The Bill was read a second time. Hon. 0. MOW AT then moved that the Bill he referred to a committee consisting of the l lawyers of the House and certain other mein-- berse. | The namos of other members suggosted by A | Mr. Mereadith wére added, and the following ns | committee was appointed:--Messrs. Evanturel, EeV TA i4 ncnsnt 4 m1°8 ..," --| Fraser, Prench, Gibson (Hamiiton), Gathrie, | U'" j' ;'\ R T '\} L "?C $ L i 4 H' ' Hardy, Loys, McAndrew, Meredith, ('Connor, ." & &3 _!_' I,'AU*\)U i 4s §4 Pardee, Clarke (Wellington), Balfour, Dryden, | Drury, McLaughlin, Waters, Ostroim, Creigh-- wornrin mue mm m on won _i ton, Wood (Hastings), Clancy, H. K. Clarke ~~ I \': 'T')\ 13. +13 . pr i vretr | nnd Illgl'mn. r x T t 1 ',A:\-J 4 L{.'.Aullll\_lAt e e 1 1'.'. I rH}- BL'L"';"[- * Ression Hon, A M. RUSS, on rising to move the eneXhe£N kA+ ! House in Committes of Supply, was received oo fublesnts aeriaharatnrace 1 with applause, f He ,~:'ia'u :~~llu".;nn'in'_= that the | By Our Own Roportorso I Mouse go into ( ommittee of Aupply it is ex«-- | m Ainpmeaiag or) s n a 1k ,| pected, according to the custom, that 1 should ; I Tvrspar, March 18. | make some statemiont as to the financial opera-- , ! aEPORTS OP COMMITTEES Li tion',\: of t'm_- past }'(-..",.t*_unil the g»r_cw-ut pm:iti«m .| of the Proviuce. -- With the Pubdic Accounts ot | Mr. WIDDIFIELD presented the 6th, 7th, ; receipts and expenditure in the hands of the | Sth, Sth, and 10th reports of the Committeo on .| members, with the items of our proposed ex-- A Standing Orders. The reports were adopted. | | penditure of 1887 set forth explicitly in the | _ Hon.'T,. B, PARDEE presented the firs treport | | Estimates in the possession of the House, , of the Committee on Rallways, which was | j any member who has taken the trouble | adopted "4 to examine these will no doubt be almost | Air. {@IBSON (l{amilton) presented the se-- ]a:i fully aoquainted with the financial opera. | cond report of the Cominittee on Private Bills, || tions as myseli. -- And, unloss for the informa-- which was adopted. || tion of the general public, 1 suppose any FLRST READINGS, T. t"\'L'l.niwl or detailed reference to these opera-- H The fellowing Bills were introduced and read U ltare mlunost. VHHOCORSALY. In Ontario, | the Ayst Limg :. B \.\lu-'rv' our 1"':';.1.};'_\'5 and (')_u('nn''ll'u have ; l"u :';U ther ext :nI'. l!:x,- 'n"',\\'l.'x'l Of thC Consum-- i.! !',[,.'"".\'L',!;hz.' 't.':h ud""'d !Al",{ |':'.',f;,'.u};s,,{~d li!l('.'l, ) ers' Gas Co,--Ar. Widdmfeld. li }' y ':l:' . l'y"l' T"lliu)'c * U';'"":'""" bFa \!1-'- "':""h."fl ) To separate certain municipalities from the | ' l,",{:!"d,'l M.("'..l:j.m']".n:'" n aF aus of necessity .-- counties of Welilington, Perth and Huron, | ", (.";l.l";m} h l '.l \'. "}.f:':'\}"t'. y# l,:"'."':\'n!".f f and to srect the sune into the Conuty of Lans. ;| h L M i e s Hod ces T aborneroct iifag Pobltc -- [ Jowne. _----Ar. Leys. & ' \--',\u< g ':\:-."t.-;e il:. '_'1.u:1'x! rx'-'.!;..: .;".,.«n'!" of the To consolidate the florting debt of the town | !):\.\h 4:',";"\':.',,',;",_' in omqre \" is es ';ft"",- tm 0 of Trenton.--AMr. Qstrom. 11 crnne uin hhanas i .""'nl!"'x oo ".'-lnl tt6et : t To amend the Act incorporating the Quoes {,| years nave becoime stale :m;l unprofitainie, the p City Fire Insn ee Co... \',' Rbihive C hy sgunual S(v?ft'"lfl:'l'( we ur«" able to prv--n,n! must U t rite insuTMHCC ~--~Alr, mmiihd, to a cortain extent he of a stereotyped charac-- Respecting the City of Ottawa.--Mr. Bron-- N yrias Eanat s ue ..# y ag., & « q ter ;:ndv-ax'_', ulu'.;Ux!;\!';n'fl.'ll';. { Nor do ]'mr. 0 ng" o se & & tus | get that we are fresh from an election in which »{I')q'l':.:":;,". Consolidatedl Municipal Act '»; tl'w X'i"'(,m:fi: (',%' "1'",{ }'!?.',\»:,,'.Q were discussod 0 To amend the Consgolidated Municipal Act-- ': fl':h N4 |]'vm-'2't "11 C on Am"l on every plat. 10 MF. Cibson., 1 .'u.'nix,' d"ti t ":llv""r~ this yeason any lengthened -- frespeciiig'n tertain vailWay débentube debt U '.t'." ... '", 6 tlu \':A"L ""I"'J.""' Ww ;!," be almost 1'n'v,\'. )( of the Township of Eldon--Mr. Cruess. [| a l; |'n.1.{' .t»':u': .l' v'n:l 7}»?-3':' k ot the wishes To unite Toronto Baptist College and Wood-- j t ie IPuse UA UOONNLONIE (ONECs NC t stock College under the title of MeMaster |} A: SIMPFLE BUSINE3S SHATIMENT M ' Lllli\'rr{'.:: ~--Mr. Hareourt. ' of the transactions of the past year, U( ! _ To amend the Act incorporating the London {; with such references as may be teves. 0 & South Eastern Railway -- Company--Mr. i| "A"Y for their eluculation,. First, I may 9 Meredith, 1 i'[-\"'.' before the Mouse the re cipts u' ¢ | KIACARA FPALLS PARK. | I]u [:.u-'i ""4".\1:. giving ,»!l. h exy ' inations of the A(,u ! Hon. 0. MOW AT introduced a Bill respect-- , ;;.:'::'.,,:\:"':N.':,.fl,'.rlmf.l;,);.'i" r':':'"i.!m!' As these ing the Niagara Falls Park. | The Bill was read | and of t! 8 'nress. naome To d in 1 s the first time,. i omitted in Sf Ao ons en ranlkd .\ m e ko igint / e enitted in oraer to save tune. First, our sub--. RETURNS. sidy is the same as for the lasi two years and 0 Hon. A. S. HATDY presented the report of fl'f'\, game as She estimate, $1,108,872 80. 'The 0 | l the Ontario Agricultural College, and also the . :1'.?¢-x.e'st 'ul»o'n ,""1""'5 held and upon debts due U Peetond volumes of the draft of the Rovised . ,l|;u- l,l:"; linion to Ontariois, as before, §2790,. U' ! Niatutes of 18987, [fi Q- ne amovunt of interest on dnuvest. C | -- m¥ 10 EV ! ments received last year was $55,895 635. We ( | --_THE REVISED STATUTES OF 1887. { only esthnoated $40,000, The Crown Lands } t 'o+ y M + mevend |\ _ Hon. 0. MOW AT moved the second reading | | ceipts were $814,613 28. We only estimated t | of the Bill respecting the Revised Statutes of | smy yCal ¥100,000, but 1 in happy to say that _ 18867. Me proposel that upon the second | '.' '--"i-ih.h"z stoner las colieccted and paid into ; reading being taken the Bill should be referved & ,"fi(." ",';'fA_::.'i.._"'l'A'"-' latgor aAmount. 'the excost to a committee, together with the two volummes j .'".;]'"'-IV?'J""","'" ad, Qf the reccipta #147,471 is of the Revised Statutes ; in order that they ! ','I":'f";,'.;m"'"""',,"""'""A--" '1.'"' in 1385, leaving | might see and, if they thought fit, sanction, | [ 'f"',f"ih"'fi;' hy BM ag. ts These receipts { thechanges which the Commissioners had | '\\n .' ""1 Twesoo pPaTLiY Dy the improvement' 'made. The Commissioners had roferred to | 'f.',',"{,,'m",w:' trade in the past year, and 1 aran ~ lzhc.'e changes in thoir report, and had pre-- | in Anncanan fnat that industry is showing signsg & | pared a schedule of them. "' "."4"":1.' 18 Fhen the taxes from Algoma | '."':-'m"'""']'l" 40. Our estimaite was onlv ; $£4,000, but at the time the estimate was