opinion by some good lawyers that there might I subject, but he was afraid he tttlg',', Bay li' be assignments made not coming within the much for all the members ot ttut otlernmm; _.', 2 scope of the Act, _ this bill provided that all l rti,otet at. them, he believed, were host! elwt it": , assignments must come within the scope of the , 1orrens system, and he ntcst 5,93" 'ta , te i Act, all others being declared void. Provision l pres-cut n"."""."' had let11r.Nr/t. 11t l Y'.? 3 was lmde to compel "aigneea to hold meetings , to destroying "fwd ot e.xttn.uint; t lo 53""qu l at the request of the creditors, and ccltain I .s,1,yne "ne!N' had done tbis, tlting. i hug "Fm-l i ditticultiea respecting fees, etc., Were met by l; The counties were '? get 'ltc.bctte.tit o.' the 2' special clauses of the Act. ',, Synteni only as the price of: paying the whole Mr. MEREDITH said on the whole he l threw ol the worrtin.g.ot' it, with l":' efml." , reed with the pun lilull'l of this measure. tion ol the tees, and this must. tend '0 mane tt tf,', thought. houoter, that some changes unpopular. were necessary. Sewn-all of those he mon- - S('OTT ACT MAGiSTHA'i'lCS. - tioned, dwdling especially upon the clause to lion. U. MUWAT mow-d the second rrarihtg make assigntucuts outside of this Act null and of thet bill respecting the appointment and void. He thought all pun-[mam would be no- "proceedings of police mr.igitstratus. Tho bill complished by providing for the shvritr, or _.. rovided that two or more magistrates might sonic other oilicer to take the place of the "beiippointcd for any county. This was tin. 'IO,""?'.. . . .ulcred necessary by a recent decision which had 'lne bill was read the second time. "tsurprised both the public and profession, as to EXTENSION or' LAND TITLES ACT. "'the powers of magistrates whose powers did lion. Mr. MOWA'I'. presenting the bill to In" extend over , whole county. . It had "I"! extend the operation of the Land Titles Ant "been 11ecicltl lat cev.tuin masu'ist,ra.tes.wy.re', and otherwise amend the some, said that this "liable to notion tor havmg assumed jttrisdic. i measure pruvidc-d for the. extension of the Act ...tlon, and in order to. protect them the {ti-t ( to other parts oi the Province than those in ...Would .be .i'e.tr.ospectivt. Dilliculty having which it Was now in etrect. While it sue-um! ...iunsen ilt obtztinmg constables to carry out the l may to convince people tliuuretically, and '.'lc,1v:o.t,l',ee,iy'.r,',ii1'it.t,e,s, would. be empowered to many petitions mum in to how it, to.:utu.lcd, .. pppomt te'yis,.t.tyle".,t/yy.'u1yi.l,y, for the p.lu'pofe. ' .yetpractically prople um.- slow to lake a-l- "Jhere was.l.ittle oohbt of the net-essay lul' - vantage of its provisions. in the County of ..tystpros,is,iems. 'IG, ore, even " opposed to. Yurl and City "i 'l1worAo, in whh ll Ill" Act "tho Canada retnperance Act, would Buy that E had been in torn-c lor <ull|v time, only 102 ap- there should be i' plieutious had bccn made uudcr. it. This did .. "Hill TRADE IN' UHVUK , not throw doubt upon the urn-fullness of the -in Scott Act counties: and this was really the - Act or Show tlst it would not be taken ad. nestion to be decided. in most countiis the yuntage oy A (Hear, hear.) The Act 'uciore its ['1ct could not be enforced without the appoint- introduction wash-ssintroduccd here than in nent of a police magistrate tor the purpose, the Australian colonies when itwas first intro. ,iuul he therefore rn.vie provision M the :m- V dotted. ot. the applications male 79 had been "minimum! of two an' mom in I'l *7) 'rl tr.tv. li... fl disposed ot. Though so few applications had the "-43; gm, who; I..'. A.» .'., , h "if ".3, l been made they covered a great value ot prn- whit-dill." lllll'l'il .'t"i ":1 it im o,rLi'/r(; l party. (if vacant property there was $600,000, twhmwwr cl'.' h i"t/oi'(/i,J.:ro.'i','i v ' 'U' , re' ;;c.i 3 r and of improved property with the buildings rrczaohIYion ol [Am t' ",trr/ 1'ov;iit-'.!... 'r.r',. h 'te, it 8380,000. lu the majority of CatiC'* County Councils i.c.d not counter paw-ul h tyo.seplaciny, their property within tho Scope e. - - f or theAet were owners of ttacts of land which C:" V l, 1 Iniir. h- the h. 'st' n 1) luclwv om: K they desired to divide up and sell in lots, being _ A '., '.'! Aw"; CHI. bu I ""h'l-iu' to i/iid, r " able under the Act to give each purchaser an , i,. A. / 1 . A, "I," I} . /, i J" 5. t Tin: tin-3A. , absolute title. Provision was mettle for the Ll', c, "It, A' "Ll-Aw the couitciis. tl u. extension ot the Act an called for by public II..." ,. HA"; pit if," f that why would bu sentiment. it might be brought into force in lip-'3'. I I ("t'i',,"1i',/C.ii,.',rubt' ot u... A t. any county by a vote of the councii, and as; "in. "my, iii'i.'iii', sari ha- "in Strongly in J the helium and the option were local it wash favor ol the is'r.ll. The ordinary judgeiwere omsidered tair that the expense should be; l ttite powerless . a n lucid also, A lf'ml.".lm.t": "as to in! appoints , l 7;, F.NFol'.Cr'. TI"; "on ACT , ed lll each 1ii1"1.ty,,.1v,itit.sity,ilar power» to tls.osta and "we: owl-h: would "I": that it should lse , ',fttt:itte:,r.t1l',.i,t,l:c,1t. fir".:,",'.",'; ,i'::-°:'<:":':r;'-' {W i lit, "P v.rtyiut tinc. a p.oliye "trtiy i' cate of ownrrshili was .fJ,Ci',rd'd . 'i",i)l'l/dl,T t,'t'r" '"'."y"t he "Y'" sed. to '/i,si'h,)viu,e, "m J Casesof doubt would ho w..." T": dc:iws 1sltuotltr. ""'it'i- _sixy'irhr'l "olla.rp t . ' l A twed to the in so turd " mtl'tr wind sad-n: r. "5.1. hm council-1. f?fft'.' to ho :tmelltml, the Master of Titles j h,vi i""" to mummy; ir. . 'l'm-zv , we many l It,' was 'a'-"!yuiutcd wttlt the Asst, to he l dith, Inllio-i ' :,.":u':ul "ill: ills: culinr u'LI-Ell'. oil. J .11, l the Act "f1ic" the 1.;ovcrutnet!t 'ety'dye,t, appointed. l ' " l runs-{y} butane wt." Ill': 'lf, t'natI lb: 5n] 3 Hon. u. Mont-Yr said that he had 'il m a if}: " g'."") l f, ""55 w" tC 1itltt R " te l the "mustn't! with the object of obtainhignilltl'. ii 131:1]?st the Canada Jumperante Act. tAp- p 'dl..','..'):,',",), possible ailnplitity Consistent "with , "ii/ AWA'l'liliS expressed himwli a; strongly 1 it: enc '. . . . J. '", ' . ' i . Mr. MONK suggested that two or more l, 1't'i)1/'it, Ll:'c.l;1:l.l' thus? i"f.1""/?' il the A counties Wight unite for registration pnrpusfrti. ii ado mi.' l, l 1,e. if '. "Us; Act I bad i',,'.')',') 3] Hon. U. MUWAT said that this mi Ilzt per. i c. l . il . " " '"? ' won l n?t tave "A" , Imps be dour. .5 " Tiltlmmil "i',,") the 'yPslol1 passnl Without such n l Hon. A. S, HARDY said that he had always l If" luff tits. yt this imasure would give gen- , been imorabh- to the T: . . ' ' l, t .d. tat"cta"i/m. "tasked whetlier,iu a. town l . . Jt'1'ens systun, and dc. t havin ' no tolive tttt "Ht "t ll cri . . sired P are " so norked unot to centraline its l tite '/(i.ll,Yt//. ' i pd? -. use? . 1.? mablumt" ot i operation in Toronto. . H . "sl Linn 'r".'?', ,jutiulictitm. . . The hill mm read a second time 1 , .'. on. i r. MU" Al gave an atiirmative I Mr. Ml-JREDI'I'H said that the Attornct'-. "5""."5"' l General Wad right in saying that llt' had alwuil _.1 HAM)" BATH": OF THE STATUTES l- received tho support of the members of tin i 1.ut., Mr. MU" AT Inmed the second ' Opposition in his previous legislation on this it1'iui"tg of l.ittt hill to gut- earlvi _ i effect to certain muendnn-hts or the lair , I reeorumended by the Statute. Commissioners. i