l didate reproesonted that M'mh' party got into £ j power they would give this money to the | KRoinan Catholies had not sougit to exert un. municipalities, giving the idea that everybody | due influence--on the contrary, were ready to would get a share of the boodle. _ As to the | conciliste in every way. He trusted that this claim tfiut the Roman Catholic Church had i| miserable cry would not again be raised, exerted undue influence, he denied it, In his"| especially by gentlemen on the floor of this _| own riding the clergy remained neutral, | House,. --i and in the south riding they rather= Mr. MEREDITH said that the financial opposent the CGovernmenst candidate, 'The . position of the NMHouse had already been thor-- efHort on the other side was simply to rouse the . oughly discussed,. 'The fact that the Govern-- preju;«iices of unthinking people. _ But the ment were putting forth poeople in a township which had a great major-- us feg ners ity of intelligent P rotostants lm.dg refused to,, _, MA e SS EaLNTE listen to the firebrand specches of these agi--~ 0' the financial position of the country was#hn-- tators and at last used to set their dogs on _ fo"tu8@te in more respects than one. . I6 was these missionaries. -- (Laughter.) He trusted~ "Ot only ""'f it 1""3- to large Cl:}{ms l:emg made g)| that these false cries had been hushed forever "D°H the _U""""O Treasury, -- The Province of | and that the work of building up a united @rebee was now putting forth claims,to a re-- ! people in the Province would go on under this -- Adjustment of the subsidies, and if any suchre-- |! wise Administration undisturbed. adjrstment too': IJL:";:'» those anduly favorable 'i' Mr. HUDSON denied that the Conservative~ S'"f""'_f"'?t*' as to the financial position "f p"' 1 | party h'ml raised the religious ery ; the policy | I4!0 \'.;mh} plage her at a serious c:hsna:l.'\au- | | of the Conservative party was to grant equal | tags. f{" ;u'm;se}lf _?_"J(-'Ct""}l to any :.l." J'_"'t' | rights _ to _ ail. Me -- had lost all :; me#t o t'aui subsidies, l.ncscr subsidies were -- the Catholie vote which he _ formerly-- paid out of iC taxes of the people. It was said bad, but he had nevertheless been elected _ that the people of Ontario paid a greater pro-- by a larger majority than before. | He denied _ POrton of the taxes than the people of any that but litsle fault had been found with trie other Province, and if so the eficct of any in-- { expenditures in former years, and he reterred _ Crease in the subsidies wonld be --, to she notes of previous sessions as proof, 'The -- TO TIHE DISADVANXTAGE OPF ONTARIO. | fact that the grant to a roaud in his constit® | yto Plake had expressed the opinion that it ,| coe had bere witinirarm and that the exPet . weuld bave bpon Reter if thers had. been no € 1 river were to cease couvinced. him tha-s the . .~§nl\:~:ungs, and }hox'c was much. to be said in El surplas was a myth, and that there was noth-- > favor of that vigw, [Fhe l)..'mumon ":«mld };f * ing for the GCovernment to draw from, -- There -- Pif | 10 % _ Steat | expouse | in . fls f ' was a surplus in the time of Jul'u.qandfield ing _ steps for r the_ consolidation of | the B4 Macdonald, but since then *here'lu';l been a -- o oo To s 4 n i m icninnng, xdi Series af asiloits covered over h 'hat recojpts + to tmake further demands upon the Dominion * s trom saile of Provintial "Bro )or"': (9G th"tot';)l « Treasury. -- 'The Provinse of Ontario had "**Piovramce had been livin ponxrits'}cl'( {tal "o':' ov;? avrrived at a period when the ordinary receipts ten Years,. _ 6 pita'a 4 :\'el't' lllllkd(':llp.mte tolguwot the o.nl'mr:'y :\pgl:;lll Mr. EYANTUREL said) that the members: .| C the interest upon the surplas., whick intet | of the House, he reared, reoted. under the lin: :| out was now bourg used . for. the rdinary Phts cession that a > money spe n c BM« > t Thay roril | ?iun roads should hbe flp;ntl in Xll,u:)';l'l;u:u::l 4 po%}e'i ?f t-h;" l'lronnce. Phsy muse Seoaiii o Muskoka, 'FWhey ol the East were glad to see + if Shey MibLCG { f the growth of the Province westward, but he * 10. AYOID PIRECT TAXATION« would be untrue to his riding and to the part (; The meimber for Norih Middlesex (Mr. of the Province from which he came if he failed -- Waters) said that because he did not object to remind the House and the Government that °* to particular votes he was equally responsible i colonisation was going on rapidly in Prescott. , with --the Governiment -- tor | the whole [ In this connection he referred to the expenditure. On the same principle, Mr. 'm.mpluints made _ of a " French invasion." -- Blake and his friends were responsible for the _j The French Canadians came in because the _ expendituro of $38,000,000, made by the Do-- ; | holders of the land were willing to sell out to ~ minion last year. That was not the true prin« | them, and the Freuch, as a general thing, paid | ciple. 'There were certain expenditures which l high prices. Ho regretted to hear this ques-- N the Opposition could not challenge, but must | tion of race and creed again raised by geutle. |; allow to pass, leaving the responsibility with i men opposite, lle was not able to say what | the Governiment, Hon,. gentiemen taiked of| the position of the leader of the Opposition was l the enormous debt of the Dominion, bat every | -- with regard to it, for his speeches in the east.-- | dollar of their surplus represented an indebt. | ---- erp» part of the Province c}id not agree with & edness which had been taken oif their shoul. | | those made in the woest. While the hon, | ders and ! | geutleman was in Glengarry assuring the ADDED To THE DrRHr | | people that 46 w'aql\vmng' to raise, 44°3 / of the Dominion,. It was unfair for the Gov-- :)lfo"l'r:s' t_wum" :1 \}n;?"dc ""M"' betilr:; '{1::3:\[ |-- erament to say that they had disconciinued with copies of The Mail done up in bundles {_h\l", ufd Ij)l ,x,:l.lvl-.".'?'?; };?.L,"u Ts flé;'lp].)?mlmmf | under the seal of the Conservative Association, | UNG S8HMIMON CGHITOL M Shem, 1067 LABY ABe AHSI f 1. 4 on pos ko o 3 nounced the policy of ceasing that aid (Cheers.) The postmasters wore driven nearly | before"| the . Dominion | toolk, 'that | Step. :\::;y(}l\i :::':nl;:::lf";:;l::t.fioth'tfiailt;n':l' tj'i}«ot :'1'"; | 1t was a question of Domiunion policy to exer. 3 & x A 0 t ne : Li 'ap Wlinu Inci m iwas ??.l been unaware of its existence, ]E\ the late Do-- t"m 'Lm?) }.).',)'" (;fl. (\f;{f:'.'l:lé '101}1'\\m'a\ s', ;u;\'? ..| minion coutest, knowing what infury 3k would [._I" TCO fOUAlC" *1OMM8 COIOCIIS SOGOC®AS . do them to be found in company with that ... ¥t| newspaper, they started a new organ, The .. a K4 Standard. But no soonor were the ballot-- + ! boxes closed than The Standard ceased, and | The Mail, all denials to the contrary notwith-- -- standing, resumed its place, -- He quoted many -- | undoubted facts, especially the return to this | House by Ottaw s# City for the first time of an | English--speaking Protestant, to prove that the