T'-'""'"'"""'""'"")""""""""-""-"-"""""""""' build the mthea I of those . . ' [now come to the eitimnted 'Q',l'ipP'gir'"itt, ', with Lobourg "at; g/ft, at, 'dteu"t'e, Wat year. Our subsidy, of course we idebenturett ior 84 3. y rm, "m": , y to " t will he the same as last et r. 81,196 . amount of Ie,, pnncxpa ' " tell')!,'!.' arg The . t ' a s' .. y 't l ' ' throw off about t340,000 that had tuGunttUted, '; dust, u, be itne""i'fui",'cyti,t,'urel, "II: . and they were to issue new debentures at tive 3 I ' .'. . _ - " - ' . t. for twanty years. A by-law to curry 5 expect will be the sumo as before, S.279,ilt 10. pu- cen , . t d "rd . t th , The interest on investments we nnt' " t "I I'" t.hy og.t'yyu.e.nt wins m ro pce "A o e I 'Na, . n IP e w" , ' 1 , l 1 [where it passed its second read- v bsia10,000. As I mentioned our room us last. $011.19: ".l" _ . I . I 'vea . . '-rr f _ .- ' . I J m" but it was new? cornpietb.l,and thatarr' J, r were mm. '00, hut as. It mums Nady dun l l".'?. . lt. , t l bc, Ct rri .d out Tho ', 'thevunvh'nr'i'm of thr. Parliauwnt hril-"xw langgmenb ..u no. " "u it. t: y '. . i t g. _ V _ ' tl 'v..'," Province and the town revert. to their original I will to mum extent Hum). {spun our ics"ueto, I . . I l _ . ., has been tt ado oi', 'hare thunghz has! to {whim} our estimate uf' poMtions, yt I? he si"".,']'",'.',!'.,) i'), ' ..'I] _ J T' receipts from that awn-W. Prom Crown noompmxmsc, l'hupe In )l' 'it "Te',",. mutt, {- Iauds we anticipate receipts of tii5 000. Our P and I has a, D "Il.. " . ",9 "tIP.? e l ' ' at the amount onngnmuy oticred. tecciptrs 1.1,: year \"L'E'C S53. 3;:33. mex L [urgy From the. I Insuznnt'ef J3 Bég'xngllwi "re. tf l Lance, v. r'. 1 was :0 11;:th i-'h,003',; rtscipts last _ have our 1mm. ty,'etyit,J,t .. C' . I L 'f macs:- yea'G pecryV lituu ('u:::z;mn ocliool Lands '!"'".t ot counties N 11'roof? 1lm' {Hun . h tom. the we expvu; ."17,000; receipt; last 1""t', 317.897. , Agricultural ttill Pft.2,1,'tr,',.','fiai,iel,?," Agrieul. . Urmnnin.' >44va Luna Wt.' /nstic'ipatu, will turul hall we c-stmra.tt s"2.0?? i..e.t.'t.s any .tiltt yield 945.000, ol.t' rev- ipts from this noun-o. lax! . the amount F:1,'f :uxtl'clpzntuu last your. 1Piyy ye". having bow. 55.335. From Woods: and .hov.'cw.-r, t? the bad weather hind other un. poriv,rs we ma; fur :1 rm'cnuc at $675300. the . fayy.us.le ('lrvaznxstunce'i utirndrng the annual ru-cn'w from this branchlast war having been vsbibitiou at. ("if")? the ""11". I'."'"' not " '..ii"29,0i.,i'.. Aitoeetltcr W? idol; tor riGr: 'tc,' what was an.tifipated and the assocumon was) I 'c. c.", st r", _ - . , v" I 7 "a . . tum to mzv the amount lint. I y- l, frinn t run-n 1otintc ol tw "$3,000. As l manhun- l 'e1.C,dlt"wlC',')'i'i'i rmmivolthnt emu . I set , 51.412000 ct hm: y-car'.,' rpm-2pm \wrc iouu . I _ I." ,", '" " . "u . . l a ttre sul? /'l - timber in 181:5. 'io have H vs a odltt)lyil','l)e1,'.l, H --1 thanth Mr. Jautuaon ' y", " .2'... ' . W; vi . '.'. . i 3:3: o'i"tt.lf/0y1ot., ",.,(,1sl""rh/r1.'tc',tir'1,.' TI lion. A.. M. Ross-The nrmngc-Innnt with l, perhaps sur,",.,..: wan-thing more from the i)i?fy.1yll le", "A"? 1tre'.iy..1',n. was l Womb! and i',rtist.: Linux Wt' ruvniwd from [ha " .that rlsey Tf/rl," "."7' 1t,y"nr//e.t.ye/e.e,iy.,1 E s.de.s or last war. the lmnbrr trade is in a iy.taluteu? m "LOGO rap-1. lhey ossigturul a I innsslzrrmu cundlliwu and the out (If logs is ex- ' (drum "In"?! ie.') .ZIMIHIJITIH 1,011. an {Enl'gltllti 'i pected to in: larger this winu-r than has. The , "W." I? h." Ill',' 'cl y."le. 'et,' n fifth 1./i'dyi l i r)otrt!e.t)t/1"i't' tvcls he is jmtixied in promising ',,t',tli,1,',",i,: 1:11 'll,'ifJj' (',.'C'i1UiC/'""it ? lr. Cd') the t'75is,000 placed in the estimate. n" l l" '0 "f . "' _", u . t . " n l . Certain unnumty, and we do not calculate upon My)" "me Iwnrt'rww \ it. The total estimated rc-ccipls are , _ l, we expect 398150. We torched last year, $2,788,125 22. Cue estimate hf M. I 5 $89,220, but from we same cause I mentidnud _. penditure, y! nimwn ly the raten _ ; llsy.expey a l:upr tun-nun 1min ther'ntrnl Wtt ttre asking H .s2re0.00?., I ..eyl l l'rimz. than M-{uz'u In». when of the insti- / not refer to the particulars, as they will he , l, lutiwn jr,.t.ily m" in saying that we may cx- fully discuszjed. Supposing; 1hr" Clt' supple. l mat. in rcceise the Milli named in the estimate. il "TUNE? ttstimatty? atnouetoiir/ypt?, the totol , Luau the I'l-iuruiun Department, We estimate ,' estimated tsxpendituto.til,l "t sti.050.078, lear- !, i $33,000. Lawn you: the roccipzs "on": 85'C229. l ing a bolyy,t tyyy'uv,ij,i,t?i " fwd"? the 95' E i. From casual ro-venue He "My: $30,000. mg. timates fy 5241.580. "us. 'tri will up soon by 1 ccipt" Lst year 554,321). in placing it at the last fll'lalncml stivtt'm"ut.:"rtTisit.ynvrsttltnost )iaii,0to I believe i am placing it exactly with the :unnunt wt I'."l"."'u"y we ex. i within {2.0 "verage of the last , pectcd at thy. "lost m 1586'..-" C lust year. Cul" f few yum. Lndor the head of'iietuvscs we look l timuu-d rweapw at ?.2,71i0,97ii, Inn-Inc reeeivml t, for Acorlpts "(5191000. Uur 1v'A.upts last you} M?,843,032, an '93-'03" of 3123:651- Our CiV b were $211,102, but by tho uction oi the City timatedey.ptsmditttre was 55.029000. andth Mc- . oi Turuuw " large reduction in the number dt' tuulexpenditurt' brit," s2,fb0,000, or 'T, estima- E Hermes izrsnwl m the ycnr will who place, "fd tu0t'P. th;tn we cgrndvd by if'2bel,000.. ', which will reduce um- run-mm, cg estimated, \ ot we had a anrphm'ot ,fi'0.000. I mentnmcd to the uncut oferl0,rj00. In 133;. WP received Inst year that we ("rimmed our expenditures l about 52,000 by m.- closing up of license 1i'oeru!ly and l"' Warm" closely. Uur_ tigurt't l annulus in mine of tltose dislrivu in which 'u/ttl an rtslim"t1'd 9309-" cn expenditure ot 3 the Scott Act had hum brought, into force, about a'-'l00,000. E which sum we will not rem-we this year. THI', .tCrl'At, warm, I '.t'hcreioye we do not feel Justified In ostiyttu> however, Wftq an uwr-I-xpondiuu'c on the total ' 1.1yr a lyscr sunt tttatt 1 htwts g"".'". receipts an)": $35.00). '1 his year we have! Lry,e, mm .staprs we. "yy2 to reuelve lollowcd the sunn; amuse of liberal estimate , WOJJQO --veCip"lyst Jueur ,v'o2,201, buc they oi rxpmnlilnrc und close _ estimate of. t were lower than for oniral yu"ars past. For receipts. I hope, if it is my good fortune to ', '.ty,T.rl years the 'l',1ff,ei",. has luscu "TUO'OQQ' present, another Iiuattcio,'t statement at the close l undue t..it.iyl: we "J" "mun the mark In 0.41%- 1 of this your. i shall be able to congratulate I "an": #00900. , I mm Algoxnn tith'c.q we . "A" l the Mouse upon as good a showing as we werc 'iy,.":y..ty"-f,vf3il. bud-r the bill I tyett.tioue/1 I able to make for 1887. We havehaken t'ret'Y _ I wtt1utt "flanged tin; l/tly yer-cunt. reduction .to 5 "we to prevent cxtrovagancv. The best. proof , g 1,110.51: wnu paid mun. taxes "/, two annual m- that we have prminusly do": $0 in the very I i stumwntsz hum" hugger holders 'pmd hp. and small mum; uhjm-ml to when we were passing g It?" other itrssiohncnt, u, to be Ie,y, this yf". the wtinmbcs last sea-=on. It is, nevertheless, ', Jhu Ttp.'" "N" b"lw Wort? s"i'i.00y., From iiupossiblo to Prevent increases taking E the Munmpal Loaut l und w,e.eheyct M.0,8fl, . place us our population increases and g the same amoun: "I pl'ucm'gn tue estimates the. Province is developed. 1 have ,1"? yei,'rt, _l'utno,tnocyivcjr. Hm; au/yy,""'.""" befope called attention to that inormlsed I Pritrcs dci'byluo Yr In" l "y "f st...1.-'tthsrine i owenditurc and said that it cnuld not be met ', i aud tho 1'own "i 'ol"ourg. " will ly rocnl- by a. stationary revenue, and if we had nut to ( t lected that no 1.of 1"""3 tO compromise' with ' resort to some of the means 1 indicated last I ', these mysic.ittaliric? on the nun-nuts due to I year it in luvaasewe fortunately have usurplus ' this fund. M c entered ttito an arrangement 1 an which to draw for any temporary deficiency I