. I t , . 3 , A r momenta}; or was PROVINCIAL ASSEIBLY bing. il . " , BY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. _An.Act, to secure compensation to work g ,, . men in ccr ain caries. . T . t' , -.------ a,/dt,4,tit,,,ttt2 amendthe Act respecting master I _ I". _ ' His Honour. 8peech---Ltet of Bills Which Received An Act to amend the law respecting com. I ' ll , . the Royal Assent. pcnsation to families of persons killed by :. j "i . accidents or m duels. " ' r: - . ' 1 -r.-..--.-- -Ad,',,1, Act to consolidate the Separate Schools } I . ', The Ontario Legislature was prorogued An Act to amend the Act respecting the l N V yesterday with the usual ceremonies. short. Agrtct'ptural College. l K A V ly before 3 o'clock the guard of honour was of 'thApeututihpare,r',1')ithti {as}??? auditing 5 [ B, drawn up in front of the Parliament Build. An Act Tbs l "tti _ l f.1.')?",ir't. I g . . mt' if Inst t le It'ondale, Bancroft LN tugs. lt eonlitedof"t Company oflnfantry & Ottawa Railway Company. , '- under cotnmandof Majorbmith, with Lieuts. ci),') teit/,'pit",,1i,ie-i'i//,e.yihu1siie Cemetery ' Pt ll admore and Cartwright. The tiring party DA J, i ' V r" 1ur. ' . wr " ' . An. ct to incorporate the Richmond Hill . . . . was composed oi two guns of the Toronto Railway Company. t C a l'tcld Battery The Chamber was well filled "133} {if 'Jillt'f1ii',er the debenture debt of I 1': tsith visitors, "MONK whom were ..--Clol. Attic]; :cspgililiir the S . ' I Ilcnison,' D A G, Lieut (ol Milsom, Brigade Road Company. _ is arma & Florence , ' Major; t ol Alger. District Paymaster; E An Act to amend the Act respecting joint .j » ' lleimrod, Gorman Consul; Mrs 1lutnphrey. 'left.ip'a1,'g'y,',i,ic'ty1g, supplying cities, towns, b Irving, Mrs Halcer, Bliss Lancastt r, Mrs Mul. A" (ll"','.':,',,',)):,':"" and water. . . , _ holland. Mrs 'l'ltotnpmurtt, Mrs Haas. Miss . . . P. g. C'OY unants Contained in l Pt _ . . , . , ... short. formsot leases. . Monk, Miss ( ox. Mrs Allen, Mrs In tug. Mrs In Act to amend tl ls . ' '., _ i f Sydcrc. Mrs 1lcKay, Mrs Awtvy, Mrs Free-- A" 1'it1i)'sii1.'t"i't'i " m, :1 .':".f,.'??,',"..yy1t, Act. l Km", Miss Freeman, Mrs G w Ross. the) a t Toi,', 'sl i" Hlec 1atHes Illstltutesand Iisscs Ross. Mrs Gr. w hi. and Mrs C - r fu?tt B. , bell. l ' ' U 5 amp i An Act. to amend the Franchise and He, . On entering the Chamber His Honour was l, presentatton A"; . .- i received by the bpcaker. and took his scat , l i),Y, Act respecting the village of London i li upon the throne. The Clerk then read the Vest. . . . . . P. _ following An Act respecting building societies. , "M. op mm". Au Act respecting free grants and home. - . . stands to actual settlers in the District of F piasscd by the Legislature during the ses. Rainy Rive r. ' .Cc V I on :--- An Act for improving the practice of con- C' ' dt Act tr!) (i1j'g,1'lt'"ljit,t,,1rtubenit1"e debt of l veyancing, and amending the law of pro- to town of i' onnt Jorerit. pert v. . ' An Act. to consolidate the debt of the An Act respecting return of convictions by " town of trrat.tp,twillt'. . Stipendiary and Police Magistrates. An Act to incorporate the Nosbomsing & An Act respecting the audit of criminal f Nipissinx Railway Co. justice accounts payable by the Province. '. I in Aer to "ii"? Illie Act: respecting the An Act to prenuauttninors from frequenting l .a 'c Scugog . ars t .am m' Jrainage Co. billiard rooms and other places. N _ ii):,'. Act to incorporate the village of Hunts. l An Act respecting the estates of deceased . VI e. persons. ', " An'Act respecting the Hamilton and Dun. ( An Act to enable the trustees of St. ' T das btrcet Hailwap.' t ompany- _ I Andrew's Church. Peterboro', to sell or _ .311 Act t'espci'tirtp, the town of Bowman-l, mtryryc"try1,1.itn, lands. l l D h d " t Tt c. An Act to furt ter ament tie ite es an ' Atl.Aet to authorize Walter D. Coate to l Wattuvours;es Act. Prim"? tthi " chetnist. ti t t P k An Act to amend the Aer respecting snow . f n 2 ct to incorporate w. own 0 ar " l fences. . hill. . ' An Act to amend the County Courts Act. s' Anl Act respecting the town of 1 eterbo. ," An Act to amend the Surrogate Courts ' rout: I. ' . , Act. ' 7 tdi'. 1Ac1,rtir/it,i,,nf, the Leamington and Yt. An Act to amend the Act relating to the V air all way P."PN!.v. ' Superior Courts of Law. , An Act '_'e1pt"'tinit the ""118? of B99101}: An Act to facilitate. the quieting of titles A.y Act to liit'ovpot"ate the King Loop Hue where the Land Titles' Art is not in force. Railway Company. . Au Act to tumtitun the sale of certain lands . e "An Act rcN"'y.t,in.r.r the St. Cathorines and _ to Rimes 1Iottdetvson. - . blatant" Central Hallway l o"llri".i1.'. An Act to atncntl the Division Courts Act. Ay iVt. to in1'.yi"'r'a"' the I'atjtic and At- An Act to amend the law for the Protec- t _ lantic Railway. l 'lllll'illl."- _ . tion of game and furbcarint: animals. An Act to incorporate the (icot'gtan Bay An Act to amend the Registry Act. . an: Hike liupon Polio' l o.tilpany. t l I An Act. to amend the ticncral Mining Act. i n J ct rcs'pcctint: a cr'rttttn turret-men Je- Sn Act t'cspct'iintz: liquor liccttscs. , V tween the City of lirantford and the Grand I an Act; "rnendituc,' the Act respecting the I , - . C . , _ r . . hunk Katina) ( "mlWU- wovisional county ot Ilalilsurton. ' An Act to inr'orytsralt' the London& South. i An Act to amend the Act respecting the _ eastern Railway i ottll,""lle, , . . taxation of unpatcntctl lands in Algoma. F AA" _i):/i/ir/'r111i,'/evti'r: NN oruan'sChristian An Act to consolidate and amend the . ssocttttton o e or: c. , . Agriculture and Arts Act. , A: #/, 'gi1r,"pit/o')e//oti ( onsolidatcd Debt An Act to further amend the Municipal 5'. I. 0 t 1e , own o ort ope. C ler. . An Art to incorporate the St. Catharines l 4 An Act for further improving the law. : _ Club. . k , , An Act to amend the Act respecting the _ (.'chi'nit to incorporate the booth hDssex application of the Ilcligious Institution Act 2 jitt1 u J. , , , . , to the Church of England. _ _ , An Act to enable the lorontotucncral lrust An Act to amcnd the Act respecting Ceme. ( ,o//k','l.'/ivi' a? lrlustccs for Anne Laidlaw, to terv Companies. .* . --- tie c'er tttit ant M. _ . An Act to amend the Act. respecting the Ir nil,',' it? t,hd'iti(.'2f'l?,tf, the Ontario and incorporation of Joint, Stock Companies by 9. tC:, _ EMILY. wr at way ,ompany. . letter atent. ' . q , An Act to Imtttd m?" iket incorporating An Xct to amend the Act respecting Den. rr _ "flEORLiRu'IM Baptist Missionary Convention i tirstry. I 1 1 bt l r'v,. p 0 n tWith . An Act res icctin" the h-aiN:e m e l U - _ An Act to authorize the sale of certain I new of the 'il,ei1,llyii, of Sotriaact . -. End's ha tltcli _,",ei'ipiti;1'r?',),/.1,2',e, L hurch of Au Act to amend the Act rec-outing Joint 'mg an m t te, parts 1 o h, . tomas. .'- . F -.. . ' 'r-e' ~. Hit' . . "i J, An Act 7 respecting the Midland Junction v,i171i.a.C',1"/'iy,ric'iii,it mm ot/I/i,, (\("Jiirtlii l "on Ul I' . , Railway Company.' , t I \n Act r'u'r'i'rlrii'tiiC.,'; ccrtain' l'ttortranizanl _ T Ail An Act to authorize the Penn of Ingersoll Dist riots of the jirjiTLi, " 'sd ' , 'tlt,','":),""),"!,',,' tal',)',':)',,'"";,,, Ni .holl , 11otw An \ct to amend the Act establishing "lt E p/dht.cif'sl." re p - L s Industrial Refuge for Girls. . P . q "r-r,';" An Act to amend the Acts relating to the c).? A". te, mncnd {he Act t'eeilJetuln'A it- "i" 1 Toronto S'trect Hailu'tv Companv ' vate Lunattt Asylums. . V b An Act respecting the Thunder Bay Colon. t-iihiiiiohiltitiiil i'tyy////d,c',, Aet respeeting m _ , ization ItailwtvyCornpany. ' "' 'ftu' L/c, i'. "fr, . , ' . d 'l'. _ An Act to authorizi- the Law Society of rc'peoe,1ge'ii"t'"iflin"ji thc i per Canada Lan tr' . tOntaLrtIoJJ: admit "elm R. Davis as a Barrts- An Act rcspcctintz the awards under the f ' 9:: Act to incorporate the Toronto Fire In. Niagara Falls' PM)". Aet. . . , . . G: iii; Com tttIV . An Act to make int ther pl'OYlSlOll regard F . s fit lh' _ . '.. ,. . int: the public health. l ._ n Act to authorize the City of London . . ' ..ys' 'e' . 'r" .. , C? . , , ' AnAct to amend the Act 1nssityt't'im'e,"'ds' l .' ' aid the London and South Eastern Hail. signmcnts for the lrenetit of tuvdi_ttxrui, I ll t, , ' " v ' * . ' v F _ _ V A _ _'. I " Wag Company, ta//od,.ic1hteht halal." a) l , l l i To these Bills the Royal Ass, -nt Wits :in' I ' _r] syn Act to ant menu t lt H "gt o Ca m on a nouneed bv the Cicrk of thc l,t';gislt.i ive Ar,- I - -- to ISSUE certain 1l.clset/.turey. '" SulllblV in ihe followhc.: wovds . L i ', A An Act 'i't'i",i/rtt,i,'"i/l,i", vity.of ligating." .' ln'ller Majestv's 13m..- in} Honour the i , = Act relating to the tnuntttpa ity o k ee. 'Lientteirautiidvevitot, doth assent to thesei . " I to i I), t" ht y " u, t IE IB. [at t" ', ' t TEET, _ P, - l .. , ITLTLTLrCu"a' - -