. the local authorities desire.!'he fii)rt of the' ul y Master of Titles on the operations of the Act ;{mongst. the inembers dn both sid 1 in the County of York and City of Toronto {:90°C it seems to me that the day I h A a named would meet with most general accept-- will be laid before you. nce--ore Week 'aftor the '€lecii P Measures will aiso be submitted for your rs 15 filber the' ciecliong a"® ove.r. 'I consideration respecting the appointment and |-- Mr. MEREDITH--Mr. Speaker, you will jurisdiction of police magistrates, and to pro-- p;er mit me to say what it would have been my vide amongst other things for scientific instruc. F P CA8!N8 duty to say at an earlier time had op-- , tion in the Public and High schools of the Pro-- portunity offered, that I congratulate you | vince as to the nature of alcohol and its effects heartily l"'s the presiding officer on your elee-- | upon the human system. tion to the place you cccupy. 1 do not know \ ;A y' Ahw® s that a more fitting selection could have been j I Your attention is invited to the important [ made by the leader of the Government. subject of prison labor, and therein to the k (Cheers.) I have had the pleasure of sitting \ question whether the present system of letting | jn the House with you for nearly fourtee e out the labor of prisoners confined in the Cen-- years, and I concur very heartily with the ob-- + tral Prison to companies or private persons bY | »servations of the Attorney--General, both in contract may not, with advantage to the dis*} yesard to the feelings entertained toward you cipline and reformatory influences of the prison, r,by members ~ on this | '§id46 of"" the uixdl."lnt(llxogt disadvantage to the public, be | 'House and the expectations _ he _ en-- | abolished by law to mk'e effect upon the °X-- || tertains as _ to the discharge of the j prration of existing contracts. | dutics of your oftice. 1 can assure you you | Sx.nce the last Session of the Provincial \ will receive the most hca.rty syinpathy and | Legislature, tenders were advertised for and '| support in the discharge of your important -- received for the erection of the new Depart-- ; duties. I would not let this opportunity pass mental and Parliament Buildings ; and it was ) without saying a word in regard to the gentle-- | | found that the needed accommodation will ,; man who has occupied the position of Speaker of / 7 require a somewhat greater expenditure than 3 this House. He discharged the important was expected. _ To avoid injurious delay, a || duties intrusted to him in a manner which not : | contract has been entered into for certain parts || only proved entirely satisfactory to the mem--| | of the work, subject to a condition requiring || bers of the House, but also to endear himself | | your approval of the contract. Papers relating }.to them personally. There were one or two | | to the subject will be laid before you. occasions on which this side of the House dif. | | _ With the view of giving effect to the pa. || fered from the opinion he held, but I am bound triotic sentiment of our people, and following | to admit that the subjects on which differen-- | in this respect the example of the neighboring | ces arose were such that a difference of opinion | i| State of New York, the proceedings authorised g might fairly arise upon them. 1 agree with | || by the statute of a former session for ascertain-- |, the Attorney--General that no progress could | ing the cost of expropriating the land in the ~ practically be made with the public business U neighborhood of the Falls of Niagara have : in view of the election so soon to be held {or; ,| been taken and are nearly completed ; and a _ the Dominion of Canada, _It would be desir-- | | measure will be submitted for your considera-- ;, able that the work of this House should go on ; ,| tion dedicating to the public in permanence the ,. at once, in the interest especially of those who | I land on the Ontario side of the great world-- © have occupations which will be interfered with | 4 wonder, and containing provisions for securing * by the session lasting until a late period @ that object without imaterial cost to the Pro-- ic through business not being proceeded with ;| vincial Treasury. _A report from the Commis. y now. But no-- man can shut his . eyes ; | sioners will contain all useful information bear-- p t9 the fact that no substantial . progress ing on what is proposed. _ can be made in view of the excitement attend-- " : ... ing the election and in view of the interest The public accounts for the past year will oo d maml it; 'I be bpromptly laid before x6 i c "will be * which members, who are citizens of. the_ _Do- i I nptly laid before you, and yor Wl 2° 1 minion, take in the election for the Dominion. pleased to learn from them that the expendi-- ; mpjp, Attorney--General has, I think, made a 1| ture has l.'ec" less than was provided for bY !( frir compromise as to the time the House ti the estimates, and that the receipts have @X* it spould adjourn ; ceeded the amount anticipated. v . "The resglutio.n was Carticd i _ The estimates for the current year will at an ,, . o early date be submitted for ))'our approval. * STANDING COMMITTEES. 9 They will be found to have been prepared with ' _ Mr. MOWAT moved for the appointment of 01 all the cconomy consistent with the demands 3 the customary standing committees. Carried, y of the public service. " sSUPPLY. at 1 trust that the: Legislative labors of this _ Mr.SPEAKER readanaddressfrom the Lieu: je first session of the new Parliament may be | tenant--Governor, transmitting estimates of n n expendituro to cover the time up to the pas-- * characterised by the same patriotic care and sing of the Supply Bill--$150,000, the item,l a intelligence as in the case of previous Parlia-- j to be submitted as part of the ordinary esti-- D |H("l'\t5. . o . i mates. | The Licutenant--Governor having retired. | . (On motion of 'Mr. A. M. Ross, the House lt oaATHS OF_--OFFICE. t went into Committee of Supply, Mr. Gibson, Hamilton, in the chair, and passed the esti-- g1 Mr. Mowat presented the customary form@l n mates. The committee rose and reported, e, resolution for the first reading of a Bill relat-- 5l asked leave to sit again. The report was re-- ing to caths of office to be taken by those ap-- [| ceived by the House, and the committee given pointed justices of the peace, which was || leave to sit again on 1st March, carried. !| The House then went into Committee of ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 18T. MARCH. Ways and Means, Mr. Gibson again in the Mr. MOW A'T--I beg leave to move that when | chair, and considered the appropriation of the this House adjourns it do stand adjourned till | '"908Y. Toesday, 1st March next, 1 think it is the | _ Mr. MEREDITH--Is it proved that the feeling on both sides of the House that we "Feasurer has thas much money ? (Laughter.) could not make effectual progress with the The resolution was passed in committee and public business while the elections are going ported, the report being received by the on, and the Government therefore proposes to 008 i the House that we should adjourn. 'Then the | The House adjourned at 4:20 o'clock, question arises to what day after the election /' ttemaaaaamaa e samae we should adjourn. After making inquiry