1 * + * Fifth Parliament ------ Third | . _= Bession. | use te uk 1 | (By Our Own Reporters.) WrEpoxEsvay , March 17. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. FIRST READING. . Mr. GRAHAM moved the first reading of a Bill to amend the Real Property Limitation Act. RESTORED. 3 Mr. GILLIES moved that his Bill 146 be | restored to the order paper. Carried. l REPORT. Hon. A. S.HARDY presented the report of the Committee on the Bill respecting cove-- nants contained in short forms of leases, and other Bills. THIRD READINGS. i'l'he following Bills were read the third time :---- | Hon. A. M. Ross--To amend the Act re--| specting the Agricufim'al College. Mr. Ferris--Respecting a certain agree-- ment between the City of Brantford and the Grand Trunk Railway Company. Mr. Brereton--Respecting the debt of Port Mope. ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. |__Hon, 0. MOW AT moved that the order for the tnird reading of the Bill respecting the estates of deceased persons be ('is(-hurged, and the House resolved itself into Commit-- tee of the Whole to consider an amendment. Carried. | _ The Bill as amended was passed. | sUPPLY. The House went into Committee of Supply. Colonization Roads, $129,950. Hon. T. B. PARDEE explained that there was an over expenditure on this item of $18,535. | Mr. WOOD sard that there had been a great ilnl)rovcm(-.nt, in the service in his county (Hastings), and that the service last year and the roads made this year were really _ | in the public interest. | Hon. T. B. PARDEE said that the work of selecting the roads was one of very greal diffticulty, and all that the Government could do was to instruct their officials to make the best {mmihlc road, benefitting the greatest number of settiers. Of course some people had to be disappointed, and the Government could not avoid making some enemies in that way. _\ir. MEREDITH said he did not object to a reasonable expenditure in the interest of _ the settlers, but he did object to hon. gentle-- men making use of public money, without a vote of the lf[ousv, in the interests of their candidates at elections. Hon. T. B. PARKRDEE said that the present Government, in a period of about 15 years, had spent $1,400,000, and during alf that period their over--expenditures averaged only $7,000 a year. It was impossible always to tell the exact amount that would be required for the building of a road, and common sense demanded that when a work was begun it shouid « be completed speedily ; because, if --only part of a road were con:-- structed, _ the use of that _ part would be lost for the season. Hon. gentle-- men complained that a large expenditure was made during election times, but they would find that the reports of the Commissioner | substantially agreed with the estimates, But cirecumstances would arise, whether in elec-- tion years or any other, which made over-- expenditure inevitable. The hon. member for -- Peterboro' -- once -- t r0ught it . was not necessaiy to give | any | details at _ all. During the _ Administration of Sandfield Macdonald a vote of $50,000 for colonization roads had been proposed and | hon. gentlemen -- had voted against a resolution asking for the details of the esti-- mate,. -- The hon. gentlemen would find that {'us\ previous to elections Dominion public wildings required a great deal of repairing, and that there was great activity in building * just about that time. _ Before the election of 1882 votes were taken for a postoflice and Custom -- house at Brockville $20,000, for buildings at Belleville $20,000, Hamilton _ $40,000, Chatham $20,000, and other places ; also large votes for improvcments on har-- bours at many places. 'The hon. gentlemen | would find here a large field for enquiry, The Department of Crown Lands was willing to take the responsibility for the expenditure necessary to complete roads once begun, and they had always followed the spolicy of completing the construction of the roads speedily. Mr. CONMEE said he was very much sur-- prised to hear the member for London taking exception to the amount of'monei' sflent' in Algoma during the election. f he was rightly informed the hon. member for Lon--