the classes naimned in the return htul.(akel'x & greater inter¢st in the municipal elections than in the previogs vear. The motion was carried. k The Honse adjourned at 340. ¢ T NOTICES OF MOTION. F The Attorney--(ieneral--Bill respecting dis-- |_ tress for rent and taxes. Bill to amend the law respecting assignments !' for the benefit of ereditors. Bill to amend the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1383. Mr. Fraser--Bill to amend the Factory Act. The Attorney.--Gieneral--Bill respecting the guardianship of minors. Bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Statute Comtnissioners. Bill for further improving the law and the administration thercof. Mr. Morin--Bill to amend the Ditches and Watercourses Act. Mr. Hardy--Resolution :--That in the opini-- ' on of this ~House it is inexpedient that the labor of conviets confined in the Central prison shall ab": the expiration of existing contracts in that@Wehali be let out upon hire to any cor-- poration, firm or private person. UOBeirestin n ie eirineiies o remnininfintimen rninering k