"'.'".. "'"VV'HI 1 (NJ ONTARIO LEGISLATURE I . - . ,. ' blxth J'arlittruent --- First . . ly Session. ----' -------. It tity Our Own Reporters) Mow". Much 21. FIRST READINGS. The iollvsving bills were introduced and rut-l a first time I-- e ' Respecting the administration of justiccin ', 'the dismivt of Algoma And Thunder Bay.-- Hon. Mr. Mowat. To amend the Municipal Act-hir. Gra. _ haul. _ I ; To mncinl the Ditches and Watercourse: 1 Act, 1883.--Hou. Mr. Hardy. 1 Respm-ting the custody ol documents relat. , ' ing to land titlere.-Hon. Mr. Ilowat. 1 l l'o amend the Municipal Act-Mr. Waters. . I To consolidate and amend the Arts rospcu- j l trg Insurances (mummies. -Hon. o. Mowut. i l To amend the Assussmunt Aet.-0ir. IGirn. l _ Pl'.IVATFl BILLS. 1 i The following bills were passed in Com. l mittee oi the Whole, Mr. Freenmn in the ' chair '.--- . l 'roineorporate theTown ofThornbury.--Mr. 'otrkc. To authorise the Township of Howick to issue 1lebontures.--Mr. Gibson (llttron.) . 1 'ro.romoye (mm; as to the location of cerium purl. 11114 adjoining t'rutTownsttip or i Uw-hynml the Townoi (hm-11 's.iurttl.-.31r. , Creighton. 'llu-luill re'pertincr the City of t3tretford _ (Mr. new) Was 111111 the second time. mm bl.N n n' 1-2115. M 1'. WATERS. movingr for " return showing the tttttultra. at \utt-s polled by "Hans and tm. , married noun-n in lln- 1nutticlpahties of the l'rm'inm at the lute muii:ipdlokction, said that he tl'.ought the return uould show that