The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1887, p. 4

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the expenditure, both ns to the college and as | COLONTAT AND INDIAN EXHIBITION | to the farm, has been less than was expected. | We asked $15,000 and expended but $11,730, ! _ Let me refer here to the operation of our | 80 that we have as the unexpended balance | creamery at the Agricultural College during #1,270. Of the estimate $9,000 was asked for ',: the past season,. -- In 1885 our plan of operation | &n _ educational _ exhibit, and _ the | ex-- | was to take the price received for a pound of ° penditure of $9,308 93 has been a little + farmer's butter at Woronto and gave that in _ excess of -- that. For _the _ dairy "i amount to farmers for cream sufticient to make -- and grain exhibit we asked $3,000, while the ! a pound of butter. _ On that basis we carried . @xpevditure was only $1,421, leaving an unex-- | on the creamery in 1885 without loss In . pevded balance of $1,379, W hen we asked | 1886 we & for this appropriation of $13,000 it was in con-- =t ADOPTED A DIFTEREXNT PLAYN. « sequence of a request on behalf of the Domin-- | We guaranteed our patrons fourteen cents for _ i9" (GGovernment that the Province of Ontario cream sufticient to make a pound of butter. should undertake 1A September we gave them Siteen cents, with ANX EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT | an agreement that the creamery should be at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, We j carried on with the greatest possible economy _ expressed our desivre to co--operate in any man-- and that the surplus should be divided among _ ner we could in order to make the exhibition a our patrons. _ An examination of the expendi-- _ success and to represent Ontario in a creditable | ture and receipts, as shown in the Public Ac-- way. All that they desired was that we should counts, shows that we havo received $155 81 _ make this educational exhibit ; that was agreed | more than we experdod. But we have a very _ to, and the Minister of Education undertook b con'su]crq.hle quantity of lmtto_r unsold on hand, + the charge, aud I think has carried it out snc. | which will bring up the receipts to an amount + cessfully, because 1 am sure the exhibit has a sufficient to enable us to distribute $600 among ~ reflected credit on the Provincs and has fully + , our patrons, !)feymnd the amount already paid © illustrated the advance made by Ontario in all , to them. 1J do not know of any portion oFmV * branches of education. Subsequently ; statement that will be more 1 44# DAIBRY ASSCTIATIONS § TREERREATINN TO THRTABVNNS © expressed their wish to be represented. They i t!mn this satisfactory illustration of the opera-- ° approached the Dominion (Governinent. --b** . tionus of the creamery, and I hope that it will b sux-.uluto'mem to go more }m'gciy into this / transferred the mattor to us. We agreed to ; co--operative system of making butter, from -- take it up, and with the able assistance of the & "i"f-'h 3_'10"9' can we expect any material cr | PDairymen's Association we made an exhibit : lasting improvement in that industry. (Ap-- thatl think has not been equalled or even C pluusc}_. in the itein of repairs and mainten-- l approached by any other Province or Colony I ance '-'"h"splti'l-'f" we have expended $890 over | of the Empire. (Applause.) For that success y the estimate. l!'lt' Ex'pendxture was $57,160 1 am sure that we are indebred to the | ' and the estimate $56,760. In the item of valuable and _ gratuitous -- assistance -- of | | PUBLIC BCILDINGS *the momber for -- South Porth, the ' , we made an estimate of $317,000, and we ~President of the Dairymen's Association for i have expepnded $227,893, leaving a residue of ~ Western Ontario, and of his colleague Mr. | ) $89,447. 'This is made up mainly of unez= Mazcphersor, the President of the Eastern I pthded amounts in conncection with the Hamil-- -- Association, and the committee associated ; ton Asylumn and the Orillia Asylum for . with them. (Applause.) It was true that | buildings, for which a re--vote will be asked. . there was some disappointment at the non-- | ln the item of -- a@rrival of ounr exhibit in time for the opening / PUBLIC WORKS -- of the Exhibition. For that default not the we have expended $51,763,. which is $20,.790 slightest blame attuclxefl{ to those gentlemen less than the estimate, -- Re--votes will be asked -- O" to the Department, The cheese was ship-- < for several of the iteins of this unexpended '_ped im HMe, m.ul the default was wholly due : balance. _ Under the head of Colonisation . & the defective arraugements for transport ' Roads we have expended $145,213, which is . made by the Dominion Government. More. '$15,263 more than the estiinu:ite of $129,950. .. °YCI+ althongh the delay and the refusal of 'This account is the only one in which there has _ *PA®® f(.)r the exmbl? Yat nmloymg'and dis-- been any important over--expenditure. _ I sap. APPointing, yet 1 believe the value of our ex-- pose that advantage will be taken of that hibit in the fall cirecainstance by our friends opposite to renew wWAas REALLY ENHANCED, tl.xe ll'iacv:';!iu{\ upon the '«wpcn«hture on Colo-- and was greater than if it had béen pl&ced in nisation Roads, but I will leave auy criticisms -- the Exhibition at the opening. The net cost on that point to be answered by the Comumis« _ of that important exhibit was only $1,313, in-- sioner of Crown Lands. l will merely say fact it was almost self--sustaining. 'The next zha_t the subject was discussed at meetings , item is that of statute consolidation. The mainly composed of farmers during the late '| estimate was $40,000. and we have expended coutest, and that they never failed only $17,666. _A rofund will be asked for the TO RESPOND HEAPTILY ~ unexpended _ balance. Under the head and cordially to the declaration that the Gov. _ of **miscellaneous," our estimated expenditure erament should deal generously with the + apart from $50,000 for unforeseon and unpro« settlers, with whose struggles they were able, _ vided was $68,433. The actual expenditure, from their own experience, to sympathize. *~ &part from unforeseen and unprovided, was (Applause.) Nor must we forget that a large $06,709, leaving an unexpended halance of portion ot our revenne is derived from those $1,728. The total expenditure, including un-- ' territories, that our revenue from woods and foreseen and unprovided, was £74,596, We forests is mainly derived from the localitiee in _ have, including the items charged to unfore-- < the whichthe expenditure on colonization roads _ Seen and unprovided, an expenditure balance is ineurred. (Applause.) Then in connection -- Of $16,388. Our expenditure under that head | with the was only $33.611. 'This statement, I know, 1 CROWN LAND EXPEXDITURE . will be g'rq.tifying to the member for North | we took an estimate of $102.315 and we ex. _ CGrey, whose delight it has been to 'cx'i}icis:e | pended only $91,093, leaving a balance of $11,= the expenditure under that head, -- Taking it %22. Our estimate for refu id was $28,172 ; we -- &ltogether, our expenditure, | expended only $24,214, leaving a balance of | $35,958. FPor the

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