Parliament ------ Third Session. | Our Own Reporters.) ) | < WaenxEspay, March 24. | _ The Speaker took the chair at 3 p.m. I PETITIONS. | _ Mr. FRASER presented petitions from | certain property--owners on the Esplanade. PRINTING COMMITTEE, Mr, BAXTER presented the fourth repor» of the Committee on printing. THE MUNJICIPAL BILL. The Bill to amend the Municipal Act was referred back to Committee of the Whole Mr. FERRIS moved that the clause added on the previous evening, referring to the procedure under the local improvement plan, be crased, and that instead thereof a clause be added placing leaseholders, holding lcu.s.cs for 21 years or more, in the same position _ as property--owners, so-- far as regards petitioning against local improve-- ments when initated by the Council. He ex-- plained that the clause inserted on the previous evening went a little further than this, and he thought shoula be withdrawn,. The new clauseembodied the result of an agreement be. tween the parties who were concerned in the Esplanade question. 'The amendment was carried, and theCommittee rose and reported the Bill. | B_h)u the motion for the third reading of the 111, Mr. MEREDITH moved that sections 15 and 17 of the Bill be struck out. These clauses impose upon the County Council the duty of maintaining bridges crossing rivers ' and streams over 100 feet wide wihnin the limits of any to'wn "not separated from the county," and connecting any main highwa:{y leading through the county. The amend. ment was lost on the following division :-- YrEas-- Messrs. Blythe,* Brereton, Broder, Car-- negie, Clancy, Clarke (Toronto), Creighton, Deni-- son, Ermatinger, Fell, French, Gray, Hammell, Harcourt, llurd{. less, Hudson, Kerns, Kerr, Lees, McGhee, McKay, Meredith, Morgan, Mul-- hullunéig Preston, Ross (Cornwall), \\'l'fitc. Wil« inot --29, Na¥ys--Messrs, Awrey, Badgerow, Balfour, Bal-- lantyne, Baxter, Bishop, Blezard, Caldwell, Cas-- caden, Chisholm, Dill, Drury, Dryden, Ferguson, Ferris, Freeman, Gibson ° (Hamiiton), Gibsoar (Huron), Gillies, Gould, Graham, Hagar, Hart, Hawley, Leidlaw, Lyon, Mcelntyre, Mackenzie, McKim, McMahon, Master, Monk, Morin, Mowat, Murray, O'Connor,Pardee, Phelps, Rayside, Ross (Huron), Ross (Middlesex), Sills, Snider, Waters, Widditield--45. o Mr, GILLIES moved &n amendment im-- posing upon County Councils the duty of maintaining _ bridges crossing rivers or streams over 100 feet in townships. The amendment was carried on the follow-- ing division : Yras--Messrs. Blezard, Blythe, Broder, Cald:-- weoll, Carnegie, Clarke (Toronto), Cook, Creigh-- ton, Denison, Dill, Ermatinger, Fell, French, Gillies, Gould, Gray, Hagar, Hammell, Hess, Hud-- son, Kerns, Kerr, Laidlaw, Lees, McQGheo, Me-- Kim, Meredith, Monk, Morin, Morgan, Mulhol-- land, Murray, Neelon, O'Connor, Pheips, Pres-- ton, Ross (Cornwall), Sills, Snider, Waters, White, Wilmot --42. Nays--Messrs, Awrey, Badgerow, Balfour, Ballantyne, Baxter, Bishnp. Brereton, Cascaden, Claney, Drury, Dryden, Ferguson, Ferris, Free-- man, (4ibson (i{amiitom, Gibson (Huron), Graham, Hurd;'. Hart, Hawley, Lyon, Mclintyre, McKay, Mach.enzie. f\lcl\lahon, Master, Mowat, Pardee, Rayside, Ross (HMuron), Ross (Middlesex), Widdi-- fleld, Young--33. The Bill was reported. ASSIGNMENTS BY DEBTORS. House in Committee on the Bill respect-- ing assignments for the benefit of creditors. f{on. U, MOWAT said that he had con-- sidered the suggestion of the member for London that an advance of goods should . confer the same advantage upon a creditor as an advance of money, so far as the Bill was concerned, and that conference with business men had led him to the conclusion that the amendment would not be desirable. He proposed to amend the Bill by providing that where a new assignee was appointed a conveyance should not be necessary to vest the estate in him. The amendment was made,. Mr. GIBSON, of Hamilton, moved amend-- ments providing that a notice of assignment should l?)e ublished once in The Ontario Gazette{' twice in the local paper, instead of four times in each as now provided, and ' that the assignee should make certain state-- ments as to t'fxe position of the estate and declare dividends when he has sufficient funds, or when required by the inspectors. The Bill was reported. Mr. MEREDITH moved, an amendment placing an advance of gooés and other pro-- perty to a cebtor in the same position as money. The amendment was lost on division and