i't1tye' "If" Whole ferred to the Special Committee on the pre- ,.- d the followinu' Bills . ' . ceding Bill. ' u' . Counter To Pi'iivot' l., . " , . . - .. . - poi.iie tht Ontario ' . F.?1'-NT)' BRIDGES "sud Rainy Iichr Railway Cottrpuny. I Mr. "A FEHS moved the second reading . Mr. Fell Respecting the Itvtu1ale, Burr; of the Bill to ainend_thc Municipal Art. It cron, and Ottawa Railway Cmupany. proposed to make it, clear Whirl! bridges Mr. lilegerow To incorporate the. Rich- 1'ou.nly.0r Township .t ouncils were liable to l l mond Hill Jiiiiciion Railway t'oinpany. 'n.ty.i.ntyy, on county liners. . I Mr. Carnegie~liexpecting the town oi The Bill was read in: second time. Pctcrhorough. DIVISION Couit'l's. _ .Mr. hlorin .-'tlo incorporatc the. South F,ssvs Mr. amsox 1ilautilton) moved the second Gun S.1t.lt . t . . l reading of the Hill to tuiiLnd the Division ' ck PM) Iso wa" yyyyyd lo(tli'e tTra.yelt,' or. l Courts Act. The Hill relates ehietiy to the do}? .8111 rritt'f, t't'itti,ec'hu/yte",idif/.lC.y/ issueol' garnlnhee summonses again" rail. I"~","':f"ly"'v in t "I 1Tovel t l;, ml _ Ui', ' nay _i..oq,'tyi,i,1',e,'.s whose head oftiivs, are out tt , F, _ ' '. . pr, . . . ol' the 'vovince. It must be remembered T, '. " HILL an: 'l' in ('I'HllLil in" stile in that garnisliee iatttlttt9titters' were issued before c Titil? lands h; the congregation fi ' on! ajudgiuent. tiarnishee summonses were is- Church of Iaiigliind oi' the pari~li of bl. llio~ sued, in which full particulars were not mas. . , stated, they were wen-ed on ext-um. were lion. T. B._Purdee.-- Respecting the Sarina i.ciit to head oftirses, and sometimeu paid & Florence, Road Company. without due investigation. The Bill pro- lion. T. B. Pardee -ibvipeetinq the Deben- v' posed that the summons shall show whether lure (ii-bi of the town of Sarina. ' the claim being sued for is one for board or . Mr. Conmect Rewinding the Riverside lodging. In all can't-q ot' donut the practice Cemetery Company, of Port, Arthur. had been. to retain the amount the company SEl'UNI) READINGS. were entitled to retain. The Bill "09.05"! The following Hills were read the second that suttttnonqPR should be served on traftiv, time . o superintendents or assistant trailic. superhy l ly,,,, A a. m . . f; , " a million". or any grown-up person in their 822gI'lil'fltl'flhl'p'lllllldlsplg'l'llzl'fill'hlqillltlllg12:91:"u"g U 1'x'ti. . . tr : "i 3.. lot' v , It. i s l . Mr. 1VHITF', suggested that, the Bill should ', o,.y/.'//it,'iJ:,. It :',"i),'rv.,J,, '/ct)///2,'o/.hc' sale Ot I I provide not only for railway but. for all itar- l si.' (//i'k'fii'r': moved the wcoiid roadinit "nisiteesuntuionsts,tltey should issue where l ' .. .',', . _ ' . _ . _ ' . _ (t'G"/ociiiri',i'e't',, and might be served on the lor the Hill 'Jil//')1""i us~1gntncnt~ forthe I agents ' , l henellt of vpcditots. 11- said the object "a." l NIr 'itRyr..rrrNmttt said the Bill should $0 to make the atisiwttnont to the sluwifr, who ' _ . A i. . A """ . l . i .11st: l . tct.ar" This. to committee. though it was questionab t/.s".,111),).' ll", tul (tei'"' "II f,):,' "il/d','; I"; whether it was in the public. interest so mu' _ 1 T', ll); l IU l ll (I'll "i, 1?J' -~""" t -1 I l in in that, of railway companies. i PE" Ile','. r",".'). va on. e, Nut l "5 wa l IPS, Mr. MEREDITH thought. our git-mums l,11 lvl,', ',ihvilt,fiyrl,ue, tered an em haiie m. 1hould be "Tet.: to the place J IN" (In. M. l te;i a ainsi: the Iiilll' as he 'cfi'llhe)))r'Pi't a ltlm'lam'w' le luu'nm heard of ay com. h 1'i1'ntlfi'//l'i" way of iiGuaa the emolu- plaints in the law wil h togard lo 'sctwiee, and I tttents of the sh' .ritrs though it should not be changed. He quoted lion 0 3'i"di'i'r (Ii. concurred with his,' it,ep(b,';e/.irl.it11i.o,eo.t//!ih,t;i/."' 'ttgli' hill: gr; friend, the leader of the Opposition. ifd, not like the provision that costs to the .elnutw wtts' 1ettltddelilrtrat.ely, and although ' ' amount of 8100 should be paid to the garni- i/,cf//',1,tieatllo1.acid'ri'n"-u'eiihet,, 11v,"vg1i'/ccl I i slice and deducted from the amount of wages I ii . j ' J! . . p. Cac" '4 y ou t y " due tho man garnislieed. no. .t " l", quite out oi. the question to ini- I " Mr. r'FalHtH'thouRht "desirable that the I IRAQ-filth" it,",',"'"'),?,',', 1'A'11itll'C"'1i4 "will?" I r I primary creditor should have aright ofaction t . " e em a tter. I'he Biil "as ' i