ul e emmes ES StE > Qillmor, _ Graham," 'Harcourt, -- meys, -- Mack Mexacham, Meredith, Metcaltc, Mldgr, Monk, lomn. Morin, Murray, McAndrew, McMahon, Rayside, Rorke, Suider, Stewart, Waters. _ .. ... 1 MUCNICIPAL. Allan, Balfour, Bishop, Blythe. Bi{zm BHron-- :pn. Chamberlain, Clancy, Conmee, H. E. 'Clarko. reighton, Drury, Dryden, Ficld, Fraser, Garson, Gibson (Hu.ron), Graham, Guthrie, Hardy, HMess, Hudson, Ingram, Lees, Lyon, Mack, Master, Moredith, Miller, Monk, Morin, Morgan, McKay, Nairn \ U 'Connor, Ostrum, Phelps, Preston, lt.obfvl- lard, loss (Muron), Sprague, Smith. Tooley, W il-- loughby, Waters, Wood (Brant), Wood (Hast-- ings}, W ylie. PeBLc accoryts. Messrs. Clarke (\\'cllinglum. Awrey. Balfour, Ballantyne,Clauey, MH. E, Clarke (Foronto),Creigh-- ton, French, Harcourt, Hardy, Mclaughin, Meredith, Morin, Keras, O'Connor, Ross (Huroni, Waters, Wood (Hastings). | PRINX TING. l Balfour, Bishop, B ezard, E. 5. Clarke (Toront o), Claney, Creighton, Dack, Fronch, Gounld, Gillies, ' M«:Lmufhliu. Pacaud, Ross (Middlesex), Stratton, , Wood (Hastings). | | sTaxDING ORDERE | | _ Allan, Armstrong. liiqznr. Bishop, Biythe, | ; Chishoim, Craig, Dack, Deuey, Fell, Ferguson, Field, Freenmmn, French,Gillmor,Gou!ld, Hammel!, Hudson, Kerus, Lheoys, l.lp'un. Marter, McAndrew, MceKay, _ Mctcalfe, Monk, Murray, O'Comnor, Pacaud, Pheips, Preston, Rayside, Rorke, Smith, Snider, .\'{;mxuc. Stratton, 'Tooley, Widdifield, Wilmot, Wood. PRIVATE BILLS. Smith, Baifour, E F Clarke, Bronson, Blezard. Cruess, Ingram, Nairn, Clawrey, H LE Clarke,. Chishoim, Clarke (Wellington}, ' Creignton, MeAndrew, Deury, Marter, Peryuson, Loys. Fraser, Freeman, Gibson (Huron), Dack, M ' Evanturel. Hammeil, Hardy, Harcourt, Sprague, t | Milliarda, Hess, HMudson, Guthric, hees, Lyou, | | Meacham, Mitier, Field, McMahon, Mastoer, Mere-- _' 'dith, Ostrom,. Presion, Monk,. Morgan, Morris, ' Rorke, -- Stewart, _ Murray, -- Garson, O'Connor, Pheips. 'Tooley, Willonuchby, Snider, Waters, W yiie, Widditield, -- Wiimot, Woud, Robillard, Paceauad. . REPORTS. Hon. Mr. HARDY presented the following reports :--Of inspectors of prisons and public charitiecs, deaf and dumb institations, blind asylums, hospitals, houses of refuge, com-- mon gaols. Also the report oi the Ontario Fruit Growers' Assuciation. Also draft Revised Statutes, volume I. REVISED SPATUTES. I Hon, Mr. MOWAT presented a Bill respect .i ing the Revised Statutes of Ontario, which was read the first time. PRESENTING: THE ADDRESS. Hon. Mr. MOWAT aunounced that he had | been commanded by the Licutenaut--Governor l to inform the House that lMis Honor would be glad to receive the House to--morrow at two o'clock. Jn this connection, he moved that when the House adjourned to--day it should stand adjourned until to.-- morrow at 1:45 p.m., in order that the members might proceed to Government House in a body. _ Carried. | The House adjourned at 4:05 o'clock,. ' enc cce renenmnenmrememmern cce mss