e oo * ooo be made whereby the ditches should be made | by the railway companics themselves, and | machinery should hbe provided to compel them | to do so, 1t would be a very serious thing it | 5 persons _ other than the _ engineers _ of | the railways -- should _ be allowed -- to | tamper with the road, and if the work should happen to be ill done the lives of passengers would be endangered. The bill should go to the Municipal Committee. The bill was read the secord time and re-- narm n z> gq ,| fexred to the Municipal Committee. . 0,'& 1[' R[O LE'IS[ ATUi{E CONTROL OP BRIDGES. | A4 PAS ULL [ Mr, WATERS moved the second reading of $d ' a bill to amend the Municipal Act, and ex-- | apuntrrng a | | pla&ned that it referred to the jurisdiction over 5o ut DAAA PEpic bridges owned by companies and ot bridges Sixtlh T :i liament ------ First " between adjoining lmmli:-ipa]itics. The fiill L6 Session. | was read the second time and referred to the 5| , Municipal Committee. ; No one ies femmrngees DRIVIN(G OF SaAW LOGS. [ in Ts «arnras y| _ Mr. MURRAY moved the second reading | (By Onr Own Renotters.) of the bill respecting the driving of saw logs F f Frmay, March 18. _ (} and other timber on lnkes, rivers, creeks and ¢f TEMPERANCE INSTRUCTION. o) ephemind, . o Lo aepalned Oe hore /n on ber ' | of Inmbermen were driving saw logs down the j Mr. GIBSON (Hamilton) presented a peti-- --.| same stream difliculty sometimes arose from * | tion from Dr. J. Smith and 2,009 others of the ., the fact that the men having the z'n.m? drives 5 City of Hamilton, praying for the introduction .. Were able to .1-L-;_:|{11;Ltc L!!e' speed f)! lzle' lll'l.nl({ | J of 'Temperance text.books into the Public .. drn_m:, :'n:!! this h'»..l was intended to provide ; | Of l)('r.l.l\,(! ex ooks into 1e lirLL * for justice ;,t':!x',! done to J'n". A similar }}'": I schools. He read a miemorandum attached / had been introduced last session and feferred | ! to the petition and signed by Rev. 8.;J. Hun-- .. to a spocial committee, which w as attend-- | , rior : --'I presonted this petition to the Cen. || °4 3 "'.'v i eBant "lf"i'l""""}'"' 1'(::1 *--}:"f")ei:"fc'l:'l | | tenary church, whereupon 530 individuals by it ", o geihinty i ,1 o C e m i cthme mordonbie | > ® « express their views at a counvention to be held | n rising vote expressed their concurrence with | during the past year. | its prayer, Among them were four clergymen, xt PHELPS -~,'I'!]thrit !ho objected to most | onr | dncotiaru ur -- lawvers--{(lauchter})--and }1 of the provisions of the bill. t | I,f'.l..'.'l'": folks ons ind 0S C [ ner) S y Fions a. 3. PARDEK said that in most 1 | CYy mily in nc chrurcih. }' Iumbering counties there were regulations for | | _ A large number of other petitions on the! ho driving of logs ; there were noune so far in l | same subject, largely signed, were presented. [ Ontario. _ The lumbermen wore divided in | FIRST READINGS. [! their opinions on the subject. His «,\\'l'x'noti\'m 'I 1 The following bills were introduced and read il was Viat somme I"""?'."i"" wus needed, 'The bill | s first time :---- : t(ll(,l'.ljl go to a special committee, hmcc'lhc ( thunriga -- Masalyi U wnalt Mallane |! the introduction of the bill he had received | [ To authorise Marshall Bidwell Mallory to | k.4 communications from some lumbermen | | proctise dental surgery in the Province #* [ on the Sublfect. | | (vAr:(l.r.'-'--.\}i". \-1:» m (KHuron). j 1. 'i Mr. CREI1GHTON----This Streams Bill* ! f _ io authorise the trustees of ."'" Methodist " Mou. E. B. PARDEE--It was the other | church at Warwick Village to sell certain lands | Streaims Bill that kicked up the row. (Laugh-- $ --Mr. turabam 5 6 tor.} ! Reapecting conditional sales of personal pro-- | _ Nir. CREIGHTON went on to say that the | | perty --Mr. Nairn, ons n | subject was a very important one, and should | | _ To amend the Asses '"'N"t, Act --Mr. Tooley. || have been dealt with by the Government. | | s }'-u'][l!'-'\'.('!;'.l.l'.'.'.il".' u'(lq ;:{m ;\(-'i"usu".'urs .vf)m-ern- " The bill was read a second time and referred | ( ing siales ol horses and cattle--Mr. Nairn, | to the following committee :----Hon. P. 6. Par. | [INTEREST OX DRAINAGE DEBEX. 1 dee, -- Mesars, _ Meredith, (Clibsorn (Wuron), | | TURES, | Phelps, Lees, Rayside, Bronson, Monk, l:.".'n.h- | _ Mr. GRAHAM asked whether it is the in. 3| $ure, Clancy, Armstrong, Wood (Hastings), | tention of the Government to reduce the rate | Drury, Murray, Marter, Stration, | of interest on drainage debentures held by | LOCATION OF RAILWAYS. ' them against '1':.f,' x n'r.ulvlm.zzivi;).diLius of the ' Mr. WOOD in moving the second reading of | | Province, and if so, to what extent? I the bill to amend othe Railway Act, | | -- Hon. A. M. ROSS--Notice has already been U 'xplained | that it was meant to pro-- | : given of the introduction of a bill dealing with || vide means of redrcss for people who feel | that subject, and the seope of the bill will be |! aggrieved hy the location of railways. -- HMohad | seen when it is introduced, which will be in & . copied it largely from a law of the State of ' day or two. { New York which had worked satisfactorily. ' ' RAILWAY TLANDS AND DRAINAGE, | A person feeling aggrieved might appeal to the ni% AfY EY 08 :s P p P County Judge who would appoint three com--. Mr. WATERS,in moving the second readi98 )! misstonce: :, one of whom was to be'a civil en-- | of "'wl'f"\ CC 'f':"i""',l_."'"'f' l. M"' "'"_';l \,\L'"_""' gineer, who would decide whether the location ike one l "|' mds "'Fl Wipmevgrinine t9 > should remain or not. The costs would be de-- | the one he had inftro ll'",'"';l last, o2 CRS | 0 cided in the same way as othor arbitrations. At | the provisions :»1 the !'1\".12"<.A.:nlll V atercourses ( present a man could claim damages if injured by A".L "'.1'1":\& u;,""i,,'\'l]:,';';l'f".r'"'_\."""-\"q' eecl location. But there were sentimental damag es \ 'l'""'. t t i 6t1 'E. 'S',"'l ""NC was no /) which could not be assessed by these means. | d"?"'l""",'."c if':"li' on . on lno' 'ml'-";."t.":""' LC /) Raiiway men usually contended that there was | i 'I""""' wosys I ;':""\"f" * _;'---','_'"'i deal h '1'"',",'"_1!3" ,| only one line for a railway to take, and it was | about provicding for drainage under railway !| their business to find it, and whoen found it | l tracks. He believed some provision should