the gtelitiettion for councillors in rural muni- , Hon. Mr. FRASER. moved that the lest re. cipalities. Read a second time and referredto turn be printed, Carried. , Munieipal Committee. . The House adjourned at six until Huntley. . Mr. UUTHRIE moved the second reedi of t _-.--------- l the an to amend a. Municipal Act. with NOTICES or norms. reduces tho qualification for councillors, and M Fraaer---On Thursday next-Bill u An i provides that where a municipality is cast in A '.t fi, tune" d The Workmau's Compensation damages for an accident occasione by the de. f c. I . ies' Act 1886 n l fective state of a road and the detective state is "h'r%rl'.,1'fll'li'rof71n Tuesday next-House ". caused by the action of a third party, the . r. ittee to consider a. certain resolution ; municipality shall have a remedy over against m Cl11',' the reduction or'interett on drainage . that third party. The bill also contains some {espjculuge to certain municipalities in the Pro. I i new provisions rogarding the control of bridges. 'dt'.'. . of Ontario l 1 Bill read a second time and referred to then "I?!" '/ri,'iiiifnr.Uiii to amend tl" Municipal , Municipal Committee. Ll; , C Mr. cl)'/t",',ljt,'.2'ihi", .te, almond "he Afssess€ 'if;. 1levs--0n Monday next-Order of the mept Ati),,?.,:',,'..':'.,',',', "".r'l'" ttmean " erred .Housc showing the number of warrants and to the Municipal ommittce. summonses issued by any Justice of the Peace PRIVATE BILLS. ' of the County of l'crtl; during the year 1:186, ' . .., ,, . (', and the residences of t ie ersons a sinst W om "Elm following biils were passed h commit- -1 the same were issued, and) the 'flu,',",',,', which . . . _. '- . l " o a . Respecting the debt of the City of Kingston 't:yca"/g,t'1hrrt1,ut "gig: ttP" answer --y. Metcalfe. .. Mr. Fell Order of the House for a return of . '.rodeclye,iu""r the correct boundery-- all correspondence received by the Govern. 4 between theimvnship of bmith and the Iowa .. ment, or any member thereof, regarding the I of Peterlroro -hlr. Stratton. . conduct of the lit" iutrar for the roviaional l T" 1cg:dise and confirm an 'liit',T,i'" enter. . County of //.'hf2.'i',r,sn',' and any 'lf,2'ligllre1"ll i ed Into "3""ch the Municipa ity. of Pe" . asking for an investigation into his general and the t auadain Land and Immigration Go. . conduct Also copies of any report made to l (WNW-l /1J:, Elwin." . . l i the Government by any otiicer who may have i l "1mm t N "M incorporating t w Queen " been instructed to investigate charges prefer- City Fite insurance to. -Mr. Smith. .. red at" inst th said li-rist" _ if h To consolidate the debt of the CityofGtMtlph, ., xist ga e & " . ' I my sue and tot' other purposes -Mr. Guthrie. .. c . -------_. The following bills were read the second counrn'nss. 1 time l - " . . , , i To amend the Act respecting the incdrpore- " P Itll M E BI'LLB. . tion of the Village of iruntswitle---Mr..Marter. The Private Bills Committee met, Mr. Gib- To amend the Act incorporating tho Brock- . son (Hamilton) in tho chair. The bill relating 'ville Gas Lighiv.npany---3ir. Frauen. to the Western Fair Assu :iatioii was passed, _ l Respecting the Gore District Mutual Fire the clause p,iving the aa.v,ciation power to ex ' Insurance Company -Mr. Gibson (fHamiltou.) 4 propriate lands being res cored. The bill con- 1 To authorise the Corporation of the Citiof t tirruing the annexation cf New Edinburgh to .London to borrow curtain moneys for Pu lie ' Ottawa was reported, i' tter two amendments l l school purposes --Mr. Meredith. had been made. One oi these had reference to l "WHY CKN "in 1lfeidttetn,tt'dtt,i,i.,',v'"torel: 'tf e,tei?it; Ty. ' ' . wcr l Mr. BALFUUR. moved that, the order for t (tl",',, of the County of 1l1llfiu0to1','l"'rui,V'lr. l the second reading of the bill to incorporate a portion of its share of the cost. The bill; . the Village of Tilbury Centre be discharged, ( contained a prousicn authorising the City of l and the bill referred back to the Committee on ' Ottawa to make an arrangement with the Do- I Private Bills. minion Governtuer.t whereby the latter should Mr. MEREDITH naked with what object. control tiic city police. This legislation was. Mr. "ALFUL'R. explained that the village asked for at the suggestion of the Dominion . was partly in Kent and partly in Essex. and liioverniiiciit. A large majority of the coin- tlic objection Was to here it annexed to Essex I mittee were iiidisposEd to surrender this juris. , instead of to Kent. ( diction to the Dominion, and the ro. JIr. MERElll'l'li said the object we. to 9' vision was struck out ot the bill escape the operation of the Scott Act, which i The following bills were reported ..--Tapcit". . was in force in Kent and not in Essex. ing the town ' if Sault Ste. Marie: authoriain . lion. C. F. FRASER said that this was M. ll. 1lallorrtopractiseas adeii'tist- s.'l'l'll',','.'l,". only an incident of the proposed change. The . ing Addie. (it. lllll as trustee to execute a certain people of the village had a right to be heard . cd1ve.vance,t.nuauthlLiLiiGriidiioir War. oii the question of whether they Preferred to '. wick church to sell certain lands- reaucctin , live under the Scott Act or not. . the Fort l ieotuw Assembly to 'be se,,',)':.'),')',',),'." The bill was relerred back to the Committee . known as the al\'ia~viira Asst-iiibly . a",,"J,'i')lit'l on Private Hills. . vatious Acts relating to the LLreiiiir Cong 1 STATE or' PUBLIC BUSINESS. . puny. Mhr. c),1lit,l'11',1Y suggested that business . MUNICIPAL LAW. mig ' expe ited by not holdin an session: The Munici ' . . . of the Houae un Wider next, 'fll'lfu"v'o1lQ the . Mr. Hur, ly tllti1fi',CT,i,tutte"1tst,iety,'u:pig: whole day to committee work. ' Treat-sun r. It was" anreed th silk-cl ll in} Hon. o. 3tfMVAT accepted the suggestion. I creasins the c\c|u'ti3vm a! l n s in- - , Mr. MERl-IDI'l'H said he hoped the mem- tamed-tr for u'. 19, y.", An Manes be the.," , born of the House would . ' ". t a) (Friday) l that , liurs. . . not go home. day nest be appointed to consider tl bill . lion. l?.. MUWA'1' said he could answer lating toilitches and watercourses Icl t is". - if; lilist fr)ieuds attending to their duties. ' the representations of ditches 'tll; Twill-tr ugicr. ~cours: . "i .. . V lion. yr. HARDY brought down the re " 1'tl'lri"tetttt'rauu"tutn 11P/'1,l Sigma" tn . on immigration, a-return relating to 'l',u','llf'f,', bill i elating to brid es be tt k ' "La .1) next the I Prescott and Russell, and the papers connected _,',tlLlL"el'f"2y,ye:'! ' on up. with the new Parliament buildings, --------- "--------.-